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Page 15

by Stacy-Deanne

“Uh…” Tim pointed to an extremely thin waitress scrubbing a back table. She did her best to ignore the catcalls coming from the customers.

  “Juney.” Steven nodded.

  “So you know her?” Brianna scoffed. They walked toward her. “Steven, for someone who doesn’t come here often, you sure have a fan club.”

  He walled his eyes. “Okay, so I come here sometimes. Are you happy now?”

  “No, I’m not happy to know my ex-boyfriend spent a bulk of his time at titty bars. Especially when he was with me. But since this is business I’ll let you off the hook, for now.” She smiled. “Excuse me?” She tapped Juney’s shoulder. The skinny brunette nearly toppled over.

  “Yes?” She looked at the handsome man beside Brianna. “Detective Kemp! It’s always good to see you.”

  Brianna shook her head. “I’m Detective Brianna Morris, Juney. We need to ask you some questions. It has to do with the Cheyenne Wilson case.”

  “Uh…” Juney laid the rag on the table. She gestured for them to follow her. She led them to the restroom area. “How is Cheyenne? I tried to call the hospital but no one would say anything.”

  “Well, that’s standard procedure during a police investigation.” Steven nodded. “The hospital has been notified by us not to give information, unless it’s family. She’s recovering, though we don’t know how long it will take. She was supposed to be released this evening. I’m sure you can visit her at home, but I’d give her some time. She’s been to hell and back.”

  “Jesus. Cheyenne is probably the sweetest person you’d ever wanna meet. I was always telling her she’s too good for this shithole. I truly admire her.”

  “Why?” Brianna glared.

  “Because she has dreams and she goes after them. If I could do that, you think I’d be wiping up beer in this joint every night?”

  “So you’re close friends?” Steven took out a notepad and pencil.

  “Well, we don’t hang out too much after work, but we’re pretty cool. She stays to herself. She talks to me, and she used to be friends with Sheila who was another dancer here. She doesn’t work here anymore.”

  “Oh, got a better gig, huh?” Steven smiled.

  “I wouldn’t say that. She died last year. She had kidney failure. Cheyenne was pretty torn up about it. They were very close.”

  Brianna sighed. “Well, uh, we don’t want to take up much of your time. We believe the man who attacked her was the Albany Predator. We hear a lot of regulars come in here. Did you get someone in here last night that may not have been here before?”

  Steven interrupted. “Or even a regular who seems kind of strange?”

  Juney grinned. “All the men who come in here seem strange. But I didn’t notice anyone.”

  “Juney, did you pay any attention to Cheyenne last night?” Brianna asked.

  “Well, she finished her set and she talked to some guy at the bar. Other than that, nothing seemed different.”

  “Well, what did he look like?”

  “The guy at the bar?” She grinned. “You tell me, Steven. You saw him, too.”

  “Excuse me?” Steven chuckled. “Where did you get that from? How would I have seen who she talked to?”

  “Oh wait…” She batted. “Guess that could have been around the time you left. You left around ten, I believe.”

  Brianna gaped.

  “Juney, what in the hell are you talking about? I wasn’t here last night.”

  “Steven, yes, you were.” She laughed. “I didn’t work your table, but I saw you.” She pointed to the table in front. “You sat right there. The next thing I knew you were gone.”

  “Steven, what is she talking about?”

  He sighed. “I haven’t a damn idea, Bree. Juney, I was not here last night. You got me mixed up with someone else.”

  “With those baby blues?” She pointed to his eyes. “No chance. Why, were you on duty or something and you didn’t want someone to know you were here?”

  “I wasn’t here last night.” He sighed. “What the fuck is going on here?”

  “Juney, are you sure, or do you just think you saw Steven?”

  “Detective Morris, I’m looking at him now and I looked at him last night. I’ve seen Detective Kemp many times before.” She looked at him. “You were here and you sat right there. But you were gone probably by ten. Didn’t you see who Cheyenne spoke to at the bar?”

  Steven lowered his head.

  “Uh, thanks for everything, Juney. If you can help us out, give us a call.” Brianna passed her a card. Juney went on her way. “Steven, what in the hell is going on here?”

  “Bree, I have no fuckin’ idea! I wasn’t here last night!”

  “Well, she must have you mixed up with someone else.”

  “Damn straight.” He shook his head. “I don’t know what that’s about but I don’t have time to wonder. I’d like to question Cheyenne Wilson since I didn’t get a chance to with you this morning.”

  “Okay, but I don’t think we should tonight. She’s been through enough. Let’s let this all ride and we can head over there in the morning.”

  “Good, because I got some questions of my own I’d like to ask.” Steven led the way out the bar.

  “Say what? Melody, this is insane.” Mario stood outside Keith’s office the next morning. Melody would get rid of Keith if her life depended on it. For five minutes Mario had been protesting her plans to search Keith’s office. She knew he’d go along with it after minor convincing. Mario had become a friend already.

  The fact that he couldn’t stand Keith, either, made knowing him even more worthwhile. Melody felt she’d been lucky to find at least one other mortal immune to Keith’s charm.

  “Mel, are you trying to get fired the same month you were hired?” Mario held his waist. “I can’t stand Keith any more than you can, but this is not a good idea.”

  “Why not?” She rocked back and forth.

  “Because you could get fired and this is against regulations, Melody. You can’t go into another employee’s office like this. You might as well be breaking in!”

  “Shh!” Melody smiled at a janitor passing through the halls. “I’m doing this, Mario. I won’t get caught, believe me. I have no choice. Please, just wait outside the door and let me know if Keith comes, okay?”

  “Melody, I need my job, okay? This isn’t just some hobby for me.”

  “Mario, I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize your job. But you just gotta trust me. Anyway, you know in your heart that Keith’s a rat. Don’t you want to help me find out what he’s hiding, at least?”

  “I said, I thought he was sneaky, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s hiding things, Melody.”

  “Just wait outside the door. If I take longer than two minutes you have my permission to report me.” She smiled. He walled his eyes. “Don’t forget to let me know if Keith’s coming.” She unlocked the office.

  “Where did you get those keys?”

  She shrugged. “I took them from the main office downstairs.”

  “Jesus! Melody, do you know what kind of shit you could get us into?”

  “This is for my sister’s well-being, Mario. I have to do this.” She peeked inside the immaculate office. Keith had always been neat, yet the shape of his office surpassed volumes.

  “Well, what the hell do I do if Keith comes?”

  She grinned. “Distract him. I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

  She slunk inside the office. She got a chill. She felt like Keith was standing in the room with her. Talk about being frightened. The walls seemed to watch her. The floor seemed to make note of her every movement. As terrified as she felt, she didn’t care. Nothing would stop her from finding out more about him.

  She thought of that briefcase he carried around like law. She hoped to find it in the office. She had no such luck. She twisted back and forth as she looked at the black file cabinets. She tried to ignore the smell of his expensive cologne that hovered around his desk. She quic
kly searched his desk drawers. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

  She found some files. She got on her knees to search his last drawer. She found four pictures of Sarah and a stick of gum.

  “Wait a minute.” She struggled from the floor. “There’s gotta be something.” If she couldn’t find anything here, she’d search his house next. She’d stop at nothing. She glanced in the tiny mirror on Keith’s desk. She barely recognized herself or what she’d been doing. Maybe Craig’s theory had been correct. Was she obsessed? Honestly, she didn’t give a damn at this point.

  She thought of those cop shows. Maybe this wasn’t the right idea. Keith wasn’t your average twenty-something-year-old. He’d been graced with superior intelligence. He had the talent to manipulate the smartest people. He’d done it to Dave Lawson. He’d even done it with other bigwigs of the company, from what Melody had heard. She would have to fight fire with fire.

  She hadn’t the slightest idea how to put out a rising flame like Keith Taylor. It wouldn’t be easy. She thought of giving up. Maybe she should let Sarah handle this. She leaned against the desk. No matter how angry Sarah made her, Melody couldn’t let her fall in love with such danger. Keith was dangerous. She didn’t know how she knew it. She just did.

  She searched the first few drawers of his file cabinet. She found a middle-sized black box stuffed behind a folder. She grabbed it. She’d overlooked the suede box. She grinned. This had to be a sign. If Keith went through so much trouble to hide this, it must have been important.

  “Mel!” a woman yelled from behind. Melody nearly fell over. She threw the box on top of the file cabinet. She turned around to see Sarah glaring at her.

  “Sarah!” Melody leaned over. “Jesus, you gave me a heart attack!”

  “What in the hell are you doing in here?” Sarah looked at the box. “Answer me, Melody. What’s going on here?”

  “Well, I work here, for one!” Melody struggled to catch her breath. “You scared the shit out of me, Sarah. What in the hell are you doing here yourself?”

  “Don’t ask me questions with your hand caught in the cookie jar. What are you doing in Keith’s office?” Sarah crossed her arms.

  “I, uh…” Melody looked at the box. “Looking for Keith. Why else would I be in here?”

  “And you thought he’d be in the file cabinet?” Sarah sat on his desk. Her piercing green eyes had the power to make anyone crumble. Melody hated getting caught but she didn’t necessarily feel guilty. Keith had the problem here. Soon everyone would know it. “You told me to trust you. Isn’t that what you said, Melody? But I come here and find you going through Keith’s things?”

  “I was not doing that, Sarah. I was…”

  “Don’t you dare lie to me. I saw you with my own eyes! Now I wanna know what in the hell you’re up to, and I want to know now!”

  “Jesus, what the hell happened to Mario?” Melody mumbled. “Okay, I was looking through his things, Sarah. But can you blame me? Even if you can I don’t care. I’m doing this because I love you.” Melody grabbed the box.

  “Put that down,” Sarah ordered. “Melody, do you even think before you do things?”

  “I don’t know. Do you even think before you start sleeping with a man and realize that you don’t even know him?”

  “Well, the way things are going these days, I feel like you’re the one I don’t know, Melody. I don’t recognize you anymore. You’re beginning to scare me.”

  She laughed. “I scare you? What the hell does Keith do then?”

  “Melody, I’m beginning to think you’re obsessed.”

  “What are you doing here, anyway, Sarah?”

  “Keith spent the night at our place.” Melody walled her eyes. “After you stormed out, I was so upset. I didn’t wanna be alone, so he stayed the night. He left his cell phone this morning and I was bringing it to him.” Sarah sighed. “Mel, what did you expect to find by doing this?”

  “Something,” she whispered. “Something to make you believe that what I say is true.”

  “Melody, I’m asking you to please stop this.”

  “Are you going to stop seeing Keith?”

  “No!” Sarah looked away.

  “Then let me do what I got to do. You’ve protected me before so it’s my turn.”

  “Melody, I don’t need you to protect me! You’re way off base here!”

  “Sarah, why are you so against me finding out things about Keith if you’re so sure about him?” Melody stared at her. “Unless…you have doubts about Keith yourself.”

  She turned away. “That’s ridiculous.”

  Melody shook her head. “Doesn’t seem that way to me. Maybe you want me to stay out of his life because you’re afraid of what I might find.”

  “That’s not true! I want you to stop this because it’s my life and I love him!”

  “You don’t even know who he really is! How could you love him?” Melody yelled.

  “I know what he is,” Sarah whispered.

  “If that’s true, then what are you so afraid of?” Melody stood in front of her.

  Keith whistled into the room. “Wow.” He looked at the sisters. “Both of my beauties are here. You don’t know how thrilling this is.” He looked at Melody. “Melody, you look beautiful.” He set his briefcase on the desk. “May I ask why you’re in my office?”

  Sarah slid from the desk. “Well, I came to return your cell phone, and I caught Melody in here snooping.”

  Melody shook her head. “I can’t believe you’d call me out like this, Sarah.”

  “Well, it’s the truth. If you can do something so sneaky you should own up to it.” She took Keith’s hand. “I apologize for this, Keith.”

  “Sarah, I don’t need you to apologize for me. Yes, I was sneaking, Keith.” He smirked. “I don’t care what happens to me beyond this point. You can tell Mr. Lawson or whoever else, but I had just cause to do this.”

  He played with his car keys. “I’m not gonna tell anyone, Mel. I guess I understand why you did it.”

  “What?” She grimaced.

  “I want to apologize for what I said to you last night, Melody. I was way out of line. I love Sarah too much to come between you two. I care about you, too, you know? I wouldn’t want you to lose your job.”

  “See how he cares for you, Melody? How can you keep treating him like this?”

  Keith held Sarah. “She doesn’t trust me and maybe that’s my fault. I should have been more open from the beginning. Melody, I really hold no hard feelings for you. I hope we can put this behind us.”

  She rocked. “Oh, you’re good, Keith.”

  “Excuse me?” He blinked.

  “You are good. I can see why people don’t dispute what you say. You almost had me going up until that last part. You should quit while you’re ahead, buddy.”

  “Melody, I wish I could make you see that I do want us to all get along.”

  Sarah glared at her sister. “Melody, why can’t you at least make an effort?”

  “Keith, I may not have found enough, but I did find this.” Melody handed him the box. He looked at Sarah. “Seems to me such a fancy-looking box wouldn’t be in the back of a file cabinet unless, say…you wanted it hidden?”

  “Mel.” Sarah grunted.

  “Wow.” Keith looked at the box. “Seems to me you’re pretty good yourself, Melody.” She nodded. “I was hiding this. I hate that you found it but I can’t do anything about it, now, can I?”

  “You can come clean. What’s in the box, Keith?” She smirked.

  “Well, uh…I was hiding this from Sarah.”

  “I know that!” Melody grinned. “Why, though? What’s in it? A picture of your wife or something about your prison record?”

  “Melody, shut up.” Sarah stared at the box.

  “Neither.” He grinned. He handed the box to Sarah. “Go on and open it.” She pulled out a diamond necklace. Melody nearly hit the floor. She didn’t know exactly why. Could it have been because it was such a
lovely gift? It also could have been because she looked like the biggest turd on the planet at that moment.

  “Oh, Keith.” Sarah examined the astonishing necklace.

  “What the…” Melody sighed.

  Keith nodded. “Sarah, I remembered how much you liked it when we passed that jewelry store that time. You kept going on and on about it, but said you could never afford it. When I saw it, I knew it could never look as beautiful on anyone else as it would on you.”

  “Oh, Keith.” She hugged him. They exchanged sloppy kisses. Melody turned from the disgusting display of affection. She felt absolutely beaten.

  “You like it?” Keith smiled.

  “Keith, this is the most beautiful gift I’ve ever seen!”

  “Good.” He pulled Sarah close. “Because you’re the most beautiful gift I’ve ever had.” They kissed.

  “Oh.” Sarah pulled away. “I’d better get to work myself.” She looked at Melody.

  Melody rolled her eyes. “I suppose you’re at a loss for words, huh, Sarah?”

  She twirled the necklace around. She put it back in the box. “Seems to me I should ask you that, Mel. I was pissed at you, but you’d better be glad Keith’s gift took my mind off that.”

  He smiled. “And there’s more where that comes from.” He kissed her. Sarah glanced at Melody, then left. Keith shut the door behind her. “What a woman. Well…” He walked toward Melody. “Bravo, Mel. I gotta give you an A for effort.”

  “Get out of my way.”

  He blocked her. “You not only have Sarah’s beauty but her spunk, too. I like your tactics but they need a little work. What were you expecting to find, anyway?”

  “Anything to prove that something is wrong with you!” She reached for the door. He picked her up. He forced her against the wall. “Let me go, Keith!”

  He exhaled. “You have any idea how much this turns me on?” He shoved his lips against her face. She struggled. “Any idea how much I like playing this game with you?”

  “Let go!” she shrieked. He kissed her. She tore her lips away. “Don’t! Get off me!” He held her tighter.

  “It’s time for the next phase in our game, Melody. Maybe then we can see how much you might like it. I really think you’ll enjoy the things I have planned.”


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