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Page 24

by Stacy-Deanne

  “You need me to come with you?”

  “No, I’ll call you if I need to.” She slammed the door.

  Keith lived in prestigious Madison Hills. Melody had no idea. She’d never bothered to find out where he lived before. Living in Madison Hills meant he had more money than she’d thought. You had to be above upper-middle class just to rent in the area. She turned on the street to Keith’s house. Lights shined from security posts at every corner.

  She couldn’t get Sarah out of her head. Just when she thought things were looking up, she’d been thrown a loop. It never failed. What in the hell had happened to Sarah? The woman hadn’t had a cold in her life! Now she’d passed out without explanation. Every frightening thought in the world passed through Melody’s mind.

  Had Sarah contracted some disease?

  She didn’t regularly go to the doctor. Who knew? Had she developed some respiratory problem? Had her lungs collapsed? How serious could this be? Would doctors be able to help her? Melody slapped the stirring wheel. She had a knack for worrying herself into frenzy. Yet how could she help it? If she lost Sarah…“Oh God.” She shut her eyes. Why did the worst thoughts always come at the hardest times?

  Melody constantly got on Sarah about working so hard. Sometimes Sarah seemed so tired she could barely breathe. Melody wouldn’t be surprised if she’d suffered from over-exhaustion. She prayed that it hadn’t been anything more. Apparently, Sarah hadn’t ever worried about her health. She never worried about anything, which made Melody worry about them both.

  Keith lived in a huge two-story home on the far corner of his block. Melody knew Keith appreciated this location. No through streets meant he didn’t endure noisy traffic. Melody caught a sign that forbid big vehicles to drive through after a certain hour. It seemed like the residents of Madison Hills had been gladly locked away into their own self-absorbed planet.

  Melody didn’t resent people with money. They just didn’t make it easier for her to like them. She parked in Keith’s wide driveway. She didn’t see Sarah’s car. She figured Keith brought her. Sarah complained about gas constantly. Melody figured she’d walk all the way over here if it meant saving a few dollars. Melody wondered how Sarah managed to live above her means being so cheap.

  She stepped from her jeep. She stared at Keith’s colossal, beige brick home. A garage that could probably house eight families sat over to the side. A pristine lawn suggested he had a gardener at least twice a week. Melody squinted down the street. The next house sat about a block down. The lawn looked the same as Keith’s. It wasn’t hard to figure out the perks of living in Madison Hills.

  She stepped to the front door. Keith’s sophisticated style extended from how he dressed to how he lived. Melody hadn’t expected his place to be so remarkable even for an upscale neighborhood. She took a deep breath. Concentrating on Keith’s beautiful home kept her mind off Sarah. Why hadn’t the emergency vehicles made it yet? Melody lifted a fist to knock. She stopped.

  Something felt strange about all of this. Why wasn’t the ambulance here, yet? Melody’s drive had been at least fifteen minutes. She’d never known an ambulance taking their time before. She thought about Sarah’s car again. For some reason, the explanation of her coming with Keith seemed unreal. Melody felt a nagging chill. That damn intuition. Yet, that intuition had saved her many times. But why now?

  Something told her not to go into the house. But she had no choice! Sarah needed her. Should she listen to reason for Sarah’s sake, or intuition for her own? Even nature seemed to contribute to her growing anxiety. She hadn’t remembered it being so dark at six p.m. before. She couldn’t remember the air being so still.

  Her heart pounded. She didn’t have time to think. Sarah needed her. Battling with her soul on the porch had been silly at best. She knocked on the door. No one answered. She called for Keith. No one answered. She peeked in the windows. The living room lights were off. What was going on here?

  She leaned against the door. It easily swung open. She stepped inside. She’d never been in a room so still. She could taste the air. She called for Keith and Sarah. No one answered. Maybe they had taken Sarah to the hospital. That would be the logical thing to do. She chuckled for nearly scaring herself to death. But why had Keith’s door been unlocked? Had he been in such a rush that he’d forgotten to lock it?

  Melody turned to leave. The lights popped on. She stood in a fantastic living room that would put Martha Stewart’s decorator to shame. Keith stood against the large bookshelf. He moved his hand from the light switch. Melody overlooked his serene behavior. If Sarah had been hurt, how could he be so calm?

  “Keith, you scared me.” She held her chest. “Where’s Sarah?” He walked past her. He shut and locked the front door.

  He leaned against the door with his arms crossed. “Jesus, Melody. I can’t believe how fuckin’ easy it was to get you here.”

  “What’s going on?” She trembled. He cracked his knuckles. “Where’s Sarah?”

  “She’s fine. I imagine she’s at home resting after a hard day’s work.”

  “What?” She sucked in her anger. Something told her this wasn’t the right time to confront him. “I don’t believe this. You set me up? You made me believe that Sarah was hurt so I’d come over here?” He nodded. “Why?”

  “Well…” He stepped toward her. She moved back. “I enjoy playing with you, Mel. Didn’t you know that?”

  “Goddamn you!”

  He chuckled. “It amazes me how easy it is to fool you. You claim I won’t manipulate things but I keep doing it, don’t I? I got Sarah to believe me over you many times. I even got it where you moved out. I got it where you can’t break us up, and I got you here tonight. Do you finally see how this is going, Melody? You can’t win. I hope now you realize you’d better give it up.”

  “You sick bastard. What is the point of all this now? I’ve been gone for a week! If you loved Sarah so much, then why would you want to come between us?”

  “I never did, Melody. But when you kept making things harder for me, I needed to eliminate the problem. And we all know that’s you.” He lowered his eyes to her skirt.

  “What do you want from me, Keith?” She held her purse for protection.

  “I only want to be your friend.” He looked at her breasts underneath her white blouse. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted. But you had to act like some little child and keep Sarah all for yourself!” He hit the wall. She shrieked. “I wanted to love you both, Melody. It could have been so beautiful. I know that you really want that, too.”

  “You stay away from me, Keith.” She shook.

  “I know you want that.” He moved toward the couch. “You’ve always wanted that, haven’t you? You wanted a taste of what Sarah had, didn’t you?”

  “No!” She ran to the door. He blocked her.

  “You’re tired of being in her footsteps, aren’t you? You wanted to know why she always got everything! You resent her, just admit it!”

  “No!” She held her head. “I love Sarah with all my heart!”

  “Is that why you try to manipulate all of her relationships, Melody? You couldn’t get the point that I’m not going anywhere.” He grabbed her.

  “Let me go!” she screamed.

  “I told you not to fuck with me, Melody. I meant it.”

  “Please, Keith!” she sobbed. “You’re scaring me!”

  He licked his lips. “I guess I never told you how beautiful you are when you’re scared.” He firmly held the back of her neck. He shoved her body against him. He moved his mouth to hers.

  “No! No…” She shook her head to thwart his kisses. He shoved his hand under her skirt. He tugged at her panties. “Stop! Keith, please!”

  “You know you want this. You’ve wanted it all along.”

  “No!” She tried to move. She didn’t know anyone could be so damn strong.

  “You smell so good.” He sniffed her neck. “I love that perfume. Do you wear it just for me?”

she whimpered, sobbing. “Keith, let me go, please!”

  “No.” He stared in her eyes. “No, Melody, tonight you’re gonna learn why Sarah loves me so much. That’s the only way I can get you to understand.” He tried to kiss her again. She moved her head to stop him.

  “Please, don’t do this, Keith,” she cried. “Please!”

  “It’s okay. Shh.” He slid his arm underneath her bottom. He tried to hoist her into his arms. Melody desperately fought him. She couldn’t believe no one heard her scream. She should have listened to intuition. Why tonight of all nights had she not? Keith pulled her to the couch.

  “No! No, what are you doing?” she gasped.

  “You know exactly what I’m doing.” He pulled her to his mouth. He brutally kissed her. She tore her lips away. “Someone, help! Help!”

  “Shut up!” He covered her mouth. He pushed her on the couch. He got on top of her.

  “No!” She kicked and swatted her arms. He grabbed them. He held her down on the couch. “Stop!” She wiggled her legs underneath his body. He seemed to weigh a ton. “Keith, please!” He locked her hands underneath her head. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I won’t interfere anymore, I swear! Please, just get off me!” she bellowed. “Please!”

  “Enjoy it, Mel.” He nibbled her earlobe. “I want to show you what makes Sarah want me. I want to convince you. I know you just don’t understand how she feels about me. I’m gonna make you understand.”

  He pulled up her skirt. He slid his hand to her panties. Melody jiggled underneath him. She couldn’t believe this. She, Melody Cruz, was being raped! The evil look in Keith’s eyes told her he wouldn’t stop. He’d planned this for who knew how long. Melody just couldn’t accept this as reality. Keith Taylor was raping her? Was that how sick he actually was? Was that how dangerous?

  All this time she thought she could handle him. She had no idea he’d hurt her like this. He threw his sweaty hand over her mouth. He sucked her neck. She cried, kicked and begged. He paid no attention. He maneuvered her legs underneath his.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he panted. Melody nearly choked from tears. He licked the sides of her face. His hardened crotch jabbed her thighs. Before she knew it, Keith tore off her underwear.

  “No, Keith! No!” She shook uncontrollably. “You can’t do this! Think about Sarah!” He looked at her. “Think about how much this will hurt her!” Melody sobbed.

  “I am thinking of Sarah.” He fondled her breasts through her blouse.

  “Keith, please. You don’t want to do this. This is rape.”

  “No, it’s not,” he panted. “Because you want this. You’ve wanted it all along. That’s why you did the things you did.”

  “No!” She bounced underneath him. She did all she could to throw him off. She might as well have been under a pile of bricks.

  “Mmm.” He unbuttoned his shirt. His muscular legs held her firmly to the couch. Melody’s body burned from being pressed against the fabric. She screamed many times. It didn’t do any good. Keith would rape her tonight. She knew it by the look in his eyes; by the words he said; by the ravenous way his hands invaded her body. “Did Lucas make you feel like this?”

  “Keith, please.” Tears ran down her face.

  He ripped her blouse open from the bottom up. He unzipped his pants. Melody gyrated to interrupt his movements. He pulled his pants and underwear down to the ankles. Melody kept her eyes on the fine assets in the room: the entertainment system, expensive vases, fancy overhead light, computer, phone, Asian-style lamps…

  Why stop the unstoppable? How much screaming could she do? Keith had gotten what he wanted up until this point. He wouldn’t stop now. She thought of Craig warning her to mind her business. She thought of Aileen’s rape. Did Aileen feel this afraid? The fact that Melody knew Keith didn’t make her like it. She nearly threw up over them both.

  Keith slipped her breasts from her bra. He sucked her nipples. Melody quivered violently beneath him. He ran his hand down the side of her thin body. He brought his hands to her middle. He stuck his fingers against her clitoris, forcing her to accept them. She trembled. Her legs, hands and head shook violently.

  “Melody?” Keith gripped her head. He forced her eyes on his. The panic attack subsided. “It’s okay. It’s all right.”

  “Don’t do this, Keith! I’ll tell Sarah!”

  He held her neck. She shrieked. “You won’t tell Sarah shit. Besides, she’ll only think you seduced me if she ever found out.”

  “I’ll go to the police, I swear! Keith, you’ll be in jail by morning! Please, think about this!”

  “Shut up!” He shoved her down flat. He covered her mouth. He moved his legs underneath her thighs. He plunged inside of her. Melody shrieked from the pain of his entrance. She shut her eyes. Keith pumped her slowly at first. He hooked her leg over his arm. He shoved himself deeper inside.

  “Mmm!” Melody screamed from pain.

  Keith rolled his eyes in the back of his head. “Oh, you sweet thing. God, you feel so good. You’re so tight.”

  “Mmm! Mmm!” She tried to bite his hand. He held her mouth tighter.

  “Oh God, you feel so good.” He shut his eyes. He pumped her harder now. Melody felt she’d rip in two. She didn’t imagine anything being so humiliating and uncomfortable at the same time. She tried to throw him off of her. She failed to interrupt him for even a moment. Keith leaned against her. He readied his mouth to take hers. When he moved his hand Melody screamed louder than she ever had.

  “Stop!” Keith held her leg higher. Melody violently bounced underneath him.

  “You son-of-a-bitch!” she wailed. “Get off!” She grabbed at his shirt. “Keith, please! Keith, you’re hurting me!” She realized he probably wanted to. He had planned this after all. The degree of pain only meant more power to him.

  Keith continued as if the rape were mutual. “Oh God, you feel so good, Melody.” She screamed. “Oh…God.” Sweat dribbled from his forehead. “I’m gonna cum.” He slipped his hands underneath her. He pushed her against his crotch.

  “Get off me! Get off!” She beat his chest with her fists. Once again, her efforts were lost.

  “You’re so beautiful, Melody. You’re just so goddamn beautiful. I wanted you like this for so long. I always did. Now I know you want me, too.” He tried to kiss her. She turned away. “Come on, don’t save it for, Lucas.” He kissed her. She shoved him away.

  “No! No!” She continued to hit him.

  “Don’t fight me,” he grunted in between movements. Melody felt herself stretching to fully take him. She couldn’t remember such pain. The longer he lasted, the worst it felt. “Look at me,” he exhaled. “I said, look at me.”

  “No!” she cried. “Someone help me! Help me!”

  “Look at me. Look at me while I cum,” he moaned.

  “Help!” Melody slapped him. He held her hand down.

  “Say something, Melody. I can’t cum unless you say something. Oh, look at me.”

  She finally gave up the fight. She fooled herself to think she could win, anyway.

  “Say…say my name, Melody.”

  She sucked in tears. “It hurts, Keith! Please stop!” She tugged at his shirt.

  “Tell me you like it,” he begged. “Tell me you like it Melody, please. Oh!” He tightened inside of her. Liquid shot out of him with such force that Melody quaked underneath him. He collapsed on top of her. He lightly chuckled. His chuckle turned into heated laughter.

  “Guess I won the game, huh?” He touched her messed-up blouse. Melody could barely see him for the blinding tears. “Mel…” He leaned toward her.

  “Get off me!” She punched him. Keith flipped off the couch in pain. She grabbed her purse from the floor. She slapped tears from her face. “I’ll kill you if you come near me again! I swear to God, I will!”

  “Kill me.” He struggled from the floor, grinning.

  “You sick motherfucker! You’re gonna lose everything! You’re gonna lose Sarah, your job, your
freedom!” She ran to the door.

  “We both know I won’t!” Keith stood. He fixed his pants. “No one would believe you, Melody.”

  “Sarah will!”

  “I don’t know about that.” He straightened the pillows on the couch. “I know you won’t tell. Not unless you want our next meeting to take on the same turn as this one.” He lifted an eyebrow. “You’ll keep your mouth shut if you know what’s good for you, Melody.”

  “You stay away from me,” she whispered. “Stay away!” She ran out the door.

  Keith looked at his feet. He picked up the gold, dangling leaf-shaped earring from the carpet. “Melody,” he whispered. He took the earring upstairs.

  Melody flew through red lights. She skidded in other people’s lanes. She didn’t give a damn. For all she knew Keith had decided to follow her. Everything she looked at reminded her of the rape. The lights in parking lots, broken beer bottles on the streets, cars…every damn thing reminded her. She nearly choked to keep from vomiting. She could not care less about the dangerous driving.

  She ignored the people who honked at every move she made. She didn’t pay attention to anything! She couldn’t think of anything but what had happened. When she closed her eyes, she saw Keith’s face. She rubbed her raggedy skirt. She could actually feel him inside of her, even now. She couldn’t make out red lights from white ones due to her unruly crying.

  She lost contact with everything in the world. She couldn’t feel herself driving. She couldn’t feel herself moving. She couldn’t think of anything but this nagging newfound terror. A terror she hadn’t ever experienced. A terror she didn’t dream existed. A terror that would change her life forever, because now, it would be the only thing she’d ever remember.

  “God.” She sniffed. She jumped back into reality. She tried to shift into another lane. Her wrists locked. The wheel twisted and turned underneath her control. She couldn’t see. She couldn’t hit the brake fast enough. The car drifted to the side. Someone honked from the right. Melody froze. She shut her eyes. She completely lost control of the jeep.


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