Unorthodox Dom: (New Adult BDSM Romance) (The Unorthodox Trilogy)

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Unorthodox Dom: (New Adult BDSM Romance) (The Unorthodox Trilogy) Page 6

by Lilah E. Noir

  “I should be the one doing that for you,” I muttered, totally embarrassed, and shocked she was still able to move after I fucked her brains out, let alone be so articulate.

  “Men.” Allie rolled her eyes, got up and stretched herself before she removed her wig. “I’m going to freshen up, love birds. Take your time.”

  She turned around to give me a mischievous grin and thumbs up. I raised my eyebrow at that. Did she plan everything to happen this way?

  Oh, well, even if she had, I wouldn’t complain.

  I left the water bottle on the bedside table and pulled Kat in for a long, sensual kiss. She stiffened at first but quickly relaxed and lay down on top of me. Her heartbeat against my chest and the touch of her warm body were like heaven after the intensity of our scene. Her silky soft hair and natural taste mixed with a nuance of cum filled me with peace.

  I wanted much more than these training meetings. For the first time, Lina’s face had been out of my mind. I was fully devoted to Kat during the scene. It was a strange new connection and I had to see it through.

  I moved the hair from her face and kissed her lightly. Her smile and shining eyes were really enchanting and I had a hard time forming any words.

  “Kat...” I leaned against the pillow and pulled her closer to me. “That was absolutely mind blowing. I can’t thank you enough. You were incredible.”

  “Thank me?” She laughed and nibbled my neck. “You pounded my pussy raw and made me cum more times than I can count. You really did it, Thomas. I can’t believe how great you became in such a short time.”

  Kat rested her bruised breasts on top of me and kissed me again. She was still glowing and more beautiful than ever.

  “I’ve been a pro-sub for over a year and trust me, no man, no matter how sadistic or sensual, could make me beg him like you just did.”

  I opened my mouth to protest but then decided against it. For once in my life, I chose not to put myself down and simply trust her words. The evidence of our passion was still all over our intertwined bodies.

  “So, I made you break all your rules for me?” I teased her.

  “Yes, but don’t get too cocky.” Kat scratched my shoulder before she whispered, “I’m unpredictable.”

  “Like every self-respecting kitten.” My thumb outlined the shape of her jaw. The little minx would often earn herself a trip over my knee if I had my way. The problem was she’d enjoy it too much and could even start correcting me. “You think we can break a few more rules while we’re at it?”

  It was her turn to look puzzled.

  “Whatever might you have in mind?” She tilted her head. “Isn’t it your job to make sure I follow the rules and that I’m an obedient kitten?”

  “Maybe.” I shrugged and placed a fist under my chin for a moment, pretending to be lost in thought. “It’s also up to me to change the game’s conditions. So, would it be in your hard limits if I asked you out on a real date?”


  We agreed to have dinner the following Friday. Shortly after that, I decided to ask Allie for her opinion.

  “To be honest, I thought it’d take you longer before you dared to ask her out.” She grinned. “She is pretty wild, in the bedroom and in life, but you might be a good influence on her. I’m not saying you are perfect for each other—that’s up to you to decide. But I think you might be good for each other. There is no reason why you can’t give it a try.”

  The next Friday night when Kat appeared at the restaurant where I had booked a table, she looked breathtaking. This was the first time I’d seen her with clothes on and it made me blush at first. The high waist dress with a flowing skirt and white bead necklace made her appear like a pin up girl.

  Our movie and dinner date quickly turned into a weekend escapade at my apartment. We burst through the door, making out as if our lives depended on it. The next two days passed in nonstop kinky games, cuddling and gentle lovemaking. I still felt self-conscious but it was slowly becoming natural for me to dominate Kat. It felt right to watch her in my living room, naked or wearing one of my shirts.

  I could get used to that sight.

  We finally took a break from our insane fuck fest in the early Sunday afternoon. Our stomachs reminded us we’d hardly eaten anything. Kat and I took a long shower then I made a solid late breakfast for both of us while she was browsing through my movie collection.

  We spent the day lying on my couch, flicking through channels and just talking. By the time she suggested that we went out for a walk and got some fresh air, I realized I’ve never been so relaxed around a girl.

  It was sunset when we went strolling down the street holding hands. I admired the way her beautiful sundress flowed over her slender hips. Kat’s lips were rough and bruised after so much kissing and biting. She hardly had any makeup on but damn it, she was radiant. I leaned forward to brush my lips against her delicate neck and had a sudden epiphany.

  There had never been such moments of peace with any of the girls I’d been with. All my dates with Cassie had felt like slow torture. The constant anxiety I’d disappoint her had suffocated me. Whenever my girlfriend had left, I sighed with relief I passed another day without her dumping me.

  Kat was something else. Being around her, fucking her senseless, seeing her glow after each whipping session filled me with energy rather than draining me.

  She had to go back to her place after our walk as she had an appointment early the following day. I was happy to have some time to myself but I realized I didn’t want her to go.

  Allie had been right all along, as always. Smug bitch. Cassie had her flaws and delusions but she did me a huge favor by leaving. There was no way someone as sensitive as her hadn’t caught on that I wasn’t too thrilled we were together. As soon as I realized that, I no longer felt any anger or resentment towards my ex. In my mind I even wished for her to find what she was looking for.

  Kat looked up at me with anticipation when we got back. She was biting the inside of her lips and looking down at her fingers. It was strange to see such a confident girl out of her element. The thought she was so nervous because of me and eager for my approval stroked my ego. Somehow, I reveled in her anxiety.

  She looked much better when she was smiling so I cut the silence.

  “I really want to see you again.” Kat trembled when I lifted her chin. Her eyes lit up as she heard my words. The light kiss I placed on her lips made my heart soar.

  “Me too.” She wrapped her arms around my neck. “I don’t know if it’s a good idea but I like you a lot.”

  I was exhausted after nearly two days of sex so it was a relief my decision wasn’t provoked by lust and raging hormones.

  “No rush. I love being with you,” I whispered and ran my lips down her jaw and neck. “We can take it from there and see how it goes.”

  That beautiful moment slowly became a beautiful, slightly insane relationship. It inspired me to be a better person—not only a better Dom but also a better boyfriend for Kat. I no longer saw the woman next to me as just a prop to support my fragile self-esteem. Making her happy brought me satisfaction and that completely changed my life.

  Anxiety had ruled my entire existence before Kat. After we got together, I went to work with a new air of confidence. Everyone noticed it. Gone was the stutter whenever I had to talk to an attractive woman. Suddenly, female coworkers who’d never given me the time of the day before showed interest. I didn’t blame them as my attitude used to be truly pathetic. It was too late. I was a one-woman man and intended to keep it that way.

  Summer went quickly while Kat and I enjoyed our new love. Getting to know her outside of her role as a sexual submissive was an adventure. We were so different but that wasn’t a problem. Her easy charm, carefree attitude, and lust for life were slowly helping me come out of my introverted shell.

  When Kat wasn’t getting her ass whipped for a living, she was a fashion design student at the Academy of Arts. That was her third major after she transferred fr
om photography and fine arts. I could tell she was just as passionate about design as I was about software engineering. Kat lived and breathed for fashion and beauty. Each time we were at a restaurant, she casually sketched models on everything, from her sketchbook to napkins.

  That was the secret behind her safeword. Once I made her tell me about it, she spent nearly an hour explaining why beige was the new black. My knowledge of art, let alone fashion, was practically non-existent but it was fun to watch her talk with so much enthusiasm.

  I gasped in shock the first time I visited her place. It was in stark contrast to my well-ordered home. Kat lived in a studio apartment and its entire floor surface was covered with sketches and drawings in different stages of completion. Her bed and chairs were draped with fabrics of all colors and patterns. There was a mannequin in the corner of the room. Kat had put one of her latest designs on it. I had no idea what the official name for such a dress was. It was shorter at the front, knee-length, and longer at the back, trimmed with lace and with a V-neckline. It was also the type of dress I loved seeing my girlfriend wear, especially with nothing else on.

  Her apartment looked like an explosion of colors and different clothes happened there. The kitchen corner was crowded with mugs of half-finished coffee. Kat nervously explained she was usually out all day and didn’t have time to do any housekeeping.

  That didn’t surprise me. She was always late for our dates. Her time management skills were lacking and she could hardly keep up with all her tasks. The worst part was that even if she had a thousand ongoing projects, that wouldn’t stop her from venturing into a new activity.

  I appreciated her artistic and chaotic nature but I couldn’t handle that disaster.

  “That’s no excuse.” I smirked and drew her closer to me. “You deserve to be punished.”

  Kat glowed. She was just about to get down on her knees and utter, “Yes, sir”. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist.

  “No, naughty girl. There will be no spanking for you.”

  She blinked in surprise.

  “I have to be punished for keeping my room in such a mess, Master.”

  “And punished you will be.” I slapped her ass very lightly. “Strip to your stockings.”

  Kat grinned wickedly and began undressing with enthusiasm. She was swaying her breasts and hips in a dance-like rhythm and staring at me with her hypnotizing eyes. Poor girl. All the allure wouldn’t save her from the cruelty I’d inflict upon her.

  When Kat removed her dress, bra and high heels, I slipped my hand in her panties and lazily slid a finger down her mound. She moaned out and raised her waist so I’d press my finger harder against her. I smiled and pulled away.

  “No, pet. Like I said, this is punishment.”

  Kat stared at me with confusion and lost some of her seductive confidence.

  “Now...” I walked to a nearby chair, covered in a pile of her dresses, skirts, and underwear. I gathered the clothes and put them on her bed. Then I sat down on the chair with all my authority. “Your punishment is to clean this room.”

  “What?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “But that’s not fair.”

  “Ah...” I rubbed my chin and smiled at her. “You have a problem with some terms for someone who has been in the lifestyle for as long as you. It’s called punishment for a reason, Kat. You’re not supposed to enjoy it.”

  She had told me that ours was the first relationship she’d been in that included kink and power play. Of course, she had a lot of experience as a pro sub and plenty of friends with benefits arrangements. However, she’d never had a boyfriend and a Dom in one person.

  Kat looked miserable in that moment and yet so adorable I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Gather all your sketches and drawings. Sort them into three columns. Completed, half-finished and abandoned ideas.”

  “Jeez… I knew you were orderly but do you have OCD or something?” She was still pouting like a little girl with her arms folded.

  “Keep your arms down. Stop sassing me if you want to get your reward, you bad girl.” I slapped her thigh and Kat obeyed at the drop of a hat. “When you’re done, you’ll gather your clothes and put them back in your drawer. The dirty ones go to your laundry basket. When you finish this, you will do your dishes and clean the floor. Questions?”

  “Yes!” She kept the cute frown on her face. “Who are you and what did you do to my boyfriend?”

  “I’m your Master, darling, and you’ve been in need of discipline for way too long.” I smiled at her. “I see you still don’t get it.”

  Kat stared at me with the same adorable confusion. Each time I saw her off guard it made her even sexier. I pulled a mini vibe out of my pocket with a cruel smirk on my face. It was still wrapped in a package.

  “I meant to give it to you as our one month anniversary present. Now I see it will do a great job for your punishment, disobedient brat.” I chuckled at her while she was looking at the sex toy. “Put it in your panties, against your clit. It will stay there while you clean.” She was just about to cry out in joy but I cut it short with one simple sentence. “You are not allowed to cum until you finish.”

  “Thomas!” She looked on the verge of tears. “What the hell?”

  “Punishment, baby.” I crossed my hands behind my head and looked at her in expectation. “Get moving. If you are a good girl and do your chores fast, I’ll reward you.”

  I never expected she’d move so fast and be as efficient, especially with the buzzing vibrator in her panties. By the time I bent her over the bed to use the new leather strap I’d bought, she was practically sobbing with need.

  Her agonized cries quickly turned into ones of passion when I lashed her tender cheeks.


  I feared Kat and I would grow apart over the fall semester. My schedule was insane during the academic year. Apart from the day job at ChaosTech and attending regular classes, I was involved in many projects with my fellow students. It was even difficult to find time to shower, eat and sleep for more than a few hours.

  Kat was pretty busy herself. It made me wonder how much time our new relationship would last if we didn’t see each other. I wasn’t sure if I loved her but it’d be a shame if we broke up because of our schedules.

  It turned out I had no reason to worry. Kat found her natural place in my overwhelming life. She’d come over to my apartment in the evenings during the week. At first, that made me nervous, but I enjoyed having her around. However, what I was doing fully consumed my time. I didn’t want to hurt her by ignoring her. If she felt neglected, she never showed it.

  “I’m fine just being around you.” Her smile was so sweet when she said that during one of those frenzied evenings. We were sitting on the couch together, eating takeout food, with our ankles brushing. The strange intimacy even when we weren’t doing anything sexual was soothing to my nerves. “I can always entertain myself.”

  Her form of entertainment included drawing while lying on the floor fully naked. Kat usually undressed behind my back when I was engrossed in an assignment or watching a tutorial video. Later, she’d joke I really had it in me to be a programmer. According to her, it’d been hours since she took her clothes off and I’d never noticed. I’d turn around and see her sprawled on her stomach, sketching and humming to herself. The sight of her flowing hair, long legs dangling in the air and spread thighs made all the thoughts of loops, functions and objects evaporate from my brain.

  How did I get so lucky?

  Usually, I’d grab the riding crop that was always around whenever Kat was visiting. After I streaked her cute ass with red, punishing lines, I’d use her shirt as a restraint and order her to climb on top of me. Kat would crawl on my lap while I was sitting back in the desk chair. I folded my arms behind my neck with a smug smile. She impaled herself on my already erect cock and milked it with her tight walls. It was a position I was enjoying more and more as we explored our sexual desires. It gave her the illusion she was t
he one in control. In fact, Kat was helpless to touch herself or do anything except to use her tight inner walls and thighs. What made it even sweeter was I forbid her to cum unless she had explicit permission. The cherry on top of the sundae was that my hands were free to torment her as I pleased.

  Her eyes glowed with lust while I used alligator clips on her nipples. Sometimes, when I felt especially sadistic, I’d prepare something extra for my naughty girlfriend and used peppermint oil on her clit. Kat was adorable in her desperate screams. That liquid was like fire for her delicate folds and aroused clit. According to her, the effect was even stronger than the hot wax I’d been dripping on her. So when I shook the little bottle before her eyes, Kat’s expression shifted from fear to anticipation and desperate need. The generous amount on her throbbing, swollen nub made her yell until her lungs hurt. I’d use her sensitivity, grab her by the spanked ass and drive my cock inside her leaking cunt even harder.

  The orgasms were off the charts. Thick ropes of sperm would flood her already drenched pussy and my pleasure went for so long I feared I’d pass out.

  Some of our best and most insane sex happened during those nights when I was studying for finals. There wasn’t much time for fun, and maybe that was why we made the best of it. Somehow, my girlfriend managed to turn that stressful time into pure magic. Okay, not so pure. Dark sex, magic and witchcraft.

  When the insane pleasure subsided, I’d untie Kat, kiss her lips and cuddle her for some time. I’d whisper to her I had really needed it and tell her to go and take a shower as I still had a lot to do.

  Kat would make coffee and force me to eat. The best part of her presence was when she quietly knelt at my feet and put her head on my thigh. It usually happened late at night. She’d close her eyes and just stay there, not attempting to touch or tease me. Kat was just like a kitten in those moments, seeking the closeness of her owner. It was beautiful. I’d stroke her hair and whisper in a soothing voice.


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