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Wicked Need (The Wicked Horse #3)

Page 18

by Sawyer Bennett

  “Only going to say this one more time,” Lorelei says, and I hear the unmistakable snick of the gun cocking. “Get the hell away from her.”

  He only hesitates for one, maybe two seconds before he bolts off into the darkness, the sound of his feet thumping on the hard ground and eventually receding into the distance.

  “Get over here, Cat,” Lorelei says, her gun now swung slightly toward the way in which my attacker just ran. Well, that answers the question… she knows who I am.

  I bend to grab my purse, but Lorelei barks at me, “Over here now. I can’t see much past you and I don’t know if he’s still out there.”

  There’s no hesitation because the thought he might be back propels me as much as Lorelei’s commanding voice. I run straight at her, confident she won’t shoot me.

  She nods at her car and says, “Get in the back with Amber.”

  I don’t argue but do exactly as she says. When the door is closed, she slowly backs into the driver’s seat and shuts the door. With amazing efficiency, she sets the gun on the dashboard, reaches into her purse to grab her phone, and manages to start the car. Handing the phone to me, she says, “Call 911. Tell them what happened and the address. Tell them I’m leaving and going to drive the block until they get here.”

  “Why?” I ask as I take the phone.

  “Because I have no clue if there are others, possibly in the house or apartment,” she says as she shifts the car into reverse.

  Brilliant. Would have never thought of that.

  I turn to look at Amber sitting beside me in the car seat. Beautiful little girl with golden blonde hair pulled into a ponytail, clutching a teddy bear. I give her a tremulous smile. “Hi.”

  She looks at me with solemn eyes, understanding that something scary is going on here.

  Then I turn back to Lorelei’s phone to call the police.

  “Can you remember anything else?” Detective Blanton asks as he sits beside me on the couch in Lorelei and Jake’s living room, typing notes on an iPad. He’s a nice-looking man… tall with dark hair peppered lightly with gray, which tells me he’s been a cop for a while.

  “I think that’s it,” I say, my brain trying to sift through all the details, but I feel they’re all muddied from the fear and adrenaline. It took me no more than five minutes to recount to him what happened the first time, and that’s only because the entire thing couldn’t have lasted more than two minutes, although it felt like twenty.

  He had me go through my story three more times, each time managing to pull out some other detail I had forgotten. It makes me wonder what else I’ve failed to tell him.

  He doesn’t say anything, just continues to type in some notes.

  The front door opens, but I don’t flinch as police officers have been coming in and out as they search for evidence, making sure that no one was inside the house. I turn my head, surprised to see Rand standing there, his face pale and his jaw locked. He sidesteps a cop, rounds the loveseat, and heads straight toward me. I stand up, shuffle to the side of the coffee table, and meet him at mid-room where his arms are around me and he’s pushing my face into his chest.

  “Jesus,” he growls as he squeezes me breathlessly. “Thank fuck for Lorelei.”

  I nod, because yes… thank fuck. As soon as we returned to the house, only after Lorelei saw the first cruiser pull into the driveway, she called Rand and Jake to let them know what happened. I had no idea what she said because I was immediately pulled into an interview to try to get my statement while details were fresh and untainted. Three other cars pulled up within moments, with two officers heading off into the darkness to see if they’d luck out and find the guy who attacked me. An ambulance arrived moments later.

  But here Rand is now with his arms banded around me tightly and for the first time since the man grabbed me, I feel a measure of safety.

  Rand pulls back slightly and looks down at me. “Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?”



  “How’s Tarryn?” I blurt out, my hand coming to his chest. “Is she alright?”

  Rand rolls his eyes and glares at me, pulling me back to the couch where he pushes me down and then squats in front of me.

  “Forget about her,” he says as his fingers come to flutter over the white bandage on my throat that the paramedic put on me. He said it wasn’t deep at all and should heal up fine, so I refused a trip to the hospital. “He cut you?”

  “I’m fine,” I say, rather than confirm the obvious. It turns out he didn’t cut me all that bad. A thin slice… more a scratch really, that produced a single large bead of blood that trickled down my chest.

  Lorelei walks out of the back hallway and smiles at Rand and me. “I just put Amber down. Can I get anyone coffee?”

  The detective looks up from his iPad and says, “I’d actually like to get your statement, Mrs. Gearhart.”

  Lorelei nods and sits down on the loveseat while Rand pushes up off the floor to pace while she tells her story. He mutters and curses to himself as he listens, and I’m thankful he wasn’t here when I told the cop what happened, as it was far more unpleasant than Lorelei valiantly chasing him off with a gun.

  “Give me as detailed a description as you can,” the detective prods her.

  “He was about fifteen feet from me and my headlights illuminated him pretty well. Five-nine, maybe hundred and sixty pounds. Dark brown hair to shoulder, full beard and mustache. Jeans, black boots, and a long-sleeved dark t-shirt. Leather cut with an MC patch on the front that I couldn’t see all that well, but I saw a larger one on the back when he turned to run. Had a skull on the back. Oh, and he had a teardrop tattoo under his right eye, at least I’m pretty sure that’s what it was, but it all happened so fast. I’m not sure how much that helps.”

  I stare at Lorelei, my mouth agape. How did she get all that in the few seconds she saw him? How in the hell did she see that tattoo when I was almost face to face with him and didn’t notice it. Or maybe I did notice it but it just didn’t register. Or perhaps it registered but I’ve forgotten it because I was more worried about not getting my throat slit.

  Let’s face it… I’m practically useless at this eyewitness stuff. All I had was greasy hair and a preference for beer and hot dogs, which granted… if they had tracking dogs, they might be able to sniff him out based on that.

  Detective Blanton nods as he types the information in, his mouth moving silently as he talks to himself at the same time. When he finishes, he looks up at me. “Did he say anything at all? Have a distinct accent? Anything else you can remember?”

  Shit! He did talk to me and I didn’t even remember it until he asked. Absolutely fucking useless, and I’m thinking there’s even more I’ve forgotten and he’s going to need to interview me several more times to get the entire store.

  I nod effusively. “He said he had orders, but that he was going to have fun first.”

  “Orders?’ the detective asks with raised eyebrows, and Rand comes to a standstill. I can feel the shock and anger vibrating off him, but I don’t dare look. I know what he’s thinking.

  “Yeah… he said something like ‘orders were clear’ but that he wanted to have some fun first,” I confirm.

  “Son of a bitch,” Rand says as he comes to the same conclusion I just did.

  “Did someone have motive to hurt you?” the cop asks as he looks at me but cuts a quick glance at Rand.

  I nod, but Rand answers for me. “Her late husband’s oldest son, Kevin Vaughn. Cat’s owed some money from the estate and he’s claiming there’s another will cutting her out. We’ve asked for a signed copy and he was supposed to deliver it today, but he never showed.”

  “What kind of money are we talking about?” the detective asks, now very interested in this turn of events.

  “Five million and a house here in Jackson,” I provide.

  “And what is the estate worth?” he asks.

  I shrug. “I don’t know. Samuel
was a billionaire. But a lot.”

  “And you think five million out of a billion plus is worth killing you over?”

  It’s a fair question and it’s something I’ve thought about to the extent I never understood why Kevin wouldn’t just let me have that. It was nominal in the grand scheme of things. “No, I don’t think that’s something that should cause someone to want to kill me,” I tell him with a measure of confusion. “But he kicked me out of my house, shut all my access to money off, claiming there was this new will that cut me out completely. He’s not been able to produce that, and he made an offer to buy me off a few days ago.”

  “Buy you off?” Detective Blanton asks.

  Squaring my shoulders, I tell him bluntly, “Five thousand dollars or I could move into the Jackson house and be his mistress.”

  If this surprises the detective, he doesn’t let it show, merely bows his head over the iPad and notes that. He asks for contact info for Kevin as well as Richard, confirming where he can get up with me for more questions if needed and so he can keep me updated. With Lorelei and I both assuring him that’s all we can remember, he goes outside to oversee the other cops in searching around the house for evidence.

  Rand walks up to me and holds his hand out. I take it, and he pulls me from the couch. “Come on, let’s get you upstairs, fed, and then ready for bed.”

  I nod with a tired smile and turn to Lorelei as she stands from the love seat. “I know we haven’t been formally introduced, but thank you for saving my life tonight. And seriously… all that stuff you remembered about what he looked like… you, madam, are a fucking legend.”

  She grins and leans in to give me a hug. “My pleasure. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  Rand leads me out of the living room and to the front door, Lorelei following behind us. Food sounds good, but a hot shower sounds better as I can’t get the smell of hot dogs and beer out of my head.

  Twisting the knob, Rand pulls the door open and I see both Jake and Bridger standing at the bottom of the porch talking to Detective Blanton. Both their heads turn our way, Jake’s eyes going to Lorelei’s, where he does a quick up and down to ensure she’s fine and then gives her a transparent look that says, I’m so proud of you, glad you’re safe, and I’m going to kill that asshole if I find him for even coming on to my property, but before that, I’m going to take you inside and fuck you because I love you so much.

  Bridger looks straight at me, his eyes also roaming over me quickly and coming to stop at the bandage on my neck. His lips flatten out in a grimace, his eyes coming back to mine where he gives me a sad look. He turns back to Jake, claps him on the shoulder, and then turns to Rand as he leads me down the porch steps.

  When my feet hit the bottom, Bridger reaches a hand out and grips my chin. “You okay?”

  “Yeah… I’m fine.”

  He nods and then looks to Rand, nodding upward to his apartment. “We need to talk.”

  Chapter 21


  I didn’t think I could be strung any tighter.

  Cat was attacked on the doorstep of our home and it was nothing more than a fortuitous moment that Lorelei happened to come home at that exact time. I shudder thinking about the alternative because that means I’d have to imagine Cat laying broken, raped, and dead for us to find when we got home later, and that’s not something I can handle.

  But when Bridger says we need to talk, my body tightens even more and my teeth slam together so hard I think they may have cracked.

  “Come on up,” I tell Bridger as I grip Cat’s hand tighter and lead her to the stairwell. Bridger follows behind, and we easily navigate our way as the police have a large ground lamp set up on the driveway as they look at footprints and comb the area for anything that can assist them in the investigation. I’m assuming that whoever attacked Cat knocked out the security light because it’s not on.

  The wooden porch at the top of the stairs is empty, but there were some technicians up there when I arrived a bit ago dusting for prints on the door. They had confirmed it was still locked and the apartment was secure, but they figured the attacker could have tried to get inside first before Cat arrived. Black dust smudges the doorknob, but I ignore it as I release Cat’s hand to pull my keys out and open the door.

  We’re all silent as we walk in, and I quickly turn on lights in the living room and kitchen. Cat goes to the couch and sits on it with a sigh. Her plaid blouse is still open, the white camisole underneath demurely hiding everything, but I don’t miss the fact the buttons are missing with pieces of thread hanging from the places they were once secured.

  My teeth clamp down harder and my jaw starts to hurt from the force of it. I want to kill someone… well, Kevin to be exact because I know damn well he’s behind this. Then I want just a few minutes with the guy who dared to attack Cat because he’s going to regret the day his sorry, piece-of-shit mother ever gave birth to him because he’d rather have not been born than what I intend to do to him.

  I go to the cabinet to the right of the sink and pull out a can of chicken noodle soup. It’s the best I can manage for Cat at this moment, and I go about making it silently because I’m afraid if I open my mouth to talk about the events of the last hour I’m going to lose my shit. Bridger comes into the kitchen, takes a seat at the table, and watches me silently. He said we need to talk and I’m not sure what he’s waiting for, but I wait all the same. Not sure if he means he wants to talk to me privately or if he’s just waiting until I can feed Cat.

  While the soup heats, I pull an open bottle of white wine from the fridge that Cat had put there. I also grab two beers for Bridger and me. Cat gets up from the couch, walks into the kitchen, and accepts a glass of wine from me as she sits down at the other chair I have at my tiny table.

  “Why are you here?” she asks Bridger bluntly after taking a sip of the wine and setting it down before her. “How did you know this was going on?”

  “I didn’t,” he says. “Shocked the shit out of me when I pulled up and saw the circus. Jake and that cop filled me in.”

  Pouring the soup into a bowl, I set it before Cat with a large spoon. I almost expect her to push it away, but instead, she starts eating it, taking the time to blow on each spoonful she brings to her mouth.

  “So what’s up?” I say as I lean back against the counter, crossing my arms over my chest. I want Bridger to hurry up, say whatever he needs, and then get the fuck gone. I have a woman who was attacked and I need to check her over. I need to see with my eyes that she’s okay, and I need to feel with my hands the same. I need to give her the opportunity to tell me how fucking scared she was, and then I need to reassure her she’s safe and that will never fucking happen again. And then… if she’s still not exhausted and ready to go to sleep, I need to take the time to let her know how valued she is and that I want something more.

  That was made abundantly clear to me the minute Lorelei called me at the hospital to tell me what happened. I always knew Cat might leave the area and go back to Vegas, but tonight I came very close to losing her and it made me prioritize a bit.

  Made me realize she’s my top priority.

  “Jenna went through the entire trust agreement you gave me,” Bridger says while tapping his index finger on the table. Cat pauses with a spoon of soup halfway to her mouth. “Cat stands to inherit a bit more than just five million and a house. That’s why I came here.”

  “What?” Cat says, dropping the spoon back down.

  “Yeah… the five million and the house was an immediate bequest to get you set up, but later on in the document, he also gives you ten percent of all profits from the hotels and subsidiary businesses under them for the remainder of your life, and then that reverts to his kids if you die before them.”

  My mind quickly calculates. Ten percent of a billion is one hundred million, and that’s just estimating Samuel’s worth. It’s probably more.

  “Holy fuck,” I say as I turn my gaze upon Bridger and he’s watching me carefull
y. “Now that is something Kevin would kill over.”

  “Yup,” Bridger agrees and cuts a glance at Cat. “Did you know that?”

  “No,” she says in astonishment. “I mean… Samuel said he’d take care of me, but I thought the five million and a house was more in line with what he meant.”

  I don’t say it, but all I can think is, Yeah… that fucker must be showing his appreciation for all the times his wife took someone else’s cock so he could humiliate her.

  “I don’t want that money,” Cat says bitterly, and I know she’s thinking the same thing. What that money really represents.

  But fuck if I’m going to let her walk away from her due. “Yes, you do.”


  I cut her off with a sharp, “Yes, Cat. It’s yours under the law and you are not turning your nose up at it. Your husband may have been the ultimate prick, but in the end, he was looking out for you.”

  Her mouth snaps shut and she glares at me. I know there’s more argument there, but we’ll worry about that later. Turning to Bridger I say, “We need to go down, grab that detective, and tell him this.”

  “Already did that when he walked out. He wants a copy of the trust agreement.”

  “I’ll get it to him tomorrow,” I say, but my mind is already racing ahead, trying to figure out how Kevin could be connected to the attacker.

  But as usual, Bridger is uncannily ahead of me. “Cop told me a description of the guy that attacked Cat. Sounds like he could be a member of Mayhem’s Mission.”

  I nod because that’s what I had been thinking. While plenty of people ride bikes in this area, there’s a huge motorcycle club— Mayhem’s Mission—and they are definitely shady. Without a doubt, Kevin would get someone to do his dirty work, and I could see him being stupid enough to approach a biker to do it.


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