Book Read Free

Star Maker

Page 13

by J. M. Nevins

  He groaned. “I knew I wouldn’t get off totally scot free. And I thought I was the perfectionist. You’re worse than me.”

  There was a knock at the door. He frowned and looked at her. “Expecting someone? It certainly can’t be anyone in GT or Joe. They never knock.”

  She gave him an awkward grin. “My appointment is here.” She hopped up and made a beeline for the door. She opened it and greeted all the members of the band Scorcher.

  Aaron approached and gave Sully a nod. “Hey, Sull.” He shook his hand and clapped his shoulder like an old friend. “How’s it goin’?”

  Sully forced himself to be cordial and throw his competitive nature out the window. “I’m good. I didn’t know you guys were hanging with Kit this afternoon.”

  He chuckled. “You guys aren’t the only ones that have her attention, y’know. Man, we’re not hanging. She’s working on getting us signed. We have a conference call with Templeton Records in like fifteen minutes. She told us if we didn’t get here early she’d chop our dicks off.”

  Sully chuckled. “That sounds like something Kit would say. Best of luck to you, man.” He nodded to the rest of the guys and disappeared to finish getting ready. His blood boiled as he dressed. He wondered why Kit was pushing so hard to get them signed and not Gypsy Tango. He was not pleased.

  Kit got the band assembled around the table and hooked up the speaker box to her phone. She pulled out a legal pad and exchanged looks with all of them as they waited. The phone rang and she smiled as she reached to answer it. “Showtime boys. Behave yourself. I do the talking. No outbursts.”

  The band watched her in awe as she negotiated aggressively. Kit was never one to be shy when it came to working a deal in her side’s favor. Her fellow law school students hated going up against her in class. She was driven and relentless.

  Early in the call, her determination went into overdrive sensing the male chauvinist, senior A&R rep, Blake Templeton on the other end of the line speaking in a condescending tone and adding ‘sweetie’ or ‘honey’ to each line he directed to her. She normally didn’t mind that, but from him it was like nails on a chalkboard.

  She had initially gone in with a number in her head, one she had agreed upon with the band. That all changed on the conference call. She pushed the envelope. The band stared at her in horror hoping she wouldn’t push too hard. She was in a pissing contest with her new nemesis, Blake Templeton, the record executive with an ego larger than the state of California.

  As he countered her and attempted to trivialize her negotiations, she found other ways to rattle his cage. It was effective. She was getting closer to the number she wanted and he was buckling. She grinned, feeling confident she wouldn’t close this deal lying down, but was determined that he would. She giggled to herself as they concluded the call. The band stared at her in disbelief. She had managed to put them in a better position than they could have possibly imagined. They were set to ink the deal officially at the Beverly Hills corporate office of Templeton Records in two days.

  * * *

  Two weeks later, the director of West Coast A&R for Templeton Records, Rick Jacobs, walked into Blake’s cubicle with a smile on his face and dropped the latest edition of Rock City News on his desk. He looked up, puzzled. Rick smiled. “Congrats, man. Seems you and Evan cornered one of the toughest deals on the scene right now. Great job.”

  Blake stared at the front cover of the publication that displayed a photo of the band Scorcher with the headline: “T-Recs’ A&R Steals Scorcher From the Strip and Welcomes Them Into the Fold of Top Billing Rockers.” An arrogant smile spread across Blake’s face. “Yeah, I knew they were marked for success from the beginning. I was the one who found them you know.” His statement was a blatant lie, but giving Evan credit was the last thing he wanted to do at this point. This was about survival and his reputation. He needed all the kudos he could steal.

  Rick nodded. “I heard that their manager initially wanted seven fifty and you talked her down to a cool half mil. That’s great, Blake, and also very difficult to do. I’ve been in that position before, and luckily the odds came out in my favor. This will be a nice, little feather in your cap. By the way, I had your dad’s assistant leave a copy for him on his desk. Don’t be surprised if you hear from him today.”

  Blake grinned. “Thanks, Rick.”

  “You’re welcome. Keep up the good work, kid.” He winked at Blake as he left the cubicle.

  Blake sat back in his chair and relished the moment. He knew his father would be pleased with something he did, finally. He started plotting. He had to find a way to steal a deal in the works away from Enigma Records and sign Kit’s other band Mystique. This was due to be a legendary acquisition and one that he definitely wanted his name attached to. This Kit McKenna girl was now fully on his radar. He didn’t like her one bit. In fact, he despised her, but he was all about exploitation. He smiled at his brilliant idea thinking maybe it would serve him better to have her working deals on the inside for him, exclusively with Templeton Records.

  * * *

  Sully stormed in and dropped the latest issue of Rock City News on the table in the middle of Kit’s pile of work. She glanced at it and looked up at him, waiting for him to say something. His steel blue eyes bore into her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I knew you guys would find out soon enough. It’s no big deal. I closed the deal two weeks ago. Sull, don’t look at me like that. I’m not going to tell you you’re next ‘cuz we still have work to do. We need to re-record the demo and we’re getting to that. I talked to Joe. He’s going to help us but he’s not back in the country yet.”

  He sat down and folded his arms in front of him. “Is your other band Mystique up next for a deal?”

  She stared into his eyes. “Honestly, Sull, I have no idea. Yes, they’re in position, but it doesn’t mean they’ll get signed. You know that. This town is tricky. They don’t have the local following you guys do. You could very well get signed before them. Do you want to do this the right way or do you want to rush it?” He sighed, annoyed with her answer. He got up and left the table. Moments later, Kit heard the front door slam. She rolled her eyes.

  Sully walked through the door two hours later, slamming it behind him again. He glared at Kit as he walked by her. She looked at him, annoyed. He was still acting like a bratty five year old. “Hey, stop right there. Come here.”

  He stared at her. “What?”

  The expression on her face was blank. “Drop the attitude, Sully.”

  He threw his arms in the air and couldn’t hold back anymore. “This is fucking ridiculous, Kit! I have people asking me every day ‘so when are you guys gonna get signed?’ We look like a joke. We’re the only one of your bands besides Mystique that hasn’t been signed yet. For God’s sake, Kit, your boyfriend is a record exec at Fisher. We should have a deal by now!”

  Her green eyes narrowed and anger churned in her stomach. “I’m so sick of this shit from you guys. Not one of you have worked a deal before. You have no idea what’s coming. I’ve only signed two bands and Joe, so get off of your lie that you guys are the only band that haven’t been signed and leave my boyfriend out of this. Do you really think I want him to give me a deal because I’m his girlfriend? If that’s the case, I may as well forget about making a name for myself legitimately. Let me just throw my integrity out the window. Is that what you want?” Before he could interject, she continued.

  “I will tell you this much, Sully—you are not ready. Your following is only here in Hollywood. Maybe you have some fans from back home. Big deal. That’s not enough. You need to tour. You need some kind of national presence with fans or DJs or else when that first single drops, you’ll have a big belly flop on your hands, the record company will be pissed, and they’ll have A&R all over your ass. Do you want that? Do you want to choke nationally? Or do you wanna take this global like I thought you wanted?

  “You’re the leader of this band. I won�
��t fight you anymore. I can take you to the top or help you go down in flames. It’s your choice. You know what, Sully? If you’re really that frustrated with me, why don’t you cut to the chase and fire me. Really, do us both a favor.”

  Her eyes welled up with tears as she felt a mixture of frustration, anger, and sadness. She had been at odds with Sully for weeks now and it was taking its toll on her. She felt like she was losing her best friend all over again. She gathered up her things and headed into her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  He stared at her and as she walked away his anger started to melt. Seeing the look in her eyes had set something off inside him. He started to get choked up coming to the realization that she was constantly sticking her neck out for them and he had been pushing her far beyond her comfort zone lately. He sighed and shook his head. He didn’t know the answer. He was desperate to make it to the top. He wanted it now, but realized she had a point. People in New York City or Philadelphia or Indianapolis had no idea who they were.

  He walked down the hallway to her bedroom door and was about to knock on it, when he heard a knock at the front door. He turned around and went to answer it, finding Seth standing there. “Hey, Sully. Is Kit ready?”

  Sully silently shrugged his shoulders and let Seth in. He made his way back to her bedroom, while Sully took a seat on the sofa and grabbed his guitar. Kit and Seth made their way out minutes later, neither of them acknowledging him as they passed through the living room to leave the apartment. Suddenly, he felt alone. More alone than he had felt since he arrived in Los Angeles. He needed a distraction. He had to go out. There was plenty of trouble he could get into in Hollywood.

  Kit returned home after staying at Seth’s for a few days. Sully had the place to himself. Alexa had been staying with her new boyfriend, Wes, at his place. When Kit and Alexa returned hours apart from each other, they were stunned to see that not a trace of Sully remained.

  Alexa looked at her. “What happened?”

  She sighed. “We had an argument. He wants a record deal like yesterday. I told him he should wait. They’ll fall flat on their face nationally if I put them out now. The record companies know this. They’re still too green. Seth told me. I got it out of him. They need another six months and a tour under their belt, as I expected. I tried to tell Sully this, but he wouldn’t budge. He was stubborn and hardheaded about it. I told him to fire me.”

  Alexa frowned. “What? Kit, why would you do such a thing? I love you, babe, but sometimes you say stupid things. Maybe you should call a band meeting and talk about it. I can’t remember the schedule. Do they have any shows coming up?”

  “Not for another week.” Kit’s stomach churned and her face was riddled with anxiety.

  Alexa looked at her. “Hey, don’t look so worried. I’ll call Jimmy and poke around. How’s that? I’ll see if I can dig up anything.”

  Kit nodded. “Thanks. I’ll be at the table studying, like usual.” She started unpacking items from her backpack and pulled out her work. She dug in and was knee deep in her assignment when Alexa walked out, looking confused. She looked up and frowned. “What’s that look for?”

  Alexa pulled out a chair and took a seat across from Kit. “Jimmy said the band is fine in so many words. They rehearsed today—all of them were there. Apparently a few days ago, Sully hooked up with some up and coming actress that happens to know Joe. He said she’s a gorgeous, party girl, has a new place in Malibu, has a new movie coming out, and thinks Sully is a fun play toy that makes her look good. Gives her more of an edge. He moved in with her and she’s promised to help him get more publicity so he’ll be in better position to get a record deal. He showed up at rehearsal today in her convertible Mercedes-Benz 560SL. Jimmy wants you to call him. He’s just as perplexed as I am. Oh and he said Joe is back in town so you may wanna call him too.”

  Kit sighed. “Ok. I’ll make some calls right now, Lex. Thank you.”

  She nodded. “Do you want to go get some drinks in a bit?”

  “Maybe.” She went to her bedroom and dialed Jimmy’s number. He answered and she instantly felt better hearing his voice. “Jim.”

  “Kit-Kat. What the hell is going on with Sully?”

  “Did he fire me?”

  Jimmy laughed. “Fire you? No. You know he can’t do that without my consent. He said he wanted to set things up better for us to help you out. He was on point in rehearsal today, but he’s a little distracted by this new actress girlfriend, Dahlia.”

  “Was she there?”

  “No, but Joe was. He’s back and he’s not good. Let’s go for drinks, Kit-Kat. Let’s figure this out.”

  She nodded. “Ok. Lex and I will meet you at the Rainbow in thirty.” She hung up the phone and headed over to Alexa’s room. “We’re going to the Rainbow in a few. Get your ass ready.”

  Kit double-checked the address on La Cienega and pulled her car up to the valet area of a high-rise building. She always felt self-conscious about the car she was driving. She reminded herself it was only temporary and the minute she was out of law school or one of her bands popped big, she would purchase something more suitable to her tastes. She forced a grin to the valet who looked weary as she got out and took the claim ticket. Her junky, faded, burnt orange Datsun hatchback was on its last legs.

  She walked through the lobby and noticed a front desk with staff that blocked the entrance to the elevators. She walked up and smiled. “I’m here to see Joe Arden in Penthouse 4D.”

  The woman behind the desk grinned. “Let me ring Mr. Arden. One moment.”

  Kit stared at her and thought the whole scene was over the top. She didn’t understand why Joe had moved out of his gorgeous Laurel Canyon home off of Lookout Mountain Drive in favor of a high-rise condo a stone’s throw from the Sunset Strip. She had a feeling the story he would have was a good one.

  The woman hung up the phone and nodded, offering Kit a friendly smile as she hit the button that unlocked the glass security doors that led to the elevator bay. “Go on up. Mr. Arden is expecting you.”

  Kit stepped out of the elevator and onto the penthouse floor. She knocked on the door moments later. Joe flung the door open looking disheveled in a bathrobe. He smiled and held his arms open. “Kit-Kat. Welcome.”

  She chuckled and hugged him tightly. “It’s great to see you, Joe. What’s up with the bathrobe?” She pulled back and grinned. “Are you a lord of leisure right now?”

  He rolled his eyes and nodded as he shut the door. “Something like that. I just woke up.” He fished in his pocket and retrieved his cigarettes. He pulled one out and lit up. He blew out the smoke and led her through the expansive living room with floor to ceiling windows showcasing panoramic views of the city and a set of sliders that led out to a large balcony.

  She frowned. “You just woke up? It’s four in the afternoon.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “And your point is? I don’t have any appointments on the books. I went to sleep at eight this morning. Gimme a break. Let’s sit outside. It’s a nice day. Want some scotch, sweetie?”

  She nodded as she looked around the condo, taking it all in. He stood at the wet bar in the corner of the room, making drinks for both of them. She headed out to the balcony and yelled back to him. “Nice place. Great view.”

  He joined her moments later and handed her the drink as they both took their seats. He stared at her. “So, go ahead. Ask. I can see it written all over your face, just don’t serve me a sentence or I’ll kick you out. I mean it. I don’t think I can handle a dose of your self-righteous judgment today, your honor.”

  She sighed. “Joe, what the hell is going on with you? Are you even sober right now?”

  He chuckled. “No. Why does that matter? There’s no point. If you were in my shoes right now, you probably wouldn’t be either.”

  She frowned. “What the hell does that mean?”

  He shook his head and blew out his smoke evenly. “Why do you think I moved, huh?”

  She shrugged he
r shoulders. “I dunno. That was gonna be one of my questions.”

  He stared at her blankly. “Because when I got home from Antigua, fucking Janine had spilled the beans and leaked my address to some fan on the Strip who sold it to the press and all those fucking star map companies. I not only had groupies and fans camping out on my lawn, but trying to break into my house. I was done. I still own the house, just renting it out. I moved here.

  “It’s a security building and lots of other rock stars have condos here. I think Lemmy lives on the other side of this floor when he’s in town. Frankly Kit, I wanna be numb. I don’t know what to do with myself. We’re on break for six months before we start writing. I’m not good left to my own devices in this high rolling, fast lane party town. This ain’t nothing like Philly or Chi-Town. This is the big leagues of partying. Top notch. Oh, by the way, have you met Sully’s new girl?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “No. Joe, did you introduce them to each other?”

  He chuckled. “Ooh, do I sense a little jealousy?”

  She shook her head in denial. “No. I heard she’s a party girl and Sully can’t afford distractions right now. I’m trying to keep those guys on track.”

  He nodded. “Sull’s fine. And I didn’t introduce him to her. They met at a party before I came back, but I do know her. He’s a big boy, Kit. He’s got it. I introduced him to Tommy Wilkes over at Columbia Records. That’s my label, as you know. Tommy is our A&R rep…”

  Her eyes widened and she interrupted. “I know who Tommy is. You did what? Joe! How could you? Did he start talking a deal? Oh shit, they’re not ready for this, not by a long shot.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t worry, babe. I told Sull the same thing. That’s why I introduced those two. He heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. I’m not sure what Tom told him, but Sully did mention it was exactly what you had told him. And on a personal note, be gentle with the guy, ok? He’s got a pretty serious crush on you.”


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