On Probation

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On Probation Page 9

by Malone, Misty

  He started to lead her away, when Phil stopped them. "Just a second, Derek." When Derek whirled around and looked at him sharply, Phil said, "Whoa. Before you bite my head off, I agree, Kelli outdid herself today and deserves one heck of a spanking. I just have a quick question to ask her first. Since she obviously hasn't been home, dinner isn't ready. Kelli, what did you want me to heat up, and how? I'll do that while Derek tries to spank some sense into you."

  "Don't you guys get it? It was a damn accident! I didn't leave the house with the idea of getting lost."

  Derek jumped in. "And the attitude and language; are they an accident, too? And if you would have called or texted me or Phil before you left, like you were supposed to, we would have told you where you should and shouldn't walk to." He paused a moment, then said, "Phil has a good idea. Help him with dinner so he can do that while he waits for us. But Phil, you may want to give us a bit of time. Apparently we have several things we need to discuss."

  Kelli gave Derek a scared look, and went to the kitchen with Phil. After a few minutes Derek went to the kitchen door and heard Phil assuring her he could handle it, she could go now. She started explaining how long to heat things to him again, so Derek went to her and once again got a firm hold on her upper arm and headed her toward her bedroom. "Quit stalling, young lady. Phil, you better give us forty-five minutes."

  "Take your time," Phil said, trying to keep his smile from showing.

  Derek had a slight grin on his face when he nodded at his friend, then his stern face returned as he escorted Kelli from the room.

  They entered her bedroom and he shut the door behind him. She went to sit on the bed while he pulled her chair over to sit directly in front of her again. She was looking down at the floor, but he started right in. "Kelli, what happened today? You did so good yesterday, and you had a complete breakdown today. Do you have anything you want to say?"

  "I just forgot where I went and got lost. I'm sorry."

  "Look at me, Kelli." After a minute he quietly but ominously said, "Now." He was glad when her head popped up and she met his eyes this time. "You just got lost. Is that really the only thing you think we need to talk about?"

  She started lowering her head again, but Derek reached over with one finger and lifted it back up, meeting and holding her eyes. She swallowed, and quietly answered, "No, I guess not."

  Still holding her chin up, he said, "No, I guess not, either. What else should we discuss?"

  She reluctantly said, "I didn't call you before I went for a walk. But honestly, Derek, I didn't know I was supposed to."

  Derek sighed. "Did we go over your rules, Kelli?"

  "Yes, but—"

  "And what do the rules say about that?"

  "Well, I know now that it says anytime I leave, but I didn't know it meant just to go out for a walk. I thought it meant if I was going someplace."

  "Going for a walk isn't going someplace?"

  "Well, you know what I mean."

  "Maybe before I leave we better go over the rules again, just to be sure you understand them."

  "I understand it now. I just didn't think of that."

  "Kelli, having all these rules is meant to make you think before you do anything. Try to get in the habit of calling or texting me before you go out the door."


  "Now, is there anything else we should discuss tonight?" She looked confused for a few moments, and he asked, "You didn't do anything else we need to talk about?"

  She lowered her head, thinking, but Derek reached over and lifted her chin again. She sighed and admitted, "I guess maybe my attitude might have gotten away from me a little bit ago."

  Derek shook his head, looking at her. "Maybe, might have?"

  She stomped her foot in frustration. "Okay, fine. I lost my damn temper."

  Kelli instantaneously found herself over his knees. He landed six sharp swats to her jean-covered bottom before she had time to react. "Okay, now it's my turn to list the things we're going to talk about. I agree with what you've said so far; carelessly getting lost, not texting me first, and I think you most definitely lost your temper. However, I also want to discuss your language, leaving without your cell phone, and being caught in the rain without a coat or umbrella." He kept a steady rhythm of spanks landing on her bottom while he was talking.

  "Owww! Derek, stop, please. It hurts."

  "We're just getting started, Kelli, so settle down. We have a lot to discuss this evening, so just get it in your head, and accept this. I don't want you fighting this as much this time. You've gone out of your way to earn a dandy spanking this time, and I intend to deliver." He stopped spanking long enough to reach under and unsnap her jeans and pull them down. "Derek, no! Please, you can't do that!"

  "Yes, Kelli, I can do that." He resumed the spanking, and she immediately started squirming, trying her best to get off his lap and out of his line of attack. "Kelli, stop squirming and fighting this so much, or I'll take your panties down, as well."

  "Nooo! You wouldn't dare! Don't even think about that, Mister, or you'll regret it!"

  Derek had to smile at the sassy little hellcat over his knees. "So your response to that is to threaten me, while you're over my knee getting a spanking? Not the smartest move you've ever made, sweetheart." With that, he casually reached down and put his fingers in the waistband of her adorable little panties, and pulled them down to mid-thigh.

  "You put those back right now!"

  Once again he had to smile at her outburst. His little minx sure had to learn to control her temper. "Or what?" he asked, as he started teaching her a lesson she sorely needed to learn.

  He started spanking again, this time on her bare bottom, and the only sound he heard from her was an uumph the first time his hand connected with bare skin. He kept up a steady stream of solid swats, alternating, right cheek, left cheek, for a full minute before pausing momentarily.

  He let her catch her breath a bit before he started talking to her, reminding her again why she was getting this spanking, and reminding her why her rules were so important. He could tell she understood what he was saying when he reminded her how much better it would have been for her if she would have at least had her phone. He also explained again how worried he was when he saw how wet and cold she was, knowing her health history.

  This was the most severe spanking he'd given her, and he knew she was going to be sore tomorrow, especially any time she tried to sit down. But he had to be sure he was getting his point across, so he sporadically asked her questions to be sure she understood what he was explaining. By the time he went over each item and why it was so important, emphasizing his words the whole time with more sharp swats, he had one contrite little lady lying over his lap, sobbing.

  He ended the spanking and began rubbing her back and bottom gently, trying to help her calm down and catch her breath. She was still sobbing, but breathing better, still over his knee, when he quietly said, "Kelli, you need someone to protect you."

  She looked back over her shoulder at him, still sobbing. "From what?"

  He very gently picked her up and sat her in his lap, adjusting her so her bottom was straddling his thighs. "Mostly from yourself."

  She looked at him quizzically, then laid her head on his shoulder and cried harder. He rubbed her back while he held her in his arms. "It's okay now. You're forgiven. He kept talking softly, and rubbing her back or smoothing her hair, while she cried, slowly calming. "Feeling better?"

  "A little," she said between hiccups, "except I don't think I'll ever be able to sit again."

  He chuckled and assured her, "Oh, I'm sure you'll be able to sit just fine, in a week or so."

  "I don't know," she said, rubbing her bottom. "I didn't know it could hurt this much."

  He smiled as he said, "I'm sure it is sore, honey, but if you do anything that dangerous again, it will hurt even worse." Her eyes were huge, and he explained, "Going out without a phone, or a coat or umbrella, in an area you're not familiar with,
and wandering into a bad section of town is extremely dangerous. But not telling either of us you were even going out first just made it worse. We had no idea where to start looking for you. You may not have stopped to think about what could have happened, but your brother and I were well aware of the possibilities. You had us scared half to death. If you ever do that again, your bottom will be hurting more than it does now. Do you understand?"

  She had tears in her eyes again as she nodded her head and said, "Yes. I'm sorry, Derek. I wasn't thinking."

  "Remember, Kelli, all those rules are meant to cure just that condition—that you don't think before you do something." She nodded and cuddled into his arms and chest a little tighter. He held her tightly for several minutes while they talked quietly. Finally, he asked, "Are you ready to eat dinner?"

  "It depends. Can I eat standing up?"

  He smiled and said, "Sorry, honey, but no, you can't."


  "That's part of being punished, Kelli. There'll be no special considerations just because you were spanked. You'll sit at the table with us, on the chair you would normally sit on, without an extra cushion or pillow."

  "Derek, I honestly don't think I can. It really hurts."

  "I'm sure it does, but you can and will sit down and eat dinner with us. Are you ready?" He set her on her feet and held her hand as they went to the kitchen.

  Chapter Seven

  Derek was holding Kelli's hand as they walked into the kitchen. She went straight to Phil and put her arms around his neck. "I'm really sorry, Phil. I didn't know how bad I scared you guys."

  Phil returned his sister's hug. "I take it Derek pointed that out to you?"

  "Did he ever," she assured him.

  Phil chuckled a bit and told her, "Well, I'm sorry you had to go through that, Sis, but I can't say I'm sorry he did it."

  "I know," she said, feeling and sounding very small and contrite.

  "Did you learn something?"

  "Oh, yeah." She was rubbing her bottom absentmindedly.

  "Good," Phil said as he kissed her cheek. "Now, how about some dinner? I told Derek you didn't have anything to do yesterday so you cooked all day and he better help us eat all this."

  "I'd be happy to help with that," Derek said, laughing.

  Phil suggested, "So you cooked all day yesterday, and got yourself into trouble today. We've got to find something to keep you occupied this weekend."

  "No need," Derek said. "She's going to have something to keep her busy."

  "She is?" Phil looked up at Derek, noticing the blank look on Kelli's face.

  "This weekend she's going to write all of her rules out for me so maybe she'll be able to remember them better. Then all of them that she broke today, she's going to write fifty times each."

  Kelli was putting dinner out, and stopped at his words. "Are you kidding? That will take forever."

  She couldn't miss the stern expression on his face. "That's why it's not due until Sunday night. That gives you all day tomorrow and Sunday. Make sure you give it to Phil before you go to bed Sunday night." He turned to Phil and said, "And Phil, if it's not done Sunday night, I expect you to let me know."

  "Okay, Derek, will do."

  "Thanks, Phil. Dinner looks absolutely delicious, Kelli. Are you ready to eat?" He was holding her chair for her, and made sure she could tell by his expression that he expected her to sit.

  She gave him an unreadable look, and stared at the chair a few seconds before saying, "Thank you," and gingerly sitting down. She tried to jump back up, but Derek was anticipating her reaction and gently but firmly placed his hands on her shoulders, holding her down. He leaned down so his mouth was next to her ear and said softly so only she could hear, "Don't make me take you back to your room, honey."

  He quickly straightened and moved to sit in his own chair. He and Phil talked and laughed through dinner. Both tried to draw her into the conversation, but she was pretty quiet. Derek was watching her carefully and saw that she was doing a lot of squirming, but even though she wasn't joining much in the conversation, she wasn't pouting, either. That told him she was just plain sore.

  He wasn't going to let her get away with special privileges following a spanking, but he didn't want to be cruel, either. As soon as she seemed to stop eating he asked, "Kelli, is that all you want to eat right now?"

  "Yes. Sorry, Derek, I'm just not real hungry."

  "That's fine, Kelli. I understand. Is there any chance I could get you to make us some coffee?"

  He saw the twinkle in her eye as she said, "Sure. I'd be happy to," and quickly jumped up and went to start the coffee.

  He smiled and said, "Dinner was delicious, but I'm stuffed. I thought maybe if it's okay with you, Kelli, we could hold off a little on dessert. We can do the dishes, then have our dessert and coffee later in the living room, on the soft, comfy chairs?"

  "Thank you, Derek. That's a wonderful idea. You guys had to work today and I didn't, so why don't you go on in and sit down and rest. I'll do the dishes tonight." Derek knew her offer to do the dishes was so she could stand, so he convinced Phil to allow her to do them that favor, and they went to the living room, where he quietly explained to Phil why she wanted the time alone in the kitchen.

  Kelli came in half an hour later with dessert and coffee. Derek took the tray from her and set it on the table. He gestured to the couch and chair, asking, "Which do you prefer, Kelli? Anyone who cooks me a dinner like you did tonight gets their choice of seats." He was smiling when their eyes met, and she returned his smile.

  "Thanks," she said, sitting down carefully in the chair with the extra soft cushions. She joined in their conversation this time, and the three of them enjoyed themselves until Derek realized it was one o'clock.

  "I've got to go home," he said, jumping up. "I'm sorry, guys, for keeping you both up this late. I didn't have any idea it was this late."

  "I didn't, either," Phil said. "But it's not a problem. None of us have to work tomorrow."

  "Kelli, could I have a quick word with you before I go, please?" Derek asked.

  "I'm going to bed, guys, so take you time," Phil said as he headed to his room.

  After Phil left the room Kelli told Derek sincerely, "Thanks for letting me stand awhile, and giving me the softest chair in the living room. I noticed it, and I want you to know I appreciate it."

  "Not a problem. You earned it when you sat through supper without complaining. I know that wasn't easy, and I'm proud of you."

  "Thank you."

  "I'm serious. I'm not just saying it to be nice. Now, I hate to go back to this, but what I wanted to talk to you about is your writing assignment. Do you understand what I want and when?"

  "I have to write each of the rules. Then I have to write any of them I forgot to do fifty times each."

  "Right. And when is it due?"

  "Sunday night before I go to bed."


  "Will you tell me which ones I have to write fifty times?"

  "Nope. That's part of the assignment. I want you to stop and think about these rules, Kelli. Read one, think about it, and decide if you ignored it. Let me warn you, if you miss any there'll be an additional writing assignment."

  "Okay. I'll think about them carefully."

  "Good. My main objective is to make you think about them." She nodded. "Call my office Monday and make an appointment to come in to see me Tuesday or Wednesday. Either day is fine with me, so just work it around your classes. If you have any problem getting it scheduled, have the receptionist put you through to me, okay?"

  "Okay, will do."

  "Good. Good-night, Kelli. Sleep well. He reached down and kissed her on her forehead, then turned to leave. "Behave yourself," he said as he left, giving her a wink.

  Kelli was staring at the door when Phil came out. "Was that the door? Derek left already?" When she didn't move, Phil chuckled. "Earth to Kelli!"

  Kelli shook her head and turned to face him. "I'm sorry. What did you ask

  "I asked if Derek left already, but I see he did. Do you want to talk?"

  "About what?"

  "About the reason you were staring at the door, deep in thought when I came in here." Phil was smiling when she looked up at him.

  Shaking her head, she said, "No, not really. I can't tell you how I feel because I don't know. I'm really confused."

  "Well, I'll be here when you're ready."

  "Okay. Thanks, Phil. I'm going to bed." She turned toward her bedroom, then turned back around. "What does protect mean to you?"


  "You told me Derek is very protective and that was a good thing for me."

  "It is."

  "Tonight he said somebody needs to protect me."

  Phil smiled. "Did he volunteer?"

  "No, not really."

  "Not really?"

  "No, he didn't. But then afterwards he held me in his lap, and I swear, Phil, I felt so safe, so peaceful, so—"


  "Yes," she admitted. "How can you feel protected?"

  Phil laughed. "Maybe you felt protected because inside you know that if you listen to him, do what he's telling you to, he'll protect you from all the trouble and problems you've been getting yourself into."

  She considered him and his words for several moments before admitting, "Maybe."

  Phil hesitated a few minutes. "Was feeling protected a good feeling?"

  She immediately answered, "Yes, it was."

  "Then let him protect you, Kelli. He knows what you need. Listen to him."

  She nodded her head, deep in thought. She turned back toward her bedroom, stopping at her door to turn back toward him. "Thanks, Phil. It helps to have someone to talk to. Good-night."


  Kelli's classes started Monday, and her first day of work was Tuesday. She walked from the college to the grocery store for work, and was walking from there to the bus stop four blocks away when Phil honked his horn and pulled up beside her. "Hop in, Kelli." She gladly got into his car. "My meeting finished early. I was hoping I could catch you before you got on the bus."


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