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Unbreak Me (Second Chances #1)

Page 5

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Some other time then,” he mumbled.

  Just then the train she should have been on came roaring out of the station. “Great, I just missed my train. Now I’ve got to wait for the next one,” she huffed.

  “There are some benches in the park over there. Would you like to sit and wait with me?” he suggested. “I can keep you company.”

  “Sure,” she shifted her bag as it started to slide down her small arm.

  “Here let me help you,” Austin grabbed the bag and tossed it over his shoulder as if it weighed nothing.

  “Thanks,” she blushed as she caught herself staring at his arm as it flexed under the weight. “So, are you waiting for a train too?” She was curious about him, but did not want to seem to forward.

  “No, I drove here. My car’s in the lot over there. I happened to see you, and thought I’d say hi,” he explained with an easy smile.

  She averted her eyes, “Oh? Why’s that?”

  “You just seem like someone who might need a friend is all. I know you guys’ just moved here, and are new to the area,” he turned and walked into the entrance of the park.

  “Actually, I grew up in Boston. My family lives in Beacon Hill,” she smiled. “I moved to New York after I got married and finished school there,” her voice trailed off as sadness washed over her. “I’m sorry,” she glanced at his worried expression.

  “Sorry?” he raised his brow. “I want to know more about you. How long have you been married?”

  “It would have been 16 years next April,” she turned away from him to block the pained look on her face as a few tears threatened to escape.

  “Would have been?” he turned toward a bench and waited for her to sit first.

  “I lost him during the 9/11 attacks,” she stared out into the distance at nothing in particular.

  Austin could tell she was having a hard time talking about this, but she kept talking, and so he listened.

  “I’ve never really talked about it much,” she sighed, and then took a breath before continuing.

  “Sean was on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon. He called me moments before he died. I’ll never forget that phone call. It was the hardest I’ve ever had to listen to. Worse than the one my mother made when she called to tell me my father had passed. Katie was only three. She doesn’t remember much. I’ve kept it buried for so long that it’s prevented me from happiness,” she turned and saw a pained expression on Austin’s face.

  “I lost my wife when Hannah was two,” he offered sympathetically. “Drunk driver hit the car. He walked away from the accident with only a few scratches. It took them two hours to get Abby out of the car. Hannah doesn’t remember anything about her mother. Maybe that’s why our daughters have bonded so well. They have something linking them, the loss of a parent,” Austin lamented.

  “Katie doesn’t talk about her dad much. I think she’s worried about upsetting me,” Melanie shrugged. “I’m slowly getting my life back though, and she will too.”

  “So tell me about yourself,” Austin smiled. He wanted so badly to change the subject to something lighter. Melanie was beautiful and he wanted to put the sparkle back in her eyes. The bright green orbs had so much sadness reflected in them at the moment. He wanted to make her smile, even if it was only temporary. “I know that you grew up here and that you’re a doctor, but not much more.”

  “Well, what do you want to know?” she smirked. She turned her face towards his and twisted her mouth into a crooked grin.

  “Hmmmm, how about something like…favorite food? Color? Coffee or tea?” he smirked back. He wanted to make her laugh, to hear her voice with a lighter tone to it. He wanted to see that perfect mouth with those kissable lips slide into a perfect grin.

  “Ok…steak, blue, and both,” she chucked. “Now you.”

  “Ok… burgers, red, and coffee,” he smiled.

  Lost in the moment of happiness he had provided caused her to forget why she was currently sitting in the park. She glanced down at her watch. “My train’s going to be leaving soon. I need to get back to the subway station.” She jumped up and offered a friendly hug taking Austin by surprise.

  “I’ll walk you back,” he grabbed her bag before she could and tossed it back over his shoulder.

  “Thanks,” she smiled. “It was nice talking to you. I’ve needed to get some of that out for awhile.”

  “Same here,” he touched her shoulder. “You know, it will get easier, don‘t you? Maybe you’d like to have dinner sometime?”

  “That would be nice,” she smiled up at him. “Call me?”

  “Sure,” he handed her the bag back as they approached the steps to the subway.

  “Thank you Austin, for listening to me and everything,” she leaned in and offered another hug as she flashed him a smile.

  When she backed away and moved to the steps to descend them, he watched her retreating form. I’ve got to get to know her better he thought. She was definitely something special. He hadn’t gotten this feeling about being around a woman in a long time.

  Chapter 5

  While sitting at the table having breakfast, Katie’s cell buzzed alerting her of a text. She glanced down and read it.

  Hannah: ask your mom about her date tonight…

  Katie choked on her cereal.

  “Mom, got any plans tonight?” she smirked.

  Melanie looked up and blushed, “Not really.”

  “That’s not what I heard,” Katie giggled. “I heard you might have a date. So?”

  “Yes, I have a date. It’s no big deal, just dinner.” Melanie mumbled as she continued to read the newspaper and sip her coffee.

  “Mom, it is a big deal. You haven’t been on a date in a long time. Not since that guy, what’s his name, who was so awful. Please tell me it’s somebody you actually like.”

  “Katie, I’m not talking about my dating life with you,” Melanie grumbled.

  Katie texted back Hannah.

  Katie: not sure what the big secret is, but she won’t spill. How did you know about this?

  Within no time there was a reply.

  Hannah: because my dad’s the one taking her out. Call me tonight? We’ll talk…

  “So it’s Mr. Montgomery, huh?” Katie smiled.

  “Yes, if you must know,” Melanie got up from the table and placed her mug in the sink.

  She stood there for a minute remembering how sweet Austin was when he called her the night before. She had no idea how he got her number or even how he knew she’d be home. She glanced out the window and sighed.

  It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a date...I’m not even sure if I’m ready for this. Austin was wealthy. She’d grown up privileged and had fought to escape the lifestyle. As a little girl and a young woman, she’d been forced to attend parties and benefits for all sorts of charities, to which her family had always donated money graciously. When she had married Sean, she felt like a weight had been lifted off of her. He grounded her in a way she never knew existed. She was able to step back from what was expected and enjoy life on her terms.

  Austin, as down to earth as he seemed, still came from the life she’d left behind. He was of “new money” meaning he had created his own wealth. His firm was thriving, and he seemed to have a knack for the business. His partners had supported him and believed in his projects. Hannah had mentioned that he was hardly ever home, and she was left to take care of herself a lot. He had designated the weekends for family time, but weeknights were for business. Hannah had spent many nights hanging out with Katie. The more she came around, the closer the girls became.

  Melanie sighed again as she turned and grabbed her jacket off of the kitchen chair.

  “Are you going to be ok for a few hours? I’ve got to run into the hospital for a consult, then I’ll be home.”

  “Sure mom, it’s Saturday. I plan on relaxing around the house. I’ve got a big chemistry test next week, and I thought I’d start studying tonight. I might Skype with Hann
ah too, so we can study together,” she smiled and waved her hand in the direction of the laptop sitting on the breakfast bar.

  “Ok, sounds good. I’ll see you around three I think.” Melanie grabbed her purse and left a giggling Katie at the table.

  As she made her way to the subway station, she could feel her cheeks flushing. It’d been two years since her last real date, and that had ended in a disaster. The man had not wanted kids, and when he found out Melanie had Katie he dropped her like a bad habit.

  July 2010

  “Melanie, you have to give him a chance,” Julie begged. “He’s a nice guy and he has a thing for you.”

  “I don’t know, Julie. I’ve never been into the corporate banker type. He seems a little full of himself.”

  “Gavin’s a little forward, but just give him a chance,” she begged.

  The way Julie had begged her to go out on this date should have been the first clue as to how it would turn out. The date had been like watching an accident in slow motion. When Gavin came to get her, he was late. Then all he did was talk about himself all night, and when he brought her back home he tried to invite himself in. When Melanie had turned away from his goodnight kiss, he had stormed off to his car. Two days later he sent her an email, of all things, telling her he didn’t think it would work out. He’d heard she had a kid and he wasn’t ready for that. He was bailing after one date. Who did that? Good riddance, she had thought.

  August 2012

  Melanie shuddered at the memory as she made her way into her office. It was a bad first date, she didn’t think anything could top that. She shook her head and chuckled at the memory as she sat down behind her desk. Just then her office phone started ringing…

  “Dr. Andrews,” she answered.

  “Melanie, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get you on your cell today. I’m sorry if I’m bothering you,” he stammered into the phone.

  “No Austin, it’s no problem. Did you need something?” her voice wavered as she thought about the possibility of him cancelling tonight.

  “No, I just wanted to say good morning, and let you know about the plans for tonight.”

  She could tell he was smiling through the phone and she visibly relaxed. “Oh, okay.”

  “I’ve got reservations at the Park 76 for 7pm. I hope that’s ok?” He asked anxiously. He knew she liked steak and he wanted to impress her. He had a friend that worked in the kitchen there and was able to get reservations at the last minute. Park 76 was known for their steaks and had just recently made Boston’s top 10 places to eat. Austin had remembered reading about it while sipping his morning coffee just last week. He smiled to himself when he’d remembered it while planning this night out for the two of them.

  “That sounds great. I’ll see you tonight,” she laughed lightly. He was going all out. This was going to be fancy for a first date.

  “Until tonight, then. Well, have a great day,” he returned.

  “Thank you, you too.” She hung up the phone and smiled as she stared out the window dreamily. She could already tell that this date would be one to remember. Austin seemed like a genuinely nice guy, and he was a great father. As busy as he was, Hannah never seemed to want for anything. Even alone, he still managed to raise a happy, well-rounded daughter. Yes, this will be a night to remember. She leaned back in her chair and glanced around the room as a photo on the windowsill caught her eye.

  April 1993

  Melanie was sitting on the quad eating lunch, when he just flopped down beside her. She turned open mouthed in his direction and blushed when she saw who was invading her space.

  “Hey, sorry,” he smiled up at her sheepishly as he moved to a sitting position.

  “That’s ok,” she fumbled.

  She turned her head and mouthed to William, Oh my god, what is he doing? When she looked back over, he was rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as he nervously wiped the other one on his thigh.

  “So, you’re Melanie Andrews, right?” he blushed slightly.

  “Umm yeah?” her eyes widened.

  “I was wondering if you might want to go to a movie with me this weekend?” Sean glanced around and then back at her.

  “Ummm sure,” Melanie smiled and glanced from William to Sean.

  “Ok great, I’ll pick you up at eight?” he stood and moved back to his group of friends that were silently waiting for the outcome of his proposed date.

  When he walked back over to the group, they slapped him on the back while glancing in Melanie’s direction. When they were out of earshot, she looked over at William and squealed.

  “I just got asked out by Sean Lewis,” she cheered. “I seriously can’t believe it.”

  “I told you he liked you,” William shook his head.

  “Yes, but I didn’t think he’d actually ask me out. I mean he’s a senior, star of the basketball team, and every girl’s fantasy. Why would he want me? William you have to help me. I’ve never been on a real date before. I mean, do I let him kiss me?” she darted her eyes back and forth.

  “Well, if he really likes you, he’s going to try,” William snickered. “Might try other things, too.”

  She slapped at his arm playfully, “I’m not like that. I won’t be some guy’s conquest.” She was adamant as she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

  “I’m kidding Mel, relax. Do what you feel like. If you want to kiss him, then kiss him. If he really likes you as much as he seems to like you, then he’s not going to do anything that you don’t want him to.” William stood and began to walk in the direction of a trashcan. He shouted over his shoulder as he wiggled his eyebrows, “I’ll help you in anyway that I can.”

  August 2012

  Melanie smiled at the memory. That first date with Sean seemed like a lifetime ago. She’d been so nervous and anxious about what he would expect from her. She’d been on dates with other men since he’d died, but she felt differently about Austin than she had about the others in the past. She wanted to let him in. She wanted things to be right with him. However...even though he seemed special, she still felt the need to keep that barrier up. What if she let him in, and he was taken away from her just like Sean was? She couldn’t handle that hurt again. She wouldn’t go through the pain of losing part of her heart. She’d been broken for so long she was ready to try and heal, and Austin seemed like just the one to do it.

  When Melanie arrived home she found Katie in her room talking on the phone. She assumed she was talking to Hannah. She knocked softly on the door to get Katie’s attention.

  “I’m getting ready to grab a shower. I picked up some dinner for you on my way home. It’s sitting on the counter when you’re ready.”

  Katie nodded toward her and then rolled back over on the bed, “Thanks mom.”

  Melanie hurried into her room and closed the door. She was rushing around like crazy, and hoping that Austin might be running late. She’d gotten stuck at the hospital and it had put her behind by two hours. A trauma had come in, car accident with multiple victims. She’d stayed to help with the child that was involved. The child had a collapsed lung and a puncture in the lower abdomen. She’d spent the later part of the afternoon in the OR with the toddler’, then waited around in recovery for him to wake. Now she was racing to get a shower and get ready before Austin showed up at her door.

  When she emerged from the bathroom, she found Katie sitting cross-legged in the middle of her bed.

  “Aren’t you hungry?” Melanie asked.

  “Yes, but I’ll eat after you leave. I wanted to talk to you about tonight.” Katie giggled. “Where’s Mr. Montgomery taking you?”

  “Park 76,” she smiled.

  “Wow mom, that’s expensive! What are you going to wear?” Katie was wide eyed with excitement. She was staring at her mom as more of a peer than a parent.

  “I know sweetie. I’ve got to pick out something nice. What do you think about this?” she held up a black pencil skirt and a pink silk shell top.

sp; “That could work,” Katie smirked. “With this,” she held up a lacy bra.

  “Katie, what exactly do you think is going to happen tonight?” Melanie scowled.

  “Face it mom, he’s hot!” she blushed.

  “It’s a first date, honey. Respectable women don’t do what your implying on a first date.” Melanie turned away from her to cover her own blush.

  “Mom, I didn’t mean that. I mean, you need to go all out for this. Head to toe glamour,” she rolled her eyes.

  Melanie shook her head. “I think I liked you better when you thought kissing was gross. What happened to that girl?”


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