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Unbreak Me (Second Chances #1)

Page 11

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Well, let’s just say,” he hooked his arm around her shoulder, “that you do something to me, too, and I’m willing to try something different.”

  “Ok,” she smiled. “I’m willing to give it a shot,” she giggled and playfully tapped his chest.

  “You two plan on making out all night, or are you going to join us in here?” Hannah called.

  Katie turned a new shade of red and Zach snickered. “We’re coming,” they called collectively.

  They turned and walked hand in hand into the family room. Hannah’s living room was set up with a couch and loveseat making an L shape, with the TV angled across from them. Sam and Anthony had claimed the couch and Hannah was sprawled on the floor. Zach guided Katie over to the loveseat and flopped down. She sat herself beside him and slowly relaxed into his side.

  “Everybody comfortable?” Hannah called.

  A chorus of yeses followed. Hannah reached around grabbing a remote that she pointed towards the lights. After pushing a few buttons, the lights dimmed until the room became dark and the movie started. When the credits started rolling, Katie groaned.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” Zach rubbed her shoulder.

  “I just don’t like scary movies,” she turned to see his eyes glittering with mischief.

  As the sound boomed around them, Zach looked over at Hannah with admiration in his eyes. “You have surround sound too? How come I’ve never been invited over here before?”

  “You’ve always been a jerk to me, that’s why. You’re dating my best friend, I can’t ignore you now,” Hannah rolled her eyes and flipped her hand in the air.

  Zach slumped back into the loveseat, “I guess I deserve that. I’m sorry.”

  Hannah glanced back over her shoulder, “Don’t worry about it. It’s over and done with. Now shut up so we can watch the movie.” She smirked at him and tossed a pillow in his direction.

  As the movie wore on, Katie found herself moving closer and closer to Zach. At the halfway point, she was practically on his lap. He didn’t seem to mind, so she continued to snuggle into his embrace. She had that butterfly feeling in her stomach, and she kept wondering if it was the movie or his muscular arms wrapped around her that was causing this sensation. She could hear his rapid heartbeat under her cheek as it rested on his chest, and his breathing seemed to be quite ragged. The rest of the group was too involved in the movie to pay much attention to what was going on over at the loveseat. Katie leaned her head in the crook of Zach’s neck and rested her hand on his chest. She could feel him stiffen slightly and then relax as her warm breath tickled his neck. She had no idea what she was doing to him. She meant for her touches to be innocent, but the light ghosting of her fingers seemed to be sending a different message.

  Zach watched in wonder as she squirmed in his lap. He knew that she did not like movies like this, but he did for this very reason. It gave him permission to touch her in ways that she might otherwise object to. He liked that she felt safe and protected in his arms. As she placed her hand on his chest, he couldn’t stop his body’s reaction. She was setting him on fire. He silently wondered how far she would let him take things. When he heard her sigh and shift again, he noticed a shiver run through her. He looked to his left and saw a blanket draped over the back of the loveseat. He reached back and pulled it forward, wrapping it around them. The flannel felt nice and it now covered his lap hiding his state of arousal. He slid his hand under the blanket and placed it on her knee and rubbed softly. She shifted towards him more and softly sighed. He then slowly moved his hand upward towards the hem of her skirt. As he reached the hem he tried to move to her inner thigh, and then she stiffened and pushed him away.

  “Sorry,” he whispered. “Too fast?”

  She nodded, “I can’t…I mean I haven’t…”

  He stopped her, “That‘s ok. You don‘t need to tell me.” He smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

  “What do you mean, I don‘t need to tell you?” she turned and looked at him puzzled. “I thought…”

  “Don’t believe everything you hear,” he whispered. “I’m not going to do anything to you that you don‘t want me to,” he released her leg and moved his hand up to cup her cheek.

  She smiled and snuggled back into his arms. As the movie continued to play, Katie paid little attention to it. She spent more time contemplating what she’d just learned from Zach. St. Vincent’s ultimate player was not what he seemed. He had a soft, caring side. What was it about him that made him think he needed to put on a front like he did at school? She was determined to figure him out, and show him that he could be himself.

  When the movie finished, the group cleaned up the pizza boxes and straightened the couches.

  “This was fun, but I need to get home,” Anthony announced.

  “We’ve gotta do this more often,” Sam chimed in. “Maybe I can host next time.”

  “You ready?” Zach turned to Katie. “I know your mom wants you home by midnight.”

  “Yeah, I’m set,” she smiled dreamily up at him.

  He grabbed her hand and made his way to the front door. “In case I didn’t tell you, you look amazing tonight,” he grinned.

  The two stepped through the door and made their way back to Zach’s car. He drove them home slower than he had made the trip to Hannah’s. He was secretly trying to prolong their time together. When they got back to Katie’s house, he came around and opened her door.

  As they walked to the door, he grabbed her hand to stop her, “I’m sorry about how the night started. I had an argument with my dad. You didn’t deserve my anger,” he hung his head.

  “It’s alright, but talk to me next time,” she begged. “If I’m going to be your girlfriend, then you should let me in, not shut me out.”

  “Deal,” he leaned in and placed a kiss to her lips.

  “I like that better than a handshake,” she giggled.

  He chuckled and leaned in again to offer a deeper kiss, “I like it better too.”

  Katie turned to unlock the door, and Zach placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “When can I see you again?” he pleaded.

  “Ummm, you’ll see me at school on Monday,” she joked.

  “I mean a date, without our friends involved,” he rolled his eyes.

  “Call me,” she laughed. “I’ll see where I can pencil you in.”

  She turned back toward the door and stepped inside, “Goodnight Zach.” Just like that she disappeared into the house.

  Zach walked back to his car happier than he’d been in a long time. He’d finally gotten her to commit to him and vowed he was not going to mess this up.

  Katie closed the door and giggled as she watched Zach hop and bounce back to his car. She knew he’d be mad if he knew she was watching him from the window. She headed for her bedroom, stopping by Melanie’s door to let her know she was home. As she climbed into bed, she couldn’t help the smile that stretched across her face. She jerked her legs up and down and pumped her fists in the air, Zach had asked her to be his girlfriend. She couldn’t be happier at this moment.

  If she only knew how much Zach was really going to need her... She had no idea what his home life was like, and no way of knowing how much he would begin to lean on her. She would soon come to realize just how much of a front he really put on for show.

  Chapter 10

  September 2012

  It was Wednesday and Katie hadn’t seen or heard from Zach all week. She was beginning to worry. She couldn’t remember him missing school since she started at St. Vincent’s, but here she sat in history class staring at the empty seat across the aisle from her. After seeing the bruises and the way Zach reacted to her during Friday night’s date, she wasn’t sure what to expect and that frightened her.

  “He’s probably helping his dad,” Hannah nudged her. “He missed a lot of days last year because he was constantly helping him.”

  “I just wish he’d call me,” Katie sighed. “I’m worried about him

  2:30 am the next morning

  Katie’s phone chimed, alerting her of a text. She fumbled around in the dark searching for the offending noise. When her fingers finally wrapped around it, she clicked it on to read the message. Zach’s name glowed on the screen. I need your help. I’m on your front steps. Breathing a sigh of relief that she had finally heard from him, she jumped up and pulled a sweatshirt over her tank top. Tiptoeing quietly down the hall and peering out the front window, she gasped at the sight before her eyes. As she flung open the door and gasped again, a single tear made its way down her cheek.

  “What happened?” she held one hand over her mouth, while the other tentatively reached out.

  As Zach turned to fully face her, she noticed he had a bloody nose, split lip, and the bruise that was under his eye had swollen up to the point he could barely see out of it. He was clutching his right arm with his left and holding it to his chest.

  “I had an argument with my dad,” it came out strangled as if he was trying not to cry. “Can I come in?”

  Stunned beyond words, Katie nodded and moved to wrap her arm around his middle to help him up the stairs. As he stood, he limped on his right foot and a groan escaped his lips.

  “I think I might have a broken ankle,” he winced.

  2 hours earlier

  “Zach, where are you?” a voice slurred from the couch.

  Zach had just gotten home from work as a bus boy at the local diner. “In my room dad.”

  “Get in here!” he bellowed. “I need some money.”

  Zach carefully hid the wad of cash he’d just brought home. His dad had a habit of taking it and spending it on booze. The drunken man staggered down the hall to Zach’s bedroom, “I said I NEED SOME MONEY!!!”

  “I don’t have any dad, I used it to pay the power bill last week,” Zach glanced over his shoulder at the towering giant, careful to keep his distance.

  Before he had time to move, Rick staggered into the room and landed a punch straight to the side of Zach’s head. He stumbled back and crashed against the wall, hitting his side on the headboard of the bed before crashing to the floor.

  “Where is it?” Rick sneered. “I know you’ve got some around here somewhere. You don‘t work for free.” He began pulling open drawers and tossing the room like a burglar would do.

  “No dad, I swear. I don’t,” Zach tried to scramble to his feet clutching his side. “We need that money for groceries anyway,” he pleaded.

  “You’re worthless, you little shit,” Rick sent another blow in Zach’s direction, this time landing on his jaw. Blood gushed from the fresh wound on his lip. “I wish your momma had gotten rid of you like I told her to.”

  “Dad, please!!!” Zach begged and held his hands up to block the continued assault on his face. “I’m sorry, but we need that money. We have to be able to eat.”

  This angered Rick even more, and he grabbed Zach by the wrist and flung him to the floor. As he rolled to his side in agony, clutching his middle, Rick repeatedly kicked him. “You…are…not…worth the effort BOY!!!” he grunted with the force he was exerting.

  “I’m not going to ask you again boy, where is the money?” Rick placed his foot on Zach’s ankle and pressed.

  After hearing it snap and fearing his dad would kill him, he weakly pointed at his top dresser drawer as he pulled himself into a ball on the floor. Rick huffed and walked over to begin digging through it, all the while grumbling and shaking his head.

  He pulled the wad of cash out and held it up. “This wouldn’t have happened if you’d just given this to me in the first place. Clean this mess up and get your sorry ass away from me before I throw you out.” He stomped out of the room, leaving the door standing open.

  Zach watched Rick’s retreating form and pulled his broken body over to the bed. He leaned against the side as he tried to pull himself up. He heard the door to the apartment slam shut, and he assumed his dad had left to go to the local liquor store. He knew he needed to get out of there. If he stayed, there’d be more of what he had just endured when his father returned. He limped over to his dresser, grabbed his keys, and hobbled down to his car. He wasn’t sure where he was going to go, or who could help him, but he knew he needed to get away. Before he realized where he was heading, he found himself parked in front of Katie’s house.

  2:30 am in Katie’s living room

  Katie helped Zach over to the couch and gingerly sat down beside him.

  “What happened?” she pleaded as she reached up and lightly ran her fingers over his swollen eye.

  “Well,” he chuckled painfully. “You know how you have a mom that loves you?” he looked at her with a pained expression on his face. “Let’s just say that I don’t.”

  “You’re dad did this to you?” she gasped.

  “Yeah, all over a few hundred dollars,” he dropped his head into his hands as his body shuddered. “I’ve been saving the money I make each week at Shorty’s to hopefully get into art school. But now, he took it all,” Zach’s body shook as a sob rolled out of him. “My mom died when I was five. I’ve been working since I was ten to help pay the bills. That car out there,” he lifted his arm and pointed towards the door, “it cost me everything I’d saved. It took me six years to save that kind of money. It’s the only thing that I’ve ever owned that was worth anything. Mr. Simon’s been trying to help me apply to art school for a while now. I was saving up for the application fee and travel expenses. He thinks I’m good enough to get a scholarship once I get in.” Zach groaned and clutched his side as he panted trying to catch his breath.

  “You need help,” Katie winced at him. “Let me get my mom. She can patch you up.” She rose and took a few steps in the direction of the hallway. “I’ll be right back,” she reached for the doorframe.

  “Nobody can know about this, Katie. They’ll send me away to foster care,” he begged with a warning in his eyes.

  “Zach you need help. Let me help you,” she pleaded. “Please?”

  Zach grimaced, but gave her a shaky nod.

  She raced down the hallway to Melanie’s room.

  “Mom?” Katie knocked softly. “Mom, are you awake?”

  Melanie heard the knocking, but thought she was dreaming at first. She slowly rubbed her eyes and heard it again. “Mom?”

  She tossed her legs over the side of the bed and shuffled to open the door, “Katie what is it?”

  “Mom, I need your help. It’s Zach,” she was frantic by now. “His dad beat him up,” she pointed to the living room. “He’s in there.”

  Melanie turned around and grabbed her robe off her vanity chair and rushed down the hallway. She had started her career as a doctor in the emergency room, so springing into action at a moment’s notice wasn’t something new to her. When she came into the living room, she knelt down in front of him.

  “Oh Zach,” she lightly ran her fingers over the now black and blue bruise of his eye.

  “Katie, go get my medical bag from my room,” Melanie instantly turned into doctor mode and began assessing his injuries.

  Katie raced down the hall and returned with the bag in hand.

  “Can you help him mom?” a tear trickled down her cheek.

  “I’m going to try,” she sighed. “First I need to see what exactly is wrong, then we’ll need to get you to the hospital.”

  “No!” Zach tried to surge forward. “No hospital, he’ll find me there.”

  “Who?” Melanie asked.

  “His dad,” Katie answered for him.

  “You’re safe,” Melanie assured him. “No one’s going to hurt you anymore.”

  As she continued to run her hands over Zach’s body she assessed that he had a dislocated shoulder, a few broken ribs, and a broken ankle. He had some other cuts and bruises, but nothing serious she hoped.

  “Zach, I can pop your shoulder back in, but the rest needs to be done at the hospital,” she looked him directly in the eyes. “This is going to hurt. I can give you someth
ing for the pain if you’d rather wait.”

  “Just do it,” Zach grunted as he moved to slide down to the floor.

  Melanie helped him lay back so he was flat on his back. “Katie come here and hold him still right here,” she pointed to his chest. She grabbed his right arm and pulled and twisted until she felt it pop back into place. Zach groaned and screamed as if he was being tortured. Katie cringed and began to sob. Seeing him like that was worse than she thought. Melanie went to grab a scarf from her room so she could immobilize Zach’s arm until they got to the hospital.

  “Here,” she handed the phone to Katie. “Call Mr. Montgomery and ask him if he can meet us at the hospital.” Katie raised her eyes in question.


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