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Unbreak Me (Second Chances #1)

Page 13

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Goodnight my angel,” he whispered. “I love you!”

  He stepped back and observed her shift in the bed slightly before falling into a deep sleep. Austin grabbed a blanket out of the closet and made his way back out to the couch. He tossed his shirt and jeans in a pile on the floor and flopped down on the couch. After pulling the blanket over himself, he tried to relax enough to fall sleep. This was a difficult task knowing that the one he wanted to be snuggled with was a mere twenty feet down the hall. He tossed and turned for a while until sleep finally claimed him.

  As light began to stream through the window, Melanie rolled to her back and stretched. Before her eyes even opened, she knew she was not at home. She could smell him everywhere. Her senses were being bombarded with his scent.

  As she slowly opened her eyes to scan the room, a blush infused her cheeks. She looked around the room, his room, and began to take in her surroundings. The bed had a large oak frame with a beautiful hand carved headboard. There was a tall chest of drawers on one wall and two doors on the other wall. She assumed these were doors for the closet and bathroom. The far wall was completely glass and offered a beautiful view of the city. She snuggled more deeply into the covers and pulled them up to her face. The soft flannel sheets that adorned the bed contained that woodsy scent that intoxicated her every time she was around him. The down comforter held heat into the bed. It almost felt like he was there with her.

  Pulling the covers tighter around her body, she imagined that it was his arms holding her. Her face burrowed down further and she inhaled deeply. She looked over at the second pillow and noticed that it had not been slept on. She suddenly felt a mix of love and guilt swirl through her. He’d given up his bed and somehow gotten her in here without her waking, relegating himself to an uncomfortable night’s sleep for her sake. A wide smile began to cross her face and she knew he was special. Special enough that she could let go and fall for him fully.

  She slowly raised herself to a sitting position and swung her feet over the side of the massive bed. She was still wearing the scrubs she’d had on from the day before. She shivered slightly from the loss of the heat that the bed had provided. Her eyes quickly scanned the room where she noticed a sweatshirt on the chair in the corner. She walked over to it and grabbed it. After pulling it on, she glanced at herself in the large mirror. The shirt dwarfed her small frame and she giggled at herself as she sniffed it. Like the bed, it smelled just like him. She made her way out to the family room hoping to find a cup of coffee. She could hear music playing on the radio as she moved closer down the hall. She crept quietly along and watched the scene before her unfold like a summer day you didn’t want to end.

  Austin was standing in front of the stove flipping pancakes, while Hannah and Katie danced around the kitchen table singing into wooden spoons as they set the table. Melanie giggled silently at the trio as they were oblivious to their audience.

  Austin jerked the frying pan up to toss the pancakes in the air. Hannah was dancing over by the fridge as she grabbed the milk and orange juice to pass across to Katie to fill the glasses. Katie laughed and threw her head back as Hannah did a little spin. Melanie giggled, as she was still undetected as this point.

  Finally Melanie couldn’t keep quiet any longer. She crept up behind Austin as Hannah and Katie soon noticed her. Austin was oblivious as she moved behind him and tickled his side. Katie giggled and joined in the singing as a shocked and startled Austin spun around and smiled as Melanie began joining in on the fun.

  He grabbed the remote that was on the counter and turned the volume down on the stereo.

  “Hope we didn’t wake you,” he smiled. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, very well. I had a very comfortable bed to sleep in,” she smiled back.

  “Breakfast is almost ready, there’s coffee there if you’d like a cup,” he pointed to the end of the counter.

  “Wait,” she looked at the girls, “shouldn’t you be at school?”

  “Teacher workday,” they answered in unison.

  “I’m taking the day off,” Austin smiled at her and placed a light kiss to her cheek. “There’s other things I’d like to do today besides work. Like spend time with you,” he wagged his eyebrows.

  Melanie giggled and moved into the dinning area. She sat herself at the table as Austin followed behind with a plate stacked with pancakes and bacon.

  “This looks delicious,” Katie beamed.

  “Hey Dad, do you think that we could have a family day today? Maybe go to the zoo or something?” she gave him the look that she knew he couldn’t say no to.

  Family days had become a thing of the past. Austin couldn’t remember the last time he and Hannah had indulged in one. He was always so busy, and Hannah was always with her friends. “Well,” she nudged him in the side to bring him out of his musings.

  “That’s alright with me,” he glanced at Melanie with a questioning look. “You game?”

  “Sure, but I need to go home first and shower. Clean clothes would be nice too,” she blushed.

  “I like what you’re wearing,” he eyed the Red Sox sweatshirt she’d put on. “I think it looks better on you than me.”

  Melanie turned an even darker shade of red, if that were possible. The girls giggled at their parents and began stuffing food in their mouths.

  “I was a little cold when I got up,” she shrugged. She was now secretly happy that she was wearing it. The reaction she was getting from Austin paled in comparison to the reaction her body was having to him. She hugged herself across the chest as she felt her nipples pucker under his gaze and a tremble ran down her spin. The soft loose fabric was her only saving grace in what could be an embarrassing situation.

  Austin leaned next to her ear and mumbled where only she could hear, “I like the way my clothes look on you. I wish you were here more often to wear them.”

  Melanie turned away slightly with an “Austin,” and pushed on his arm.

  “What?” he shrugged “I’m just being honest. This is every man’s dream. A beautiful woman sitting at the breakfast table, hair messed from sleep, wearing his clothes.”

  Her face flamed and her center began to throb at the way he insinuated what would happen to cause this scene in the future. She coughed slightly and rose with her empty plate to carry it into the kitchen and place it in the sink. He followed behind moments later for fear that he might have taken their banter too far. He was still feeling his way around with her, and didn’t want to cause her to run from him.

  She was standing in front of the sink gripping the edge of the counter as she stared out the window.

  “I’m sorry if I upset you,” he whispered into her ear and placed a light kiss to her neck.

  “It’s not that, really it’s not. I’m just not used to this in front of the girls. Katie wasn’t old enough to remember the mornings with Sean in the house, and there hasn’t been a morning like this since then,” she slumped farther over the sink. “I want this, I really do. I just don’t know if I’m ready for it yet.”

  “We’re not doing anything wrong, you know? Katie’s growing up to be young woman, just talk to her. We’re doing this right. Trust me,” he moved behind her and placed his chin on her shoulder and his hands on the counter on either side of her hips.

  “I do,” she turned in his arms.

  He glanced at her lips and then moved his gaze to her eyes seeking permission. She nodded slightly, and he leaned in for a soft kiss. The kiss started gentle, but the longer they stayed locked in the embrace the more heated it got. Melanie slowly parted her lips as Austin begged for entrance. He deepened the kiss and moved to press his body into hers, as she moved her arms up to circle his neck and twist her fingers into his soft hair. He wrapped his arms tighter around her waist and pulled her even closer to him, making his body‘s desire known. She could feel his erection pushing against the zipper of his jeans in a persistent throb. She trailed a hand down his back, pausing at his waist before daring to drop
down to his backside and give his right cheek a squeeze. He groaned as his hips jerked forward into hers, forcing her back against the counter harder. His lips soon left her mouth and trailed along her jaw as he made his way to her neck.

  When he kissed the area right below her ear he whispered, “You don’t know what seeing you in my clothes is doing to me right now. That is so sexy, it’s killing me. I’ll never wash this again knowing that it touched your skin.”

  She moaned as his hands trailed over her upper body, and he made his way back to her mouth, indulging in one last deep kiss before pulling away. Both looked at each other dazed and flushed with desire.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that since last night,” she admitted and then turned away from his gaze.

  “Do what,” he cocked his head to the side.

  “Pinch your ass. It’s so perfect,” she was visibly embarrassed by her boldness.

  “Well, you can do that anytime you want to,” he winked at her. “You better get moving if you’re going to go with us to the zoo today,” he sighed. “I’ll pick you and Katie up at noon, ok?”

  She nodded and turned to head into the family room to grab her shoes. Katie said her goodbyes to Hannah, and the mother/daughter combo made their way out to Melanie’s car. Suddenly Katie pulled Melanie out of her silence.

  “I could get used to this,” Katie sighed.

  Melanie jumped slightly and looked over at Katie. “Get used to what?”

  “Family breakfasts,” Katie shrugged nonchalantly.

  Melanie raised her brow in question.

  “Oh come on Mom, it’s so obvious that Mr. Montgomery is in love with you. Hannah told me he whistles all the time now. Have you seen how happy he looks when you’re around him?” Katie rolled her eyes. “I may be young, but I’m not blind.”

  Melanie blushed and smiled at her very observant daughter. “Yes, I’ve noticed.”

  “So, are you going to marry him?” Katie giggled.

  Melanie blushed even deeper. “He has to ask first sweetheart, and I think that might be a little fast. Don’t ya think?”

  “Sure mom, whatever you say. Hannah told me that her dad told her, when you find the right person, you never let them go,” she smiled at Melanie. “I don’t think he’s going to let you outta his sight.”

  As the car pulled away from the curb and made it’s way toward Melanie’s house, she thought about what Katie said. When you find the right person, you never let them go. How serious about her was he? Was she falling in love as fast as he was? Katie had made it pretty obvious that she was ok with a relationship blooming. That had been the last hurdle that she was worried about.

  She smiled and shook her head. This day was sure to be one to go down in the history books.

  Chapter 12

  September 2012

  It was a beautiful fall day outside. The leaves were just beginning to turn. Golds, reds, and splashes of orange dotted the surrounding trees. A slight breeze was in the air, and it caused a few wayward leaves to tumble down the sidewalks. The morning sun had risen far enough to melt away the frost that had descended around them from the night before. It was definitely the perfect day for being outdoors, which is where Austin preferred to be. He had always enjoyed every chance he got to be outside on a jobsite. Unlike many of the families that came from money, Austin was self made and had come from a very humble beginning. After loosing both his parents in high school, he had earned a scholarship to attend Boston College. He’d graduated with honors only to move on to a job where he was little more than a gopher. He worked his way up and soon left the firm to open his own. Two colleagues who had worked with him left, and the three men had created one of the most profitable architectural firms in all of Boston. But in spite of his success, he reminded himself on a daily basis that things could change in the blink of an eye. His wife, for one, had been taken away all too soon and there was nothing he could have done to prevent it.

  Together, Austin and Hannah had packed a picnic and loaded up his truck to head over to Melanie’s. The drive was quiet at first, as both seemed to be daydreaming off in their own world. Hannah had an impish smile on her face as she glanced over at her father, who was lost in his own thoughts.

  Austin broke the silence first, “So, you and Katie seem to be pretty close?”

  “Yeah, we’re like sisters,” Hannah grinned.

  “Hannah,” Austin gave her a warning glance.

  “What dad? I know you really like Dr. Andrews. I know that this is your way of beating around the bush to see if I’m okay with things,” she cocked her head to the side. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “You know me so well,” he laughed and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

  “So, what is it that you really want to know?” she giggled.

  “Nothing really. I just think it might be nice to have them around more often,” he shrugged.

  “You mean like...marry her?” Hannah’s voice hitched as she thought about the possibility of Katie becoming a sister in reality.

  “Not right away. These things take time,” he chuckled. “Just wanted your opinion on the matter, that’s all.”

  “Dad, it doesn’t matter what I think. It’s your life. I’m leaving for college in a few years. You haven’t been this happy in a long time,” she reasoned. “Were you like this around mom?” she turned to him. She rarely talked about her mother, since she had few, if any, memories of her.

  “No one can replace your mother,” Austin deadpanned. “She was my first love. We were young and crazy about each other,” he got a wistful look on his face. “But yes, I haven’t been this happy since she was around,” he reached over and patted his daughter’s knee.

  “We’re here,” Hannah brought him back to the present, and then jumped out of the truck before he could even get it turned off. She raced up the stairs and pounded on the door as Austin was rounding the vehicle, laughing at her impatience.

  A knock, or more like a pounding on the door, startled Melanie and Katie as they were finishing up getting ready for their day at the zoo. Melanie was moving about her room trying to put the finishing touches on herself, and Katie was tying her shoes in the family room.

  “Mom, I think I hear them at the door,” Katie called in the direction of the hallway.

  “I’ll be out in a minute. I have to finish getting dressed,” Melanie yelled back.

  “Ok, I’m just going to let them in. We’ll be in the living room waiting,“ Katie skipped to the door and opened it to let Hannah and Austin enter.

  “She’s still getting dressed,” she pointed down the hall. “She said she’d be out in a minute.”

  Austin nodded as he walked over to the hallway and shouted down the hall, “It’s just the zoo! You don’t need to be all fancy!”

  “I’m coming,” she announced as she opened her bedroom door.

  Austin had turned around so he didn’t see her. If he had, he would have led her back down the hall where he could’ve kissed her in private. When she walked into the family room and turned to grab her purse he stumbled over a nonexistent bump in the floor. She grinned at his clumsiness. A small giggle erupted from her lips as she tried in vain to hold it in. He recovered from the shock and stood somewhat dumbfounded.

  “What?” she looked at him. “This is ok, right?”

  She had put back on the Red Sox sweatshirt that she had conveniently stolen from him earlier that day and matched it with a pair of jeans. She looked down to make sure nothing was out of place.

  “Uhhh, yeah. Better than ok,” he scanned her form slowly with a predatory gaze, wishing he could take her and drag off somewhere right then and there.

  He didn’t know if she had taken the sweatshirt with her on purpose, or by accident. Whatever her reason, it brought a stupid grin to his face that he couldn’t cover. He couldn’t remember seeing her dressed so casual. She’d pulled her hair back in a low braid and tugged a baseball cap on. The youthful attire took years off her already young
appearance. The more he stared at her, the harder is was to turn away.

  Hannah looked over and giggled as she slugged him in the gut, “Dad? Ready?”

  “Uhh sure, let’s go,” he shook himself back to the present.

  Melanie shook her head and grinned. She’d never seen him so flustered and tongue-tied. This was not the Austin that she was used to. Normally he was so confident and sure of himself. It made her feel beautiful and desired to have him react this way.


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