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The Seduction of Shamus O'Rourke j-4

Page 29

by N. J. Walters

  "Thank you, Aunt Verna.” Reaching out, she hugged the older woman as tight as she could manage.

  Her aunt patted her on the shoulder. “Now, don't you worry about me. I'm going to stay at the motel for a day or so. I think that you two need some time alone."

  "You don't need to stay at a motel,” Cyndi protested.

  Shamus reached into his pocket and hauled out a set of keys. “You can stay at my place.” He gave her directions to Peach Street.

  Verna took the keys and smiled. “Thank you. I'll do that.” She pocketed the keys. “I'll be here until the men leave. I'll make sure that everything is locked up. Not that it matters, I suppose, with part of the house still not framed in."

  "Don't worry, Verna. We'll be fine."

  "If you're asleep when I leave, I'll see you in the morning.” She gave them both a kiss on the cheek and headed downstairs.

  Cyndi sighed with relief when she finally walked into her room. They'd been later leaving the hospital then she'd hoped. By the time Verna had gone to the motel to collect Cyndi's things and the paperwork was done, lunchtime had come and gone. She glanced at her watch to see that it was just after one in the afternoon. So much had happened in the past forty-eight hours.

  "Let's get you into bed."

  Cyndi laughed. “I bet you say that to all the girls."

  "No.” He nuzzled the side of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. “Just to you."

  Patiently, he helped her undress and slipped her nightgown over her head. She unbuttoned his shirt and eased it down over his bad shoulder. He took care of his socks, shoes, pants, and boxers, swearing several times as he accidentally moved his shoulder. Finally, he eased down onto the bed, patting the mattress next to him.

  It took her a few minutes, but she finally settled in a semi-comfortable spot. She could hear the sounds of the construction in the distance, but they were muted. Cocooned in the bed with Shamus, she closed her eyes and slept.

  When she awoke, the room was dark. Glancing at her watch, she noted that it was just after seven in the evening. They'd slept for almost six hours.

  Cyndi rolled over to one side, pleasantly surprised to notice that it wasn't quite as hard to do as it had been earlier today. Rest was indeed the best medicine. And speaking of medicine, they both had some to take and she was suddenly starving.

  Shamus was stretched out next to her, the light of the moon bathing the room in a soft glow. A lock of his long hair lay across his forehead and she reached over to brush it away. She loved the silky feel of his hair and longed to bury her fingers in it.

  His facial features were strong and hard, but she knew that the man inside had a softer side when it came to those he loved. As if he felt her gazing at him, he opened his eyes and stared right at her.

  "Hey.” His voice was rough with sleep and stroked her skin like a physical caress. Just being near him was enough to get her blood pumping and her heart pounding.

  "Hey yourself.” She stroked a finger down over his jaw and across his lips. His tongue snaked out to lick the tip, making her entire hand tingle. She continued down the strong column of his neck and over his chest. A low rumble came from deep in his chest as he trapped her hand against his stomach.

  "You have to stop. Neither one of us is up to anything more than lying here."

  "You sure about that?” Suddenly, she wanted him inside her. Wanted that physical connection with him.

  He stilled, his eyes narrowing. “I don't want you to hurt yourself and honestly, I'm not up to more than lying here."

  Her hand slipped from beneath his and continued lower. He groaned when she closed her hand over his thick shaft. He was certainly up for the task ahead, if she was any judge. He grew longer as she pumped her hand up and down his length.

  "Cyndi,” he groaned, his hips arching upward.

  She shifted up on her hands and knees, barely noticing the physical discomfort as she straddled him.

  "Condom,” he gasped as her hands continued to pleasure him.

  Reaching out, she tugged the nightstand drawer open and pulled out a condom. While she was opening it, he stroked a hot path up her thigh and stomach with his good hand. His palm covered her breast as she sheathed him in latex.

  His hand felt so good against her breast. Her nipples were tight, hard buds and she was already wet for him. He tweaked her nipple with his thumb and forefinger before sliding his hand straight down her torso and slipping it between her thighs. She gasped as he stroked her wet folds.

  "You're already wet.” She could hear the wonder and pleasure in his voice. She tilted back her head, panting hard when he slowly inserted one finger inside her. “You're always so ready for me."

  "Yes,” she gasped. They were always ready for each other. They fit one another perfectly.

  Shamus withdrew his hand and helped position his erection at her opening. Slowly, she lowered herself onto him, barely daring to breathe until she was seated to the hilt. She sucked in a deep breath and braced her hands on his chest.

  Neither of them had much range of movement, but it didn't matter. Shamus rocked his hips upward on each downward thrust. She moved up and down, barely moving more than an inch or two, but it was enough. Their eyes met and held, his dark blue-gray eyes never leaving her lighter blue ones as they moved in a slow, passionate dance.

  The passion swelled inside her. Her heart pounded, her head swam. Every nerve ending in her body hummed in anticipation of what was to come. Her skin tingled and tightened. She could see the emotion in Shamus's eyes and knew he was feeling their joining as deeply as she was.

  Shamus's movements got jerky, less controlled, and she knew he was close too. When he inserted his hand between her thighs and stroked her swollen clitoris with just the right amount of pressure, she exploded.

  Crying out, she closed her eyes and ground her hips downward, wanting Shamus as deep as she could take him. She heard him groan as his hips rose up from the bed one final time. It wasn't the most explosive climax either of them had ever had, but it was the most emotional, at least for her.

  As if a dam had been released on her emotions, tears began to flood her eyes. She tried to blink them back, but there were too many of them. Shamus didn't question them, but carefully withdrew from her and helped her to lie back down into his arms.

  Gradually, the tears subsided and Shamus stirred. She was reluctant to move, but rolled over onto her back. Shamus got out of bed and carefully made his way to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he was back with a glass of water and a damp cloth.

  She was past being embarrassed by such things and let him help her get cleaned up. Gratefully, she took the glass of water and sipped. Shamus crawled back into bed beside her and urged her back into his arms.

  "How do you feel?” His voice was almost a whisper as if he too felt the need to keep the intimate mood that surrounded them.

  She thought about it for a minute and although she was aching from head to toe, she felt good. “I'm doing okay. You?” She brushed her hand over the small patch of wiry hair on his chest.

  "As long as you're here in my arms, I'm just fine.” He paused. “I know that there's been a lot happening the past couple of weeks."

  Cyndi gave a watery hiccup. “That's certainly an understatement."

  Shamus chuckled. “I suppose it is. Since B & O is now officially doing the renovation on your house, I'll supervise and keep on top of things."

  She stopped stroking his chest and stared up into his face. “That's fine, as long as you don't overdo things. They can't go much further until I make some decisions about flooring, color and cabinets and such."

  "Tomorrow is time enough for you to worry about that. They're still working on the outer wall. If they get done before the cabinets and flooring is delivered we can repaint the downstairs rooms.” He paused and changed the subject. “My family is coming around."

  "They seem to be.” She didn't want him to have false hopes. “They may not ever truly accept me."
  "I think they will. Once they know who you really are."

  She hoped so too, for both their sakes. “Aunt Verna has certainly taken a shine to you."

  He smiled. “She sure is one tough lady. I like her.” He stroked his hand down her arm and she snuggled closer to his warmth. “I know a lot has happened and I don't want to rush you into anything."

  She could hear the underlying question. “But?"

  His grip on her tightened fractionally. He released a pent up breath as he released her. “But, I'd like you to consider marrying me."

  Cyndi pushed out of his hold and sat up slowly. “What did you say?"

  "Marry me.” It was there between them, stark and raw. She looked deep into his eyes and saw the loneliness and need. It matched what existed inside her.

  She knew deep down in her heart that she'd never meet another man who suited her as well as Shamus did. They'd have their share of problems. They were both stubborn people, and then there was his family. But never would she doubt his love for her. It was in everything he did, every word he spoke.

  "It won't be easy,” she began solemnly.

  A slow grin split his face. “I never went for easy."

  She nodded. “Then I guess I'll think about it."

  Shamus framed her face with his large, rough hand. “I love you, Cyndi. Marry me."

  She covered his hands with hers, feeling the difference in their strength, loving their differences as much as their similarities. “What about children? I'm almost forty years old.” This was something that worried her when she thought about them having a life together.

  "Do you want a child?” Shamus was staring into her eyes as he spoke, but she honestly couldn't tell from his expression how he felt about this issue.

  "I honestly don't know.” No, she wasn't being truly honest with herself or with him. “Maybe,” she began. “Maybe a little boy.” She could picture a miniature Shamus running around, getting into all sorts of trouble.

  "Or a little girl.” He shook his head and gave her a soft smile. “Doesn't matter if we have children or not. I want you as my wife. Children would just be a bonus."

  Drawing in a deep breath, she took the plunge that would change her life forever. “I love you too. And yes, I'll marry you."

  Shamus levered himself up and kissed her. Their lips met and clung. It was a kiss of passion, of possession, and of belonging. This was home. Not a place or a building, but here with Shamus.

  It was a beginning.


  Cyndi fussed with the buffet table one final time. Even to her critical eye, everything looked perfect. Wine glasses sparkled, waiting to be filled. China platters filled with hors d'oeuvres lined the linen tablecloth, and decadent chocolate delights graced delicate, crystal plates.

  A heavy arm snaked around her waist. “It looks perfect."

  She leaned back against Shamus and sighed. “It does, doesn't it?” The room was one of many that had undergone a total transformation over the past few months. It was light and airy, yet warm and inviting. Seven tables were scattered around the room, five of them would seat four people, and two of them would seat two. At the moment, they were all empty.

  "They should be here any minute.” He wrapped his fingers around her left hand and lifted it. The light from the chandelier reflected off the diamond on her finger. She could still hardly believe that they'd officially announced their engagement at Christmas. Unofficially, they'd been engaged since that night back in October, but they'd kept it to themselves for a few months, allowing time for relations to improve with Shamus's family. It was almost the end of January, but she had to pinch herself every day just to reassure herself it all wasn't a dream.

  The wedding was set for the first of March, which didn't give her much time to plan, but Shamus was insistent. He didn't even want to wait that long, but Cyndi had put her foot down. She wanted a proper wedding that included his family. He'd given in as soon as he realized how important it was to her.

  Even the holidays had gone better than she'd expected. Shamus's family was making an honest effort, and it was starting to pay off. Things still weren't where she'd like them to be, but they were getting better. Cyndi had struck up an immediate friendship with Shamus's nephew, Shane, as soon as the teenager had discovered she liked baseball and was quite knowledgeable about it.

  Shannon was accepting and the two women were getting along well. Patrick was still reserved, but even he'd thawed quite a bit over the past few months. Dani and Burke were trying and that was all that mattered to her.

  There were still people who turned up their noses at her, but she had just as many people who were friendly. Alicia was now handling all Cyndi's legal and business affairs, but beyond that, they were good friends. Even her Aunt Verna was talking about selling her business in Vermont and retiring to Jamesville. Cyndi knew that her aunt wasn't ready to retire and would probably end up helping her run this place, which was fine with her.

  "You okay?"

  She realized she'd been quiet for far too long. Turning, she peered up at Shamus. “I'm better than okay.” She cupped his face in her hands and went up on her toes to kiss him. “I love you."

  "I love you too.” He wrapped his arm around her and deepened the kiss. The sound of the front bell ringing made them reluctantly separate. “Damn, my family has impeccable timing."

  Cyndi laughed as they walked arm in arm to the front door. “I can't wait to see what they think of the place.” Her B & B was ready for business and her first guests would arrive in a week's time on the first of February.

  The schedule was light until the middle of March, but already bookings were starting to come in. Cyndi had done a lot of advance advertising and it was starting to pay off. Both Amanda Barrington and Linda Fletcher were booked for later in the spring and Cyndi was looking forward to seeing them both. They'd kept in touch via email and phone calls, but it wasn't the same as seeing them in person.

  "The place looks great.” He surveyed the foyer with pride as they reached the front door."

  "It does.” Shamus had done much of the work himself. “I'm so glad that things have returned to normal with yours and Burke's working relationship.” That had gone a long way to easing tensions between Shamus and his family.

  "Me too."

  Cyndi took a deep breath. “Do I look okay?” She normally wasn't this nervous, but this was her first major get together with his family in her home—their home. Shamus had all but moved in as soon as their master suite was finished and was talking about renting out his house.

  "You look beautiful.” He kissed her nose as the bell pealed again. He released her and swung the front door wide open. Burke, Dani, Shane, Patrick, and Shannon all stood on the doorstep.

  "Welcome.” Cyndi greeted them as they all trooped inside.

  She felt Shamus's arm wrap around her and she glanced up at him. The love shining from his eyes made her catch her breath. She felt it expand within her, filling all the empty places that had existed for so very long. The cold and forbidding house was long gone, the past but a distant memory.

  Cyndi Marks had finally come home for good.

  * * * *

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