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Fire Below

Page 4

by Yates, Dornford

  Then there was a sudden scramble, and he came over the wall.

  When he had heard me out, he told me his tale.

  ‘I drove the car into the forecourt, parked her bung in the middle, stuck the note back on the windscreen and then got out. Then I strolled to the guard-room and walked inside. When I told the sergeant, he said that it wasn’t his business and that I must speak to the porter at the head of some entrance steps. Well, that didn’t suit me at all, so I picked up the telephone and asked to speak to the mews. The sergeant began to bristle, but I said that I’d travelled all night to deliver that car and that any sort of obstruction I should report to the Prince. That fixed him, and though he looked pretty surly, he let me be. I don’t know who spoke from the mews, but I said that the car was in the forecourt and advised them to come round and get her and wash her face. Then I stalked out of the guardroom and out of the palace gates. Very childish, you know, but my respiration was better the moment I got outside.

  ‘Well, the riverside wasn’t crowded. I only met six people and a couple of vans. Nor was the Lessing Strasse. Not crowded. But it wasn’t empty, my son. Two fellows were standing talking at Marya’s door. One was a red-headed footman, and the other – well, he had a broom and barrow and should have been sweeping the street. I couldn’t get over the wall while they were there, so I casually crossed the Strasse and walked straight on. I meant to stroll round the block and then see if they’d gone. But I got an idea and went further… The Lessing Strasse is the only Street that’s been watered. If you remember, we saw the watering-cart. More. It’s also the cleanest street of the five I took the trouble to try. The others aren’t foul, but there’s not a loose leaf in this. And the wallah with the broom is still sweeping. When I last saw him he was brushing the trunks of the trees.’

  ‘Observation and collusion,’ said I.

  ‘That’s right,’ said George. ‘We’re obviously expected. And I’ll lay you a bank to a biscuit that Marya won’t be permitted to leave the country today.’

  ‘Why not?’ said I.

  ‘Because she’s the decoy. Once she’s gone, there’s nothing to bring us. So we haven’t lost our labour. They damned well meant to keep her until we came. They may let her go if they get us, but I guess they want Leonie, too.’

  ‘You’re not very cheerful,’ said I.

  ‘I don’t feel very cheerful,’ said George. ‘Ever since you said “Grieg”, I’ve had that sinking feeling you read of in books. I can bear the police – with an effort: provided he stands well back, I can even stomach Prince Paul: but Grieg as Chief Constable makes my blood run cold. Never mind. Let’s clean the outside of the platter. What’s the matter with that tap?’

  There was a tap in the bushes to serve the gardener’s needs, and, thanks to the gear Bell had carried, we were able to make a rough toilet which did us a world of good.

  Then we ate some food and began to discuss the position, which, perhaps because the flesh had been served, proved to be less depressing than it had seemed. Indeed, comparing it with that which we had expected to find, we counted ourselves well off, for we were in touch with the Countess, and though she was under surveillance, she was under no sort of arrest. Provided, therefore, that our presence was not suspected, we had, all four, a good chance of leaving the country that night, for she had a car and we knew the way to go, and though some women would have jibbed at passing beneath the fall, Marya Dresden’s courage was of another sort.

  Now she had told her chauffeur that we should meet her at Bariche at three o’clock. At two o’clock then, or soon after, she must drive out of Vigil and take the Austrian road. If George was right, she would be stopped at Elsa, the principal frontier-post. Once stopped, it was all-important that she should waste time – for leave before dark we could not – yet give no cause for suspicion by what she did. She must, therefore, protest and argue and endeavour to telephone, and, after that, she must drive to another post and seek to go by. When it was dusk, she could return to Vigil, as though disheartened by her failures to pass the guards, and then we could all leave together and drive for the bridle-path.

  We were going over this plan and debating its weaker points, when we saw my lady coming with a posy of flowers she had picked.

  She was very good to look at, and the plain black dress she was wearing suited her very well. Her fine short hair was golden, and her skin like that of a child, and when we rose out of the bushes I shall always remember how pretty a picture she made.

  She stood very still, with her delicate lips parted and the bright flowers caught up to her breast, and her head half-turned to the house, as though she were fearful that one of the servants would come. The trees were thick with foliage, but little shafts of sunshine that had found their way past the leaves were striking her slim figure and playing with the silk of her stockings and the lights in her beautiful hair.

  George stepped to where she was standing and put her hand up to his lips.

  ‘It’s as well we came,’ he said quietly. ‘I may be wrong, but I don’t think Pharaoh is going to let Israel go. Your house is watched, Marya.’

  ‘That’s because they expect you,’ she said.

  ‘No doubt,’ said George. ‘But until they’ve seen us roll up, they won’t let you go. And I don’t like your red-haired footman. He may be all right, but half an hour ago he was having a word with the police.’

  Marya caught her breath. Then—

  ‘That’s the chauffeur,’ she said. ‘He’s the only one with red hair.’

  George and I looked at each other.

  Our precious plan was crumbling. We dared not trust the Countess to a man in the enemy’s pay.

  ‘Bell must drive her,’ said I. ‘It’s the only way.’

  ‘And you?’ said Marya, quietly.

  When we told her what we proposed, she shook her head.

  ‘I will not go without you,’ she said. ‘I am in no danger – on that we are all agreed.’

  ‘You’re in very grave danger,’ said I. ‘You are harbouring misdemeanants, for that’s what they’ll make us out.’

  ‘The car is closed,’ said the Countess. ‘If Bell is to drive, you two can sit inside and you will not be seen.’

  ‘At what time is it ordered?’ said George.

  ‘At half past one.’

  ‘It’s out of the question,’ said I. ‘Do as we say, and–’

  ‘One moment,’ said George. ‘If she doesn’t use her own chauffeur, there’ll be the devil to pay. The chauffeur will report it and the man in the street will report it, and they’ll telephone to Elsa and tell them to see who’s driving and what it means.’

  ‘Then they mustn’t go to Elsa,’ said I. ‘They’ll have to lie up in the country until it’s dark.’

  George shook his head.

  ‘When they don’t fetch up at Elsa, the hunt will be up.’

  This was true. The Countess must play out her part. She had only to take one step which was not consistent with an effort to get to Bariche to be suspected at once.

  Staring before me, I could not think what to do. If only we could put on the clock…

  ‘There is Carol,’ said Marya, suddenly.

  She made her way to the lawn, and the butler came towards her across the turf.

  For some moments they spoke together. Then he returned to the house, and she strolled up to a border and added some blooms to her posy before she came back. At last she strayed to the bushes behind which we stood.

  ‘They have telephoned from the palace, to say that his Royal Highness will give himself the pleasure of calling upon me at tea time this afternoon.’

  ‘The devil he will,’ said George. ‘What does that mean?’

  Marya shrugged her shoulders.

  ‘It’s one way of stopping my going. Because I am in mourning, I cannot be commanded to Court, but that he should pay me a visit is natural enough. Of course, I can make no excuse.’

  ‘That’s right,’ said I. ‘You can’t refuse to re
ceive him, and, rather than stop you at Elsa, he’s chosen this way.’

  ‘Prince Charming as ever,’ said George and sucked in his breath. ‘Afraid to declare himself, he uses his damned precedence to cramp his hostess’ style. Ask us to meet him, Marya. And then watch him toy with his shrimps.’

  ‘Hush,’ said I, laughing. ‘He’s playing clean into our hands. All she’s got to do now is to cancel the car and send a wire to Littai saying “Expect me tomorrow instead of today”. Then she entertains his lordship, and we all clear out together as soon as it’s dark.’

  ‘And till then?’ said Madame Dresden. ‘You must have food and–’

  ‘We have food with us,’ said I. ‘Whatever you do, don’t try to bring any out. That would give us away in an instant. Go and forget all about us, till after the sweep has gone.’

  ‘Promise me you will stay here,’ she said. ‘I could not bear to think that you were not within my gates.’

  We gave her our word, partly because she would have it and partly because we knew not where else to go.

  ‘That’s right,’ she said quietly.

  The next moment she was gone.

  The day did not pass so slowly, for we were all very tired, and two of us slept at a time while the third kept watch. It follows that when it struck four we had each had some five hours’ sleep, and, though we were sick of tap-water and would have sold our birthrights to be able to smoke, we felt refreshed and heartened and ready to ‘force the game’.

  We had, I think, good reason to be content. Our presence was unsuspected, and we had been granted the respite we so much desired. When it was dark, we had but to turn out the car, and we should be five miles off before its departure was reported by the spy in the street: and, before it was gathered that we were not going to Elsa, we should be over the border and nearing the Rolls. The thing was child’s play.

  Such is the bliss of ignorance. Could we have seen the cards outrageous Fortune was about to draw from her sleeve, our faith would have turned to consternation and there would have been no health in us.

  To this day I have not learned at what time the Prince arrived, but I know it was nearly five when I saw him walk on to the terrace and down the steps.

  Marya Dresden was behind him, with a hand to her mouth. And by his side was a wolf-hound with its eyes on its master’s face.

  As I gazed, the man peered about him. Then he looked down at the dog and nodded his head.

  Now, had the dog made for the bushes, we must have been discovered before we had time to think, but, though it sprang forward, it first dived into a border which it began to search.

  ‘The trees,’ breathed George. ‘Isn’t there one we can try?’

  The trees were well-grown and stately, but, though I stand over six feet, the lowest branch I could see was far out of my reach. More. What branches there were were not splayed, like those of an oak, but rose with the trunks, so that only by reaching some fork could a man get any lodgement for hand or foot.

  I laid hold of the trunk of the tree beneath which I stood.

  ‘Up on my shoulders,’ I said, addressing Bell.

  George hoisted him up in a twinkling, and almost before I had felt it his weight was gone.

  ‘Next,’ said I. ‘That’s the style.’

  But George did not move. And when I looked round, there was the wolf-hound standing, three paces away.

  The dog was young and nervous, but he had an inkling of what he was meant to do, for though he did not give tongue, he let out a growl at my movement and laid back his ears.

  ‘Still as death,’ breathed George. ‘It’s our only chance.’

  I heard the Prince raise his voice.

  ‘What is it, Aster?’ he cried.

  There was no mistaking the nervous suspicion of his tone. He had brought the dog, in case we were in the garden, to find us out.

  As the dog bayed in answer, something sprawled through the air from above my head, landed among the bushes and fled for the lawn. At the critical moment Bell had dislodged a cat.

  With a whimper of excitement, the dog was gone in a flash…

  I had George up in an instant, but when he leaned down to help me, I could not reach his hand.

  I whipped to another tree whose branches were not so high, but the cat, which had doubled, ran up the trunk as I got there, and I found the dog leaping beside me and barking as though possessed.

  Before I could turn, I heard footsteps and Marya’s voice. ‘No, if you please, sir – I beg you. I do not want the cat killed.’

  ‘Rot,’ said his Royal Highness. ‘I hate the brutes. Good dog, Aster. Wait till I find a stone.’

  I slipped behind a tree-trunk and hoped for the best.

  ‘Sir, I beseech you,’ cried the Countess. ‘This is my garden, and I cannot permit even you, sir, to use it so.’

  The Prince took no notice at all, and an instant later he was before the tree, panting, and I flat against it, behind.

  ‘Where is she?’ he cried to the wolf-hound. ‘Where’s the — gone?’

  Then he side-stepped and saw me, and started back with an oath.

  At once I stepped forward.

  ‘Sir,’ said I, ‘I don’t think you heard Madame Dresden. She wishes the cat let alone.’

  The man was white as a sheet.

  ‘I knew you were here,’ he said thickly. He struck at the leaping dog and pointed to me. ‘Seize him,’ he cried. ‘Seize him.’

  The dog, perplexed and bewildered, slunk to my feet. When I put down a hand, he licked me and wagged his tail.

  The Prince was trembling with rage.

  ‘This is treason,’ he said. ‘If you touch me–’

  ‘Don’t be a fool,’ I said shortly. ‘You know why I’m here. To take Madame Dresden to Littai.’

  ‘Then why didn’t you come openly?’

  ‘How d’you know I didn’t?’ I said.

  His Royal Highness stamped his foot.

  ‘Don’t talk to me,’ he raved, and added a filthy oath. ‘You’ve the damned insolence to come here–’

  ‘You brought me,’ said I, ‘by a lie. You suppressed Madame Dresden’s wire and sent another instead. Your service is so putrid that you didn’t even know I’d arrived, but you knew I would come – if not today, tomorrow, provided only that you kept Madame Dresden here. So you did her the dishonour of inviting yourself to tea.’

  This blunt indictment shook him, as well it might, and when I had done, he was biting his nails like fury, for lack, I suppose, of words.

  There was a moment’s silence. Then he broke out.

  I will not set down his outburst, which, for abuse and incoherence, would have disgraced a groom that was in his cups, but he offered no sort of denial to what I had said.

  When he had done, I spoke.

  ‘I tell you I have come to take Madame Dresden to Littai. Will you give orders that we are to be suffered to pass? Now – on the telephone, to Elsa.’

  ‘“Suffered to pass”? We don’t deal like that with traitors. We–’

  My temper was getting frayed, and I cut the man short.

  ‘This talk of traitors and treason is so much trash. I’m not a subject of yours.’

  ‘No, but she is,’ he cried, pointing to Madame Dresden. ‘She’s my subject. And I find you here in her garden, when I visit her unattended and–’

  Something moved behind him, and he swung round to see George standing, with fire in his eyes.

  ‘Do you charge that lady with treason?’ said George, quietly. ‘Because if you do, I’ll give you the best of reasons for charging me with assault.’

  The Prince recoiled, as though he had seen a ghost.

  ‘Steady, George,’ said I. ‘What’s the good? He’ll take it back now and sign a warrant tonight.’

  ‘Go on,’ said George, sharply. ‘Do you charge her with treason, or no?’

  His Royal Highness muttered ‘No’.

  ‘Then beg her pardon,’ said George. ‘Turn round and beg he
r pardon for daring to make a suggestion which you knew to be false.’

  For a moment the man stood uncertain. The spirit was plainly unwilling, but the flesh was weak.

  Then he turned to the Countess and bowed.

  ‘I – I apologise,’ he said thickly, speaking between his teeth.

  White-faced, but very calm, Madame Dresden inclined her head.

  ‘Lip-service,’ said George. ‘And here’s danger. What do we do?’

  As if in answer, the Prince made as though to go by.

  ‘Not yet,’ said George shortly. He slid a hand into his pocket. ‘Stand where you are.’

  ‘By God,’ said the Prince hoarsely, and went very grey.

  ‘Neither move, nor cry out,’ said George coolly. ‘Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Bill, I asked you a question. What do we do?’

  ‘We go,’ said I. ‘In five minutes, with any luck.’

  With that, I went to the Countess and spoke in an undertone.

  ‘There’s no help for it,’ I said. ‘Send Carol to summon his chauffeur and, if he has one with him, the footman as well. Send them down here. Say he’s hurt his foot or something, and he wants them to carry him out. Then yourself get ready to go. Hat and coat and just your things for the night. The instant you’re ready come to the terrace steps.’

  ‘And he?’

  ‘We must take his car. He and his men must be held here until we go.’

  ‘I am desperately afraid, Richard. Is there no other way?’

  ‘I can see none,’ said I. ‘In the moment he found us here, the fat was burnt. If we cannot get some sort of start, we’re all of us done.’

  ‘Very well,’ said she, and hastened towards the house.

  Now the last thing we wanted was trouble, that is to say, resistance, however slight. To be sure we were all three armed, but while a pistol is always an argument, it loses its force when a man is afraid to fire.

  That the Prince would give no trouble, I knew very well, for the man was an arrant coward and would have yielded an empire rather than risk his skin; but though I had little doubt that we could hold up his men, I feared that if they saw his distress, the instinct of bounden duty would compel them to put up a fight.


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