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The Games We Play (Sizzle & Burn Book 2)

Page 11

by Linda Verji

  This dude was kidding, right?

  Was he really cheating on April in front of Roman? Yes, he was.

  Roman didn’t even know when he stood or started moving. One moment he was in his seat glaring at Javier and his companion, and the next he was across the room, yanking Javier to his feet by the collar of his polo shirt. And then his arm was flying!

  Time seemed to slow down as Roman’s fist crushed into Javier’s jaw. He felt the hardness of Javier’s jaw connecting with his fingers, heard the crunch of bone meeting bone, reveled in the pain that came after, saw the girl screaming and jumping away, and celebrated the sight of Javier falling back to his seat in both pain and stunned shock.

  “What the hell, man?” Someone called behind Roman, but he was intent on getting at Javier again. If it wasn’t for the band of arms that suddenly circled his torso and yanked him back several steps, Roman would’ve punched Javier again.

  “What the hell?” Javier cupped his jaw as he stared at Roman in pained surprise. “What the hell was that for?”

  Straining against the arms holding him back, Roman gritted out, “Keep the hell away from April.”

  “Calm down, man,” the person holding him pleaded.

  “No.” Roman shook his head as he stared daggers at Javier. “He’s out here playing with these girls while April’s out there thinking they have something.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Javier lifted to his feet. The rage in his eyes said that he was seriously contemplating punching Roman back. “Nothing’s going on between April and I.”

  Hearing the man denying what Roman had clearly seen with his own eyes was just too much. Roman tried to get at him again, but this time Javier had no intentions of being a sitting duck. Fire in his eyes, he lunged forward too. The whole incident would’ve turned into a full-out brawl if it wasn’t for the person holding Roman. One second Roman was preparing to have another go at Javier and the next he was being bodily hauled out of the VIP section. The person only released him once there was door between him and Javier.

  “Calm down, man!” the man pleaded.

  Roman turned and found himself facing Casper. “Let me back in there.”

  “Not until you’re calm,” Casper said firmly.

  Roman wanted to protest, but the man’s expression was so unyielding that he was sure that it would be a waste of time. He thought of trying to push his way past Casper, but the man was a six-foot-five wall of pure muscle and steely eyed determination. There was no getting past him unless it was with a bulldozer.

  Furious and frustrated, Roman turned and slapped his palms on the railing of the barrier that looked down onto the dance-floor. Below him club-goers were dancing their hearts out, but Roman couldn’t have cared less about them. If anything, their excitement only made him angrier. But eventually, his rage drained, leaving him sighing.

  Casper noticed his sigh and took it as a sign that it was safe to talk. “What’s going on with you? I’ve never seen you lose your cool like that.”

  Roman didn’t know either. Now that he’d calmed down, he could see his behavior for what it was – irrational. This wasn’t him. He wasn’t the kind of man to get into fights in clubs. But when it came to April, the rational, common sense part of his brain seemed to switch off, like a phone that was out of charge, and everything he did was on pure instinct. He couldn’t understand it.

  Ignoring Casper’s question, he pulled away from the railing. “I’m leaving.”

  He needed to think. He needed to figure out what the hell was going on with him.


  “What happened to you?” April gasped when Javier showed up at Tellers on Saturday morning and found her at the front desk. The left side of his square jaw was marred by a dark and noticeable circle, as if he’d been in a fight and lost. But what held her attention was the wild anger crackling in his eyes and stiff posture. She’d never seen Javier angry so it was a surprise – and to be honest, a little scary.

  “Roman happened,” Javier bit out angrily.

  What? April’s jaw dropped. How? When? Why?

  Before she could fully absorb his words, Javier asked, “Can we talk outside for a minute?”

  “Sure. Sure.” She turned to Toby, the front desk man, and instructed, “Check how many large parties are booked for lunch then tell Lexie and Greg to move the tables together. I’ll be back.”

  With those words, she followed Javier out of the restaurant. She waited until they were in the parking lot and standing next to Javier’s car before asking, “What in the world happened? Did you and Roman fight?”

  “We didn’t fight.” Javier’s jaw ticked. “He sucker-punched me.”

  Surprise pulsed through April. Roman wasn’t the kind of man who went around punching people. He was the most easygoing, coolheaded man she knew. It took a lot to get him to explode. This wasn’t like him at all and she couldn’t help asking, “Did you say something, or do something?”

  “What makes you think I’m the one at fault?” Javier protested, sending immediate guilt streaking through her.

  “Sorry.” Her expression sheepish, she explained, “It’s just that Roman doesn’t usually go around sucker-punching people.”

  “Well, he could’ve fooled me,” Javier grumbled as he half sat on the hood of his black convertible. “The dude just came out of nowhere.”

  Trying to be more careful with her words, April tentatively asked, “Did he say why he punched you?”

  “He just said something about me playing with girls while you were out there thinking there’s something between us.”

  “What?” April frowned because she didn’t understand what Javier was talking about. Playing with girls? Something between them?

  Noting her confusion, Javier explained, “Okay, so we kind of ran into each other at a club yesterday-”

  “You did?” The only thing April knew about Roman’s activities the previous day was that he hadn’t come to work because he had an event at the local middle school. She didn’t know that he’d gone to a club… but then again, these days they didn’t share such information.

  “We did.” Javier nodded briskly. “Anyway, I’m enjoying myself with my friends, talking with some girl-” He paused as his eyes flew to April’s. “- you know, cause you and I aren’t dating or anything. We’re not dating, right?”

  “We’re not dating,” she confirmed. As far as she was concerned Javier could talk to as many girls as he liked. If it was Roman ‘talking’ to some girl, well, she would’ve felt… differently. But this was Javier.

  Javier continued, “Then bam! Your guy-”

  “He’s not my guy,” she interrupted.

  Javier corrected, “Roman just comes flying out of nowhere and plants one on me. Acting mad, like I’m cheating on you or something.”


  “I know. Caught me by surprise too.” Javier frowned. “Did you tell him we were dating or something?”

  “Of course not!”April protested. She might’ve implied that she was interested in Javier but she’d never said they were dating. Who did Roman think he was to go around punching people just because of flawed assumptions? Captain Save-A-Hoe?

  “Well he seems to think so,” Javier cut into her thoughts.

  “I’m so sorry, Javier,” she apologized. “I’ll talk to him and straighten this out.”

  She started to leave but Javier grabbed her arm to hold her back. “Chill a moment.”

  “Yeah?” She met his eyes.

  He watched her for a long moment before asking, “Is something going on between you and old boy?”

  “No.” April shook her head vehemently. “There’s nothing going on between us.”

  “You sure?” Javier canted his head as his intense gaze roved her face. “Cause he was acting like a man defending his woman.”

  “I’m not his woman!” April exclaimed so violently that it almost sounded like a shout. Javier’s eyebrows shot up as instant disbelief st
reaked through his gaze. April rushed to allay his disbelief in a more even tone. “There is nothing going on between Roman and I.”


  “Really. Nothing is going on. Roman is not interested in me.” She gestured backwards to the restaurant. “Ask anyone who works here.”

  The mention of her coworkers seemed to ease Javier’s concerns because his eyes softened. “You sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  This time he smiled. “Good.”

  She and Javier stayed outside chatting for a while, but as soon as he left she headed back to the restaurant and straight up to Roman’s office. With a curt knock, she pushed his door open. His eyes were on his computer screen but as soon as she entered the room, they flew to her.

  “You punched Javier?” She fired off immediately. “What is wrong with you?”

  Roman was so caught by surprise that he didn’t say anything for a long while. When he finally spoke, it was only, “Have a seat.”

  “I’m fine standing,” she bit out. “Why would you go after Javier?”

  Roman sat back in his seat as he responded coolly, “Maybe if he wasn’t flirting and kissing other women, I wouldn’t have.”

  “Why do you care who he flirts with or kisses?”

  Roman’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “So I’m just supposed to stand by while he cheats on you?”

  April could’ve informed him that Javier’s flirting with other girls didn’t count as cheating since the two of them weren’t dating. But she didn’t feel like it. It was none of his damn business! She snorted. “Nobody appointed you as my defender.”

  “That’s the thanks I get?”

  “You were expecting a thank you?” She chuckled. “Boy, you’re delusional.”

  “I’m the one who’s delusional?” He snorted. “You’re the one who claims to be dating some young kid but you pretend like you can’t see that he’s bad news.”

  “When did I ever claim to be dat-” She paused when she realized that her temper was about to soar out of control. Closing her eyes, she sucked in a deep calming breath. When her gaze finally met Roman’s again, she was much calmer and her voice was even. “You know what? I don’t even need to explain myself to you. You’re not my daddy or my man, so just keep out of my business.”

  “Fine.” With forced restraint, he gritted through his teeth, “If you want to hang around with players, then be my guest. I won’t get involved anymore.”

  “Thank you.” Just to prick him, she added, “Javier and I would really appreciate that.”


  OSCAR CONFRONTED HER in the break-room the next day. “So, October, the class would like to know what’s going on with you and Javier Consuelos.”

  His words brought the room to an abrupt standstill as everyone turned their eyes to April.

  “My name is April,” she said curtly.

  “Yes, I know.” Oscar smirked. “But you still haven’t answered my question.”

  “It’s none of your business,” April ground out.

  “Oh, but it is.” Oscar leaned against his locker as he explained, “Javier is a celebrity. Everything he does is our business.”

  April was about to inform him that she wasn’t a celebrity but Vina cut in first. “Since you have so much time to poke your nose into other people’s business-” She eyed Oscar. “-I assume you’ve already ordered the perch that you insisted on serving tomorrow.”

  “Crap! I forgot.” Promptly forgetting that he’d been harassing April just a second ago, the stick-thin chef raced out of the break-room.

  Once he was gone, everyone else resumed changing into their street clothes. Vina sidled up to April and jabbed her in the side with the elbow. “Stretch is still right though. The class would love to know what’s going on between you and Javier.”

  April laughed. “Keep your nose out of my business.”

  “Sorry, lady. It’s already in and it ain’t coming out,” Vina said, a mischievous light in her eyes. “Spill.”

  April swept her eyes around the room, noting how some of their coworkers seemed especially attentive. “Not here.”

  With it being a Sunday, Tellers was only open for half the day which meant that April could take the bus instead of a cab home. Vina waited until they were on their way to the bus-stop to broach the subject of April’s love-life again. “So are you and the sexy, talented Javier Consuelos getting down like that?”

  “He’s twenty-four.”

  “So what?” Vina eyed her. “You’re hardly cougar material. Hell, I’m not cougar material and I’ve already hit the three-o. I’d take him.”

  “Nah!” April shook her head. “I told you, we’re just friends.”

  “Roman wouldn’t punch someone just because you’re just friends with them.”

  April’s eyes widened. “You know about that?”

  “Is there anyone at Tellers who doesn’t know?” Vina guffawed. “Why do you think Oscar asked what was going on with you and Javier?”

  April’s jaw dropped. She knew her coworkers were experts at rooting out gossip-worthy information but this was impressive. “How did you guys find out?”

  “Lexie and Oscar saw an article on TMZ last night about two baseball players allegedly fighting over a girl at a club downtown. No names were mentioned but Toby remembered that Javier came here yesterday with a nasty shiner. Also Craig heard you and Javier mentioning Roman while he was parking cars,” Vina explained. “We’re a smart crew, and two and two isn’t that hard to put together.”

  Whoa! This lot were dangerous!

  “You’ve got it all wrong,” April protested. “Javier and Roman were not fighting over me.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “Roman assumed that Javier and I are dating. So when he saw him flirting with another girl, he got mad and punched him.”

  “Oh, look at Roman defending his lady’s honor.” Vina laughed. “I never took him for a knight in shining armor.”

  “I’m not his lady.” April kissed her teeth. “And he’s definitely not a knight.”

  Nope, he was no knight. He was a demon. Only a demon could seduce you with something you absolutely knew was no good for you. Like his kisses.

  April had assumed that her anger with him would dilute the effect of his kiss. But even after two days that blasted kiss still haunted her dreams. It had taken them over until all she could dream of was his lips, his taste, his touch… taking it further. Last night, she’d woken up drenched in sweat, her muscles tight with need and her body seeking something she couldn’t explain. Oh wait – she knew what it was seeking. Roman.

  Damn it!

  It only made her angrier at him. How dare he make her want him!

  Her tone curt, she said, “I don’t even know why his ass is all up in my business.”

  “That’s cause he wants you for himself,” Vina said.

  “Who?” April gaped at her friend. “Roman?”

  Vina nodded. “The man is in love with you.”

  “Who? Roman?”

  “Is there an echo in this place?” Vina chuckled. “Yes. Roman.”

  “You’re crazy.” April burst into laughter and slapped her friend’s arm. “Girl, shut up.”

  “I’m telling that man is acting like that cause he’s afraid Javier will snatch you up for himself,” Vina insisted.

  “V, you need to change your weed supplier cause he’s selling you bad product.” April grinned. “That’s the only thing that can explain the crazy things you’re saying!”

  Roman? In love with her? That was the funniest – and most ridiculous thing – she’d heard today. After all the numerous ways he’d told and shown her that he wasn’t into her? Absurd! He wasn’t in love with her. The only reason he was acting like a douche-bag was because he wanted her to keep panting at his heels like a lapdog. He didn’t really want her – the selfish bastard just wanted her to want him.

  “Fine. Don’t believe me.” Vina shrugged. “But I’m telling you. Rom
an’s got a thing for you.”

  “Whatever!” April wasn’t even going to waste a precious second considering Vina’s hypothesis. It was too ridiculous, too far-fetched. Roman? In love with her? Hah!

  Just as they arrived at the bus-stop, a black convertible pulled up beside them. Even before the windows came down, April knew whose car it was.

  Javier’s grinning face peered from the inside of the car. “My timing’s perfect, isn’t it?”

  An instant smile creasing her face, April bent to look into the car. “Boy, what are you doing here?”

  “Giving you a ride home.” He pressed a button in the car and the doors to the right-side passenger seats opened. “Get in. You too, Vina.”

  His actions were enough to attract the attention of people passing by and a couple even stood to see what was going on.

  “I’m sorry, Javier,” April said. “I’d take the ride but I’m headed to my parents’ place. And it’s a long way from here.”

  “I don’t mind driving you there.” He dismissed her concerns. “Got nothing to do with my Sunday anyway.”

  “He doesn’t mind,” Vina said, already getting into the car.

  With Vina already in the car and Javier giving her sad, puppy-dog eyes, April was left with no choice. With a shake of her head and a laugh, she got into the car. As usual, it was easy to find things to talk about with Javier. Honest to God, if someone told the guy to talk about carrots, April would’ve bet that he could find an hour’s worth of conversation about them. There were no awkward moments between them, not even after they dropped off Vina. Time seemed to fly by as Javier entertained April with stories about his off-field shenanigans.

  She was actually shocked when they finally arrived at her parents’ house. “That was fast.”

  “Was it?” Javier asked distractedly as he peered at the gate that marked the entrance to her parents’ home. “So this is where Little Miss April grew up?”

  “Yup! This is it.” Because of the high-wall, climbing plants and solid, black gates, the only part of the house visible was its red roof.

  “It’s amazing.”

  April laughed. “How would you know? All you can see is the roof.”


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