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The Games We Play (Sizzle & Burn Book 2)

Page 23

by Linda Verji

  “See, that’s what I’m talking about.” Roman leaned forward in his seat. “You’re not afraid to be broke. I, on the other hand, am so scared of going back there that I’ve become a hoarder.”

  She chuckled. “You’re not a hoarder.”

  “Aren’t I?” He reached across the table and took her hand in his. That simple touch was like a flash of fire and her whole body flamed in response. He said, “This is why I need you in my life. You’d balance me out.”

  Something indefinable, something warm built up in her chest at his words. He needed her in his life? Thrill racing through her, she warned, “Careful what you wish for. I could end up turning you into a spendthrift like me. A broke spendthrift.”

  “I doubt that.” He smiled softly. His thumb circled the back of her hand leaving trails of electricity in its wake. “I think you’d end up teaching me how to enjoy life a little more. And I’d end up teaching you how not to enjoy it too much.”

  If he was trying to make her fall in love with him again, then he was doing a magnificent job of it. The more they talked and got to know one another, the more she cracked. Sure, Roman had his flaws but she was starting to see the man behind those flaws, a man willing to admit his weaknesses and confront them head on.

  A good man.

  The only question now was if he really wanted her – with all her weaknesses.

  By the time they got back to her place, it was almost nine p.m.. Still, April wasn’t ready for the date to end. She wanted to spend more time with Roman, more time to get to know him better. Thankfully, he wasn’t ready to go home either.

  “Do you mind if we take a walk around your neighborhood?” he asked. “I haven’t had a chance to look around since you moved in.”

  “Sure,” she responded eagerly.

  It was a good night to take a walk. The moon was out as were the stars. Despite the late hour, there were a couple of people still walking and biking around. Bright streetlights illuminated the sidewalks as April and Roman strolled down them. She couldn’t quite recall what they talked about as they ambled along, but there was no denying how good it felt to be with him.

  At some point during their walk, a runner bumped into her and sent her crushing straight into Roman’s side. He immediately wrapped his arm around her waist to steady her.

  “You okay,” he asked.

  “Yeah.” She nodded. She started to move away from him, but he took her hand and dragged her right back to him.

  Her eyes wide, she lowered her gaze to their joined hands then up to his face. She found him watching her too.

  “What?” he asked, his lips turning in a small smile.

  “Nothing.” She smiled shyly as she looked away from him.

  Roman chuckled under his breath but didn’t say anything more. For most people holding hands was nothing, yet between them it felt deeply intimate. Like he was letting the world know that they were a couple. Pleasure lit through April, like a candle flaring in a dark room. Still, with that pleasure came doubt; doubt that this was too good to be true.

  She glanced at him. “Roman, can I ask you something?”

  “Anything.” His hold on her hand tightened.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Why am I doing what?”

  She pulled in a deep breath. “Why are you dating me?”

  “What do you mean why I’m I dating you?” Frowning, he studied her. “I’m dating you because I want to get to know you better, because I want to see where this goes.”

  “Are you sure you’re not just doing it out of pity?”

  “What?” His steps halted and he turned to fully face her. “What would make you think something like that?”

  Her gaze on her feet, she explained, “I mean, I was in love with you for so long, and you never even noticed me. Maybe you just got tired of me stalking you and decided to humor me.”

  “Are you crazy?” He stepped forward the tipped her chin up until they were eye-to-eye. “Of course I noticed you. I noticed you a lot. But I was just too much of an idiot and a coward to do something about it.”

  “Then why now?” she asked.

  “Because of Javier.” He met her eyes directly as he confessed, “The thought of another man coming into your life and snatching you while I was sitting on my ass was the kick I needed to act. I’m only sorry that it didn’t happen earlier.”

  His honesty left her breathless, wordless and staring at him in wide-eyed surprise.

  “Trust me, this has nothing to do with pity.” His hands circled her waist and dragged him closer to him. “This is just about me, you and how much I need you. No pity involved.”

  Before she could fully absorb his words, he lifted his hands to frame her face. He tipped her face up as he lowered his head. At first the kiss was sweet, tender, teasing. Then it changed. His mouth hardened over hers, his lips sucked all the air out of her lungs, and his tongue thrust in like a battering ram intent on breaking any slivers of resistance that lingered within her.

  Sensations raced through her body as his tongue played a lazy game with hers. Fierce desire burned its way into every limb in her body until she felt almost weak. She grasped the sides of his jacket to steady herself, pressed her body into his and found only strength there. His strength left her feeling more feminine than she’d ever felt, like she was made of softness and need. And she ached for more of it.

  But before the kiss could get even deeper, a loud barking interrupted them. They both turned their heads only to find an older man and his dog glaring at them. The man didn’t say anything but it was obvious from his narrow-eyed frown that he didn’t approve of their public display of affection.

  “Sorry,” both April and Roman apologized before they beat a hasty retreat.

  “That was embarrassing.” April chuckled. “Almost as bad as the time my dad caught me with Tommy Mulligan.”

  Roman stiffened. “Who is Tommy Mulligan?”

  “No one.” Her footsteps quickened.

  “Who is Tommy Mulligan?” Roman insisted, his own strides lengthening to match hers.

  “He’s no one,” she insisted, but Roman was undeterred. He kept on asking until she had to confess that Tommy was her high-school boyfriend. Which of course led to questions about what exactly her father had caught them doing; questions she wasn’t ready to answer.

  “I’m not telling you,” she insisted as they crossed the hallway that led to her apartment.

  “Were you making out?” Roman dogged her heels until they stopped at her door. “Having sex?”

  She spun to face him. “It’s late. You should go home.”

  Roman laughed. “Oh no, you don’t.” He crowded her against the door. “Tell me.”

  “No, I-” Her words caught in her throat when she realized just how close to her he was. His chest was pressing against hers and his thighs bracketing hers.

  Her heart didn’t just leap, it turned cartwheels. She instinctively dragged in a huge breath only to have his scent crowd her senses. Swallowing hard, she lifted her gaze to his.

  He quirked a lazy brow at her. “What were you and Tommy Mulligan doing?”

  He was too close, too tempting. And without conscious thought, she linked her arms around his neck and lifted up on her heels. “This.”

  She kissed Roman. Just a light kiss - enough to shock him and stop him from asking her petty questions. Just a quick kiss - to quell the throbbing ache that had started low in her belly. But as soon as their lips touched, it became more than just a kiss. Desire, hot and wild, pooled between them. It grew into an inferno with every sensuous kiss until every part of her was aflame.

  When he cupped her face and took control of that kiss, something inside her exploded. She could feel him, breathing her in, inhaling her, dragging her into him. She could feel him in her bones, in her blood, in her heart. With his kiss, he possessed her utterly and completely, leaving no doubt that he was the only man capable of making her lose complete control of her senses.

/>   Their lips parted slowly, reluctantly. He lifted his head then raised his thickly lashed lids and met her eyes. The heat in his glazed gaze was impossible to mistake, and it perfectly mimicked the desire scorching her senses.

  “Do you want to come in for a minute?” she whispered.

  “I do, but I won’t.” A rueful smile playing on his lips, he bussed her lips lightly. “It’s too dangerous.”

  “Hmm?” she frowned in confusion.

  “I want you. Fiercely.” He brought her even closer to him and pressed his cock into her tummy, leaving no doubt about his physical hunger. “If I come into your apartment, I can’t guarantee that I won’t end up doing something stupid.”

  “I don’t mind if you – if we do something stupid,” she husked as she interlocked her arms around his waist to keep him close.

  “But I do.” He brushed the back of his hand over her cheek. “I want us to do it right this time, no jumping into anything we’ll regret in the morning.”

  “I won’t regret it in the morning.” She lifted one of her hands to the back of his head, pushed her fingers into his hair and drew him down to her. This time the kiss was more intense, knee weakening. By the time she let him go, they were both gasping for air. She whispered, “Come in for a minute.”

  His gaze was hooded and shadowed with unrestrained lust. It was obvious that he wanted to come in, and yet the stubborn man refused to surrender. He shook his head. “No, we should wait.”

  When he tried to pull away from her, she grabbed the open halves of his jacket and yanked him right back to her. “Come in. Just for a minute.”


  “Just for a minute.” April pulled him closer so his body was flush against hers. “Please.”

  Roman knew that spending even a minute more in her presence when he was feeling this way, this…. bothered, was a mistake. This was their first date; he wanted them to have a few more dates under their belt before they moved to the next step, a few more dates to get to know each other better, a few more dates to reassure her that he was indeed the man she needed in her life.

  Still, she was so tempting, so seductive, so alluring.

  “Please,” she begged, “come in for a minute.”

  Her velvety voice promised delicious sin if he fell into her temptation. Her hooded eyes, shadowed with unabashed desire, pledged exquisite pleasure if he let her have her way. And the way she clung to his jacket and pressed her sexy body against his… well, how could any man resist her?

  Besides, it was just for a minute, right? What was the worst they could do in a minute? Kissing? Maybe some light petting. He was a strong, determined man who was in complete control of his senses – he wouldn’t let it go past that.

  “Okay, fine.” he rasped before pressing a hard fast kiss on her lips. “But just for a minute.”

  With a triumphant grin, April turned in his arms to enter her password in her electronic lock then swipe her thumb over it. As soon as the door opened, she grabbed his hand and dragged him into her apartment. With a low beep, the door locked behind them. Before Roman could turn on the lights or even kick off his shoes, she was on him. Pushing him until his back was to the closed door, pressing her body into his, lifting up to her tiptoes.

  When their lips met, it felt like being struck by lightning. White, hot electricity shot through him to pool at every spot where her body touched his. And when she shrugged out of her jacket so there was less fabric between her soft breasts and his chest, flames leapt within him, fired him up until he was sure that he’d explode if he didn’t get more of her.

  As if she could feel his need, April cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. She kissed him like her life depended on it. She kissed him like she couldn’t get enough of him. She kissed him like he was all she wanted.

  How was he supposed to remain aloof to that kiss?

  He shoved his hands into her braids and tilted her head up so he could get more of that sweet kiss. His lips crushed against hers as his tongue met hers in flagrant mating. Kiss after kiss, he fed her. Like a hungry man, he consumed her. And yet it still wasn’t enough. He couldn’t get his fill of her.

  More. I need more.

  He switched their positions, whirled until she was the one who had her back to the door, until he was the one in control. Now he could kiss her the way he wanted, as hard as he wanted, as deep as he wanted. He flicked on the switch, plunging the room into light so he could see her better then lowered his mouth back to hers. His tongue lashed against hers as their lips melded over and over again in wild need.

  Yet, it still wasn’t enough.

  Desperation nipped incessantly at him, drove him insane. Having April so close only worsened his desperation. Her body was heated seduction pressing against the length of his; her breasts were soft, swollen cushions against his chest, her longs limbs rode against his reminding him of how it felt to have them wrapped around him, to have them gripping him tight as he rode her…

  Damn! He needed to stop this. He needed to stop this now, or they would end up doing something really dangerous. He tore his lips from April’s, tried to pull away. But she yanked him right back to her by the collar of his jacket.

  Her breath coming in ragged gasps, she whispered, “Just one more minute.”

  And before he could escape, she fastened her arms around his neck and her lips on his.

  Just one more minute, he swore as he gripped her waist and pressed his body once more against her. Just one more taste of her before he left, he assured himself before he fell head-first into the kiss. Damn, she tasted good. Like sweetness, desire and temptation mixed together to form a concoction that was lethal enough to burn a man.

  And Roman was burning…

  Every inch of him was on fire, hissing with unfulfilled need, gasping with the need to erupt. When his erection grew to its full length and pushed its way to the soft tautness of April’s belly, she pushed her hips forward as if seeking more of that pressure. She whimpered and squirmed against him as if wordlessly pleading for more of it. How could he not oblige her?

  His hands skated down her spine and settled on her ass. He squeezed the pert flesh firmly, drawing another moan from her before he lifted her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his flanks and pressed her lower body to his.

  Damn! He loved when she wore dresses. It made so much easier to feel her, to love her. Roman groaned in her mouth as he pushed his clothed cock into the space between her thighs, the space that was only shielded by a thin layer of fabric.

  So good, so delicious, so tempting.

  Several nights of fantasizing about having her right like this weakened him, enticed him to steal just one more minute, go just a little bit further. Without conscious thought, he hiked her higher up his body then turned with her in his arms. Her couch was only three strides away, and when he got there, he sat down with her straddling him.

  Now that his hands were no longer supporting her, they were free to wander, free to dance down her back to her lush bottom and explore as much as they wanted to. He molded and caressed the firm flesh in time to the lashes of his tongue against hers. When that wasn’t enough, he raised her slightly so he could pull the skirt of her dress to her waist.

  There. Right there. His groan of pleasure mingled with hers as she settled back on his lap. Now he could feel her heat tattooed on his cock, feel every grind as she squirmed over him. He squeezed her thighs, her hips, her buttocks… encouraging her to ride him harder. Her soft breasts shifted and pressed against his chest with her every rhythmic movement, urging him to look. He tore his lips from hers to do just that.

  Even clothed, she was a visual magnet. Swollen, pert and oh, so seductive. He lifted his head and met her eyes as his hand rose to cup one breast. April’s lips parted in a sharp inhalation of breath and her eyes darkened. Even with the layers of fabric between his touch and her flesh, he could feel her heat. Watching her keenly and savoring her every reaction, he massaged her flesh. She gasped. He s
queezed it. She sucked in a deep breath. He pinched its erect tip. She threw her head back as her mouth opened in a silent cry.

  Her unabashed pleasure stoked his, left him aching for more.

  Just a little more, he promised himself as he moved his hands to the back of her dress. With one quick tug, he pulled her zipper to her waist. Shoving the sleeves of the dress away from her arms was an easy job, as was unsnapping her green strapless bra and tossing it to the floor.

  Then she was revealed… completely bare to his eyes.

  April was a vision of sensual wonder. Her breasts were pert yet lush, like ripe apples waiting to be plucked. Dark areoles topped the swollen flesh, beaded and sharp as if begging to be touched. Roman was nearly trembling as he reached upwards and covered one with his hand.

  “Roman.” April gasped as her fingers dug into his upper arms. He lifted his eyes, met hers as he slowly massaged and fondled her breasts. Her eyelids fell and her small teeth bit into her lower lip as she arched into his touch.

  He couldn’t help murmuring, “So beautiful.”

  Everything about her was beautiful, every inch of her was a delight. Though she was barely more than a handful, she was more than enough for him. He flicked his fingertip across her nipple, and smiled when she moaned. So he did it again. Then again. When that wasn’t enough, he drew her upwards until she was kneeling over him. Then he kissed that firm tip.

  “Roman.” Her low cry reverberated in the room, and her fingers moved restlessly within his hair, encouraging him to taste just a little bit more.

  He opened his mouth over her nub, flicked his tongue over it before taking it fully between his lips. If her lips were nirvana, then her breasts were its siblings. Sweet, soft, succulent… if he could, he would’ve suckled them forever. Her fingers dug into the back of his head, guided him to the other breast. He gave it the same expert treatment, toyed with it until he had April gasping for breath.

  He could’ve stopped then, but the devil on his shoulder kept prodding him to take just a little more, taste her just a little more. Just another minute. He released her breasts and pulled her down for another heated kiss. Without breaking the contact of their lips, he stood with her in his arms then turned to set her on the couch. Still kissing her, he dragged the dress from her torso and down the rest of her body. He let the dress pool on the carpeted floor as he came to stand between April’s spread thighs.


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