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Not Your Damn Submissive (Denial Book 1)

Page 13

by Amy Valenti

  “Well, if you’re not gonna move in on that one soon, send her by my trailer. She looks like she’d be hell on wheels in bed.” He gazed appreciatively at Kat’s backside, and a territorial need to protect her crept over me. It was like he’d completely forgotten the last time I’d warned him off her.

  “Keep your hands off her, man. I need her to keep me organised, and she can’t do that if she’s mooning over you.” The words were friendly and so was my tone, but I put a subtle warning into my stance that he took heed of immediately.

  “Got it. You should have just said you were planning to bang her.” He shrugged and moved off to talk to Jacie, who was watching us from a distance.

  I didn’t know whether I could stand to work on this show full-time. The scripts were mediocre on a good day, Paul was an asshole and the only thing really tying me to New York was Kat. While Jacie and Paul got some last-minute direction from Darren, I glanced down at my lines and wondered if I could scoop my submissive up and take her back to Hollywood with me, make her my assistant full-time.

  It was a pipe dream, at best. She was a set design girl—that was her chosen career and I couldn’t make her give it up for me. No, if I wanted to spend time around Kat I was going to have to stick with this crappy show and watch her from afar when she had cause to be around the sets during shooting time.

  I imagined her lying on the bed in my trailer in the lacy yellow underwear she’d shimmied into after our joint shower this morning. God, she was something. Even when she was pissed off at me. I’d never been challenged so thoroughly by a sub before, and I was relishing the way she and I connected. Fuck, I wanted to go back and connect with her right now, give her the orgasm I’d withheld earlier in the day and a couple more on top of that.

  Easy, boy. I talked myself down as Darren clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. Time for take fucking twenty-nine, and I’d get back to my little firecracker later.

  * * * *


  I’d thought I’d be too annoyed with Callum to sleep—pulling that shit where everyone could see how flustered I was? What the fuck had he been thinking?—but I’d made sure the trailer door was closed and all the lights were off before stripping down to my underwear and sliding under the covers. The bed smelled like him, and I’d snuggled into the pillow and closed my eyes, letting my anger slip away as the cocoon of warmth had soothed me.

  The next thing I knew, the door opened and I startled awake, clutching the blanket around myself, too scared to sit up in case it wasn’t Callum.

  “Relax, little miss. It’s me.”

  I flopped back against the pillow.

  “What time is it?” I asked sleepily, snapping on the bedside lamp.

  He came into the trailer’s tiny bedroom area and sat on the bed. “Nearly nine.”

  “Ugh, really? Darren’s a sadist.” I realised what I’d said and frowned. “Not literally, I hope.”

  Callum shook his head. “He doesn’t have the right temperament for it. Now, me, on the other hand…” He pulled down the blanket to expose my body with its yellow lace underwear. “I have exactly the right temperament for it.”

  I shivered, partly from the cool air but mainly from his predatory gaze. I’d been dreaming of this moment since he’d denied me an orgasm hours earlier, but I… Wasn’t I supposed to be annoyed with him about something? I couldn’t remember what it was, too captivated by his eyes on my body to care.

  “Move over, little miss, and let me give you what I wouldn’t let you have earlier.”

  I scooted over to let him lie beside me, and he gathered me into his arms with a gentle, clinging kiss that quickly became two, three, too many to count…

  He rolled me over so that his chest pressed against my back, and slid an arm underneath me to hold me from behind. His hard-on pressed into my butt and I couldn’t help but roll my hips back against it while he unfastened my bra and covered the back of my neck in kisses.

  “I want you to remember where we are. No screaming while I touch you, little miss,” he cautioned, and pinched my nipples briefly, yet hard enough to send glorious pain through my system.

  I whimpered softly, hooking one of my legs back over his to part my thighs. “Please touch me, Sir.”

  He slipped his hand into my panties and played with my pussy, teasing apart the wet folds without touching my clit. “Oh, you want me, don’t you, little miss?”

  “Mmm-hmm…” I bucked against his hand, trying to jar him into touching somewhere that counted.

  “Let me see what I can do for you.” His breath was light against my ear as he gathered the arousal from my pussy and covered my clit with slick wetness, rolling his fingertips lightly over the sensitive area. I sighed encouragement, letting him torment my clit, waiting for the orgasmic tension to build with unusual patience. As long as he was stimulating me, I was in no hurry to get anywhere. This felt good enough on its own.

  Pressing me more tightly back against his clothed body, Callum slid a finger into me and thumbed my clit, finger-fucking me slowly. I arched against him, murmuring wordlessly as a slow wave began to gather on the edges of my consciousness. He added a second finger but kept up the same slow, sensual pace, and the orgasm swelled closer, closer… I moaned softly as he pressed harder on my clit. My breathing was frenzied now, my body tightening with the need to release, but the wave hadn’t reached me yet and I knew it would be worth the wait.

  “Close, little miss?”

  “Mmmm,” was all I could manage, the vibrations from his voice tickling my ear and sending shivers down to join the rest of the sensations building inside me.

  “Tell me who you belong to.”

  “You, Sir.” That was a no-brainer.

  “Good girl.” He nipped my neck, plunging his fingers deep into me and stroking my sweet spot just right. I shook, panted, strained for the climax that was so close I could almost taste it, then fell over the edge into mindless rapture as I shook in my Dom’s arms.

  “Oh my God…” I whispered as powerful, slow surges of pleasure threatened to sweep my sanity away. “Oh, fuck…”

  Callum withdrew his fingers from my still-fluttering pussy and held his fingers up to my mouth. “Clean me up, little miss.”

  Dazed with pleasure, I licked his skin clean, breathing hard. When I’d completed the small task to his satisfaction, he tipped me over onto my back and looked down at me with smouldering eyes. “I’m gonna fuck you now.”

  I tugged at his shirt in reply, smiling up at him. “Let me see you, Sir.”

  He stripped in no time at all, and I purred as he took hold of his hard, thick cock and stroked it a couple of times. “I could watch you do that all day, Sir.”

  Callum raised an eyebrow. “I’ll remember that next time I have you desperate to be fucked, begging for my cock inside you.”

  I shimmied out of my panties all the way and parted my legs for him. “I missed you.”

  He came to me willingly, capturing my lips in a hot, urgent kiss as he found my slick entrance and pushed inside. I moaned into his mouth as he claimed me, working his way deeper in several quick, insistent thrusts until his hips were pressed against mine.

  “I could hardly focus for imagining being here with you,” he admitted, making no move to start taking me. His cock pulsed inside me, but he ignored the needs of his body to concentrate on me. “I probably fucked up about six takes in a row just fantasising about making you come.”

  Warmth that had nothing to do with sex built within my chest. “That’s sweet, Sir.”

  “Shhh…” He kissed me again, then drew almost all the way out of me with a deliberateness that made me tremble before pushing back in. “No more talking, little miss.”

  Within a couple of minutes he’d reduced my vocabulary to stifled moans and half-uttered curses as we rocked together, apart, against each other with a gathering urgency. He pinned my wrists above my head and drove into me deep and hard, stealing my breath, and I braced my feet against the mat
tress to arch up my pelvis and coax him even deeper.

  “Don’t you dare come without me,” he growled in my ear. “Understand, little miss?”

  I made a half-coherent, plaintive noise, trying to suppress the building pressure inside.

  “Do—you—understand?” he gritted out, punctuating each word with an especially hard thrust.

  “Yes,” I gasped out, trying to wrench my hands free of his grip to twist my fingers into the sheets, but foiled by the effortless way he held my wrists secure. It just served to remind me who was in charge, and I added a hasty, “Sir…” to my agreement.

  He brushed his lips over mine, though we were both breathing too hard to really kiss. “Ask me to hurt you.”

  It might have given me some trouble if I hadn’t been half out of my mind with desire, but the concept was so delicious that I shivered. “Hurt me, Sir, please—”

  He released one of my hands and twisted my nipple hard enough to bring tears to my eyes, and my inner muscles clenched powerfully in readiness to come. It must have been good for him, because he ground his hips into mine, his cock pulsing within me. “Now.”

  Oh, thank God… The trickle of pain turned to a flood of pleasure as I allowed myself relief, the climax not quite as strong as the one he’d given me a few minutes ago, but still glorious in its own right. I clutched Callum’s upper back and enjoyed the rush, the feel of his muscles shifting beneath my hands, his shaky sigh as he wrapped his arms around me and rolled us over.

  There was nothing like being in his embrace, and I didn’t know why. My mind kept coming back to one thing—the concept of safety. I was safe with him.

  It should have been way more boring than it felt.

  * * * *


  I’d driven Kat in to work this morning, and I was sure as hell not letting her get public transport back to her place. I’d half been inclined to suggest we just spent the night in the trailer, but there wasn’t much room to manoeuvre if I decided to give her a good spanking, so I decided against it.

  “Your apartment, or my hotel room?” I asked as I drove out through the gates of the lot.

  Kat shrugged. “You’ve been to both. Which is more comfortable, Mr. Rising Star?”

  “Are you serious? A hotel room’s just a hotel room, wherever you go. It could never measure up to someone’s home.” I glanced over at her. Her hair was restored to normal, but her lips were swollen from my kisses, the only outward sign that she’d been anything but professional in my trailer.

  “I dunno. Don’t actors get the swankiest rooms, like the honeymoon suites and stuff?”

  “Maybe the A-listers.” I turned into traffic and drove down to the stoplights—currently at red—before I turned to her again.

  “You’ll be A-list before the end of the year, according to all predictions,” Kat pointed out. “When you head back to Hollywood after this, things are gonna snowball for you, fast.”

  “When I head back to Hollywood?” She didn’t even seem to be contemplating the possibility that I might stay. “If Darren has his way, I’ll be here filming the rest of the season.”

  “You’re actually considering that? I’ve been watching the shooting. You outclass and out-act everyone else in every scene you’re in. The script is dire—not that the source material was any better—and the whole project screams ‘cancellation before season two’. Plus there are rumours Ridley Scott is considering you as the lead for his next movie—which is pretty much guaranteed to be shot in Hollywood. In case your geography is a little rusty, that’s on the opposite coast.”

  Although warmed by her compliment, I shook my head. “If I based my career on rumours, I’d be millions of dollars in debt by now. It might happen. Be crazy to turn it down if I get the offer. But I’ve never met the man and he knows a lot of actors.”

  “You’re really going to stick around here for a whole season of a doomed show?” My attention was on the road, but from the tone of her voice, Kat was sceptical.

  “Maybe. There are reasons to stay up here.”

  “For how long?” she asked quietly.

  I glanced over, but she was facing away from me, gazing out of the window at the passing urban landscape.

  “Not sure. I’m playing it by ear.”

  “Hmm.” She nodded, twisting her fingers in her lap.

  I couldn’t quite figure out her attitude. Was she hoping I’d stay, or resisting forming a deeper attachment to me because she thought I wouldn’t? Maybe she even hoped I’d be gone from her life soon, that I’d stop trying to make her confront the shadows of her past.

  “You don’t seem bothered by the idea that the show will be cancelled. What happens to you if it is? Are you out of a job?”

  Kat became more animated at the safer topic of conversation. “Not really. I go where Cynthia goes, and every producer in town wants Cynthia. She’s really got an eye for creating interesting sets. I’m learning so much from her.”

  “Are there a lot of producers in town?”

  She shrugged. “More than you’d think. Hollywood might be the centre of the movie business, but there are a lot of smaller studios out here.” With a smile so casually breathtaking that I almost forgot I was driving a fast-moving vehicle, she told me, “My favourite project so far was a kids’ TV show based on one they made in England in the early nineties. The set guys built a cross-section of an entire house—four floors, from basement to attic. The challenge for the two teams of kids was to find one hidden object in each room, so they’d basically have to trash everything to find what they were looking for. Pull cushions off couches, bedding off beds, items out of drawers, off shelves…the whole thing. It was like decorating an entire house, only with a totally different theme for each room. And most of the drawers and cupboards were filled with these multi-coloured polystyrene packing chips.”

  “And these kids just got to trash the rooms without putting everything back afterwards? Sounds like something I’d have loved when I was a kid.”

  “Me too, and not just if I were a kid. First thing I’d do if I ever got to be megastar famous is buy a place, fill it with cheapo furniture and items, then completely wreck the interior. Then I’d hire a clean-up crew to get it all cleared up before I redecorated it the way I wanted it.” She sighed. “And then I’d feel totally guilty because all the stuff I just smashed could have gone to Goodwill and stuff.”

  “Yeah, but you’d be megastar famous, so you could just donate a ton of money to Goodwill instead.”

  “Good point. Guess I’d better start stripping on the Internet, then. That’s the only fame I have a chance at,” she said with a self-deprecating laugh.

  Even knowing she was joking, I couldn’t control my possessiveness. “Hey, Little Miss Vandal, the only way anyone gets to see my girl naked is if I decide they can.”

  She rose to the bait, folding her arms across her chest. “Your girl? I think you’ll find I’m my own damn girl, thanks very much.”

  “What, in the same way that you’re not my damn submissive? Don’t make me pull this car over and spank your ass until you remember your place, little miss.” I’d do it, and I’d enjoy it. So would she, eventually…

  Kat scowled and blushed simultaneously, and I held the wheel more tightly to resist pulling her closer and kissing her breathless.

  My cell phone rang with the tone I had allocated to Julian, and I motioned to the hands-free setup I had while I was driving. “My agent. Do you mind if I…?”

  “Go ahead. I’ll keep quiet.”

  I answered the call. “Julian, what’s up?”

  “Hey, Callum, how’s the East Coast?” Without bothering to wait for an answer, my highly strung agent continued, “I just got off the phone with Ridley Scott’s people. They want you to audition for the new movie on Friday.”

  I glanced at Kat, who was staring at me, eyes wide, looking genuinely excited on my behalf. I wasn’t even sure I’d heard Julian right.

  “Seriously? Why me?”
br />   “Don’t tell me you’re thinking of turning it down!” Julian was already panicking. “This is your shot at the big time!”

  “I never said I wouldn’t do it. I just want to know where he got my name. This all seems a little too good to be true.”

  “Uh, I might have slept with someone who knows someone who knows him. I got them to put your name forward.”

  I heard Kat’s breath escape in a silent laugh.

  “So you’ll do it, right?”

  “I’ll audition,” I confirmed. “Thanks, Julian.”

  He paused. “Why don’t you seem excited by this?”

  “An audition’s just an audition, buddy. I’ll get excited if I’m offered the part.” No point in counting my chickens before they’d hatched. And then there was Kat…

  “Right, right. I’ll have the particulars emailed to you in the next ten minutes.”

  We said our goodbyes and I severed the connection, exhaling hard.

  “Didn’t I just tell you this would happen?” Kat beamed at me and laid her head on my shoulder as a substitute for a hug while I was driving. “Congratulations.”

  If she was wondering where this left our budding relationship, it didn’t show in her demeanour. That troubled me for reasons I wasn’t quite sure of yet.

  “Thanks. It’s not a done deal though, not yet.”

  “Hey, I’ve seen you act. You’re gonna get this part, hands down.”

  “First I have to get Darren to let me take the day to audition.”

  Kat snorted. “This is the same Darren who cancelled my two-week vacation on your say-so. I don’t think you’re gonna have much of a problem with him.”

  We fell silent. I didn’t want to push her about what she wanted for our future, and God knew what she was thinking.

  For the next few minutes, she was quiet, frowning at her lap. I could practically see the wheels turning in her brain and left her to puzzle through her thoughts, concentrating on getting her home.

  When we got to the apartment building and I shut off the engine, she hardly seemed to notice.


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