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The Lost Book of Enki

Page 6

by Zecharia Sitchin

  He made his way through vegetation; bushes to trees gave way.

  The place was like an orchard, the trees with fruits were laden.

  By their sweet smell enticed, Alalu picked a fruit; in his mouth he put it.

  Sweet was the smell, sweeter the taste was! Alalu greatly it delighted.

  Away from the Sun’s rays Alalu was walking, toward the hills he set his direction.

  Among the trees a wetness under his feet he sensed, a sign of closeby waters.

  In the direction of the wetness he set his course;

  In the midst of the forest there was a pond, a pool of silent waters.

  Into the pond the Sampler he lowered; for drinking the water was good!

  Alalu laughed; an unstopping laughter seized him.

  The air was good, the water for drinking was fit; there was fruit, there were fishes!

  With eagerness Alalu bent down, together his hands he cupped, water to his mouth he brought.

  A coolness did the water have, a taste from Nibiru’s water different.

  Once more he drank, then with fright he asunder jumped:

  A hissing sound he could hear; a slithering body by the poolside was moving!

  His carried weapon he seized, a blast of its ray toward the hissing he directed.

  The moving stopped, the hissing was ended.

  To examine the danger Alalu stepped forward.

  The slithered body lay still; dead was the creature, a sight most strange:

  Like a rope its long body was, without hands or feet was the body;

  Fierce eyes were in its small head, out of its mouth a long tongue was sticking.

  A sight on Nibiru never beheld it was, a creature of another world!

  Was it the orchard’s guardian? Alalu by himself pondered. Was it the water’s master? himself he asked.

  In his carried flask he some water collected; with alertness to the chariot he made his way.

  The sweet fruits he also picked; to the chariot he set his course.

  The brightness of the Sun’s rays was greatly diminished; darkness it was as the chariot he reached.

  The shortness of the day Alalu pondered, its shortness him amazed.

  From the direction of the marshes a cool lightness on the horizon was rising.

  A white-hued ball in the heavens was quickly rising:

  Kingu, the Earth’s companion, he now beheld.

  What in the accounts of the Beginning, his eyes the truth could now see:

  The planets and their circuits, the Hammered Bracelet,

  Ki the Earth, Kingu its moon, all created were, all by names were called!

  In his heart Alalu knew one more truth a beholding needed:

  The gold, the means of salvation, to be found was needed.

  If truth be in the Beginning tales, if by the waters the golden veins of Tiamat were washed,

  In the waters of Ki, its cut-off half, gold must be found!

  With hands unsteady Alalu the Tester from the chariot’s pole dismantled.

  With trembling hands the Fish’s suit he donned, the fast arriving daylight eagerly awaiting.

  At daybreak the chariot he exited, to the marshes he quickly stepped.

  Into deeper waters he waded, the Tester into the waters he inserted.

  Its illuminated face he eagerly watched, in his chest his heart was pounding.

  The water’s contents was the Tester indicating, by symbols and numbers its findings disclosing.

  Then Alalu’s heartbeat stopped: There is gold in the waters, the Tester was telling!

  Unsteady on his legs Alalu stepped forward, deeper into the marshes he made his way.

  Again he the Tester into the waters inserted; again the Tester gold announced!

  A cry, a cry of triumph, from Alalu’s throat emanated: Nibiru’s fate in his hands now was!

  Back to the chariot he made his way, the Fish’s suit off he took, the commander’s seat he occupied.

  The Tablets of Destinies that knows all circuits he enlivened, to Nibiru’s circuit to find the direction.

  The Speaker-of-Words he stirred up, toward Nibiru the words to carry.

  Then to Nibiru words he uttered, thus he was saying:

  The words of the great Alalu to Anu on Nibiru are directed.

  On another world I am, the gold of salvation I have found;

  The fate of Nibiru is in my hands; to my conditions you must give heed!


  Synopsis of the Third Tablet

  Alalu beams the news to Nibiru, reclaims the kingship

  Anu, astounded, puts the issue before the royal council

  Enlil, Anu’s Foremost Son, suggests on-site verification

  Ea, Anu’s Firstborn and a son-in-law of Alalu, is chosen instead

  Ea ingeniously equips the celestial boat for the journey

  The spaceship, piloted by Anzu, carries fifty heroes

  Overcoming perils, the Nibiruans thrill by Earth’s sight

  Guided by Alalu, they splash down and wade ashore

  Eridu, Home Away from Home, is established in seven days

  Extraction of gold from the waters begins

  Though the quantity is minuscule, Nibiru demands delivery

  Abgal, a pilot, chooses Alalu’s spaceship for the trip

  Forbidden nuclear weapons are discovered in the spaceship

  Ea and Abgal remove the Weapons of Terror and hide them

  Earth–Mars connection (2500 B.C. depiction)

  The fate of Nibiru is in my hands; to my conditions you must give heed!

  Those were the words of Alalu, from dark-hued Earth to Nibiru they were by the Speaker beamed.

  When the words of Alalu to Anu, the king, were conveyed,

  Anu astounded was; astounded were the counselors, amazed were the sages.

  Alalu is not dead? they each other asked. Could indeed he on another world be living? they with disbelief were saying.

  Was he not on Nibiru hiding, in the chariot to a place of concealment gone?

  The commanders of chariots were summoned, savants the beamed words considered.

  The words from Nibiru did not come; from beyond the Hammered Bracelet were they spoken,

  This was their finding, this to Anu the king they reported.

  Stunned was Anu; the happening he pondered.

  Let words of acknowledgment to Alalu be sent, to the assembled he was saying.

  At the Place of the Celestial Chariots the command was given, to Alalu words were spoken:

  Anu, the king, to you his greetings sends; of your well-being to learn he is pleased;

  For your departing from Nibiru there was no reason, enmity is not in Anu’s heart;

  If gold for salvation you have indeed discovered, let Nibiru be saved!

  The words of Anu Alalu’s chariot did reach; Alalu them quickly answered:

  If your savior I am to be, your lives to save,

  Convene the princes to assembly, my ancestry declare supreme!

  Let the commanders make me their leader, bow to my command!

  Let the council pronounce me king, on the throne Anu to replace!

  When the words of Alalu on Nibiru were heard, great was the consternation.

  How could Anu be deposed? the counselors asked each other. What if Alalu mischief, not truth, is telling?

  Where is his asylum? Did gold indeed he find?

  They summoned the sages, of the wise and learned counseling they asked.

  The oldest of them spoke: I was Alalu’s master! he was saying.

  He had hearkened to teachings of the Beginning, of the Celestial Battle he was learning;

  Of the watery monster Tiamat and her golden veins he knowledge acquired;

  If indeed beyond the Hammered Bracelet he had journeyed,

  On Earth, the seventh planet, is his asylum!

  In the assembly a prince spoke up; a son of Anu he was, of the womb of Antu, Anu’s spouse, he was the issue.

Enlil was his name, Lord of the Command it meant. Words of caution he was saying:

  Of conditions Alalu cannot speak. Calamities were his handiwork, by single combat in wrestling he the throne forfeited.

  If Tiamat’s gold he indeed had found, proof of that is needed;

  Is it for protecting our atmosphere sufficient?

  How through the Hammered Bracelet to Nibiru can it be brought?

  Thus did Enlil, the son of Anu, speak; others many questions also asked.

  Much proof was greatly needed, many answers are required, all agreed.

  The words of the assembly to Alalu were conveyed, a response demanded.

  Alalu the words’ merit pondered, to transmit his secrets he agreed;

  Of his journey and its perils in truth he an account gave.

  Of the Tester its crystal innards he removed, from the Sampler its crystal heart he took out;

  Into the Speaker he the crystals inserted, all the findings to transmit.

  Now that proof has been delivered, declare me king, bow to my command! he sternly demanded.

  The sages were aghast; with Weapons of Terror Alalu on Nibiru more havoc caused,

  With Weapons of Terror a path through the Bracelet he blasted!

  Once in its circuit Nibiru that region passes, calamities Alalu is amassing!

  In the council there was much consternation; the kingship to alter was indeed a grave matter.

  Anu not by ancestry alone was king: By fair wrestling the throne he attained!

  In the assembly of the princes, a son of Anu stood up to speak.

  He was wise in all matters, among the sages renowned he was.

  Of the secrets of waters he was a master; E.A, He Whose Home Is Water, he was called.

  Of Anu he was the Firstborn; to Damkina, Alalu’s daughter, he was espoused.

  My father by birth is Anu the king, Ea was saying; Alalu by marriage my father is.

  To bring the two clans into unison was my espousal’s intention;

  Let me be the one in this conflict unity to bring!

  Let me Anu’s emissary to Alalu be, let me be the one Alalu’s discoveries to uphold!

  Let me in a chariot to Earth journey, a path through the Bracelet with water, not fire, I shall fashion.

  On Earth, from the waters let me the precious gold obtain; to Nibiru back it will be sent.

  Let Alalu be king on Earth, a verdict of the sages awaiting:

  If Nibiru it will save, let there be a second wrestling; who shall Nibiru rule let it determine!

  The princes, the counselors, the sages, the commanders heard Ea’s words with wonder;

  Full of wisdom they were, for conflict they solution found.

  Let it so be! Anu announced. Let Ea journey, let the gold be tested.

  Alalu a second time I shall then wrestle, let the winner be on Nibiru king!

  The words of decision to Alalu were conveyed;

  He pondered them and agreed: Let Ea, my son by marriage, to Earth come!

  Let gold from the waters be obtained, let it for salvation on Nibiru be tested;

  Let a second wrestling kingship by me or Anu settle!

  So be it! Anu in the assembly decreed.

  Enlil rose in objection; the king’s word unalterable was.

  Ea to the place of the chariots went, commanders and sages he consulted.

  The mission’s dangers he contemplated, how to extract and bring the gold he considered.

  Alalu’s transmission he carefully studied, Alalu for more testings the results he requested.

  A Tablet of Destinies for the mission he was fashioning.

  If water be the Force, where could it be replenished?

  Where on the chariot will it be stored, how to Force will it be converted?

  A full circuit of Nibiru did pass in contemplations, a Shar of Nibiru in preparations passed.

  The largest celestial chariot for the mission has been fitted,

  Its circuit’s destiny has been calculated, a Tablet of Destiny has been firmly fixed;

  Fifty heroes will for the mission be required to journey to Earth the gold to obtain!

  To the journey Anu his approval gave;

  The stargazers for the journey the right time to begin then selected.

  At the Place of the Chariots multitudes gathered, to bid farewell to the heroes and their leader did they come.

  Bearing Eagle’s helmets, carrying each a Fish’s suit, the heroes the chariot one by one entered.

  The last to embark was Ea; to the gathering he bade farewell.

  Before his father Anu he knelt down, the king’s blessing to receive.

  My son, the Firstborn: A far journey you have undertaken, for us all to be endangered;

  Let your success calamity from Nibiru banish; go and in safety come back!

  So did Anu to his son speak a blessing, bidding him farewell.

  The mother of Ea, the one called Ninul, to her heart embraced him.

  Why, after by Anu as a son to me you were given, did he with a restless heart you endow?

  Go and come back, the hazardous road traverse safely! to him she said.

  With tenderness Ea kissed his spouse, Damkina he without words embraced.

  Enlil with his half brother locked arms. Be blessed, be successful! to him he said.

  With heavy heart Ea the chariot entered, to soar up the command he gave.

  Now this is the account of the journey to the seventh planet,

  And how the legend of the Fishgod who came from the waters was begun.

  With heavy heart Ea the chariot entered, to soar up the command he gave.

  The commander’s seat by Anzu, not by Ea, was occupied; Anzu, not Ea, was the chariot’s commander;

  He Who Knows the Heavens his name’s meaning was; for the task he was especially selected.

  A prince among the princes he was, of royal seed his ancestry he counted.

  The celestial chariot he deftly guided; from Nibiru it powerfully soared, toward the distant Sun he it directed.

  Ten leagues, a hundred leagues the chariot was coursing, a thousand leagues the chariot was journeying.

  Little Gaga came out to greet them, a welcome to the heroes it was extending.

  To blue-hued Antu, the beautiful enchantress, it showed the way.

  By her sight Anzu was attracted. Let us examine her waters! Anzu was saying.

  Ea to continue without stopping gave the word; it is a planet of no return, he forcefully said.

  Toward the heavenly An, the third in planetary counts, the chariot continued.

  On his side was An lying, his host of moons about him were whirling.

  The Tester’s beams the presence of water was revealing; a stop if needed to Ea it was indicating.

  To continue the journey was Ea saying, toward Anshar, the heaven’s foremost prince, he was directing.

  Soon the ensnaring pull of Anshar they could tell, his colored rings with fear they admired.

  Deftly did Anzu the chariot guide, the crushing dangers he cleverly avoided.

  The giant Kishar, foremost of firm planets, was next to be encountered.

  Her net’s pull was overpowering; with great skill did Anzu the chariot’s course divert.

  With fury Kishar at the chariot divine lightnings was thrusting, her host at the uninvited she directed.

  Slowly Kishar moved away, for the chariot the next enemy to encounter:

  Beyond the fifth planet the Hammered Bracelet was lurking!

  Ea his handiwork to set a-whirring commanded, the Water Thruster to prepare.

  Toward the host of turning boulders the chariot was rushing,

  Each one like a slingshot’s stone ferociously at the chariot aimed.

  The word by Ea was given, with the force of a thousand heroes the stream of water was thrust.

  One by one the boulders turned face; a path for the chariot they were making!

  But as one boulder fled, another in its stead was attacking;

  A multitude beyond count was their number, a host for the splitting of Tiamat revenge seeking!

  Again and again Ea the commands gave, the Water Thruster to keep a-whirring;

  Again and again toward the host of boulders streams of water were directed;

  Again and again the boulders their faces turned, a path for the chariot making.

  And then at last the path was clear; unharmed the chariot could continue!

  A cry of joy the heroes sounded; double was the joy as the sight of the Sun was now unveiled.

  Amidst the elation Anzu the alarm sounded: For the path to have fashioned, excessive waters were consumed,

  Waters to feed the chariot’s Fiery Stones for the remaining journey were not sufficient!

  In the dark deepness the sixth planet they could see, the Sun’s rays it was reflecting.

  There is water on Lahmu, Ea was saying. Can you bring the chariot down upon it? Anzu he was asking.

  Deftly Anzu the chariot toward Lahmu directed; reaching the celestial god, around it he the chariot made circle.

  The planet’s net is not great, its pull is to handle easy, Anzu was saying.

  A sight to behold was Lahmu, many hued it was; snow white was its cap, snow white were its sandals.

  Reddish hued was its middle, in its midst lakes and rivers were aglitter!

  Deftly Anzu the chariot made travel slower, by a lakeside it gently came down.

  Ea and Anzu their Eagle’s helmets donned, to the firm ground they stepped down.

  On command the heroes That Which Water Sucks extended, the chariot’s bowels with the lake’s waters to fill.

  While the chariot was getting its fill of waters, Ea and Anzu the whereabouts examined.

  With Tester and Sampler all that matters they ascertained: The waters were good for drinking, the air was insufficient.

  All was in the chariot’s annals recorded, the need for the detour described.

  With its vigor replenished the chariot soared up, to benevolent Lahmu farewell bidding.

  Beyond the seventh planet was making its circuit; Earth and its companion the chariot were inviting!

  In the commander’s seat Anzu was without words; Ea too was silent.

  Ahead was their destination, its gold Nibiru’s fate for salvation or doom containing.

  The chariot must be slowed or in Earth’s thick atmosphere it shall perish! Anzu to Ea declared.


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