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The Lost Book of Enki

Page 15

by Zecharia Sitchin

  Ninki to the foundlings a liking took, as her own children she raised them.

  Adapa, the Foundling, the boy she called; Titi, One with Life, the girl she named.

  Unlike all other Earthling children the twosome were:

  Slower to grow up than Earthlings they were, much quicker in understanding they were;

  With intelligence they were endowed, of speaking with words capable they were.

  Beautiful and pleasant was the girl, with her hands she was greatly dexterous;

  Ninki, the spouse of Enki, to Titi took a liking; all manner of crafts she was her teaching.

  To Adapa Enki himself teachings gave, how to keep records he was him instructing.

  The achievements with pride Enki to Isimud was showing,

  A Civilized Man have I brought forth! to Isimud he was saying.

  A new kind of Earthling from my seed has been created, in my image and after my likeness!

  From seed they food will grow, from ewes sheep they will shepherd,

  Anunnaki and Earthlings henceforth shall be satiated!

  To his brother Enlil Enki word sent; from Nibru-ki to Eridu Enlil came.

  In the wilderness a new kind of Earthling has come forth! to Enlil was Enki saying.

  Quick of learning they are, knowledge and craftwork to them can be taught.

  Let us from Nibiru seeds that are sown bring down,

  Let us from Nibiru ewes that sheep become to Earth deliver,

  Let us the new breed of Earthlings farming and shepherding teach,

  Let Anunnaki and Earthlings together satiated be! So was Enki to Enlil saying.

  Akin to us Anunnaki in many ways, indeed they are! Enlil to his brother said.

  A wonder of wonders it is, in the wilderness by themselves to have come about!

  Isimud was summoned. Among the bulrushes in reed baskets I them found! he said.

  Enlil the matter with graveness pondered, with amazement his head he shook.

  Indeed a wonder of wonders it is, a new breed of Earthling on Earth has emerged,

  A Civilized Man has the Earth itself brought forth,

  Farming and shepherding, crafts and toolmaking he can be taught!

  So was Enlil to Enki saying. Let us of the new breed to Anu word send!

  Of the new breed word to Anu on Nibiru was beamed.

  Let seeds that can be sown, let ewes that sheep become, to Earth be sent!

  So did Enki and Enlil to Anu the suggestion make.

  By Civilized Man let Anunnaki and Earthlings become satiated!

  Anu the words heard, by the words he was amazed:

  That by life essences one kind to another leads is not unheard of! to them words back he sent.

  That on Earth a Civilized Man from the Adamu so quickly appeared, that is unheard of!

  For sowing and husbanding, great numbers are needed; perchance the beings to proliferate are unable?

  While the savants on Nibiru the matter contemplated,

  In Eridu occurrences of import took place:

  Adapa in a mating Titi knew, into her womb he poured his semen.

  There was conception, there was birth-giving:

  To twins, two brothers, Titi gave birth!

  Word of the birth to Anu on Nibiru was beamed:

  The twosome for conception are compatible, proliferation by them can occur!

  Let seeds that are sown, ewes that sheep become, to Earth be delivered,

  Let on Earth farming and shepherding begin, let us all be satiated!

  So did Enki and Enlil to Anu on Nibiru say.

  Let Titi in Eridu remain, the newborns to suckle and nurture,

  Let Adapa the Earthling to Nibiru be brought! So did Anu his decision declare.


  Synopsis of the Eighth Tablet

  Adapa’s wide understanding amazes Nibiru’s savants

  On Anu’s orders Adapa is brought to Nibiru

  An Earthling’s first-ever space journey

  Enki reveals Adapa’s parenting truth to Anu

  Enki justifies his deed by the need for more food

  Adapa is sent back to start farming and shepherding

  Enlil and Enki create crop seeds and sheep lines

  Ninurta teaches Ka-in crop cultivation

  Marduk teaches Abael shepherding and woolmaking

  Fighting over water, Ka-in strikes and kills Abael

  Ka-in is tried for murder, sentenced to exile

  Adapa and Titi have other offspring who intermarry

  On his deathbed Adapa blesses his son Sati as his heir

  A descendant, Enkime, is taken by Marduk to Lahmu

  Ninurta and his Divine Eagle symbol

  Let Adapa the Earthling to Nibiru be brought! So did Anu his decision declare.

  By the decision Enlil was not pleased: Whoever of this would have thought,

  That by a Primitive Worker fashioning, like us the being would become,

  With knowledge, endowed, between Heaven and Earth will travel!

  On Nibiru the waters of long life he will drink, the food of long life eat,

  Like one of us Anunnaki shall the one of Earth become!

  So was Enlil to Enki and the other leaders saying.

  By the decision of Anu Enki too was not pleased; sullen was his face after Anu had spoken.

  After Enlil had spoken, with Enlil his brother Enki agreed:

  Indeed, who of this would have thought! So to the others did Enki say.

  The brothers sat and contemplated; Ninmah with them was also deliberating.

  The command of Anu cannot be avoided! to them she said.

  Let Adapa by our young ones to Nibiru be accompanied, his fright to diminish, to Anu things explain!

  So did Enki to the others say. Let Ningishzidda and Dumuzi his companions be,

  By the way, Nibiru for the first time with their eyes also see!

  By Ninmah was the suggestion favored: Our young ones, on Earth born,

  Of Nibiru are forgetting, its life cycles by those of Earth are overwhelmed;

  Let the two sons of Enki, as yet unmarried, to Nibiru also travel,

  Perchance brides there for themselves they shall find!

  When the next celestial chamber from Nibiru did arrive in Sippar,

  Ilabrat, a vizier of Anu, from the chamber stepped off.

  I have come to fetch the Earthling Adapa! So to the leaders he said.

  The leaders to Ilabrat Adapa presented; Titi and her sons to him they also showed.

  Indeed, in our image and after our likeness they are! So did Ilabrat say.

  To Ilabrat Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, sons of Enki, were presented.

  To accompany Adapa on his journey they have been selected! to him Enki said.

  Anu his grandchildren to see will be pleased! So did Ilabrat say.

  To hear instructions, Enki Adapa to him summoned. To Adapa thus he said:

  Adapa, to Nibiru, the planet whence we had come, you will be going,

  Before Anu our king you will come, to his majesty you will be presented;

  Before him you shall bow. Speak only when asked, to questions short answers give!

  New clothing you will be given; the new garments put on.

  A bread on Earth not found they to you will give; the bread is death, do not eat!

  In a chalice an elixir to drink they to you will give; the elixir is death, do not drink!

  With you Ningishzidda and Dumuzi my sons will journey, to their words hearken, and you shall live!

  So did Enki Adapa instruct. This I shall remember! Adapa said.

  Enki Ningishzidda and Dumuzi summoned, to them a blessing and advice he gave.

  Before Anu the king, my father, you are coming, to him you shall bow and homage pay;

  By princes and nobles do not be cowered, of them you are the equals.

  To bring Adapa back to Earth is your mission, by Nibiru’s delights be not charmed!

  This we shall remember! Ningishzi
dda and Dumuzi said.

  His young one, Dumuzi, Enki embraced, on the forehead he kissed him;

  The wise one Ningishzidda Enki embraced, on the forehead he kissed him.

  A sealed tablet in the hand of Ningishzidda unseen he placed,

  To my father Anu this tablet in secret you shall give! So did Enki to Ningishzidda say.

  Then the two with Adapa to Sippar departed, to the Place of the Celestial Chariots they went,

  To Ilabrat, Anu’s vizier, the three of them themselves presented.

  To Ningishzidda and Dumuzi the garb of Igigi was given, like celestial eagles they were dressed.

  As for Adapa, his unkept hair was shaven, a helmet as that of an Eagle he was given,

  Instead of his loincloth a tight-fitting vestment he was made to wear,

  Between Ningishzidda and Dumuzi, inside That Which Ascends he was placed.

  When the signal was given, the Celestial Chariot roared and shuddered;

  In fright did Adapa cower and cry out: The Eagle without wings is soaring!

  Upon his sides Ningishzidda and Dumuzi their arms placed, with soothing words they him calmed.

  When one league aloft they were borne, upon the Earth they glanced out;

  Its lands they saw, by seas and oceans into parts separated.

  When two leagues aloft they were, the ocean to a tub grew smaller, the land was the size of a basket.

  When three leagues aloft they were, again they cast a glance whence they had departed;

  The Earth was now as a small ball, by a sea of darkness in the vastness swallowed.

  Once again Adapa agitated was; he cowered and cried out: Take me back! he shouted.

  Ningishzidda his hand on the neck of Adapa put; in an instant was Adapa quiet.

  When they on Nibiru landed, there was much curiosity,

  The children of Enki, on Earth born, to see, even more so an Earthling to encounter:

  A being from another world on Nibiru has arrived! So were the crowds shouting.

  With Ilabrat to the palace they were taken to be washed and with perfumed oils anointed.

  Fresh and befitting garments they were given;

  Heeding Enki’s words, Adapa the new clothing did put on.

  In the palace nobles and heroes milled about, in the throne room princes and counselors gathered.

  To the throne room by Ilabrat they were led, Adapa behind him, then the two sons of Enki.

  In the throne room before Anu the king they bowed; from his throne Anu stepped forward.

  My grandsons! My grandsons! he cried out. He hugged Dumuzi, he hugged Ningishzidda,

  With tears in his eyes he embraced them, he kissed them.

  To his right Dumuzi he bade to be seated, on his left Ningishzidda sat.

  Then Ilabrat to Anu the Earthling Adapa presented.

  Does he our speech understand? Anu the king of Ilabrat inquired.

  Indeed he does, by the lord Enki was he taught! Ilabrat so answered.

  Come hither! Anu to Adapa said. What is your name and your occupation?

  Forward Adapa stepped, again he bowed: Adapa is my name, of the lord Enki a servant!

  So did Adapa in words speak; his speaking great amazement was causing.

  A wonder of wonders on Earth has been attained! Anu declared.

  A wonder of wonders on Earth has been attained! all the assembled shouted.

  Let there a celebration be, let us our guests thus welcome! Anu was saying.

  To the banquet room Anu all who were assembled led, to the laden tables he happily gestured.

  At the laden tables bread of Nibiru Adapa was offered; he did not eat it.

  At the laden tables elixir of Nibiru Adapa was offered; he did not drink it.

  By this Anu the king was puzzled, was offended:

  Why has Enki to Nibiru this ill-mannered Earthling sent, to him the celestial ways reveal?

  Come now, Adapa! to Adapa Anu said. Why did you neither eat nor drink, our hospitality rejected?

  My master the lord Enki commanded me: The bread do not eat, the elixir do not drink!

  So did Adapa the king Anu answer.

  How odd is this thing! Anu was saying. For what has Enki from an Earthling our food and elixir prevented?

  He asked Ilabrat, he asked Dumuzi; Ilabrat the answer knew not, Dumuzi could not explain.

  He asked Ningishzidda. Perchance in this lies the answer! Ningishzidda to Anu said.

  The secret tablet that he carried hidden to Anu the king he then gave.

  Puzzled was Anu, Anu was concerned; to his private chamber he went the tablet to decipher.

  Now this is the account of Adapa, of Civilized Mankind the progenitor,

  And how by his sons Ka-in and Abael satiation on Earth was started.

  In his private chamber Anu the tablet’s seal broke open,

  Into the scanner the tablet he inserted, its message from Enki to decipher.

  Adapa by my seed to an Earthling woman was born! So did the message from Enki say.

  Likewise was Titi by another Earthling woman of my seed conceived.

  With wisdom and speech they are endowed; with Nibiru’s long lifetime they are not.

  The bread of long-living he should not eat, the elixir of long life he should not drink.

  To live and die on Earth Adapa must return, mortality his lot must be,

  By the sowing and shepherding by his offspring on Earth satiation shall be!

  So did Enki the secret of Adapa to his father Anu reveal.

  By the secret message from Enki Anu was astounded; whether to angry be or laugh he knew not.

  Ilabrat his vizier to his private chamber he summoned, to him he thus said:

  That son of mine Ea, even as Enki his free ways with females has not mended!

  To Ilabrat his vizier the message on the tablet he showed.

  What are the rules, what is the king to do? of his vizier Anu inquired.

  Concubines by our rules are permitted; of interplanetary cohabitation no rules exist!

  So did Ilabrat to the king respond. If damage there be, let it be restricted,

  Let Adapa forthwith to Earth be returned, let Ningishzidda and Dumuzi longer stay!

  Anu then Ningishzidda to his private chamber summoned;

  Know you what your father’s message said? of Ningishzidda he inquired.

  Ningishzidda his head lowered, with whispering voice he said:

  I know not, but guess I can. The life essence of Adapa I have tested, of Enki’s seed he is!

  That indeed is the message! to him Anu said. Adapa to Earth forthwith shall return,

  To be of Civilized Man a progenitor his destiny shall be!

  As for you, Ningishzidda, to Earth with Adapa you shall return

  Of Civilized Mankind at your father’s side to become the teacher!

  So did Anu the king the decision make, the destiny of Adapa and Ningishzidda he determined.

  To the assembled savants and nobles, princes and counselors Anu and the other two returned,

  To the assembled words of decision Anu announced:

  The welcome to the Earthling must not be overextended, on our planet he cannot eat or drink;

  Of his astounding abilities we have all seen, let him to Earth return,

  Let his offspring there on Earth fields till and in meadows shepherd!

  To ensure his safety and avoid his agitation, Ningishzidda with him back will travel,

  With him the seeds of Nibiru of grains which multiply to Earth will be sent;

  Dumuzi, the youngest, for a Shar with us shall stay,

  Then to Earth with ewes and the essence of sheep he shall return!

  This was the decision of Anu, to the king’s words all in agreement their heads bowed.

  At the appointed time Ningishzidda and Adapa to the Place of the Celestial Chariots were taken,

  Anu and Dumuzi, Ilabrat and counselors, nobles and heroes to them farewell bade.

  There was roaring an
d shuddering, and the chariot was lofted;

  The planet Nibiru grow smaller they saw, then from horizon to zenith the heavens they saw.

  On their journey Ningishzidda to Adapa the planet gods explained.

  Of Sun and Earth and the Moon to him lessons he gave,

  Of how the months chase one another and how Earth’s year is counted him he taught.

  When to Earth they returned, to his father Enki Ningishzidda all that had happened related.

  Enki laughed and struck his loins: It all went as I expected! with glee he said;

  Except the detention of Dumuzi, that is to me a puzzle! So did Enki say.

  By the prompt return of Ningishzidda and Adapa Enlil was greatly puzzled,

  What is the matter, what on Nibiru transpired? of Enki and Ningishzidda he inquired.

  Let Ninmah too be summoned, let her too of what transpired hear! Enki to him said.

  After Ninmah arrived, to Enlil and to her Ningishzidda all did tell.

  Enki his cohabitation with the Earthling females also related;

  No rules have I broken, our satiation I have ensured! So Enki to them said.

  No rules did you break, the fates of Anunnaki and Earthlings by a rash deed you determined!

  So did Enlil in anger say. Now the lot is cast, destiny by fate is overtaken!

  With fury was Enlil seized, with anger he turned and left them standing.

  To Eridu Marduk came, by his mother Damkina was he summoned.

  The odd ongoings to verify of his father and brother he demanded.

  To keep the secret from Marduk hidden father and brother decided;

  Anu by the Civilized Man was enthralled, to at once all on Earth satiate he commanded!

  So they to Marduk only part of the truth revealed.

  By Adapa and Titi Marduk was impressed, to the boys he took a liking.

  While Ningishzidda Adapa is instructing, let me the boys’ teacher be!

  So did Marduk to his father Enki and to Enlil say.

  Let Marduk teach one, let Ninurta teach the other! to them Enlil responded.

  In Eridu Ningishzidda with Adapa and Titi stayed, numbers and writing Adapa he taught.

  The twin who was first in birth Ninurta to Bad-Tibira, his city, took,

  Ka-in, He Who in the Field Food Grows, he called him.

  To dig canals for watering he taught him, sowing and reaping he was teaching.

  A plow from the wood of trees Ninurta for Ka-in made, with it a tiller of the land to be.


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