The Lost Book of Enki

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The Lost Book of Enki Page 16

by Zecharia Sitchin

  The other brother, son of Adapa, by Marduk to the meadows was taken,

  Abael, He of the Watered Meadows, his name was thereafter called.

  How to build stalls Marduk him taught; for shepherding to start, the return of Dumuzi they awaited.

  When the Shar was completed, Dumuzi to Earth returned,

  The essence seed of sheep, ewes for the growing with him he brought,

  Four-legged animals of Nibiru to another planet, the Earth, he conveyed!

  His return with essence seed and ewes was cause for much celebration,

  Into the care of his father Enki Dumuzi with his precious cargo returned.

  The leaders then got together, how to proceed with the new breed they considered:

  Never before was there a ewe on Earth, a lamb has never to Earth from the heavens been dropped,

  A she-goat has never before to her kid given birth,

  Weaving of sheep’s wool has never before been established!

  The Anunnaki leaders, Enki and Enlil, Ninmah and Ningishzidda, who the creators were,

  A Creation Chamber, a House of Fashioning, to establish decided.

  Upon the pure mound of the Landing Place, in the Cedar Mountains, it was established,

  Near where the elixir seeds by Ninmah brought were planted there was the Creation Chamber established,

  There was the multiplying of the grains and of the ewes on Earth begun.

  Of Ka-in for sowing and reaping Ninurta was the mentor,

  Of Abael the arts of ewe and lamb rearing and shepherding Marduk was the mentor.

  When the first crops were reaped, when the first sheep matured,

  Let there be a Celebration of Firsts! Enlil a decree proclaimed.

  Before the assembled Anunnaki the first grains, the first lambs were presented,

  At the feet of Enlil and Enki Ka-in, by Ninurta guided, his offering placed;

  At the feet of Enlil and Enki Abael, by Marduk guided, his offering placed.

  Enlil to the brothers gave a joyful blessing, their labors he extolled.

  Enki his son Marduk embraced, the lamb for all to see he raised,

  Meat for eating, wool for wearing to Earth have come! Enki said.

  Now this is the account of the generations of Adapa,

  And the killing of Abael by Ka-in, and what thereafter transpired.

  After the Celebration of Firsts was over, sullen was Ka-in’s face;

  By the lack of Enki’s blessing greatly he was aggrieved.

  As to their tasks the brothers returned, Abael before his brother was boasting:

  I am the one who abundance brings, who the Anunnaki satiates,

  Who gives strength to the heroes, who wool for their clothing provides!

  Ka-in by his brother’s words was offended, to his boasting strongly he objected:

  It is I who the plains luxuriates, who furrows with grains makes heavy,

  In whose fields birds multiply, in whose canals fish become abundant,

  Sustaining bread by me is produced, with fish and fowl the Anunnaki’s diet I variate!

  On and on the twin brothers each other disputed, through the wintertime they argued.

  When summer began it was not raining, the meadows were dry, the pastures dwindled.

  Into the fields of his brother Abael his flocks drove, from the furrows and the canals to drink water.

  By this Ka-in was angered; to move the flocks away his brother he commanded.

  Farmer and shepherd, brother and brother, words of accusation uttered.

  They spat on each other, with their fists they fought.

  Greatly enraged, Ka-in a stone picked up, with it he Abael in the head struck.

  Again and again he hit him until Abael fell, his blood from him gushing.

  When Ka-in his brother’s blood saw, Abael, Abael, my brother! he shouted.

  Motionless on the ground did Abael remain, from him his soul had departed.

  By the brother whom he had killed Ka-in remained, for a long time he sat crying.

  Titi it was who of the killing was the first to know by a premonition:

  In a dream-vision as she was sleeping Abael’s blood she saw, in the hand of Ka-in it was.

  Adapa from his sleep she awakened, her dream-vision to him she told.

  A heavy sorrow fills my heart, did something terrifying happen?

  So did Titi to Adapa say; greatly agitated she was.

  In the morning the two from Eridu departed, to the whereabouts of Ka-in and Abael they went.

  In the field they found Ka-in, by the dead Abael he was still seated.

  A great cry of agony Titi shouted, Adapa spread mud on his head.

  What have you done? What have you done? to Ka-in they shouted.

  Silence was Ka-in’s answer; to the ground he threw himself and wept.

  To Eridu city Adapa returned, what had happened to the lord Enki he told.

  With fury Enki Ka-in confronted. Accursed you shall be! to him he said.

  From the Edin you must depart, among Anunnaki and Civilized Earthlings you shall not stay!

  As to Abael, in the fields his body cannot for the wild birds remain;

  As the Anunnaki custom is, he in a grave, below a stone pile, shall be buried.

  How Abael to bury Enki to Adapa and Titi showed, for the custom to them was not known.

  For thirty days and thirty nights was Abael by his parents mourned.

  To Eridu for judgment Ka-in was brought, the exile sentence to pronounce Enki wished.

  For his deed, Ka-in himself must be slain! So did Marduk with anger say.

  Let the Seven Who Judge be assembled! So did Ninurta, of Ka-in the mentor, say.

  Whoever of such an assembling ever heard! Marduk shouted,

  That for one not from Nibiru Anunnaki leaders shall to judge be called?

  Is it not enough that one by Ninurta mentored the one by me favored has killed?

  Is it not that as Ninurta Anzu did vanquish, so did Ka-in against his brother rise?

  Like the fate of Anzu Ka-in’s fate should be, his life-breath to be extinguished!

  So did Marduk in anger to Enki, Enlil, and Ninurta say.

  Ninurta by the words of Marduk was saddened; silence, not words, his answer was.

  Let me with Marduk my son words in private have! to them Enki said.

  When in Enki’s private chambers he and Marduk were,

  My son! My son! to Marduk Enki softly spoke. Your agony is great. Let us not agony with agony compound!

  A secret that on my heart has heavily emburdened let me to you tell!

  Once upon a time, as by the river I strolled, two Earthling maidens my fancy caught,

  By them from my seed were Adapa and Titi conceived,

  A new kind of Earthling, a Civilized Man, by that upon the Earth was brought;

  Whether they to procreate were able our king Anu in doubt was,

  By the birth of Ka-in and Abael were Anu and the council on Nibiru convinced.

  A new phase of Anunnaki presence on this planet was welcomed and approved;

  Now that Abael has been slain, and if Ka-in too shall be extinguished,

  Satiation to an end would come, mutinies will be repeated, all that was achieved shall crumble!

  No wonder that to Abael a liking you took, the son of your half brother he was!

  Now, on the other one have pity, let the line of Adapa survive!

  So did Enki with sadness a secret to Marduk his son reveal.

  By the revelation Marduk was at first astounded, then by laughter he was overcome:

  Of your lovemaking prowess much to me was rumored, now of that convinced I am!

  Indeed, let Ka-in’s life be spared, to the ends of the Earth let him be banished!

  So did Marduk, from anger to laughter changing, to his father say.

  In Eridu judgment upon Ka-in by Enki was pronounced:

  Eastward to a land of wandering for his evil deed Ka-in must depart,
br />   That his life must be spared, he and his generations shall be distinguished!

  By Ningishzidda was the life essence of Ka-in altered:

  That his face a beard should not grow, Ka-in’s life essence Ningishzidda changed.

  With his sister Awan as a spouse Ka-in from the Edin departed, to the Land of Wandering he set his course.

  Now the Anunnaki sat and among themselves wondered:

  Without Abael, without Ka-in, who shall for us the grains grow and bread make,

  Who shall be the shepherd, the ewes multiply, wool for clothing provide?

  Let by Adapa and Titi more proliferation be! So did the Anunnaki say.

  With the blessing of Enki, Adapa his spouse Titi knew again and again;

  One daughter, another daughter, each time again and again were born.

  In the ninety-fifth Shar, a son Adapa and Titi finally had;

  Sati, He Who Life Binds Again, Titi him named; by him were the generations of Adapa counted.

  In all, thirty sons and thirty daughters Adapa and Titi had,

  Of them tillers of the land and shepherds for the Anunnaki toiled,

  By them did satiation to Anunnaki and Civilized Earthlings come back.

  In the ninety-seventh Shar, to Sati a son by his spouse Azura was born.

  By the name Enshi in the annals he was recorded; Master of Humanity meant his name.

  By Adapa his father writing and numbers he was made to understand,

  And who the Anunnaki were and all about Nibiru by Adapa Enshi was told.

  To Nibru-ki by the sons of Enlil he was taken; secrets of the Anunnaki him they taught.

  How the perfumed oils for anointing Nannar, Enlil’s on Earth the eldest, him showed,

  How the elixir from the Inbu fruits to prepare Ishkur, Enlil’s youngest, him instructed.

  It was since then that by Civilized Man the Anunnaki lords were called.

  And of the rites of worship of the Anunnaki that the beginning was.

  Thereafter to Enshi by his sister Noam a son was born;

  Kunin, He of the Kilns, his name had the meaning.

  For by Niburta in Bad-Tibira he was tutored, of furnace and kiln there he learned,

  How with bitumens fires to make, how to smelt and refine he was taught;

  In the smelting and refining of gold for Nibiru he and his offspring toiled.

  In the ninety-eighth Shar did this matter come about.

  Now this is the account of the generations of Adapa after Ka-in was exiled,

  And the heavenly journeys of Enkime and the death of Adapa.

  In the ninety-ninth Shar to Kunin a son was born,

  By Mualit, a half sister of Kunin, he was conceived.

  Malalu, He Who Plays, she named him; in music and song he excelled.

  For him Ninurta a stringed harp made, a flute for him he shaped;

  Hymns to Ninurta Malalu played, with his daughters before Ninurta they sang.

  The spouse of Malalu the daughter of his father’s brother was, Dunna was her name.

  In the one hundredth Shar since the count on Earth had begun,

  A son to Malalu and Dunna was born, their firstborn he was;

  Irid, He of the Sweet Waters, his mother Dunna him named.

  Him Dumuzi how wells to dig had taught, for flocks in distant meadows water to provide.

  It was there, by the wells in the meadows, that shepherds and maidens gathered,

  Where espousing and proliferation by Civilized Mankind exceedingly abounded.

  In his days the Igigi to Earth were more frequently coming.

  To observe and see from the heavens they increasingly abandoned,

  To watch and see what on Earth was transpiring they increasingly desired;

  To be with them on Lahmu Enki Marduk beseeched,

  To watch and see what on Earth was transpiring Marduk more fervently wished.

  At a well in the meadows did Irid his spouse meet;

  Baraka was her name, the daughter of his mother’s brother she was.

  At the conclusion of the hundred and second Shar a son to them was born,

  By the name Enki-Me, by Enki ME Understanding, in the annals he was called.

  Wise and intelligent he was, numbers he quickly understood,

  About the heavens and all matters celestial he was constantly curious.

  To him the lord Enki took a liking, secrets once to Adapa revealed to him he told.

  Of the family of the Sun and the twelve celestial gods Enki him was teaching,

  And how the months by the Moon were counted and the years by the Sun,

  And how by Nibiru the Shars were counted, and how the counts by Enki were combined,

  How the lord Enki the circle of the heavens to twelve parts divided,

  A constellation to each one how Enki assigned, twelve stations in a grand circle he arranged,

  How to honor the twelve Anunnaki great leaders by names the stations were called.

  To explore the heavens Enkime was eager; two celestial journeys he did make.

  And this is the account of Enkime’s journeys to the heavens,

  And how the Igigi troubles and intermarriages by Marduk were started.

  To be with Marduk in the Landing Place Enkime was sent,

  From there Marduk in a rocketship to the Moon did him take.

  There what Marduk from his father Enki had learned to Enkime he did teach.

  When to Earth Enkime returned, to be with Utu in Sippar, the Place of the Chariots, he was sent.

  There a tablet for writing what he was learning by Utu to Enkime was given,

  Utu in his bright abode a Prince of Earthlings him installed.

  The rites him he taught, the functions of priesthood to begin.

  In Sippar with his spouse Edinni, a half sister, Enkime resided,

  To them in the one hundred and fourth Shar a son was born,

  Matushal his mother him named, Who by the Bright Waters Raised the name meant.

  It was after that that Enkime on his second journey to the heavens went,

  This time too Marduk was his mentor and companion.

  In a celestial chariot heavenward they soared, toward the Sun and away from it they circled.

  To visit the Igigi on Lahmu by Marduk he was taken,

  To him the Igigi a liking took, of Civilized Earthlings from him they learned.

  Of him it is in the Annals said that to the heavens he departed,

  That in the heavens he stayed till the end of his days.

  Before Enkime for the heavens departed, all that in the heavens he was taught.

  In writings Enkime a record made, for his sons to know he wrote it;

  All that is in the heavens in the family of the Sun he wrote down,

  And about the quarters of the Earth and its lands and its rivers too.

  To the hands of Matushal, his firstborn son, the writings he entrusted,

  With his brothers Ragim and Gaidad to study and abide by.

  In the one hundred and fourth Shar was Matushal born,

  To the Igigi troubles and what Marduk had done he was a witness.

  By his spouse Ednat a son to Matushal was born, Lu-Mach, Mighty Man, was his name.

  In his days conditions on Earth became harsher; the toilers in field and meadow raised complaints.

  As a workmaster the Anunnaki Lu-Mach appointed, the quotas to enforce, the rations to reduce.

  In his days it was that Adapa his deathtime attained;

  And when Adapa knew that his days to an end were coming,

  Let all my sons and sons of sons assemble themselves to me! he said,

  That before I die I may bless them, and words to them speak before I die.

  And when Sati and the sons of the sons had gathered,

  Where is Ka-in, my firstborn? Adapa of them all asked. Let him be fetched! to them all he said.

  Before the lord Enki Sati his father’s wish presented, what to be done of the lord he asked.

  Enki then Ninurta summoned: Let the banished one, of whom the mentor you were, to Adapa’s deathbed be brought!

  In his Bird of Heaven Ninurta betook himself, to the Land of Wandering he flew;

  Over the lands he roamed, from the skies for Ka-in he searched.

  And when he him found, like on Eagle’s wings Ka-in to Adapa he brought.

  When of his son’s arrival Adapa was informed, Let Ka-in and Sati before me come! Adapa said.

  Before their father the two came, Ka-in the firstborn on the right, Sati on the left.

  And the eyesight of Adapa having failed, for recognition his sons’ faces he touched;

  And the face of Ka-in on the right was beardless, and the face of Sati on the left with beard was.

  And Adapa put his right hand on the head of Sati, the one on the left,

  And he blessed him and said: Of your seed shall the Earth be filled,

  And of your seed as a tree with three branches Mankind a Great Calamity shall survive.

  And he put his left hand on the head of Ka-in on his right, and to him said:

  For your sin of your birthright you are deprived, but of your seed seven nations shall come,

  In a realm set apart they shall thrive, distant lands they shall inhabit;

  But having your brother with a stone killed, by a stone will be your end.

  And when Adapa finished these words saying, his hands dropped and he sighed and said:

  Now summon my spouse Titi and all the sons and all the daughters,

  And after my spirit leaves me, to my birthplace by the river carry me,

  And with my face toward the rising Sun there bury me.

  Like a wounded beast Titi cried out, to her knees by Adapa’s side she fell.

  And the two sons of Adapa, Ka-in and Sati, in a cloth his body wrapped,

  In a cave by the banks of the river, by Titi shown, Adapa they buried.

  In the midst of the ninety-third Shar was he born, by the end of the one hundred and eighth he died.

  A long life for an Earthling he had; the life cycle of Enki he did not have.

  And after Adapa was buried, Ka-in to his mother and brother farewell bade.

  Ninurta in his Bird of Heaven to the land of wandering him returned.

  And in a distant realm Ka-in had sons and daughters,

  And he for them a city built, and as he was building, by a falling stone he was killed.

  In the Edin Lu-Mach as a workmaster the Anunnaki served,


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