The Lost Book of Enki

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The Lost Book of Enki Page 17

by Zecharia Sitchin

  In the days of Lu-Mach did Marduk and the Igigi with Earthlings intermarry.


  Synopsis of the Ninth Tablet

  Mankind proliferates; Adapa’s line serves as royalty

  Defying Enlil, Marduk espouses an Earthling female

  Celestial disturbances and climate changes affect Lahmu

  The Igigi descend to Earth, seize Earthling females as wives

  The promiscuous Enki begets a human son, Ziusudra

  Droughts and pestilences cause suffering on Earth

  Enlil sees it as fated retribution, wants to return home

  Ninmah, aged by Earth’s cycles, also wants to return

  A mystery emissary warns them not to defy their destiny

  Signs increase of a coming calamitous Deluge

  Most Anunnaki begin to depart back to Nibiru

  Enlil enforces a plan to let Mankind perish

  Enki and Ninmah start to preserve Earth’s Seeds of Life

  The remaining Anunnaki prepare for the Day of the Deluge

  Nergal, Lord of the Lower World, is to issue the warning

  Enki divulges the secret of the Deluge

  In the days of Lu-Mach did Marduk and the Igigi with Earthlings intermarry.

  In those days on Earth the hardships were increasing,

  In those days on Lahmu with dryness and dust was the planet enveloped.

  The Anunnaki who decree the fates, Enlil and Enki and Ninmah, with each other consulted.

  What conditions on Earth and on Lahmu were altering, they wondered.

  On the Sun flarings they observed, in the netforces of Earth and Lahmu there were disruptions.

  In the Abzu, at the tip the Whiteland facing, instruments for observing they installed;

  In the charge of Nergal, the son of Enki, and his spouse Ereshkigal the instruments were put.

  To the Land Beyond the Seas Ninurta was assigned, in the mountainland a Bond Heaven–Earth to establish.

  On Lahmu the Igigi were restless; to pacify them Marduk was the task given:

  Until what are the hardships causing, the way station on Lahmu must be kept! So to Marduk the leaders said.

  The three who the fates decree with each other consulted;

  They looked at each other. How old the others are! each one of the others thought.

  Enki, who the death of Adapa was grieving, was the first one to speak.

  More than one hundred Shars since my arrival have passed! to his brother and sister he said.

  I was then a dashing leader; now bearded, tired, and old I am!

  An enthusiastic hero I was, for command and adventure ready! Enlil then said.

  Now I have children who have children, all on Earth born;

  Old on Earth we became, but those on Earth born are even older sooner!

  So did Enlil to his brother and sister ruefully say.

  As for me, an old sheep they call me! So did Ninmah wistfully say.

  While the others have been coming and going, turns on Earth to serve taking,

  We the leaders have stayed and stayed! Perchance it is time to leave! So did Enlil say.

  Of that did I often wonder, to them Enki was saying. Each time one of us three to revisit Nibiru wished,

  Word from Nibiru always our coming thereto prevented!

  Of that I too did wonder, Enlil was saying: Is it a thing on Nibiru, a thing on Earth?

  Perchance the life cycles that differ it concerns, so was Ninmah saying.

  To watch and see what transpires, the three leaders decided.

  At that time Fate, or was it Destiny? in its hands the matters took.

  For it came to pass that soon thereafter Marduk to his father Enki came,

  A matter of gravity with his father Enki to discuss he wished.

  Upon the Earth the three sons of Enlil spouses have chosen:

  Ninurta Ba’u, of Anu a young daughter, has espoused; Nannar has chosen Ningal, Ishkur Shala has taken;

  By Nergal your son Ereshkigal, of Enlil a granddaughter, as a spouse was taken,

  By threats to kill her, her consent from her was extracted.

  To await my espousal, being your firstborn, Nergal did not await,

  The other four in deference my espousal are awaiting.

  A bride I wish to choose, to have a spouse it is my desire!

  So did Marduk to his father Enki say.

  Your words happy make me! Enki to Marduk was saying. Your mother too shall rejoice!

  To hold his words to Ninki, Marduk with a raised hand to his father motioned.

  Is she one of the young ones who heal and succor give? Enki went on to ask.

  A descendant of Adapa she is, of Earth, not Nibiru, is she! Marduk softly whispered.

  With a puzzled look, Enki was speechless; then uncontrolled words he shouted:

  A prince of Nibiru, a Firstborn to succession entitled, an Earthling will espouse?!

  Not an Earthling but your own offspring! to him Marduk said.

  A daughter of Enkime who to heaven was taken she is, Sarpanit is her name!

  Enki his spouse Ninki summoned, to her what with Marduk transpired he related.

  To Ninki, his mother, Marduk his heart’s desire repeated and said:

  When Enkime with me was journeying, and of heaven and Earth him I was teaching,

  What my father once had said, I with my own eyes witnessed:

  Step by step on this planet a Primitive Being, one like us to be, we have created,

  In our image and in our likeness Civilized Earthling is, except for the long life, he is we!

  A daughter of Enkime my fancy caught, her to espouse I wish!

  Ninki her son’s words pondered. And the maiden, does she your gaze appreciate? So did she Marduk ask.

  Indeed she does, Marduk to his mother said.

  This is not the matter to consider! Enki with a raised voice said.

  If our son this shall do, to Nibiru with his spouse he would never go,

  His princely rights on Nibiru he forever will forsake!

  To this Marduk with a bitter laughter responded: My rights on Nibiru are nonexistent,

  Even on Earth my rights as Firstborn have been trampled.

  This indeed is my decision: From prince a king on Earth become, the master of this planet!

  Let it so be! Ninki said. Let it so be! Enki also said.

  They summoned Matushal, the bride’s brother; of Marduk’s wish they him told.

  Humbled but with joy overwhelmed Matushal was. Let it so be! he said.

  When of the decision Enlil was told, with fury he was seized.

  It was one thing for the father with Earthlings intercourse have,

  It is another matter for the son an Earthling to espouse, lordship on her to bestow!

  When Ninmah of the matter was told, greatly disappointed she was.

  Marduk any maiden of ours could espouse, even from my own daughters by Enki he could choose,

  Half sisters, as is the royal custom, he could espouse! So did Ninmah say.

  With fury Enlil to Anu on Nibiru of the matter words beamed up:

  Too far has this behavior gone, it cannot be allowed! to Anu the king Enlil said.

  On Nibiru Anu the counselors summoned, the matter with urgency to discuss.

  In the rule books of such a matter no rule they found.

  Anu the savants also summoned, the matter’s consequences to discuss.

  On Nibiru Adapa, the maiden’s progenitor, could not stay! to Anu they were saying.

  Therefore to return to Nibiru with her, Marduk forever must be barred!

  Indeed, having to Earth cycles become accustomed, even without her Marduk’s return impossible might be!

  So were the savants to Anu saying; with that the counselors too agreed.

  Let the decision to Earth be beamed! Anu was saying: Marduk marry can,

  But on Nibiru a prince he shall no more be!

  The decision by Enki and Marduk was acc
epted, Enlil too to the word from Nibiru bowed.

  Let there be a wedding celebration, in Eridu let it be! Ninki to them said.

  In the Edin Marduk and his bride cannot stay! Enlil, the commander, announced.

  Let us to Marduk and his bride a wedding gift make,

  A domain of their own, away from the Edin, in another land! So did Enki to Enlil say.

  Of Marduk being sent away Enlil with consent to himself was thinking:

  To what land, of what domain, are you speaking? Enlil to his brother Enki said.

  A domain above the Abzu, in the land that the Upper Sea reaches,

  One that by waters from the Edin is separated, that by ships can be reached!

  So did Enki to Enlil say. Let it so be! Enlil said.

  In Eridu a wedding celebration Ninki for Marduk and Sarpanit arranged.

  Her people by the sound of a copper drum the ceremony announced,

  With seven tambourines her sisters the bride to her spouse presented.

  A great multitude of Civilized Earthlings in Eridu assembled, like a coronation to them the wedding was.

  Young Anunnaki also attended, Igigi from Lahmu in great numbers came.

  To celebrate our leader’s wedding, of Nibiru and Earth a union, to witness we came!

  So did the Igigi their arrival in large numbers explain.

  Now this is the account of how the Igigi the daughters of the Earthlings abducted,

  And how afflictions followed and Ziusudra oddly was born.

  In a great number did the Igigi from Lahmu to Earth come,

  Only one third of them on Lahmu stayed, to Earth came two hundred.

  To be with their leader Marduk, his wedding celebration to attend, was their explanation;

  Unbeknownst to Enki and Enlil was their secret: To abduct and have conjugation was their plot.

  Unbeknownst to the leaders on Earth, a multitude of the Igigi on Lahmu got together,

  What to Marduk permitted is from us too should not be deprived! to each other they said.

  Enough of suffering and loneliness, of not offspring ever having! was their slogan.

  During their comings and goings between Lahmu and Earth,

  The daughters of the Earthlings, the Adapite Females as them they called,

  They saw and after them they lusted; and to each other the plotters said:

  Come, let us choose wives from among the Adapite Females, and children beget!

  One among them, Shamgaz his name was, their leader became.

  Even if none of you agrees, I alone the deed shall do! to the others he said.

  If a penalty for this sin shall be imposed, I alone for all of you shall it bear!

  One by one others in the plot joined together, by an oath together to do it they swore.

  By the time of Marduk’s wedding, two hundred of them on the Landing Place descended,

  Upon the great platform in the Cedar Mountains they came down.

  From there to Eridu they journeyed, among the toiling Earthlings they passed,

  Together with the Earthling throng in Eridu they arrived.

  After the wedding ceremony of Marduk and Sarpanit had taken place,

  By a signal prearranged Shamgaz to the others a sign gave.

  An Earthling maiden each one of the Igigi seized, by force they them abducted,

  To the Landing Place in the Cedar Mountains the Igigi with the females went,

  Into a stronghold the place they made, to the leaders a challenge they issued:

  Enough of deprivation and not having offspring! The Adapite daughters to marry we wish.

  Your blessing to this you must give, else by fire all on Earth destroy we will!

  Alarmed the leaders were, of Marduk, the Igigi commander, charge to take they demanded.

  If in the matter I a solution must seek, with the Igigi my heart in agreement is!

  So did Marduk to the others say. What I have done from them cannot be deprived!

  Enki and Ninmah their heads shook, with begrudging agreement they voiced.

  Only Enlil was enraged without pacification:

  One evil deed by another has been followed, fornication from Enki and Marduk the Igigi have adopted,

  Our pride and sacred mission to the winds have been abandoned,

  By our own hands this planet with Earthling multitudes shall be overrun!

  With much disgust was Enlil speaking. Let the Igigi and their females from Earth depart!

  On Lahmu conditions unbearable have become, surviving is not possible!

  So did Marduk to Enlil and Enki say.

  In the Edin they cannot remain! Enlil with anger shouted. With much disgust the gathering he left;

  In his heart things against Marduk and his Earthlings was Enlil plotting.

  Upon the Landing Platform in the Cedar Mountains were the Igigi and their females secluded,

  Children there to them were born, Children of the Rocketships they were called.

  Marduk and Sarpanit his spouse also had children, Asar and Satu were the first two sons called.

  To the domain above the Abzu, to him and Sarpanit granted, Marduk the Igigi invited,

  To dwell in two cities that for his sons he had built, Marduk the Igigi summoned.

  Some of the Igigi and their offspring to the domain in the dark-hued land came;

  On the Landing Platform in the Cedar Mountains Shamgaz and others did remain,

  To the far eastlands, lands of high mountains, some of their offspring went.

  How Marduk of Earthlings his strength increases, Ninurta carefully observed.

  What are Enki and Marduk scheming? to his father Enlil Ninurta said.

  The Earth by the Earthlings inherited will be! Enlil to Ninurta said.

  Go, the offspring of Ka-in find, with them a domain of your own prepare!

  To the other side of Earth Ninurta went; the offspring of Ka-in he found.

  How tools to make and music to play he them taught,

  How in mining to engage and smelt and refine he showed them,

  How to build rafts of balsam trees he showed them, to cross a great sea he them guided.

  In a new land a domain they established, a city with twin towers there they built.

  A domain beyond the seas it was, the mountainland of the new Bond Heaven–Earth it was not.

  In the Edin Lu-Mach was the workmaster, quotas to enforce was his duty,

  The Earthlings’ rations to reduce was his task.

  His spouse was Batanash, the daughter of Lu-Mach’s father’s brother she was.

  Of a beauty outstanding she was, by her beauty was Enki charmed.

  Enki to his son Marduk a word did send: To your domain Lu-Mach do summon,

  How by Earthlings a city to build there him teach!

  And when Lu-Mach to the domain of Marduk was summoned,

  To the household of Ninmah, in Shurubak, the Haven City, his spouse Batanash he brought,

  From the angry Earthling masses protected and safe to be.

  Thereafter Enki his sister Ninmah in Shurubak was quick to visit.

  On the roof of a dwelling when Batanash was bathing

  Enki by her loins took hold, he kissed her, his semen into her womb he poured.

  With a child Batanash was, her belly was truly swelling;

  To Lu-Mach from Shurubak word was sent: To the Edin return, a son you have!

  To the Edin, to Shurubak, Lu-Mach returned, to him Batanash the son showed.

  White as the snow his skin was, the color of wool was his hair,

  Like the skies were his eyes, in a brilliance were his eyes shining.

  Amazed and frightened was Lu-Mach; to his father Matushal he hurried.

  A son unlike an Earthling to Batanash was born, by this birth greatly puzzled I am!

  Matushal to Batanash came, the newborn boy he saw, by his likeness amazed he was.

  Is one of the Igigi the boy’s father? Of Batanash Matushal the truth demanded;

p; To Lu-Mach your spouse whether this boy his son is, the truth reveal!

  None of the Igigi is the boy’s father, of this upon my life I swear! So did Batanash him answer

  To his son Lu-Mach Matushal then turned, a calming arm on his shoulders he put.

  A mystery the boy is, but in his oddness an omen to you is revealed,

  Unique he is, for a task unique by destiny he was chosen.

  What that task is, I know not; in time appropriate, known it shall become!

  So was Matushal to his son Lu-Mach saying; to what on Earth was

  transpiring, he was alluding:

  In those days the sufferings on Earth were increasing,

  The days colder grew, the skies their rains were holding back,

  Fields their crops diminished, in the sheepfolds ewe lambs were few.

  Let the son to you born, unusual as he is, an omen be that a respite is coming!

  So did Matushal to his son Lu-Mach say. Let Respite be his name!

  To Matushal and Lu-Mach Batanash her son’s secret did not reveal;

  Ziusudra, He of Long Bright Lifedays, she called him; in Shurubak he was raised.

  Ninmah on the child her protection and affection bestowed.

  Of much understanding he was endowed, with knowledge he was by her provided.

  Enki the child greatly adored, to read the writings of Adapa him he taught,

  The priestly rites how to observe and perform the boy as a young man learned.

  In the one hundred and tenth Shar was Ziusudra born,

  In Shurubak he grew up and espoused Emzara, and she bore him three sons.

  In his days the sufferings on Earth intensified; plagues and starvations the Earth afflicted.

  Now this is the account of Earth’s tribulations before the Deluge,

  And how the mysterious Galzu decisions of life and death in secret guided.

  By the conjugations of Igigi and the Earthling daughters was Enlil greatly disturbed,

  By Marduk’s espousal of an Earthling female Enlil was much distraught.

  In his eyes the Anunnaki mission to Earth had become perverted,

  To him the howling, shouting Earthling masses an anathema became;

  Oppressive the pronouncements of the Earthlings have become,

  The conjugations of sleep deprive me! So did Enlil to the other leaders say.

  In the days of Ziusudra plagues and pestilences the Earth afflicted,

  Aches, dizziness, chills, fevers the Earthlings overwhelmed.


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