The Lost Book of Enki

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The Lost Book of Enki Page 18

by Zecharia Sitchin

  Let us the Earthlings curing teach, how themselves to remedy to learn! So did Ninmah say.

  This by decree I forbid! Enlil to her pleas retorted.

  In the lands whereto the Earthlings have spread, waters from their sources did not rise,

  The earth shut its womb, vegetation did not sprout.

  Let us the Earthlings pond- and canal-building teach, let them from the seas fish and sustenance obtain!

  So did Enki to the other leaders say.

  This by decree I forbid! Enlil to Enki said. Let the Earthlings by hunger and pestilence perish!

  For one Shar the Earthlings ate the grasses of the fields,

  For the second Shar, the third Shar, the vengeance of Enlil they suffered.

  In Shurubak, Ziusudra’s city, the suffering unbearable was becoming.

  To Eridu Ziusudra, of the Earthlings a spokesman, journeyed,

  To the house of the lord Enki he made his way, by the name of his lord he called,

  For help and salvation to him he pleaded; Enki by Enlil’s decrees was bound.

  In those days the Anunnaki for their own surviving were concerned;

  Their own rations were diminished, by Earth’s changes they themselves afflicted became.

  On Earth as on Lahmu the seasons their regularity lost.

  For one Shar, for two Shars, from Nibiru the heavenly circuits were studied,

  Oddities in the planetary destinies from Nibiru were observed.

  On the Sun’s face black spots were appearing, from its face flames shot up;

  Kishar also was misbehaving, its host its footings lost, dizzying were their circuits.

  The Hammered Bracelet was by unseen netforces pulled and pushed,

  For reasons unfathomed, the Sun its family was upsetting;

  The destinies of the celestials by unsavory fates were overtaken!

  On Nibiru the savants alarms raised, in the public squares the people gathered;

  The Creator of All, to primordial days the heavens is returning,

  Angry is the Creator of All! voices from amongst the people shouted.

  On Earth the tribulations were increasing, fear and famine their heads reared.

  For three Shars, for four Shars the instruments the Whiteland facing were observed,

  By Nergal and Ereshkigal odd rumblings in the Whiteland’s snows were recorded:

  The snow-ice that the Whiteland covers to sliding has taken! So did they from Abzu’s tip report.

  In the Land Beyond the Seas, Ninurta in his haven foretelling instruments established,

  Quakes and jitters at the Earth’s bottom with the instruments he noticed.

  An odd matter is afoot! So did Enlil to Anu on Nibiru words of alarm send.

  For the fifth Shar, for the sixth Shar the phenomena gained strength,

  On Nibiru the savants an alarm raised, of calamities to the king they forewarnings gave:

  The next time Nibiru the Sun shall be nearing, Earth to Nibiru’s netforce exposed shall be,

  Lahmu in its circuits on the Sun’s other side shall a station take.

  From the netforce of Nibiru Earth in the heavens protection shall not have,

  Kishar and its host agitated shall be, Lahamu shall also shake and wobble;

  In Earth’s great Below, the snow-ice of the Whiteland its footing is losing;

  The next time Nibiru the closest to Earth shall approach,

  The snow-ice off the Whiteland’s surface shall come a-sliding.

  A watery calamity it shall cause: By a huge wave, a Deluge, the Earth will be overwhelmed!

  On Nibiru great was the consternation, uncertain about Nibiru’s own fate,

  King, savants, and counselors about Earth and Lahmu also greatly worried.

  The king and the counselors a decision made: for evacuating Earth and Lahmu to prepare!

  In the Abzu the gold mines shut down, therefrom the Anunnaki to the Edin came;

  In Bad-Tibira smelting and refining ceased, all gold to Nibiru was lofted.

  Empty, for evacuating ready, a fleet of fast celestial chariots to Earth returned;

  On Nibiru the heavenly signs were watched, on Earth the tremors recorded were.

  It was at that time that from one of the Celestial Chariots a white-haired Anunnaki stepped off,

  Galzu, Great Knower, was his name.

  With steps majestic to Enlil his way he made, to him a sealed message from Anu he presented.

  I am Galzu, emissary plenipotentiary of King and Council, to Enlil he said.

  By his coming Enlil was surprised: No word from Anu of that did forecome.

  Enlil the seal of Anu examined; unbroken and authentic it was.

  In Nibru-ki the message tablet was read, its encoding was trustworthy.

  For King and Council Galzu speaks, his words are my command! So did the message from Anu state.

  That Enki and Ninmah be also summoned was Galzu’s request.

  When they came, to Ninmah Galzu pleasantly smiled. Of the same school and age we are! to her he said.

  This Ninmah could not recall; the emissary was as young as a son, she was as his olden mother!

  Simple is the explanation! Galzu to her said: By our winter’s slumbered life cycles it is caused!

  Indeed, this matter is of my mission a part; about the evacuation it is a secret.

  Ever since Dumuzi on Nibiru had stayed, returning Anunnaki on Nibiru examined were;

  Those who on Earth the longest stayed by the returning harshly were afflicted:

  Their bodies to Nibiru’s cycles were accustomed no longer,

  Their sleep was disturbed, their eyesight was failing, the netforce of Nibiru weighted their walk.

  Their minds were also affected, as sons were older than the parents they had left!

  Death, my comrades, to the returnees quickly came; of that I am here a warning to give!

  The three leaders, on Earth the longest, by the words silent became.

  Ninmah was the first to speak: That much was to be expected! she was saying.

  Enki, the wise one, to her words consented: That much was clear! he said.

  Enlil with anger was seized: Before, the Earthlings like us were becoming,

  Now we as Earthlings have become to this planet imprisoned!

  This whole mission to a nightmare turned, by Enki and his Earthlings from masters, slaves we were made!

  To the outburst Galzu with compassion listened. Indeed much there is to ponder, he said,

  On Nibiru much thinking and soul-searching deep questions were raising:

  Should Nibiru to its fate been left, whatever by the Creator of All intended, to be let to happen,

  Or was the coming to Earth by the Creator of All conceived, and we only unwitting emissaries?

  Of that, my comrades, the debate will continue! So was Galzu to them saying.

  Now this is the secret command from Nibiru:

  The three of you on Earth will remain; only to die to Nibiru you will return!

  In celestial chariots, the Earth encircling, the calamity you shall outwait;

  To each of the other Anunnaki, a choice to leave or the calamity outwait must be given.

  The Igigi who Earthlings espoused must between departure and spouses choose:

  No Earthling, Marduk’s Sarpanit included, to Nibiru to journey is allowed!

  For all who stay and what happens see, in celestial chariots they safety must seek!

  As for all the others, to depart for Nibiru forthwith they ready must be!

  So did Galzu Nibiru’s commands to the leaders in secret reveal.

  Now this is the account of how the Anunnaki to abandon Earth decided,

  And how an oath they took Mankind to let in the Deluge perish.

  In Nibru-ki Enlil a council of Anunnaki and Igigi commanders summoned,

  The leaders’ sons and their children also were present.

  Word of the impending calamity Enlil to them as a secret revealed.

sp; To a bitter end Earth Mission has come! to them he solemnly said.

  All who to leave wish in celestial boats that are ready to Nibiru will be evacuated,

  But if Earthling spouses they have, without the spouses they must leave.

  Igigi who to their spouses and offspring attached are, let them to the highest peaks on Earth escape!

  As for a few of us Anunnaki who will choose to stay, in Boats of Heaven in Earth’s skies will we remain,

  The calamity to outwait, the fate of Earth to witness!

  As the commander, I shall be the first one to stay! So was Enlil saying.

  By their own choice will be the others!

  With my father I choose to stay, the calamity to face! So did Ninurta announce.

  To the Lands Beyond the Oceans after the Deluge I will return!

  Nannar, Enlil’s on Earth firstborn, an odd wish announced:

  The Deluge to outwait not in Earth’s skies but on the Moon; that was his wish.

  Enki an eyebrow raised; Enlil, though puzzled, approved.

  Ishkur, Enlil’s youngest, to remain on Earth with his father his decision made.

  Utu and Inanna, Nannar’s children who on Earth were born, to stay declared.

  Enki and Ninki, to stay and Earth not abandon chose; proudly they so announced.

  The Igigi and Sarpanit I shall not desert! Marduk with anger stated.

  One by one Enki’s other sons their choice to stay announced: Nergal and Gibil, Ninagal and Ningishzidda and Dumuzi too.

  All eyes to Ninmah then turned; with pride her choice to stay she declared:

  My lifework is here! The Earthlings, my created, I shall not abandon!

  By her words Anunnaki and Igigi to a clamor were stirred; about the Earthlings’ fate they inquired.

  Let the Earthlings for the abominations perish; so did Enlil proclaim.

  A wonderous Being by us was created, by us saved it must be, Enki to Enlil shouted.

  To this Enlil with his own shouted words retorted:

  From the very beginning, at every turn, the decisions by you modified were!

  To Primitive Workers procreating you gave, to them Knowing you endowed!

  The powers of the Creator of All into your hands you have taken,

  Thereafter even that by abominations you fouled.

  With fornication Adapa you conceived, Understanding to his line you gave!

  His offspring to the heavens you have taken, our Wisdom with them you shared!

  Every rule you have broken, decisions and command you ignored,

  Because of you by a Civilized Earthling brother a brother murdered,

  Because of Marduk your son the Igigi like him with Earthlings intermarried.

  Who is lordly from Nibiru, to whom the Earth alone belongs, to no one is no longer known!

  Enough! Enough! to all that I say. The abominations cannot continue!

  Now that a calamity by a destiny unknown has been ordained,

  Let what must happen, happen! So did Enlil angrily proclaim;

  That all leaders solemnly swear to let events unhindered occur, of all Enlil demanded.

  First to take the oath of silence was Ninurta; others of Enlil’s side followed.

  Nergal of Enki’s sons was first to take the oath; others of Enki’s sons followed.

  To your command I bow! Marduk to Enlil said. But of what worth is the swearing?

  If Igigi their spouses will abandon, would not the fear among the Earthlings spread?

  Ninmah was in tears; the words of the oath she faintly whispered.

  Enlil at his brother Enki gazed. It is the wish of king and council! to him he said.

  Why will you bind me with an oath? Enki his brother Enlil asked.

  The decision by you was made, on Earth it is a commandment!

  The floodwaters I cannot arrest, the Earthling multitudes I cannot save,

  To what oath to bind me you therefore desire? So did Enki his brother ask.

  To let it all happen as if by fate decreed, let it as Enlil’s Decision be known,

  On Enlil alone let the responsibility forever rest! So did Enki to all pronounce.

  Then Enki from the assembly departed; Marduk with him also left.

  With quick words of command Enlil the assembly to order brought.

  Tasks for what was to be done he with firm decisions assigned,

  Between those who will depart and those who will stay the grouping arrange,

  Places for assembly to designate, equipment to collect, chariots to assign.

  First to depart were those who to Nibiru were returning,

  With much embracing and the locking of arms, in joy mixed with sorrow, the celestial boats they boarded;

  One after the other the vehicles from Sippar roared aloft.

  At first those left behind Journey safely! shouted, then muted were the cries.

  After the launchings toward Nibiru completed were,

  The turn of Marduk and the Igigi with Earthling spouses came;

  Marduk them all on the Landing Place assembled, a choice to them he gave:

  With him and Sarpanit and two sons and the daughters to Lahmu go, there the calamity outwait,

  Or to distant mountainlands on Earth disperse, a haven from the Deluge to find.

  Enlil then of those who remained took account, by groupings to them chariots he assigned.

  Ninurta to the mountainlands beyond the oceans Enlil directed on Earth’s rumblings to report;

  To Nergal and Ereshkigal, the task the Whiteland to watch Enlil assigned;

  To guard against an onrush of Earthlings, to Ishkur the task Enlil gave,

  To bar access, barrier and bolt to erect and bolster.

  Of all preparations Sippar, the Place of the Celestial Chariots, was the center;

  To Sippar Enlil the Tablets of Destinies from Nibru-ki moved, a temporary Bond Heaven–Earth was there established.

  His brother Enki Enlil then addressed, to him he was thus saying:

  However if ever the calamity might be survived, let all that had happened be remembered.

  Let us tablets of records in Sippar, in the depths of the Earth, safely bury,

  Let what from one planet on another done in days to come uncovered be!

  Enki his brother’s words with approving accepted. ME’s and other tablets in golden chests they stored,

  In the depths of the Earth, in Sippar, for posterity they buried.

  Thus ready, for the signal to depart the leaders awaited,

  The approach of Nibiru in its great circuit with apprehension they watched.

  It was at that time of anxious waiting that Enki his sister Ninmah addressed,

  To her was Enki thus saying:

  In his preoccupation with the Earthlings, of all other living creatures Enlil lost attention!

  When the avalanche of waters sweeps over the lands,

  Other living creatures, some by us from Nibiru originated, most from Earth itself evolved,

  In one sudden swoop to an extinction shall be doomed.

  Let us, you and me, their seed of life preserve, their life essences for safekeeping extract!

  Ninmah, she who gave life, to the words of Enki favor gave:

  I shall do it in Shurubak, you do so with the Abzu’s living creatures! So to Enki she said.

  While the others sat idly waiting, Enki and Ninmah a challenging task undertook;

  Ninmah in Shurubak by some of her female assistants was helped,

  Enki by Ningishzidda in the Abzu, at the olden House of Life, was assisted.

  Male and female essences and life-eggs they collected,

  Of each kind two by two, two by two they in Shurubak and the Abzu preserved,

  For safekeeping while in Earth circuit to be taken, thereafter the living kinds to recombine.

  At that time word from Ninurta came: Earth’s rumblings ominous are!

  At that time word from Nergal and Ereshkigal came: The Whiteland is shaken!

  In Sippar all the Anunnaki gathered, the Day of the Deluge they awaited.


  Synopsis of the Tenth Tablet

  The mystery emissary appears to Enki in a dream-vision

  Enki is told to save Mankind through his son Ziusudra

  By subterfuge Enki directs Ziusudra to build a submarine

  A navigator comes aboard, bringing Earth’s seeds of life

  Nibiru’s approach causes the Whiteland’s icesheet to slip

  The resulting tidal wave engulfs the Earth with water

  The remaining Anunnaki bewail the calamity from Earth orbit

  The waters recede; Ziusudra’s boat rests on Mount Salvation

  Descending in a Whirlwind, Enlil discovers Enki’s duplicity

  Enki convinces Enlil it was destined by the Creator of All

  They use the surviving Landing Platform as a temporary base

  In a Creation Chamber there, crops and cattle are fashioned

  Abundant gold is discovered in the Lands Beyond the Seas

  New space facilities are established in the olden lands

  They include two artificial mounds and a lion-shaped carving

  Ninmah offers a peace plan to resolve erupting rivalries

  Cattle and grains are granted to Mankind

  In Sippar all the Anunnaki gathered, the Day of the Deluge they awaited.

  It was at that time, as the tension of awaiting was mounting,

  That the lord Enki, asleep in his quarters, had a dream-vision.

  In the dream-vision there appeared the image of a man, bright and shining like the heavens;

  And as the man Enki approached, Enki saw that the white-haired Galzu he was!

  In his right hand an engraver’s stylus he was holding,

  And in his left hand a tablet of lapis lazuli, shining smooth, he held.

  And as he approached near enough by Enki’s bed to stand, Galzu spoke up and said:

  Unwarranted your accusations against Enlil were, for only the truth he spoke;

  And the decision that as Enlil’s Decision will be known, not he but Destiny decreed.

  Now into your hands Fate take, for the Earthlings the Earth will inherit;

  Summon your son Ziusudra, without breaking the oath to him the coming calamity reveal.

  A boat that the watery avalanche can withstand, a submersible one, to build him tell,

  The likes of which on this tablet to you I am showing;


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