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Hidden Secrets (The Hidden Series Book 3)

Page 17

by Kristin Coley

  “He held a gun to you?” Jules eyes widened as she whispered the question. We kept our distance from the bickering couple in front of us, neither willing to test Danny at the moment.

  “Yeah, lesson learned,” I answered in an undertone. He’d made his point rather effectively for me and Carly’s argument was nothing more than a reaction to being caught.

  “I don’t know what I would have done,” Carly admitted, a tight frown on her face. “But I also know you’re not the bad guy.”

  Danny appeared taken aback at Carly’s words and I cheered internally. Her admission also had the effect of taking the wind from his sails.

  “Which means you should help us,” she declared, on a roll now that she’d managed to catch him off guard.

  “Oh, really?”

  “You wouldn’t want anything to happen to us,” she answered matter of factly.

  “I could tie you to the bed.”

  “Good to know you’re into that sort of thing, but not really the place.” My eyes practically bugged out of my head at Carly’s tart reply and I heard Jules choke next to me. A tiny smile cracked Danny’s granite expression and Carly muttered, “Sexual innuendos always work.”

  “We can explore your preferences later, darling,” Danny drawled, giving Carly a once over so through I blushed. She huffed and he glanced at the two of us standing behind them. We stood still, wondering if he was going to help or if we were about to be in for a day long lecture. “If you can’t beat them, join them,” he finally sighed and I barely refrained from making a joke about beating women.

  “So, you’ll help us?” Jules double checked, slightly disbelieving at his quick change of heart.

  “He will,” I answered to his consternation. “You should be used to it by now,” I told him before saying to everyone, “Same time tomorrow.”

  “What the hell have I gotten myself into?” He muttered under his breath darkly and I chuckled.

  “It’ll be fun,” I said, bumping against him. “Remember to bring the gun.”

  “Jake is going to kill me.”

  “Nah, if he kills anyone, it’ll be me.”

  Danny snorted his disbelief, but considering Jake’s suspicions about Wade and me, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t care at all. If anything he’d just be upset I put Jules at risk.

  Danny elbowed me as he said, “That’s an impressive frown you have there.” I couldn’t even muster up a fake smile for him, instead dropping back so I was walking alongside Jules.

  “You think we’ll catch him?” I asked her, suddenly doubtful.

  “Yes, and we’ll see he’s left handed, and he’ll admit he killed Summer and you can put to rest any fears you have of your dad being a killer,” she said in a rush, before pausing to take a breath.

  “You are Mrs. Optimistic today. Did I forget to drink the Kool-Aid?” I gestured to the couple in front of me and the sight of Carly twirling her hair, and if I wasn’t mistaken, flirting with Danny. Combine that with Jules impressively positive attitude and I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone.

  “Oh, that,” she pointed to Carly and Danny. “No idea. But me knowing we’re going to get that guy? How could you think I’d doubt it? I have faith….in you.” She saw she’d caught me by surprise as I swallowed back unexpected emotion. She hugged me, her long, lean frame engulfing me. “Not to put too much pressure on you, of course.”

  “Of course,” my response muffled since I was being smothered by her hair. “Can’t breathe.” My plea finally broke through to her and she released me.

  By then, we were close enough to see Wade leaning over the deck railing glowering at us or more specifically, me.

  I flinched at his furious glare, wondering what he was so upset over. There was no way he knew our plan. I sent Danny a sidelong glare and he shook his head in the negative.

  “Care to explain why I woke up in a cold sweat, completely terrified?” He demanded and I winched at the reminder that he was somehow able to sense my emotions, at least the super strong ones, like when Danny held a gun to me. I gave him another quick glare for that little fun time and he had the grace to look abashed.

  “Bad dreams are nothing to be ashamed of, Wade. We all have them.” My attempt to divert failed completely as he gave me a dark stare.

  “Yeah, except it wasn’t me who was terrified. Explain.” There was no escaping his laser like stare and I was about to cave with the truth when Carly shouted, “It was the snake.”

  “Snake?” Wade turned toward her in confusion and I took full advantage.

  “Huge snake, a monster snake. Terrifying,” I added, sliding past him on the deck as I headed inside before he could demand a better explanation.

  I managed to make it back into my room before he could catch me and leaned against the door in relief. A short lived relief as Jake said, “We need to talk.”

  My eyes popped open to see him sitting on the edge of the unmade bed, his face more closed off than I’d ever seen it.

  I slid down the door, landing with a thump on the floor. His expression made it clear I should keep my distance even though all I wanted was to throw myself at him and plead for mercy over my ignorance.

  “Where were you?” Jake’s question hurled a world of bitter suspicion and pain at me and I paled at the onslaught. He cursed and came over to me, kneeling on the ground, his arms outstretched before they slowly lowered next to him.

  “I was with Carly and Jules,” I answered, breathing through the heavy emotions pressing down on me. “Oh, and Danny.” My thoughts were muddled as I tried to sift through which emotions were his and which were mine. I didn’t know how to begin to reassure him so I said the first thing that came to mind.

  “I don’t have feelings for Wade,” I burst out, unable to think of anything else.

  He rocked back at my outburst and a faint glimmer of something appeared on his face. It may have been hope or affection, but it was more than I’d had so I continued to babble.

  “I mean, I care for him, but like a brother. Like Connor, but you can’t tell Connor I said that because he thinks he’s special. Wade explained how our hanging out together looked, but I don’t feel for him what I feel for you. I worry about Wade because of his grandmother, like I need to watch over him. And he doesn’t really appreciate it, but there’s not a whole lot he can do about it.” I paused for a breath and noticed a tiny smile on Jake’s lips. Encouraged, I kept on with the word vomit. “I think I hang around Wade because he’s like me, you know? Different. I’ve never known anyone who had an ability before like mine and there’s an understanding there, a shared experience, but it’s not love. Well, it is but not romantic love.” I held out my hand beseechingly, afraid I was screwing up my explanation, but he just continued to stare at me with this enigmatic expression. “He’s not more important than you. He’s a piece of the puzzle. I want to tell you everything and lately I haven’t been, but it was fear. And I don’t know where the fear comes from, but for you I can overcome it.”

  Finally, finally, he spoke.

  “Addie,” he said, his thumb brushing my cheek as his legs rested against mine.


  “Will you marry me?”

  My head spun at the emotions that accompanied that tiny question, emotions that spanned the breadth of the human spectrum. Emotions that matched mine in a way that was so unbelievably perfect, tears sprang to my eyes.

  I nodded, my face cradled in his hands as the tears rolled down my cheeks.

  “Is that a yes?”

  Again, I was awash in his emotions, the joy he felt at my answer and the uncertainty that I might say no.

  “Yes. It’ll always be yes, Jake.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Do not breath a word of this to them. Do you hear me? Not one word. She’ll be on us like white on rice and I’ll never have a moment’s peace.”

  Jake chuckled as he nodded for the millionth time at my hissed warning.

  “I promise,” he answere
d, pressing a kiss to my forehead as we walked toward the kitchen after our emotional conversation. “Even though she’s going to figure it out when she sees a ring.”

  I blanched at the thought.

  “Engagement rings are overrated,” I said hastily, to his amusement. “We can skip it. Save money,” I added hopefully.

  “No, not skipping that piece. I’ll spare you the public proposal, but you have to wear my ring,” Jake mandated and I bit my lip to keep from arguing. “I’ll also be talking to your grandfather when we get back.”

  I let out a sigh and said, “Then you better talk to my mom too. You do realize this will be a looooong engagement, right? There will be no marriage until I graduate at least.”

  “Yeah, but you can move in with me,” he mentioned casually and at my look of panic he laughed. “Or we can wait a little longer.”

  I let out the breath I’d been holding, relieved he wasn’t going to push it. I wanted to marry him. In fact, it was the only thing I had zero doubts about in my life, but at the same time I wasn’t ready to be Mrs. Kincaid just yet.

  “We’ll take all the time you need, Addie. I’m not in a rush.”

  “Says the guy who spontaneously proposed.”

  “I was just trying to get you to stop talking. It seemed like the fastest way.”

  I punched him in the stomach, causing him to let out an “Oomph,” as I strolled into the kitchen.

  “Lover’s quarrel averted?” Wade asked drolly, his light green eyes missing nothing as Jake came in behind me. They exchanged some mysterious wordless communication as I flipped him the bird. He leaned down as I walked past and whispered, “Snake, my ass.”

  I jolted, but didn’t respond as I stepped on his foot. His muttered curse caused me to smile in satisfaction as Connor stared at me in suspicion.

  “Yes, Connor?” I asked politely as he continued to stare.

  “Something’s different,” he said, continuing to scan me. “Are you pregnant?”

  I choked on the sip of coffee I’d just swallowed as Jules shouted, “Connor! You can’t say shit like that.”

  “What? It’s a legit question the way she and Jake go at it like rabbits. Don’t you want to know if you’ll be an aunt?”

  She just stared at him speechlessly, shaking her head as she held her hands up in defeat.

  “I’m not, but thanks for making it awkward.” I clapped him on the back as everyone else broke into laughter and he gave me a shrug.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” Carly asked after we’d stopped laughing. No mention of our morning stroll was made as Danny avoided my eyes.

  “I think we should talk to Duke,” Connor said, slinging his arm around me. “Find out more about this break up, heart break shit, and see what he knew about David crushing on his girl.”

  “I second that. Maybe Duke knew the stalker too,” Jake added thoughtfully.

  “But Duke didn’t know Summer was being stalked,” Jules reminded him and he tilted his head in acknowledgement.

  “He didn’t, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t know the stalker. This is a small community. It’s possible we’ve already run into the stalker without realizing it,” he said and I frowned at the thought. We hadn’t really made time to talk to other locals and I wondered if we were wasting time talking to my uncle again.

  When I mentioned my thoughts, it was Danny who shook his head.

  “You’re wrong,” he stated calmly and Connor guffawed next to me as he held up his hand for Danny to slap. Danny ignored it, keeping his eyes trained on me.

  “Your uncle was at the center of everything that happened that summer. Between you and Wade, he won’t be able to hide any secrets.” He glanced up at Connor then, “Dude, put your arm down.”

  Connor’s arm dropped back down on my shoulder as he sighed, “Man, you don’t know how often someone tells her she’s wrong. And you did like a boss.”

  “I’d imagine never considering her ability,” he responded drily.

  “Exactly! And you just did. That deserves a high five and you leave a brother hanging.” Connor shook his head in mock disappointment and I laughed.

  “I’m sure there will be other opportunities,” I assured him, darting out from under his heavy arm. “For now, let’s go talk to my uncle.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t be more help,” Duke said apologetically, but I wasn’t looking at him when he spoke. Wade’s light eyes resembled chips of glass as he glared at my uncle and I wanted to know what he saw.

  “Why do you feel so guilty when asked about your brother?”

  Wade’s question came out of nowhere and Duke flinched from the force of it. I swayed under the strength of emotions the question provoked and it was Jake’s hand that steadied me.

  “You blamed him for her death,” I answered, my voice aching with the weight of his pain. “You think he killed her.”

  “NO,” Duke’s voice was loud as he denied the charge. “I never thought that.”

  “Liar,” I accused, my voice empty. “You can’t lie to someone like me. You wondered, you suspected, but you could never bring yourself to say it.”

  “I never said it so it didn’t count.”

  “But you thought it. You didn’t think that knowledge would help us find Summer’s killer?” I demanded, my voice getting stronger. “Or is the truth, you don’t want us to find her killer? Have you been sabotaging our investigation?”

  “No, I would never do anything to hurt you,” he denied passionately. “I never wanted to believe it of David and I would never hurt you by making that accusation.”

  “Truth,” Wade interjected, some of the iciness in his eyes thawing. “He was trying to protect you in his own way.”

  “But he thinks David could have killed Summer.” The words a statement not a question, because I could clearly see his fear. “A fact he never mentioned.”

  “How could I?” It was my turn to flinch as he turned the question back on me and I felt Jake bristle behind me. “He was my brother and I felt the need to protect him.” Duke slumped down on a chair and I could feel his defeat. “He was in love with her. Hell, all the guys were that summer, but she picked me. It felt like a victory, you know? David, he of all people could see she loved me, but he didn’t want to admit it. She was kind to him. The day she died….” He paused, clearly not wanting to talk about it, but I was done with the hidden truths, the hidden lies, and the hidden secrets. I needed to know. He saw the determination on my face and nodded. “David had seen me with another girl the night before,” he held up a hand helplessly. “It was completely innocent, she was drunk and needed a ride home, but David didn’t want to hear it. He absolutely didn’t want to hear any questions that would exonerate me. He went to Summer and told her what he’d seen, accused me of cheating. I’ve never known if she believed him or not.” Duke blinked quickly, emotion overtaking him. “I didn’t find any of this out until after her death. David admitted to me what he’d told her in a fit of guilt. But I never knew if it was guilt because he’d lied or because he’d killed her or because he let me take the blame when he knew I hadn’t done it.”

  I sat down hard on the bench seeing years’ worth of what ifs on his face.

  “You never confronted him?”

  “I couldn’t,” he finally answered, raising his eyes slowly to meet mine. “I don’t know if you can understand, but he was my younger brother. I spent years taking care of him and keeping the secret of his gift, a gift he hated. I couldn’t bring myself to ask the question that might destroy us both.”

  “But it didn’t matter, did it?” I asked him quietly. “You had to suspect he had been the one to kill Summer when he wouldn’t help you. He was the last one to see her alive that morning. What if she refused to believe him and he got angry, grabbed her, smothered her, and threw her body in the lake to make it look like she drowned.” I glared at him, enraged by the conclusions I was drawing. “You let him get away with it, you covered for him his entire life, ‘protec
ted’ him and he never had to face the consequences of his own actions. You created the monster.”

  “Addie,” Jake held me, wrapping his arms around me as angry tears poured down my cheeks, but I wasn’t finished.

  “He spent his life running away from every obligation and commitment he made. He was a scared coward,” I spat out causing my friends to step back as Duke recoiled at my accusations. “And you aren’t any better. Hiding in shadows, watching from afar, never wanting to commit. You try to convince yourself you’re here for Summer’s killer, but you aren’t. You knew. All along you knew. You came here for absolution, but I hate to tell you, you aren’t getting it from me.”

  I yanked myself from Jake’s embrace and ran toward the narrow path we’d formed over the past couple of days, unconcerned by stalkers or anyone else who wanted to see us gone. I was ready to be gone from this place and the discoveries we’d made.

  I heard their voices calling me, but I ignored them, pushing myself to run faster as I tried to flee the truth. I was almost out of the woods when an arm came around me from behind, and jerked me backwards and down.

  Chapter Seventeen

  My landing was soft as she grunted underneath me.

  “Ow, I should have thought about that more,” Carly whimpered as I rolled off of her. “You’re faster than I gave you credit for. And heavier.”

  I held out my hand to help her up, her tackle reminding me of something, but as the rest of them caught up to us, I lost the thought.

  “Damn, that was hot.”

  Jules groaned at Connor’s remark, but didn’t punch him since she was too busy staring at me with worry.

  “I’m fine,” I told them, brushing off my clothes and studiously ignoring them.

  “Yeah, fine.” Connor crossed his arms over his chest as he continued, “None of us believe that. Not after what just went down. Wade?”

  “God, as much as it pains me to say, I’m going to have to agree with Connor on this one.” Wade’s eyes held a combination of sympathy and guilt.


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