Enduring (Family Justice Book 8)
Page 29
It genuinely grieved him that getting Pops to the wedding was a wish he wasn’t going to have fulfilled. The man was fragile and wouldn’t enjoy the rigors of traveling. Heather was the one who suggested they visit. The surprise was that she eagerly agreed to go straight to Pops after the wedding.
“I’m glad we’re starting the New Year on a happy note.”
She curled into him with a deep sigh. They both knew what else was coming their way. Juggling the good with the suck was just part of life. He was just grateful that the old guy lived long enough to see the grandson he’d raised get a happily ever after. Finding Bella, bringing her home, settling down with Heather—all things that for a long time didn’t seem in the realm of possibilities.
Now, if only they could put a cherry on top of their joyful saga. Brody didn’t want to deal with the disappointment of shitty timing by praying for a baby to come into the picture before Pops drew his last breath, but late at night, when he couldn’t help it, he envisioned the look in his beloved grandfather’s eyes when he learned that his family was expanding again and would live on in generations to come.
“We sent him some of Bella’s artwork. Tori showed me a postcard maker that let us upload pictures and add a note to Pops. It goes through the mail. Very cool.”
He changed the subject when his emotions got turbulent.
“I found a puppy for the Sullivans. Parker’s preference was a male dog, but he’ll have to deal with his disappointment. The rescue ranch picked up a litter that needs quick homes. Only one left. A black and white border collie. She’s adorbs, and if they hadn’t asked, I’d be bringing her home for Georgie.”
Heather’s sly grin played off her tart response. “Mister, you will sleep alone if another dog finds its way to this house.”
God but he loved her so damn much. His heart could barely contain everything that he felt for this woman. She was his reason for living. Her and Bella. And he never forgot that the chaotic start to their relationship saved him in all the ways that matter. Without that, he never would have reconnected with his daughter.
“Enjoy it while you can, Ms. Clark,” he teased. His fingers slid up the back of her thigh and under her skirt. “Your vows will include several caveats—including no sleeping alone.”
She looked at him with disbelieving mockery. “My vows have caveats? Is that even legal? What about your vows, huh? Can I add footnotes?”
“No can do,” he replied with a barely controlled snigger. “All Justice vows have to pass through a careful vetting process. There are alpha codes and shit that require clever handling.”
His fingers followed the edge of her panties—feathering her leg and the soft skin of her inner thigh. She quivered at his touch. He knew the second they weren’t kidding around anymore.
“We might have to release the beast,” he growled.
A rush of rosy pink stained her cheeks. Was she remembering the careful attention she gave the beast earlier this morning? He rather enjoyed her dedication in the shower. Cleanliness was important, right?
She stroked his face and grinned. “I’ll miss the scruff. It adds a delicious extra thrill to, um … well, you know.”
Of course, he knew! “Is that your way of saying you like a manly licking? I think it is,” he joked. “Your pussy and my beard are intimate friends.”
The rosy hue turned scarlet. Why did she still blush after all this time? Didn’t she know how much he enjoyed licking her to orgasm? Something was incredibly thrilling about the way she went wild with his face between her legs.
They had a long, exhausting day ahead. Excitement for the show and after party was off the charts, but that was just half of what was on each of their plates. The ladies had a full agenda that included a potluck dinner and bake sale. The guys were doing the majority of the heavy lifting. It wasn’t going to be a chill day.
In that light, some pre-gaming was entirely reasonable. Blow off steam in advance. The kids were holed up with Roman and Kelly—enjoying their last days of togetherness before Matty went back to New York. This meant that he and Heather were alone and could fuck from one corner of the house to the next if that was what they wanted.
At least for the next two hours. After that, they had to be ready for the big day ahead.
A parade of debauchery marched in his thoughts. Heather was his equal when it came to kinky times. But this moment was driven by love and less by lust. Sometimes, he just wanted to be intimate—deeply intimate.
“Let’s make a baby,” he growled when her sweet, intoxicating scent overwhelmed his senses.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
She bent and captured his lips in a drugging kiss. Surges of excitement made his whole body pulse with desire.
“Back to bed, I think,” she whispered.
The smoldering flames he saw in her eyes excited him.
They were naked and in the throes of a seductive foreplay that made his dick hard as stone when she became demanding. Brody paid attention to her needs. He figured her body knew, and if he followed where her desire led, their dream of making a baby would happen. It wasn’t about him but that didn’t diminish his pleasure one bit. In fact, it made him feel more masculine than ever that she responded the way she did.
“Brody,” she groaned. “Please.”
He aggressively fondled her breasts and sucked each nipple until she cried out.
“What do you need, baby?” He dipped two fingers into her wet heat and made her shudder when his touch went unerringly to the spot he knew would make her melt.
“Take me. Brody, take me now. I need …”
He didn’t have to hear another word. Her body was on fire and desperate for something only he could give.
Moving between her spread thighs, he watched her writhe in preparation for what was coming. With hands far rougher than he intended, Brody opened her legs more. Her beautiful pussy was wet and swollen with need. He was ready to fill her with his seed.
She moaned when he plunged deep with a single, ferocious stroke. Her body accepted the intrusion and clenched his cock with astonishing fervor. The primal need to conquer took over, and he let the beast have its way. It was the only way to ensure that he made it to the finish line.
First, they fucked.
Then they fucked harder.
Heather moaned and whimpered. Her pussy flooded over and over. Her hips bucked wildly and demanded he forget about being gentle.
He was grinding against her with his cock buried impossibly deep when the heat from a twelve-alarm fire shook him. She’d never been so hot, and he meant that in a temperature way. Her pussy was molten and dripping. He shuddered and held on for dear life.
And then something happened. It was as if a switch was thrown, and they went from aggressive pounding to a slow, rhythmic dance of unbelievable eroticism. Her hips asked for everything he had. The choreography of their intense lovemaking swept him away.
Heather moaned her love for him. He felt their souls connect.
When a tumultuous climax seized them, they cried out in unison. He couldn’t think—could barely breathe. All of his being was focused on the love. His love for her. Her love for him.
The ferocity of her orgasm shook Brody. It felt as if she demanded his life force—something he willingly surrendered. His cock thudded against the walls of her pussy as he emptied deep inside. Heather’s passionate cries filled his soul.
Long after the storm passed, they remained entwined. Aftershocks wouldn’t let them separate. Unbelievably, his cock responded, and a slow motion second act followed that drove them to the edge.
When she came this time, her hands gripped his ass as her pussy exploded. Wild grunts that she silenced by biting his neck made Brody shout with triumph. Stroking over and over until he couldn’t come anymore, his mind went blank.
They fell asleep in each other’s arms. His last thought before exhaustion claimed him involved visualizing his sperm finding her egg. To him, nothi
ng could be sexier.
“Shh.” Roman laugh-growled. “You’ll wake the kids.”
Kelly shuddered and bit her lips to stay quiet. Not an easy thing when her man’s cock was pinning her to the bed in a delightfully raunchy pre-breakfast fuck.
“Wiggle that ass, honey,” he demanded in a throaty purr that unleashed a flood. “That’s right. Let my cock dominate you.”
He pulled back and rammed home. She felt her toes curl. “Oh, god.”
“What?” He sniggered. “Harder?”
Her chin quivered. “Roman. Unf.”
Her hands were tied and stretched above her head—lashed to a slat on the bed’s headboard. She trembled. Roman treated her willing submission as a gourmet treat—to be savored and enjoyed. He also understood her need to be overpowered but never took it too far.
He chuckled, and she felt his big, warm hands on her legs. “Need help with those knees?”
His lusty snicker as he opened her farther and pushed her legs wider made her ache with need.
“C’mon, baby. Fuck me with those sweet muscles. Squeeze me hard. Show me what you want.”
Her nipples became his feast as he set a devastating rhythm with his manly cock. Roman fucked like he danced. With a surprising grace and agility that never let her down.
Plunging deep, he held still and then pulsed against her pussy, setting loose a cascade of aching tingles.
“Ahh.” He chuckled. “My baby girl likes that.”
Like it? Holy fuckballs. She loved it. Kelly gulped and let out a grunting moan. Any second, she would be at the the point of no return.
Suddenly withdrawing, Roman pulled out and laughed. “I need a drink of water. What about you?”
Her pussy objected by pulsing wildly. Tied to the bed, she couldn’t do anything except lay there and pant with frustrating need.
Well, maybe she couldn’t move, but she could watch him stroll across the bedroom with all the cocksure arrogance of a man who knew he fucked like a god.
She eyed his rigid sex and groaned. His cock was swollen and heavy, covered with the slick evidence of her desire. It was at times like this that she remembered when all the layers of nonsense were peeled away, no matter how he wanted to characterize it; he was an experienced lover with delicious dominant proclivities. It was nothing to him to stop in mid-fuck for some refreshment.
When he returned to her, he was guzzling water from a bottle and raking her exposed body with a lusty gaze. It was all kinds of disconcerting when he calmly stood next to the bed, sipped from the water bottle, and fingered her with exacting precision.
She instinctively closed her thighs. Sometimes, like now, she felt extra exposed.
He chuckled, put the bottle down, and taught her a lesson about trying to deny him.
Placing one hand low on her stomach, he held her down and ignored the way she pressed her thighs together. Nothing she did prevented him from teasing her throbbing pussy with his fingers. In fact, when he held her down, and she squeezed her thighs together, her body reacted with unbridled need. It didn’t take much for her to howl with frustration.
“Not enough?” he grunted.
His fingers went from her flooded pussy straight into her mouth. “Taste your need, Kelly. Be a good baby girl and suck your juices off my fingers.”
She gladly swirled her tongue around his fingers and sucked them clean. She liked the sweet flavor of the desire he drew from her body.
He climbed on the bed near her shoulders and lifted her head. “Open.” That was all he said.
Flicking her tongue, she eagerly complied. There would never come a time when she wasn’t turned on by Roman’s big, fat dick in her mouth.
Tied as she was, the only thing Kelly could do was take what he dished out. Her man treated her with care. He was always extra careful when she was restrained in any way.
Wanting all of him and desperate for the sexy way his bold staff slid on her tongue and nudged her throat, she started to get crazy. But he was ready for her and only let things go so far.
Quickly untying her hands from the bed but leaving them bound together, he flipped her over and pulled her ass up. His hands pushed her thighs far apart. She knew what was coming and felt a superheated flood pour from her body.
His first surge was almost brutal in its intensity. As he plunged deep and lifted at the same time, her knees left the bed as he impaled her on his cock.
“Oh god,” she cried out.
Unleashing a furious barrage of strokes that made his cock swell even more, she surrendered to his beautiful domination and came. And came. And came.
Roman’s grunts of satisfied pleasure rang in her head.
Being a gentleman, a filthy, oversexed gentleman, he waited until she was finished and then gave her a two-second warning before loving her into total submission with a ferocious fucking that left her unable to move.
When he was finished and had spent himself in her pussy, he pulled out, spanked her ass, kissed it, and then chuckled with manly delight.
“There’s more where that came from.”
She collapsed onto her stomach and barely moved when he unbound her wrists and rubbed them with his fingers.
“We’re getting a swing,” he grumbled.
Even though she’d just come, her pussy reacted to his words. Her thoughts placed them at Roman’s secret sex club—where they’d gone right before spending the summer in Arizona. She’d been shaken by the experience and though he wanted to discuss it, she’d managed to shut the conversation down each time it came up. She was still processing and wasn’t ready to open up.
It was her bright idea to observe a raunchy demonstration of a swing apparatus. She imagined it’d be hot and interesting. She had not anticipated the eroticism or the way the performing Dom had manipulated his sub. There was something titillating and somewhat scary about the way the handsome Italian Dominant had used the swing to please not just his desires, but also those of his submissive.
The woman came so many times that her fluid dripped on the floor.
It was only one part of their evening, but afterward, she’d been unable to share her feelings and thoughts—something she knew was frustrating her man. Being up close and personal, alone in a room, with two people fucking right in front of her had been a shock to her system. She liked the kink, but no way would she ever be comfortable with an audience.
Kelly rolled over and met his gaze. His smoldering good looks made her quiver. The club scared the shit out of her, and she didn’t know how to explain. If he needed that sort of thing—the public aspect of BDSM—she wasn’t sure that was her.
His eyes darkened. “Are we ever going to discuss this, or not?”
“I’m still at not,” she admitted.
“Shit, Kelly. I don’t know whether to apologize or what.”
“I know,” she murmured. “And I’m sorry for that. It’s me. I need more time.”
“Time for what?” he snarled. “To decide if I’m a pervert or that you’re way too young for an old fuck like me?”
Oh, no! No. No. No. She launched from lying down to wrapping around him in a heartbeat.
“Roman, no. It’s me—not you.”
“Please talk to me,” he pleaded. “I knew you weren’t ready. Let me explain.”
She kissed him to quiet. “There’s nothing to explain. And you’re not a pervert or too old so cut that shit out.”
The conflict rolling off his body made her uneasy. What the hell was she doing? He’d made her promise going in that she wouldn’t retreat inside her head. Open communication was essential, but instead, she’d been a coward and shut him out.
“You have to trust me, Roman Bishop. I know what I promised, and we will talk. You’re the one who keeps pointing out that this relationship and our lives are moving at supersonic speed. Just give me some time to catch up. And in the meantime, everything is fine. I adore you, and if you weren’t a sexy pervert, maybe I’d be bored. Or I’d be the one corrupting you.
He looked startled. “Carina, you think I’m corrupting you?”
“Well, yeah—at least, I certainly hope so! And don’t stop.”
Poor Roman. His confusion was palpable.
“Kelly, I love you. That’s all I think about. Loving you. Until you let me into your head, I’m a little lost. Ya know what I mean?”
His eyes bored into hers. She didn’t look away.
Pulling him into a hug, she whispered, “May I ask a question and not have it turn into a shit storm?”
He stared at her. She always squirmed when he used his interrogation prowess to read her mood.
“You have the advantage of knowing the question, Tesoro. Suggesting a potential turd explosion piques my interest.”
Yeah, dammit. He knew her so well. She bit her lip and looked away.
His voice was intended to calm—she knew him too. “Perhaps we should get dressed?”
Putting clothes on wasn’t going to make her braver or change his answer, so she shook her head and pulled him next to her on the bed.
“Why did Julian end up running the club?”
She saw the spark of something indefinable in his eyes and studied his body language as he answered.
“What’s the real question?” he asked. “Be more specific. It will save time.”
“You, your cousin, and a silent partner run a secret and exclusive sex club in New York City. It makes a mother lode of money while you play bodyguard to some rich guy and pretend every sexual fantasy isn’t yours for the taking.”
“Uh-huh. And?”
“Why aren’t you involved? Or are you and I just don’t see it.”
“You want to know if being a Master Dom is on my bucket list. Is that it?”
“I don’t know if that’s the question, Roman. Sheesh! Don’t talk at me like this sort of thing is something everyone deals with. You have the run of a kinky dungeon and all the resources to make it something Mr. Grey would envy. What am I missing?”
“Okay, I think I understand. You want to know why I’m not a member.”