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Nobody Can Love You Like Them Roughnecks Do 2

Page 2

by Shvonne Latrice

  Staring in the mirror and refusing to look at me, she replied, “I’m about to leave, so you should go ahead and bounce.”

  I refrained from choking her ass for talking to me like she was a nigga and I was some hoe.

  “Nah, I got you something to eat.” I walked in, placing the bag on the dresser. “And these.” I handed over the roses.

  She turned to me and looked at the roses for a few moments before walking off to grab her shoes.

  “I don’t want your flowers or your food. I want you to leave. I’m sure you have one of your many women to tend to.” She buckled the strap on her heel.

  I set the flowers on the bed next to her then squatted down with my hands on her smooth thighs. I kissed one because I couldn’t help it.

  “Nah, you’re the only woman I give a fuck about, Blaise. I love you.”

  Before the words even left my lips, she immediately wiped a lone tear from her eye, before tousling her dark, wavy hair and rising to her feet. I rose up as well, lightly grazing her waistline.

  “No, no.” She started trying to move around me, but I wouldn’t allow her to. “Cortez, you need to go! You need to leave me the fuck alone!”

  “I’m not doing none of that shit.”

  “We are not together anymore!”

  “That’s what you think in yo’ fucking head, but that’s not the reality of this shit; those are two different things. In reality, we together.”

  She looked up at me for a few moments with squinted eyes, as if she were confused yet baffled by my response, before shaking her head.

  “You cheated on me with one bitch, and you have a baby coming with another, yet you think I’m going to be with you?” She chuckled, sniffling in between. “Like, you can’t be serious. I deserve way better than you.”

  I admit her words bothered me because what she was saying was true as fuck.

  “You do. You deserve better than that Cortez, and I wanna give you the new one. I can’t let some other nigga step in and take over, Blaise. It’s not happening.”

  “Whatever, nigga. Worry about your baby on the way; that’s what you need to do. You guys can be a family, because clearly, y’all are in love. You’re out here making babies with her.”

  “I didn’t do that shit on purpose. I haven’t fucked that bitch raw in over a year. The condom broke, and…” I slipped my hands into my jeans before shrugging. “That bitch ain’t important to me; none of ’em but you. I love you.”

  “You don’t love me!” she roared like she was tired of me saying it because she didn’t believe it.

  “Say that bullshit again and watch what the fuck I do!” I growled down into her face, and she softened up only a little bit.

  “I have somewhere to be.”

  “Eat with me first, Blaise. Please.”

  Without another word, I took her hand into mine then grabbed the food with the other before leading her into the kitchen. She ate with me but wouldn’t say shit, no matter how many questions I asked and no matter what the fuck I said.

  “I need my key back.”

  She placed her small hand out, and after surveying her a bit, I reached into my pocket and removed the condo key from my key ring. I had copies at the house, but she ain’t need to know that shit.

  “Where you going?” I watched her stand up in that tight ass dress. Blaise knew she was beautiful as fuck, sexy too, no matter if she was in a little ass skirt or a suit. Everything she did got my dick hard.

  “I have an audition. It’s none of your business though.”

  I helped her throw everything away, and when she was about to leave the kitchen, I hemmed her up against the wall smoothly.

  “I wanna come see you later.”

  “You can’t. I’ll be busy. Go see Maia. Or Cadence, or Kharla, Sienna, and whoever else you have. Is this what you do? Make women fall in love with you just to treat them horribly?”

  “No,” I replied dryly. “I don’t make anybody do shit. And whether they love me or not doesn’t matter to me. The only person that matters is you. I’m not fucking leaving until you agree to let me see you later.”

  “Fine. I will come to you.” She switched out of the kitchen.

  Following her, I asked, “The beach house or my spot? I can cook for you.”

  “I don’t care which one. I most likely won’t be hungry, and I definitely won’t be spending the night.” She shoved something into her purse and then slid it down her forearm. “You just make sure baby mama is straight and—”

  “Aye, I don’t need you telling me what the fuck to do when it comes to that. I’m gon’ handle that shit. Just make sure you show the fuck up so I won’t have to show the fuck out, aight?”

  “Bye, Cortez.”

  She yanked her front door open, so we both left out. I made sure to walk her to her car, and after forcing a few kisses on her lips, I let her pull off.

  I headed to my whip and double-checked the plastic bag in my passenger seat since it contained the pregnancy tests I’d purchased this morning. Maia was about to pee on these muthafuckas so I’d have some sort of proof. I wasn’t doubting the fact that if her ass was pregnant it was mine, because Maia wouldn’t let another nigga fuck her if I paid her ass to.

  She was clingy as fuck and had the hardest time out of all the females I fucked with, understanding that we were just fucking and nothing else. If I let her ass spend the night, she would think that meant I was gon’ marry her, so shit like that had me not wanting to fuck with her as heavily. However, the pussy was good as fuck, and she was fine as a muthafucka, so I for sure dipped occasionally. I was regretting that shit at the moment.

  Once I had my music bumping, I sped off straight to Maia’s spot in Torrance. She made a nice amount of cash doing that YouTube bullshit, so her place was cool.

  “Baby!” Maia answered the door excitedly and tried to rush into my arms, but I gently shoved her ass back and handed her the pregnancy box as I slipped inside.

  “What the fuck is this?” She closed the door with one hand, holding the box with the other as she frowned at it.

  “The fuck does it look like. Hurry the fuck up and pee on that shit.” I sat down on her leather couch.

  “I already took a test, Cortez.”

  “Take it again. I wanna see the shit live.”

  “Why! We made this baby together. I’ve already taken a test, which you saw because you made me take down my Instagram story! I even went to the doctor—”

  “Get yo’ stupid ass in that bathroom, pop a muthafuckin’ squat over that stick, and piss ’fore I uppercut yo’ ass.” I gritted, cutting off that bullshit ass whining she was doing.

  I was standing up at this point, so slowly she turned to walk to the back where her bathroom was, and I followed. As she tore the box open, she began sobbing hard as fuck, which confused me, but I ignored it. I knew Maia wasn’t the type to lie or trick me, but I still wanted solid proof that she had my kid in there. I’d seen too many niggas in the hood get played by these females claiming to be pregnant by them but really wanting that muthafuckin’ bread. I’d be damned if that shit happened to me. I didn’t give a fuck if it was a bitch I’d been smashing for years and somewhat trusted.

  “I thought you loved me.” Maia cried, taking a mouthwash cup and peeing inside of that over the toilet.

  Once done, she took the cap off of the stick and set it in the cup before washing her hands.

  “How long this shit take?”

  “Just a few more minutes.”

  We waited in silence, with her sniffling and staring down the whole time, trying to make me console her ass, but that shit was out. I’d done enough consoling with this dick, and now my bitch was around here thinking we were broken up.

  Finally, Maia pulled the stick from the cup but didn’t look at it. She just put the cap on and handed it over to me.

  “This shit says not pregnant, Maia. What the fuck is going on?” I felt my face contort as I stared down at her. I didn’t know if I was
pissed about the fact that this bitch had lied or if I was slightly bummed at the fact that I wasn’t about to be a father. Yeah, Maia was the last bitch I wanted a kid with, but any muthafucka I shoot out of my dick was someone to be excited about.

  Twiddling her thumbs, she looked off for a couple seconds and then made eye contact with me.

  “I was pregnant, but when I went to get checked out, the baby was growing in the wrong place so… so… they had to ter—terminate it.” She burst into tears, and 2 percent of me felt bad as fuck for her.

  “Maia, when the fuck was this?”

  “About a week ago. But it was after I told you the news, and I couldn’t face the fact that we weren’t having a baby together, Cortez!”

  “Wait. Are you sad because ya baby is no longer or that you ain’t having a baby by me?”

  That small percentage of sympathy was fading fast as fuck.

  Walking closer to me, she whimpered, “I just love you so much, and I know you love me. So if we had a baby together, you would see that I’m more important than Kharla, Sienna, Cadence, and especially Blaise.”

  “Wow.” I laughed.

  “What is so special about her anyway! She’s no prettier than the rest of us! Yet you’re around here being all romantic and buying her things! She has not put in the work for any of that!”

  “She’s special because I love her.” I could damn near physically see Maia’s heart slink down into her stomach as her jaw dropped, eyes scanning me frantically. I took a picture of the test then hissed, “Take this fucking stick, and don’t hit me up no more for shit. We a wrap for good.” I turned to leave.

  “No! No, Cortez! I’m sorry! I’ll behave!” she shouted, grabbing onto the tail of my t-shirt.

  I had to turn around and pry her small hands from it then toss her muthafuckin’ ass onto the couch. She laid there crying hard as shit as I left out, not giving a fuck.


  The next morning…

  I definitely flaked on meeting Belly because I didn’t know what the fuck he thought this was, but it was over. I ended up spending the night at my mom’s house with my baby, because Belly was blowing me up and said he was at my condo.

  I still had yet to take that damn abortion pill. I didn’t want to kill my baby, but I hated the circumstances surrounding it all. Another woman was pregnant by him as well, and just the thought of us both having his baby disgusted me. Not to mention like the last time I was pregnant, I had a baby father who was cheating on me. It was too much, and I felt stupid for allowing this to happen to me yet again. Only insane people didn’t learn from their mistakes.

  After Island and I were ready, I made us some breakfast and then let my mother know I was leaving. I wasn’t sure if I was gonna take the pill, so I was bringing my baby home with me until it was decided. I missed her too much, even though it’d only been about a day, and I’d still been seeing her.

  “Belly!” Island shouted as soon as we entered the lobby of my condo. I looked to my left and saw Belly seated on one of the couches, sleeping. He was even a sexy sleeper, and I could smell his cologne from over here. It did make me feel a way knowing he’d waited for me so long that he’d passed out.

  “Yeah. He came yesterday evening and said he wanted to wait for you.” Gary gave me a look.

  “When he wakes up, Gary, tell him I’m not home yet, okay?”

  “Sure thing, Miss Cansino.” He paused then asked, “But why? He seems like a nice guy. Plus, he’s a great boxer. I saw—”

  “He and I aren’t in a relationship anymore, if you must know, Gary.” The only reason I even gave him that much information was because Gary had been like a cool trusting grandpa this whole time I’d been living in this building. I knew he meant no harm.

  “I understand.”

  “Mommy, Belly!” Island yelled again.

  “Okay, sweetie.” I kissed her supple cheek and hurried through the locked glass door and toward the elevators before she woke him up.

  Once I got up into my condo, I let Island down so she could play with her toys, then dialed Priscilla.

  “Hey!” she answered excitedly.

  “Hey, do you think you can come by? You can bring Penni and Rafi if you need to. I have Island here.”

  “They’re with my Aunt Vivian, but yes, I can come. I don’t have dance rehearsal until later. Are you okay?”

  “I’m not sure. Let me know when you’re on your way.”

  “Oh… okay.”

  I hung up with Priscilla and then got up to attempt to make a sweet potato waffle. By the time I was done, Gary was calling, whispering to let me know she was here, so I told him to allow her up.

  This waffle wasn’t that great, because Belly was the only one who could make them good, but I was craving it, so I ate whatever came out of that waffle maker, while waiting on Priscilla to get up here.

  “Damn, it smells bomb in here.” Priscilla walked in and set her Givenchy purse down on the couch.

  “Thank you. I tried to cook something, but the shit was a fail.”

  “You know how to cook though, Blaise.” She chuckled as we sat down on the couch. I kept my eyes on Island for a second then put my attention back on her.

  “No, I know. Just not these waffles Belly makes.”

  “Speaking of Belly, he’s down in the lobby sleeping. I almost didn’t recognize him because of the hoodie, but then I saw Hood’s Champ on it, and saw them corduroy slippers…”

  We both laughed.

  “Yeah, I…” I shook my head as I looked off before tying my hair up into a ponytail. “We broke up, and he thinks I’m not home, so he waited for me down there until he passed out.”


  “No, not awww.”

  “What happened, Blaise?” Priscilla frowned, sitting back with her arms folded. I wanted to tell her, but because I felt dumb for making the same mistake like a foolish person, it was hard.

  “He… I found out he cheated on me and with the girl I told you was saying she’d still get her time with him and stuff.”

  Just saying that shit had me wanting to go downstairs and box his damn head until he woke up.

  “What the fuck? And she’s super thirsty for him I heard.”

  “Yeah, but that’s not the worst thing…” I smoothed my hair back. “He got another one pregnant.”

  Priscilla’s jaw dropped as she searched my face with her eyes. I could see the anger, confusion, and astonishment all mixed together.

  “Are you sure? He was acting like he was in love with you. I can’t see him getting someone else pregnant. If anything, you’d be pregnant.”

  “I am.” I nodded, feeling tears well up. “And I feel so dumb because this just happened to me with Five-Star. I don’t want to kill my baby, but I don’t want to deal with this same stuff again. Not to mention the harassment headed my way for getting pregnant by yet another famous nigga who’s known for having a surplus of women.”

  “Well, with Five-Star, you were much younger, and he played, you making you think you were it. But Blaise, I do have to say the warning signs were there with Belly, but you’re not stupid; you just gave him a chance. And from seeing you guys together, I know he got to you with the way he was treating you. Romancing you, spoiling you; any woman would’ve fallen for it, including me.”

  “Yeah. I’m keeping the baby. Is that dumb?”

  “No.” She chuckled.

  “I know it’s going to be this big thing, but I don’t really care in a sense. Years from now, I’ll have a beautiful baby and won’t even remember half the stuff people said about me.”

  “That’s why I admire you. People have been coming at you for years, and still do, but you don’t let it stop you from doing what you want. I’m way too worried about what people think of me.”

  “We should go on a trip. We need it.”

  “To where?”

  “Mmm, Miami. Somewhere pretty where I can wear a bathing suit. I only have a few months before I start to blo
w up.”

  “Okay, but let’s go ASAP, please.”

  Two days later… Miami, Florida…

  NHBelly: I got some shit to tell you.

  NHBelly: She ain’t having my baby.

  As Priscilla and I walked out of our suite at The Setai Hotel, I saw Belly had sent me some messages on Instagram. I’d blocked his number days ago, and I guess he’d just now realized it. He’d been leaving me voicemails prior to this.

  I wanted to inquire about the baby text, but I realized it was no point. He and I weren’t going to be together, so it didn’t matter who was and wasn’t having his child.

  “This is so nice.” Priscilla commented on the private pool area we’d walked up on.

  “I know.”

  We laid out on the soft white bed chairs, just before a hostess approached to offer us something to drink, along with a fruit plate. We’d already gotten plenty of pictures yesterday at the actual beach, so today, we wanted to chill by the private pool. Plus, yesterday, there were too many thirsty ass niggas trying to get at us, which was annoying.

  “Your body is popping, by the way.”

  “Thank you. I’m trying to enjoy it as much as I can.” I giggled, shoving a grape into my mouth as I relaxed. This was nice.

  “So what did Belly say about the baby?”

  Looking over at her, I replied, “Nothing. He doesn’t even know. I should tell him, but I don’t want him around me. A baby will only worsen his behavior.”

  “True. So what, you want to raise it by yourself?”

  “That would be ideal, but I know as soon as I’m seen with a belly, he’ll know.” I sighed, thinking of how I could convince Belly the baby wasn’t his. I chuckled at my thoughts. “Plus, I want my baby to know its father, especially because I think it’d mean a lot to Cortez to be better than his parents.”

  I was going to tell Belly, now that I was for sure keeping the baby, but not right now. I would tell him once he backed off some and accepted that he and I were done.


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