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Nobody Can Love You Like Them Roughnecks Do 2

Page 10

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Yeah, they’re different, especially ones like Yono, who are very successful and well known. They’re entitled, and sometimes, they’ll try to make you feel like you need to do a lot to keep them interested in you. But that’s usually only if they can tell you’re desperate for them, or you’re new to dating their kind.”

  “Okay, got it. I’m far from desperate, so that won’t be a problem.”

  “Oh, and gifts. He will definitely get you something nice if you impress him enough, but don’t act all excited about it. Just politely thank him.”

  “What kind of gifts?” I was intrigued.

  “Rolexes, Chanel purses, YSL shoes, the list goes on. Whatever they sell on Rodeo Drive and at Neiman Marcus.” She giggled.

  “A man bought you a Rolex before? After a date? What the hell!” I laughed, and so did she.

  “If he doesn’t, that either means he’s not interested, or maybe he was but your pussy was garbage.”

  I nodded, taking the information in. Blaise gave me a few more tips and details before I got off the phone and texted Yono that I was staying at this hotel in Beverly Hills. After giving him the address, I got up to head to the mall because I needed to buy something new to wear. All the dresses I had weren’t short enough; plus, I hadn’t been shopping in a while.

  Once I had a new fit and some shoes, I got my nails done then headed home. I decided to actually book a room at the hotel just in case he called to ask for me or something. I was way beyond paranoid.

  “Relax, Alivia,” I told myself as I undressed for a shower.

  After getting out, I brushed my teeth and then went to my bedroom to put on some lotion. Right when I was done, I heard my phone ringing, and I looked down to see it was Manny calling. Rolling my eyes, I tapped the green button to answer.

  “Yes, Manny?” I stood up to survey my naked body in the full-length mirror. A smile spread across my face at the sight.

  “Hey, what you doing tonight?”

  “I’m busy.”

  “Busy doing what? I was thinking you could come to this video shoot. We need some extra girls last minute.”

  “I have a date tonight, asshole. And do I look like I shake my ass for cameras in my spare time? I am a deejay, nothing else.”

  I swear no one irritated me more than Manny. No matter how hard I tried to be nice to him, he always turned me into this raging bitch. And I was far from a rude girl, but he brought it out of me.

  “A date tonight? With who? And I thought yo’ ass couldn’t go out after 3 p.m.?”

  “This was the one night I wasn’t busy, so he lucked up. Is there anything else you need, because I have to get dressed?”

  I wanted to hurry out of here before my parents got home from work. Thankfully, I booked that hotel, because I’d decided to get dressed there in case they got home before I could jet. They wouldn’t dare let me out the house in what I planned to wear for Yono.

  “Who is taking you out? A fellow deejay?” He cackled because I guess that was funny.

  “No, Yono.”

  “The singer nigga?”


  “Wow, so he gon’ get some before I do.”

  “No, neither of you will. Goodbye!” I hung up immediately.

  After ranting under my breath for a couple minutes while shoving some things into an overnight bag, I put on some tights, a top, and some slides, before grabbing my keys to head out. Thankfully, my parents hadn’t made it home, and I was sure it was due to the LA traffic they endured coming from crowded ass downtown.

  Throwing my things into the car, I hurriedly peeled out the driveway, headed to the hotel. I got there about an hour and half later, much to my dismay, so after checking in, I took a quick nap.

  By the time I’d woken up, it was 7:30, so I damn near flew out of the bed to brush my teeth again before doing my makeup. I was dressed to impress about an hour later, and by that time, my phone was ringing off the hook because of Yono.

  “Hey, I’m coming down now,” I spoke into the phone as soon as I answered.

  “Aight. I’ll be waiting, beautiful.”

  I smiled with the phone still pressed against my ear, before hanging up. Yono seemed like a nice guy, so I was calming down a little bit. He seemed nothing like what I assumed famous men would be, so that gave me some hope that maybe he wouldn’t mind waiting for me.

  I gave myself a once over then stuffed my keycard into my Gucci purse before leaving. When I got outside of the hotel, I saw a black truck, and the back door opened almost immediately. Yono slid out, looking so handsome with his dreads hanging. His brown skin was perfectly clear, and I could tell he’d recently gotten his facial hair lined up.

  “Wow.” He shook his head as his eyes cascaded down my body. I didn’t have the biggest butt or breasts, but I had hips for days for some reason. I liked my body though; everything was proportionate.

  “Thanks.” I giggled shyly before he helped me into the back seat.

  The driver took off, so Yono opened a bottle of champagne for us to drink. He handed me a flute, and once he filled it up, I took a sip; I needed something to calm my nerves.

  “So how was your day, Alivia?”

  “It was fine, actually. How was yours?” I felt my phone buzzing, and when I saw it was a call from my home number, I hit ignore and silenced my device.

  “Long. I had to record all damn day, but what got me through was knowing I was going to get to spend some time with you.”

  I felt myself blushing, and my skin was getting hot. Yono was so handsome, and it made me extremely nervous. I thought back to what Blaise told me and how men of his kind could sense when they were dealing with a first timer, so I attempted to stay as calm as possible. I didn’t understand how Blaise and her friends did this. I was a wreck at just ten minutes in!

  “I mean, I guess I am pretty exciting, huh?”

  “You are.” He took a sip of his champagne. “I can’t believe I’ve never seen you before. I don’ been to every club in Los Angeles, and I’ve never run across you.”

  “Maybe you just don’t remember.”

  “Nah, I would for sure remember you.” Again, his eyes moved down my body, only this time, his bottom lip was being held captive by his top row of teeth.

  “Well, I umm, kind of just started heavily doing nightclubs in the past six months. Before, I was doing more personal events, but now that I’ve gotten my name out there, the club gigs are rolling in.”

  “That’s sexy. There aren’t many women deejays in the business. You ever thought of being a personal deejay?”

  “All the time! I would love to be an artists’ deejay and get to travel and have that whole experience. I have a ways to go before all that.”

  “Maybe not.” He winked, and again, I giggled like a schoolgirl.

  We pulled up to the Peninsula Hotel and headed inside to eat at this restaurant called The Belvedere. We were seated outside on the patio area, where there were large trees with lights in them. The atmosphere was very beautiful and surely set the mood.

  The first fifteen minutes of us being here was nice, but after we ordered drinks and starters, I noticed people taking pictures or recording on the sly. I wasn’t used to this, and I did not want the scrutiny that came with dating a man as famous as Yono. I hadn’t even thought about that until right now.

  “Does this always happen when you go out?” I inquired.

  “Yeah, but I’m so used to it by now that I barely even notice it. You’ll get used to it as well.”

  “Oh,” was all I said as I focused back on the menu to scan the entrees.

  We ended up ordering a nice amount of food because there were a few things we wanted to try. We got more drinks as well, and at the end, we had desserts too. Overall, the dinner was perfect, the food and my date. Yono was good at keeping up conversation, and he was so sweet, just like the lyrics of his songs.

  “Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” I quizzed him. “I know women throw themselves at you, yet
you’re single. I mean, I know you dated that rapper girl, but she’s a fool to have let you go.”

  “I didn’t date her per se; that was a fling. But I’m single because I haven’t found the right woman. I’m feeling like that’s gon’ change real soon though.”

  I blushed… again.

  “You’re so sweet. I kind of like you.” I smirked.

  “I kind of like you too.”

  “Wait, what the hell is your real name?”

  “Troy, unfortunately.” He chuckled. “I hate that shit though, so don’t use it, please.”

  “Got it.”

  “Is there anything else I can get for you two tonight?” The waiter approached our table.

  “No, I am stuffed,” I responded.

  “Same. We’ll just take the check.” Yono nodded, and the man walked off. “So I was thinking you could spend the night at my penthouse with me.”

  “Oh, umm, when?”

  “Tonight.” He laughed. “When else?”

  “Right, sorry.”

  “You good. But yeah, we can have some more champagne, continue to chop it up, and then maybe I can show you some things.” His tongue glided across his plump bottom lip.

  “Show me some things?” I cocked my head.

  “Yeah, I mean, I don’t wanna pressure you, but I think we’ve been hitting it off pretty well since I met you at Romelo’s. So tonight, I wanna get you right. We can have breakfast in the morning and do a little shopping.”

  That sounded nice, except for I couldn’t sleep with him. I knew what type of women he was used to, and that wasn’t me. I didn’t have control over my body like every other woman in her twenties. I wished I could just have sex with a man when I wanted to. Having the ability to take charge of my sex life was a dream.


  My phone lighting up interrupted my sentence. It was still on silent, but I could see it was my mother’s cell phone calling. I felt like a prisoner.

  “You good?” Yono inquired.

  “Yes, give me one moment.” I hopped up, grabbing my phone, then went to find the bathroom. “Yes, Ma?” I answered once I was in the restroom.

  “You need to come home, and right now! Where the hell are you?”

  “I—” I dropped my head back and closed my eyes. “I’m out. I will call you later.”

  I hit the end button before she could say anything and then rushed back to the table where Yono was. By the time I got there, he was standing up and had finished paying the bill.

  “So you coming through with me or—”

  “Yep.” I half smiled and waited for him to round the table. He took my hand into his before kissing my lips and then led me out of the hotel.

  I knew people were watching us closely, but I chose to ignore it. Tonight, I was going to be a grown woman. Hell, I made my own money, paid my own bills, excluding rent, and I could make my own decisions regarding my body. This was for me.

  Yono’s driver took us to his penthouse, and it was humungous. He gave me a small tour since the place was so large, and then we went to his bedroom. He lit a few candles and then removed his shoes, jewelry, and shirt. His body was so muscular that it looked fake, and the artwork on his arms was beautiful.

  “Don’t be nervous.” He walked up on me, looking down into my face. He pressed his lips against mine as he unzipped my dress, and I felt like my legs were doing the James Brown under me.

  Once my dress hit his furry carpet, he picked me up and carried me to his bed before removing my panties. I didn’t have on a bra because my dress was strapless, so at the moment, I was ass naked. My breathing became heavy as I watched him undress. I hadn’t had sex in ages, and it was only once. It was a secret I kept. I was sixteen and in eleventh grade; plus, it only lasted for about ten seconds before I pushed the boy off and rushed home. I told myself it didn’t count.

  Yono started sucking my nipples then dropped down to put his mouth between my legs.

  “Chill.” He laughed when I jumped. I’d never experienced this before. Plus, I was worried that my pussy would be garbage. “I promise you’ll like when I do it.”

  Relaxing, I pressed my head into the pillow as he started to suck on my bud. At first, I didn’t know what to think, but as time progressed, it started to feel so good. I noticed the more he sucked and licked between my hips, the more sexual I felt. It was horrible but good. Next thing I knew, I was grinding against his face and moaning like some nympho.

  “Oh my gosh,” I called out, just as my body tightened and I released. I thought he’d move away, but he didn’t; he instead licked me clean, damn near.

  “Told you.” He came up to kiss me.

  By the time I opened my eyes, I saw him rolling a condom down his thick penis, just before he yanked me closer to him by my legs. He prodded my opening with the head, and when he started to push in, I wanted to tell him to stop. No words could be formed in time though, so he was fully inside of me in seconds.

  “Troy,” I called out accidentally, but he didn’t seem to mind as he moved in and out of me slowly.

  “Damn, Alivia. Shit.” He cursed as he humped away.

  When I experienced another orgasm, he all of sudden sped up his moves, and it felt even better. I spread my legs wider for more, and he gave it to me, making me cry out.

  “Oh shit,” I moaned, surprising myself. The few porn movies I’d seen, I always thought the women were exaggerating.

  Yono pulled out, turned me over, and then pulled my hips up before sliding back in. I’d always told myself I would never do this position, but once he started, I didn’t want him to stop.

  “Fuck, Alivia,” he groaned my name, gripping my hips and fucking me harder. When another orgasm tore through me, my upper body collapsed.

  Before I knew it, he was climaxing himself and growling like a wild animal as his body shook. Falling down onto me, he kissed the nape of my neck slowly as I tried to catch my breath.

  We took a break, then did it once more, and surprisingly, it was better than the first. I couldn’t believe I’d had sex with someone, for real sex, and multiple times. I also couldn’t believe how much I liked it. I felt ashamed.

  However, the breakfast and shopping Yono treated me to the next morning definitely eased the guilt I felt. Date night was a success… I guess.



  A week and a half later… Around 7 p.m.…

  I’d finally gotten Island to bed about thirty minutes ago, and after getting out of my bubble bath, I sunk down under the covers of my bed. I’d been on set all day, and although I loved my job, it was tiresome. Working long hours while pregnant was not ideal, especially because some days I was very ill. I was so sick sometimes that the thought of having booked the role on that HBO show Streets exhausted me more than excited me.

  I was so disappointed in myself for getting pregnant again and not being in better circumstances as far as my relationship with the father. But at the end of the day, my second baby was a blessing, and I would continue to try to view it as that and nothing else. And even though I was unhappy with what I’d done, I was proud of myself for being much further in my career than last time.

  “Shit.” I hopped out of my bed and rushed to the bathroom to vomit. It was violent, and I felt like complete shit after.

  I sat there on the bathroom floor for about five minutes before getting up to brush my teeth. I heard my phone ringing in my bedroom, and when I went to grab it, I saw it was Belly. I’d been ignoring him for weeks, and he hadn’t given up. The calls, the texts, the flowers, the pop ups, all just continued. I hadn’t seen him, however, because I had Gary tell me whenever Belly showed up so I could stay away from home.

  “Yes, Cortez?” I plopped down onto my bed. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with him. I felt like shit.

  “You aight, baby?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. What do you want?” I felt tears form in my eyes because I was in a little bit of pain, and I was over being sick. And I was sick because
of his ass.


  “Yeah? You sure you don’t want Megyn? Or one of your other group members? Because that’s what it seems like. Plus, they want you. I don’t.”


  He was cut off because I’d rushed to the bathroom to throw up yet again. He was calling my name the whole time, and I wanted to hang up on his ass.

  When finished, I wiped my mouth and whimpered, “Cortez, please. I’m begging you to leave me alone.”

  Before he could even reply, I ended the call. Again, I brushed my teeth and then made myself some tea to calm my stomach as directed by my doctor. After downing that, I lied down in my warm bed, with only the TV on, praying to feel better.

  Not long after, I heard someone at my door, so I got out of bed to see who it was. Looking through the peephole, I spotted Belly. He was holding a brown paper bag in one hand, and a plate with foil on top in the other.

  “How did you even get up here?” I opened the door.

  He looked so good in just his white t-shirt, black cloth sweats, socks, and Givenchy slides. His deep brown skin seemed to glisten under his tattoos, and his eyelashes were reminiscent of fans, surrounding his beautiful, almond shaped eyes. My eyes of course landed on that No Good tattoo which was a warning sign I should’ve heeded to when I first met him.

  “I slipped in the glass door behind one of your neighbors. Nigga tried to snitch, but I introduced him to my heat locked on me, and he shut the fuck up.”

  Rolling my eyes, I walked away from the door, and he followed me in, closing it behind himself.

  “Whatever you’re here for, I’m not in the mood.” I sniffled, taking in his cologne that had taken over the air of my living room.

  “I know you’re sick as fuck, so I brought you some shit from CVS, and I made you a sweet potato waffle.” He lifted the plate with the foil then set it down on the coffee table.

  “You made it after we got off the phone?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t know what you needed from the store, so I got heating pads, these pads, tampons, panty liners, this spray shit, cough syrup, Advil, and some shit to make you some soup.” He pulled each thing out, reading it as he did so. “Why them muthafuckin’ tampons cost so much?”


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