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Nobody Can Love You Like Them Roughnecks Do 2

Page 24

by Shvonne Latrice

  He kissed me slowly just as we stopped dancing, letting Jackie take the song out.

  “I can see how it worked,” I whispered, feeling like my panties were traveling down my legs on their own as Belly and I kissed under the music. His big hands felt good against my body as he rubbed up and down me, squeezing my ass here and there.

  Letting me go, he lifted the scratcher to stop the album from continuing and then sat down on the couch, pulling me with him.

  “Yeah, it worked, too well.”

  I rubbed his fresh fade, admiring his full lips and long eyelashes.

  “Sounds like your father put your mother through the ringer, baby.”

  “Yeah.” He chuckled, looking off. He wasn’t chuckling as if he found the situation comical, more like to cover up his disappointment. “When he met my mama, she had a kid already, my brother.”

  “I remember you mentioning him.”

  “Yeah, Cross. He was like two or three at the time. Anyway, my mom was actually still with his father, this nigga named Franklin, when she met my pops. She was icing him at first, for obvious reasons, but he eventually won her over, making her believe he would be the best nigga she’d ever deal with, and that ending things with a good nigga like Franklin would be a wise decision.” He moved my hair from my face, holding me tighter in his lap. “And she fell for it. Things were good, then came the other women, the cheating, the lying, but she still got pregnant by him and eventually married him.”

  “Got pregnant with you.”

  He nodded then said, “Shit stopped for a little bit once I got here, but when I was five months old, he got right back to the bullshit and kept it up until I was well into my teens, when he dipped on her. Because he hurt my mama so much and so deeply, she hated me. She’s hated me since I was about seven years old, and every time a new woman called the house on some bullshit, or approached us in the grocery store, claiming my pops, she took it out on me.”

  “Baby.” I kissed his head, not even knowing what to say.

  “Then when Cross was murdered when I was seventeen, she got worse, saying it was my gang affiliations that got him killed. Really, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some nigga thought he was someone else, a dude who had fucked his girl, so he killed my brother. That shit didn’t matter to my mom though; everything was my fault… always.

  Ever since I was six years old, if I wasn’t getting fought like a grown man by my pops, I was getting yelled at and belittled by my mama. I was always furious growing up, fighting and shit to release anger since I couldn’t let loose at home, hence the name Belly.” He got silent then added, “That’s who I ran into the night I messed up our shit; my pops. He got to me, making me believe I was like him and would turn you into my mama. Not an excuse, but it had a hand in my willingness to take down every drink and drug offered to me that night.” He continued looking off.

  “Even after all that, look how well you turned out.” I cupped his face to make eye contact.

  “Did I?” He raised a brow like he didn’t believe it.

  “Yes, you did. Why do you think I love you so much? I mean, sure you’re fine, and the dick is really good.” I smiled and was happy to see he had too. “But you’re a good man, Cortez Khalil. Plus, Island loves you too, and she’s the real judge. Babies don’t fall in love with bad people.”

  I turned to straddle his lap so that we could hug. His strong arms made me melt. I was so safe and warm, completely forgetting I was in the hood right now. I pulled away slightly so that we could kiss, slowly and passionately.

  “Well I want you to know, Blaise, that even though I’m my father’s son I would never treat you the way he did my moms. When we broke up and I saw how hurt you were and shit, I knew I never wanted to make yo’ ass feel that way again. I’ve never been more bothered by some shit in my life, especially when it comes to females. But the last thing I want to do is cause the woman I love to be in so much pain, that she begins to hate herself and anything associated with the suffering I’ve induced.

  So I know you may still have your doubts and shit, I don’t blame you, but I want you to know that when I told you this time would be different, I meant that shit. You’ll learn that I’m the type of nigga where if I have something special that I give a fuck about, like you, Island, Baby Khalil, and boxing, I’m loyal as fuck to it.”

  “I know, and I don’t doubt you. I did at first, but you’ve been good; I can tell the difference.”

  I definitely had doubts when I first took him back, because trying to make a nigga like Belly be a faithful family man was number one on the stupid bitch agenda. However, he’d been very different, so the guard I had up and the doubts were dissipating every day.

  “And in case you ain’t know, you were always more special than them other hoes.”

  “Why?” I chuckled.

  “Prettier, better pussy, how good of a mother you were, and I like how you keep yourself together: the nails, toes done, hair done, the heels, sweet perfume, soft skin, all that good shit. I love very feminine women.” His hand rubbed up my thigh, and he gave it a squeeze, biting his lip with his sexy ass. “Not to mention, you wasn’t with tolerating my bullshit and packed a mean right hook on you.”

  We laughed in unison before sharing a kiss.

  “Whatever happened to the man that killed your brother?” I touched the tatted cross on the side of his neck, since I now knew it had a different meaning than what I’d assumed.

  “Lit his ass up a few days later. Would have done the shit the same night, but he went into hiding once he found out Cross was my brother.”

  “Damn, he was your age?”

  “Nah, a grown ass man, few years older than my brother, so early twenties. My seventeen-year-old ass had him shook though because niggas in the hood knew I was a little off.”

  “Not was, you still are off. But I love it.”

  “I love you too, baby.”

  “I know.” I smirked, showing him the canary yellow diamond on my finger that he’d gifted me for my birthday.

  He took my palm to kiss it then stood up while still holding me, wrapping my legs around him.

  Carrying me to the back while sucking my lips, he muttered, “I wanna eat you and hit it hard until you tap out.”

  I could already feel his dick as we entered the bedroom, so I was wet and very ready.

  We’d been shooting scenes for the TV show Streets since 3 a.m., and it was now 6 p.m. I was so tired, and even though I’d eaten two hours ago, I was starving. I sighed out of relief once I got out of the dress and heels I’d been in for my last scene.

  Once I was changed into a pair of jeans, boots, and a simple top, I headed out of my trailer with my purse. As I walked, I spotted Romelo speaking to one of the production assistants, so I sped up a little. It was so weird being estranged off-camera, because on set, we were hot and heavy in love. We did good though, because when I would watch some of the scenes back, our romance was believable.

  “Excuse me, Miss Cansino.” One of the runners, Dave, approached me. He was always on the move, bringing us food, coffee, messages, mail; hell, anything people didn’t feel like getting themselves, Dave got.

  “Yes.” I smiled.

  “This was dropped off for you.” He handed me a small box wrapped in floral paper.

  Taking it, I thanked Dave then ripped the wrapping off to see a blue Tiffany box. I opened it to find a beautiful diamond bracelet and a small white card with some writing.

  Something beautiful, for a beautiful woman. Call me, so I can take you out… (818) 555- 3488. - M. Strauss.

  “Damn, I see you got niggas on you every day,” Romelo’s voice scared me.

  I quickly put the bracelet back in the box along with the card before shoving it into my purse. There wasn’t a trashcan nearby.

  Mason Strauss was Belly’s latest opponent in his upcoming fight. Belly told me they didn’t like one another in real life, and it was because Mason knew Belly was coming for his title. S
o I guess Mason sent this and his number in hopes of sleeping with me then using it as ammo to fuck with Belly. I wasn’t sure what type of women he’d encountered in the past, but this nigga had the wrong one.

  “No, it’s not even like that,” I replied to Romelo as I started back walking. He of course kept up with me.

  “So what is it like? I mean, I assumed you and I were getting somewhere and that you were done being strung along by Belly.”

  “I was never being strung along, and I’m not getting strung along now.”

  “I’ll give it a couple more months, maybe less if you let him get you pregnant, before he moves on.”

  “Okay, well whether that happens or not, you really shouldn’t give a fuck.”

  Romelo’s words didn’t bother me, because I knew what it was between Belly and me. He could believe whatever he needed to in order to feel better about me not fucking with him and Belly embarrassing his ass at my birthday dinner.

  “Well, I do. I care about you, and I still think about you. So when shit does hit the fan between you and him, I’ll be there. I’ll be there to show you what it’s like to be with a real man.” Since we were now in the parking lot of the studio, he backed away to his car, still looking me over.

  This evening, my mother had invited me to have dinner with her, and since I didn’t have to pick Island up from her paternal grandmother until morning, I felt tonight was actually perfect. She’d just gotten back in town from a weekend trip to Miami with her best friend Fiona, and oddly, I’d missed her.

  I got home about forty-five minutes later, brushed my teeth, took a hot shower, and then slipped into a nude dress with some clear stilettos. I opted for no makeup since it’d just be my mother and me.

  I arrived at the plush restaurant not too long after leaving my condo, since it too was in Beverly Hills. After giving the hostess my mother’s name, she led me to the table, which was in the corner almost. My smile faded immediately upon seeing my mother at the table with a man. He was young, mid-thirties, so I was praying like hell she didn’t invite me here to announce some hasty engagement. I could tell he had money, aka her type.

  “Sit, sit, baby.” My mother beamed after hugging me.

  I did as she asked, giving a subtle ‘hello’ to the man at the table. He was light skinned with bright honey eyes, a very big nose but it fit his face, and low-cut facial hair. His suit was expensive and very nice like the Plain Jane Rolex on his wrist. His cologne wasn’t my cup of tea, but it didn’t smell bad either; it was mature. Not even close to being sexy and masculine like Belly’s.

  Speaking of Belly, my phone buzzed because we’d been texting all day long, even in between takes when I was filming earlier. I swear he was the first man that I could sit up and talk to all day without the conversation drying out. And even when we couldn’t text back right away, we never left one another hanging.

  “Put the phone down, sweetheart.” My mom tapped my wrist. I finished my message to Belly then placed my phone in my lap, awaiting his reply.

  “Sorry,” I said, just as the waiter came to take my drink order since my mom and this random had theirs.

  “No worries,” he replied, smiling.

  “Blaise, honey, I’d like you to officially meet Rob Carter.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’ve heard that name before, but I can’t quite remember where.” I chuckled as we shook hands.

  “I play for the St. Louis Cardinals,” he informed me.

  “Right, right. Okay, I think I remember it being something along those lines. Well nice to meet you, Rob. But umm, how do you know my mother, and why are you here?”

  He looked to my mom.

  “Well, honey, I met Rob at the airport on my way out of LA. He was inside of the American Express lounge.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “And he’s here because once he found out I was your mother, he wanted to meet you. I told him you guys would hit it off.” The grin my mother wore was shocking to me. The fact that something like this made her so happy.

  “Oh, I see.” I took my fruit sparkler that the waiter had given me for a sip.

  “Why don’t you bring my daughter here a glass of your finest wine?”

  “No, Ma. This sparkler is fine.”

  “I guess.”

  We gave the waitress our orders, and once he walked away, I just stared at my mom with squinted eyes.

  Turning to Rob, I said, “Rob, I’m very sorry that my mother convinced you to come out for this.”

  “No, don’t be sorry. I was happy to meet you. I think you’re beautiful. As your mother stated, it was actually my idea when she explained who her daughter was.”

  “How do you even know me?”

  “I’ve seen you on social media a few times and in person from afar at a few industry parties. You’ve always been taken though. Your mother here explained that now you were single, so I felt it must have been my lucky day.”

  “No, I—”

  “And look, I know you’ve just ended things with Cortez Khalil, but I promise if you give me a chance, you won’t regret it, beautiful.”

  I gave Rob a simper and snicker before looking at my cheesing ass mother.

  “Mama, can I talk to you in the bathroom please?” I got up before she could respond, but I heard her excuse herself from the table.

  The bathroom was very nice, but I expected nothing less of such an upscale restaurant. By the time I was done checking the six stalls to make sure they were empty, my mom had come in.

  “Blaise, baby, what’s wrong?”

  “This! You always trying to pass me off to any man with a healthy bank account!”

  “So you’d prefer someone broke is what you’re saying?”

  “No, no, Mama. That’s not the point.” I exhaled heavily. “I don’t need you doing this. It’s almost like I’m a pawn, something you use to secure a lifestyle you enjoy. It’s like you don’t even love me.”

  “I do love you, okay?” she snapped. “If I didn’t love your hardheaded ass, I would have gotten rid of you long ago! Now, you are too beautiful to end up with some broke nigga who can’t do a thing for you, Island, and me, so I refuse to let that happen. Rob Carter is a catch. Do you know how much money MLB players make?”

  “What about love, Mama? Don’t you want me with someone I love?”

  “No. I loved your father, and what did that get me? Nothing but a baby, weight gain that took forever for me to drop, stress, and a drained bank account. It wasn’t until I upped my standards, making sure that any man I gave my time to had a lot of cash, that life started being enjoyable. And that wasn’t until you were grown.”

  “Mama.” I covered my face.

  “Now, baby.” I felt her near me, placing her soft hands on my arms. “You luckily had a baby by a man who has a lot of money, unlike me. You’re still young and have a lot going for you, so date this man. Get what you can get and enjoy it.”

  “I am in a relationship. Belly and I got back together.”

  “Oh.” She let me go. “Well, honey, why didn’t you just say that. He recently signed a 100-million-dollar deal with Avenue Productions.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I keep up with sports players, baby. How do you think I know which men to bring to you? No bench warmers or niggas who only make a couple million in a year.” She laughed. “Oh, but that’s great.”

  “There is something else.” I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I’m pregnant.”

  “What?” She damn near jumped back. “You’re what?”

  “I’m pregnant, Mama, but it’s fine. I found out a little bit before we broke up, and I thought about an abortion, but I couldn’t do it. I wanted my baby already, but now that he and I are back together, it feels even more right.”

  My mother stared at me like she didn’t know me, shaking her head.

  “Are you fucking crazy!” she hollered. “When it happened with Five-Star, I thought, okay, this is fine. It’s only once, and she’ll learn f
rom this. But now, here we are again! And what the fuck are you going to do when he leaves you, Blaise?”

  “He won’t! But even if he did, I’m not having this baby because of him. I’m having it because it’s mine, and I want to!”

  She massaged her temples, closing her eyes.

  “Oh my goodness. When did you become so stupid?” She turned to look at herself in the mirror before dropping her head, hands clutching the edges of the sink.

  “Look, Mom. I know you’re upset, but it’s because you don’t understand. This is different; you and I are different. I don’t want to be some socialite who dates multiple men a year, just to spend their money. I want a husband, a fulfilling career, kids, love. I love Cortez, and he loves me, a lot, Mama. I can tell. And even if somehow, he does decide he can’t be with me or vice versa, my baby is a blessing. I’m happy about it. and I can’t wait to meet it, regardless of if the father is in love with me or not.”

  “I just do not want you being some baby mama, struggling, and depressed.” She sobbed heavily.

  “I know, Mama, and I won’t.” I brought her into a hug. “That’s why I work so hard, so that I will have my own.”

  “Does he really love you?” She pulled back some.

  “Yes.” I nodded. “And look.” I showed her the ring Belly gave me and chuckled when her eyes lit up.

  “Wow, this is beautiful, and very expensive. I can tell.”

  After my mom fixed her makeup, we left back out to finish dinner. To my surprise, she asked Rob to leave so we could enjoy ourselves alone. I hoped like hell I’d gotten through to my mother, but only time would tell.



  “Oh shit.” I laughed, falling down onto the side of the bed. Swan was like a damn drug in herself. Collapsing onto her stomach, she looked over at me and smiled. “What’s that look for?”

  “You were right about this being better financially. I have so much more money now that I don’t have to split anything with Geena.”

  “Told you.” I smacked her bare ass then kissed her shoulder. “And I like having you all to myself.”


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