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Uncovering You: The Complete Series (Mega Box Set)

Page 173

by Edwards, Scarlett

  “You’re sweet,” I smile at him. “But I’m fine. I can deal with Spencer myself.” I stand up—and am caught completely by surprise when I bump into a hard body behind me.

  “Hello there,” Spencer grins, looking down at me. “This feels… nice.”

  I push him away with both my arms. He laughs. “I was just looking for you,” he continues. “Hello, girls. Karl.”

  Karl grunts and stabs at his food, pointedly ignoring Spencer.

  “Hi, Spencer,” Katy coos sweetly.

  “Looking hot as always, babe,” he smiles at her. I make a disgusted sound in my throat.

  “You said you were looking for me?” I remind him.

  “Yeah. I wanted to talk.”

  “Not here,” I say, pulling him away. When we’re far from the vicinity of the table, I turn to face him. “Well?”

  “How’s the other guy doing?” Spencer asks.

  “Pfft. What do you care?”

  “His lip got busted pretty bad last night.”

  “That’s your fault!”

  Spencer shakes his head. “No. He got an elbow in the face when they started to break us up. I didn’t hurt him.”

  I cross my arms. “So?”

  “So, I wanted you to know that. I’m not all bad.”

  “You did your part egging Andrew on,” I point out.

  Spencer makes a face. “I wasn’t going to stand there and take his insults, if that’s what you mean. But I didn’t want to fight. You saw who pushed who first.”

  “You could have ignored him,” I say.

  “Not with all those people watching. No fucking way. You said it yourself. I have a reputation to maintain.”

  “So if it were just you, me, and him…?” I begin, skeptical.

  “Then, I wouldn’t have fought him. Wasn’t much of a fight, anyway. He went down easy. I was never really trying to hurt him. I just had to put on a show for the crowd.”

  I roll my eyes. “That’s so considerate of you, Spencer.”

  He laughs. “I could have done some serious damage if I had wanted to. My stepdad wouldn’t be happy about it though, I’d bet.”

  That is the first time he’s brought his parents up. “What does your stepdad have to do with any of it?” I ask. “And what’s up with you and Andrew? You guys clearly dislike one another.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Spencer says, pushing away a lock of my hair with his thumb. “That’s old history.”

  I take his hand with both of mine and pull it down, away from my face. “Spencer, you can’t keep on like this. I’m not getting together with you. I know all you want is a one night stand. I’m not that kind of girl.”

  “Hmm,” he intones, thoughtful. He turns the bracelet over on my wrist. “You’re still wearing this, though.”

  “That’s because I can’t figure out how to take the damn thing off!” I tell him, exasperated.

  For a split-second, I think that his mask breaks, and his face falls. But it must have been my imagination, because the next instant Spencer chuckles. “If you really wanted to, you could have cut the strap.”

  I grunt. “Come on. Even I can appreciate that someone put effort into making it.”

  “That’d be me,” he reminds me. Then he shrugs. “If you want to take it off, this is how you do it.” I watch as his fingers take hold of the two roses, pull them together, twist them a little and yank them apart.

  The bracelet springs free.

  He places it in my hand. “You keep it, though. In case you change your mind.”

  He turns and starts to walk away, alone.

  I know I must look like a huge bitch to him. I hate that.

  I hesitate, and then call out his name. “Spencer! Wait.”

  He stops and slowly turns around. There’s a knowing glimmer in his eye. “Yes?”

  “I don’t… I don’t hate you, all right?” I heft the bracelet in my hand. “I know you can be a sweet guy. I’m just not the person you think I am. I’m not right for you.”

  He smiles and walks back to me. “And what if I’m not the person that you think I am?”

  “I… I don’t know, Spencer.”

  “You haven’t given me a chance yet. Let me show you my world. Let me show you what I’m all about. I promise, I’m not as crude as you think.”

  When I don’t answer right away, he laughs. “I also promise I won’t try to get into your pants, if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

  My cheeks burn a little. “Okay,” I agree. “Fine, let’s do it. Who knows? Maybe we can still be friends.”

  Spencer sticks his hand out. “Shake on it,” he prompts.

  I smile and take his hand. When his fingers wrap around mine, that familiar spark of electricity—that jolt I know can’t mean anything good—shoots through me again.

  Spencer gives me a secret grin. “It’s on.”


  My phone buzzes just as I step out of the shower later that night. It’s a message from Spencer.

  Him: Got ur # from Kate. Free tonight?

  Me: 2mrw. HW takes priority now.

  Me: *snore* text me when you turn exciting ;)

  I smile as I turn my phone off. Spencer can be kind of cute when he tries.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I wake up Sunday morning before Katy and go downstairs to check the mail. I haven’t set up direct deposit yet, so I’m still waiting on my first paycheck the old-fashioned way.

  There’s nothing for me in the mailbox. But, there’s a small brown cardboard box for Katy. The stamps on it tell me it came all the way from Europe. There’s no return address, which is a little strange.

  I don’t want to be nosy, so I set down Katy’s package in front of our bedroom door without looking any closer. I figure she’ll see it when she wakes up.

  I have a few hours to myself before work. I take the opportunity to do the chores I’ve been neglecting all week. I finish the cleanup of the living room from Friday’s party, then lug the heavy laundry basket downstairs to the washer. I watch another episode of True Blood while I wait for the machine to finish.

  Katy is still sleeping when I get back. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and head for the pool. Spencer texts me on the way.

  Him: What time tonight?

  Me: 5? Maybe 6? I have work.

  Him: Meet you in the middle. 5.30. Your place.


  Swimming classes go by quickly. Andrew picks Jordan up before I’m done with my kids. The only acknowledgment I get from him is a brief nod. Things are still awkward between us after Friday.

  I get back to my apartment with my hair still wet. Katy’s lying on the couch, fiddling with her phone.

  “How was work?” she asks without looking up.

  “Pretty good,” I tell her.

  “I noticed you cleaned the place. Thanks. You should have waited for me, though. I could have helped.”

  I shrug. “It’s no big deal. What was in the package?”

  “What package?” Katy asks.

  “Um, the one I left by your door?”

  “Oh. That package.” Katy’s eyes lift from her phone. “Dunno.”

  “What do you mean? Didn’t you open it yet?”

  “Nope,” Katy says quickly. “It wasn’t for me.”

  “It had your name and our address on it.”

  “Can’t argue with that. But I didn’t order it.”

  “So what, you just took it back to the mail center without even looking inside?”


  “Weren’t you curious?”

  “Maybe. But you know there are all types of loons that put crazy shit in packages. What if it was one of those bombs? I didn’t want to risk it.”

  I laugh. “You’re paranoid.”

  “Hey, better safe than sorry, eh? That’s what my dad used to tell me, anyway.” She turns her attention back to her phone. “Although I don’t know how often I listened.”

  “I’m sure he’d be proud you did this one
time,” I tease.

  “Spencer said he’s coming over tonight.” Katy changes the subject smoothly. “Is that something you arranged, or did he just impose again?”

  “No, that’s fine. I invited him.”

  Katy’s eyebrows shoot up. “Do you want me out of here, then? To give you two some privacy?”

  “It’s not like that, Katy,” I tell her. “I invited him over as a friend.”

  Katy snorts a laugh. “Good luck with that. Want to place a bet how long that’ll last?”

  “No. It will last until he screws it up. And then we’ll go back to the way things were before.” I sit down by her on the couch. “Besides, he knows I’m not interested in him that way.”

  “Some of your recent behavior would say otherwise,” Katy reminds me. “But who am I to judge? You do whatever you want, babe, and more power to you.”

  “Thanks,” I smile weakly. “You want to grab some food soon? I’m starving.”


  We get back to our room around five. Spencer’s due here in half an hour. I want to change out of my tight jeans and sleeveless shirt into something a bit more casual.

  Just to make sure Spencer isn’t tempted.

  I find a large, tattered hoodie in the closet and throw it over my head. It belonged to the boyfriend of one of my roommates from boarding school. He’d left it in our dorm one weekend. Somehow, it ended up in my luggage when I moved out.

  “Hey, Katy!” I call out, “Do you have those gray sweats that you always wear?”

  “Slumming it up for Spencer, are you?” she laughs. “Sure! Check my bottom drawer. If they’re not there, they’re probably under the bed.”

  I look through her drawer quickly. Not finding them, I go on all fours and check beneath our bed. I see them right away in the far back corner. I go flat on my stomach and try to reach.

  My arm’s not long enough. I scoot a little closer and feel around blindly for them. Eventually, my fingers brush cotton. I pull the pants out.

  One of the legs hitches onto Katy’s backpack, and without meaning to, I pull it out along with the pants.

  Her backpack tips over as I’m standing up. A few papers fall out. I grunt in displeasure and kneel down to stuff them back in.

  As I’m doing so, my hand hits something hard. I look inside without thinking, and find that same brown package—the one I’d brought up and Katy said she’s given back—nestled snugly in there.

  Weird, I think. Why would she say she took it back if she had kept it?

  I feel guilty stumbling upon it like this, though. I have no business or interest in prying. I put everything back the way it was and try to forget about it.

  “Wow,” Katy says when she sees me. “You look like you belong in the ghetto.”

  I giggle. “That’s perfect, then.”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t think it’s going to deter Spencer, you know.”

  “It never hurts to have an advantage,” I point out.

  “Yeah.” Katy picks up Pickles and rubs his neck. “Whew! Is it just me, or is it really hot in here?”

  I glance out the window, where a steady rain and dark clouds block out the sun. I give her a strange look. “Um, I think it’s just you.”

  “I need a drink,” Katy says, pushing herself up and plodding to the kitchen. Her gait seems heavier than before.

  “Hey, is everything okay?” I ask, concerned when she downs her third glass of water in a row.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” she says. She leans against the countertop and takes a few deep breaths. “I’m just really hot, that’s all.”

  “You’re not getting sick, are you?” I ask, starting toward her. “Maybe you have a fever?”

  She tries to shoo me away with her hands. “I’m good,” she tells me. “This happens to me from time to time.”

  “Hot flashes?”

  “Yeah. It’s nothing to worry about.”

  As I come near her, I feel the heat radiating from her body before our skin even touches.

  “Jesus, Katy! You’re burning up!” I put a hand on her forehead and cringe. “I’ve never seen anyone this hot.”

  “It’s nothing.” Katy shakes her head and steps away. “I’ll be just fine in the morning, I promise.”

  “Katy, I think you actually might be really sick. There’s a nasty flu going around campus. You should see a doctor.”

  “I’m fine,” she stresses, getting agitated. “I’d know if this were a fever, or the flu. I sure as hell wouldn’t be standing here if that were the case. Just lay off, will you?”

  “Sorry,” I back off. “I was just worried.”

  “Yeah, well, don’t be,” she snaps. She pushes away and starts down the hall. “I’m going to go take a cold shower. That always helps. Tell Spencer ‘hi’ for me if you guys leave before I come out.”

  “Sure,” I say softly, watching her go. Halfway to the bathroom, Katy stumbles. She catches herself against the wall just as I start to run to her. She looks over her shoulder and shoots me such a nasty look that I stop short.

  Katy slams the bathroom door. A few seconds later, I hear the sound of running water.

  I sit on the couch and think back to what just happened. Is she mad at me? Have I done something wrong?

  The only thing I can think of is finding the package in her bag—but I didn’t even mention that to her. It wasn’t like I was snooping!

  My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. I’ve been so preoccupied thinking about Katy that I haven’t even realized the time.

  I open the door for Spencer. A pair of dark aviators covers his eyes. He has a sleek leather jacket over his shoulders. Coupled with the very low crewneck tee shirt and the black jeans that fit perfectly around his legs, you get a very hard-to-resist combination.

  “Hey,” he smiles when he sees me. He pushes the aviators to the top of his head. That gets his long hair out of his face. He steps inside and extends his arms to hug me. I quickly jump back and waggle a finger in his face.

  “Nuh-uh,” I remind him. “Just friends, remember?”

  “I hug all my friends,” he says, stepping into me and ignoring my protest. With his body pressed up so close to mine, I can smell the earthy aftershave he’s wearing.

  It smells good.

  “See?” he grins when he releases me. “That wasn’t so bad. Hell, I might even think you enjoyed it.”

  “In your dreams,” I say, sticking my tongue out at him.

  He laughs as he looks me over. “Are you planning on going out like that?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I smile, pleased with how well my plan is working. “Why? Do you think there’s something wrong with the way I’m dressed?”

  “Not to me,” Spencer says. “Though you might get a little cold on the back of my bike.”

  My eyes widen. “You’re taking me on your bike?”

  “Yeah. You’re not scared, are you?” The challenge is clear in his voice.

  “No.” I toss my hair back.

  “Good. The first thing you’ll learn about me is that I love my bike. If you can’t deal with that, then we can’t be friends.”

  “What, so all I had to do before was tell you I hate your bike and you would have left me alone?” I tease.

  “At one point, that might have been all it would take,” he agrees. “But not anymore.”

  “I’m always late with these sorts of things,” I mumble beneath my breath. He frowns, and I smile to show I’m teasing.

  “Lucky for me, then,” Spencer notes, that winning grin on his face again.

  “Are you taking me far?” I ask. “I might consider putting a jacket on in that case.”

  “That’s not a bad idea.”

  “Hmm. Okay. I’ll be right back.” I turn around and walk to my room.

  “Kate?” Spencer calls out after I leave him. “You in here?”

  “She’s in the shower!” I yell to him as I look through my closet for something waterproof.

we could join her,” Spencer jokes when I walk back to him.

  “Try that, and you lose your chances with me,” I warn.

  “Don’t worry, kitten. I don’t sleep with anyone more than once.” He makes a point of meeting my eyes. “Unless I really like her.”

  “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about breaking that rule with me.” I smile sweetly at him. “Now, let’s go before I change my—”

  I’m cut off by a deafening thud from down the hallway.

  Spencer’s head whips around. “What was that?”

  “Sounded like a shelf falling.”

  “I think it came from the bathroom.”

  “Shit. Katy’s in there!” I run to the door and pound my fist on it. “Katy! Katy, are you all right?”

  There’s no answer.

  Spencer rushes to me.

  “Kate! It’s Spencer. What the hell’s going on?”

  My worry doubles when there’s no reply. “I think she’s in trouble,” I say.

  “Try the door.”

  I do. “It’s locked.”

  “Dammit,” Spencer growls. He slams his palm against the door as he yells, “Kate! Kate, you better answer, or I’m fucking coming in there!”

  We both wait a few seconds for her reply. When it doesn’t come, Spencer shoves me aside. “Stand back.”

  I yelp and jump back as he slams his shoulder into the door. The old wood bends but doesn’t break. Spencer curses, backs up, and tries again.

  He runs into the door with enormous force. The wood doesn’t give, but the lock snaps. The door swings open, and Spencer staggers inside, propelled by his momentum.

  I run in behind him and gasp.

  Katy’s lying in the bathtub, out cold. Part of the shower curtain is draped over her body, ripped from the rungs when she fell. Water rushes from the nozzle onto her unconscious form.

  Spencer acts right away. He dives in and pulls Katy from the tub, getting his jacket soaked as he does it. He grabs a towel and wraps it around her body, then sets her down against his leg. My heart is beating so hard it feels like it’s going to burst free and fly from my chest.

  “She’s still breathing,” Spencer rasps. “But her body is so hot. What the fuck happened here, Paige?”


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