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Carol's Image

Page 17

by Jordan, Maryann

  “Be there in ten.”

  In exactly ten minutes, Tom was pounding up the stairs to the apartment, with Jake and Rob close behind. Tom had called Jake as soon as he got off the phone with Laurie, and she had called Rob. Bursting through the door, Tom found Carol still lying in the floor with ice packs on her calves and dried tear streaks down her cheeks.

  Falling to the floor, he scooped her up, cradling her against his massive chest. Her breathing had slowed, but her leg muscles were still slightly cramping. Rob hugged Laurie, then walked over to Carol and knelt next to her. Feeling her calves, he slowly stretched them out as he massaged them. With a background in sports medicine, Rob was able to ascertain that she was not injured, just in pain.

  Jake calmly walked over looking into Carol’s face. “Honey, can you give us a description and tell us what happened?”

  Tom couldn’t believe that he hadn’t thought of that, then realized that Jake was taking charge as the detective since he knew Tom wasn’t thinking clearly at the moment.

  “Tom, can you help me to the sofa? I feel rather undignified here on the floor,” Carol mentioned.

  Tom stood, carrying her slight weight over to the sofa but did not place her on it. Instead, he turned and sat down himself, continuing to cradle her in his lap.

  If this seemed unusual to his friends, they did not show it. Once Rob replaced the ice packs, he moved back to wrap his arms around Laurie. Jake sat on the coffee table, facing Carol with his notebook and pencil ready. “Start at the beginning, Carol. Just tell us what happened in your own words.”

  “I was running on the trail that I’ve been running every morning before work, and…”

  “You run the same path at the same time every morning?” Tom interrupted, eyes wide, brow furrowed. “Do you know how dangerous that is for a woman?” His voice rose with each word.

  “Tom,” Jake warned. “Not now. This is not the time.”

  Carol’s breathing hitched as though the tears might begin again. Tom placed his hand on the back of her head, pulling her toward him so he could place a kiss on her forehead. “Sorry, angel.”

  Nodding, Carol composed herself and began again. “There are always runners out. We’re a friendly group; people wave, move to the side if someone is running faster. I heard someone coming up behind me. I moved to the side, but they fell into step behind me and just stayed there. I tried moving to the side, then I tried slowing down. They just stayed with me.”

  Carol had been looking at Jake as she spoke, but she spared a glance up at Tom’s face. His fury was palpable, and she wished she hadn’t looked. Swinging her eyes back to Jake, she continued. “I finally glanced over my shoulder and that was when I saw him. He stayed about five feet behind me the rest of the way. I finally sped up when I came around the corner and could see the building. I just ran here as fast as I could.”

  Tom’s arms had tightened with each sentence out of Carol’s mouth until his grip was uncomfortable.

  “Tom,” she said softly. “You’re hurting me.”

  Quickly loosening his grip, he apologized as he kissed her head once again. Cutting his eyes to Jake, he willed Jake to continue. Knowing he lacked the control right now to ask her about the stalker, he needed Jake to take control.

  “Honey,” Jake continued. “We need to know what he looked like. Can you give us a description?”

  “He was medium build. Not as tall as you.”

  “How tall, Carol?” Jake prodded.

  Carol scrunched up her nose in thought. “Well, I am five foot five and he was probably about five or six inches taller than me. He was thin though, with a lean runners build.”

  Jake and Tom read each other’s minds; there was no way this could be Bert. Jake continued, “What was he wearing? What did he look like?”

  “He was wearing a black hoodie but it had no writing on it at all. Black sweat pants. I don’t know about his shoes. He had dark hair and was wearing a black ball cap, but it also did not have any writing on it. I couldn’t see his face very well. He was wearing reflector sunglasses, so all I could see was myself.”

  Thinking it over, her shoulders slumped. “That’s not very much to go on, is it?” Sighing deeply, she looked up. Glancing at the clock, she jumped up. “Oh, my god. I’m going to be late for my shift. Laurie, you have to leave too!”

  Laurie hugged her and assured her that she had time to get to school. Rob hugged Carol also as he walked Laurie out.

  “Angel, why don’t you call in sick today and stay home?”

  Carol turned and looked at Tom incredulously. “Tom, I can’t miss work and Laurie gets home about the same time that I do.”

  Wanting to diffuse the conversation, Jake interjected, “Carol, do you have any idea who would want to follow you?”

  Shaking her head, Carol simply replied, “No. No one. I know you all thought Bert was sending the flowers and note, but it wasn’t him running behind me today for sure.”

  Jake crossed over to her in a couple of steps, stopping directly in front of her. Leaning over, he kissed the top of her head, and said, “Be safe. Be smart, keep your phone with you, and don’t go anywhere alone.” Nodding to his partner, he walked out of the apartment.

  “We need to talk, angel.” Tom stated.

  “Tom, I get you’re pissed about me running in the early morning, but we don’t have time to argue about it now,” she said walking to her bedroom. “I have to shower and get to work.”

  “Oh, we’re not gonna argue ’bout it, angel. It’s as simple as this. You don’t run same time, same place, every day. In fact, until we know who this fuck is, you don’t run period.”

  Carol shouting over the running water answered, “Tom, don’t you dare tell me what I can’t do.”

  Tom, standing in the bedroom instead of the bathroom, felt at a distinct disadvantage. What he really wanted to do was join her in the shower, hoist up her soaking wet body and fuck her until she was too sated to argue. His dick was imagining that scenario, but his head knew that if he did that, neither of them would get to work.

  The water stopped, and he heard drawers opening and slamming quickly. In ten minutes, Carol came out dressed in navy scrubs. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek, still damp ponytail. Her minimal makeup only enhanced her angelic features.

  Feeling his resolve, as well as his dick stiffen, Tom continued. “Angel, I need you to at least promise me no more morning runs until we have this situation under control.”

  Stopping in the middle of grabbing her bag, Carol looked up at his handsome face. Her Nordic god. Her Viking. He ran over from an early morning sleep just to make sure she was safe. I have friends who care. And a man who loves me and wants me protected. The realization that life is now different swept over her – a warm feeling that filled every empty crevice.

  Walking over, she lifted her hands to cup his face, pulling him down for a kiss. The kiss started chaste, but she continued to move her lips over his, willing him to feel her complacency.

  Tom slanted his mouth and took control of the kiss. What began as soft become demanding, possessive, unyielding. Plunging his tongue into her sweet opening, he explored every crevice of her mouth. Sucking her tongue into his mouth, he captured her moans. Tongues tangled, breaths mingled, Carol felt sucked in, as though she couldn’t tell where she ended and Tom began.

  He raised his knee up so that she was riding his thigh. Rubbing herself on his jean-clad thigh, she felt the friction and pressure on her clit that she desperately needed. Sliding his hand under her scrub top, he yanked her bra cup down and pulled on her nipple. Carol threw her head back as the orgasm washed over her, causing her pussy to clench as she rode it out on his leg.

  Lowering her back down, Tom looked down into her lust filled eyes with a smug look of his own.

  “Why are you so smug?” she asked.

  “Man’s gotta feel proud, knowin’ he can make his woman come just by lettin’ her rub up on him.”

  Carol, glancing at the c
lock, knew she only had a few minutes before she had to leave for work. Unzipping his pants, she freed his swollen cock. Grasping it in her hands, she began to slide her hand up and down its length, feeling the silk over steel texture. Always amazed at the size, she wondered once again how it ever fit inside. But I’m sure glad it does!

  Sliding down to her knees, she looked up coyly, saying, “Let’s see who’s smug now.”

  And with that, she took him in her mouth. Using one hand to fondle his balls and the other hand to move at the bottom of his shaft, she took him as deeply as she could. Using her tongue, she swirled it around his cock, moving from the tip, down the side and back up again. Tonguing his slit, she heard him growl as he grabbed her pony tail, moving her slowly up and down.

  Carol slid her mouth down over his cock as far as she could take him, then began sucking gently. Glancing up at him she saw him throw his head back, eyes shut, mouth working as if in silent prayer. Continuing to slide her tongue on him as she worked her lips over his shaft, his breathing increased with the pace that she kept, as though his lungs had a direct connection to his dick.

  “Fuuuuuuck,” Tom yelled out. “Gonna come, angel. You gotta stop.” As hard as it was to let go of her hair, the last thing Tom wanted was for Carol to feel forced. He should have known she was still in control.

  Continuing to suck as she took him quickly in and out of her mouth, she felt his balls tighten right before he came into her mouth. Sucking him off completely, she looked up in satisfaction as she wiped her lips.

  “Goddamn!” Tom cursed, as the thick muscles in his neck strained with the force of his orgasm. Reaching down, he grasped her under her arms, hauling her up the front of his body. His breathing ragged, he held her tightly as though if he let go, she would disappear.

  They stood there for a few minutes, saying nothing, letting the power of their orgasms take hold. Slowly, they both floated back to reality as she looked over at the clock beside of her bed.

  “Tom,” she shouted, as she pulled away from his embrace. “I’ve got to get to work now.” Then looking down as his cock, standing at half mast, she smirked. “But, you might want to tuck that back in your pants before you leave.”

  Laughing, she tried to run out of the bedroom, but Tom managed to swat her ass before she made it out of the door. Tom grabbed her just as she made it to the front door, twirling her around in his arms so that she was pressed against him from chest to knee.

  Walking her out to make sure she was safe, he leaned down as she was getting into her car.

  “Love you, angel. Be safe today,” Tom whispered against her blonde hair.

  “Love you too,” was the heartfelt reply.


  Carol found that working straight days were great for connecting with Laurie and for dating, but she did not get to see Sofia and Jon as much. She was used to eating in the nurses’ lounge in the middle of the night, so finding herself in the crowded cafeteria was sometimes lonely. Sitting alone while eating lunch, she would often take her Kindle so that she could read.

  “I thought you were on days now. Good, I have someone to eat with,” said a voice from directly behind her. Turning her head, she saw Dr. Driscoll placing his tray next to hers.

  “Actually, I am almost finished, Dr. Driscoll,” Carol replied.

  “Please stay,” he begged, placing his hand on her arm. “We haven’t had a chance to talk in a while. And call me Harry.”

  Forcing a smile, Carol stayed in her seat but kept her eyes on her Kindle.

  “So, if you’re working days now, you must have a lot of evenings free?” Harry asked, in a not so subtle way.

  “Not really,” Carol replied, not wanting to continue the conversation.

  “Well, surely you have an occasional evening free? I’d love to take you out sometime.”

  “Actually, my free evenings are spent with my boyfriend,” Carol stated. Having spent so many years trying to be as private as possible, Carol hated giving out any information. Feeling uncomfortable, she rose from her seat grabbing her trash to leave.

  “Your boyfriend? You’re still still seeing that policeman?” Harry asked in surprise.

  Carol whipped her head around, glaring at the impertinence of her tablemate. Who the hell does he think he is? “Yes, I am still seeing him. If you will excuse me, I have to get back on the floor.” With that, she turned, tossed her trash in the nearest receptacle, and stalked back to the ER.

  Storming into the nurses’ lounge, she almost ran over Sofia.

  “Slow down girl. You almost bowled me over,” Sofia cried out as she grabbed Carol’s arms.

  In an uncharacteristic show of emotion, Carol threw her arms around Sofia in a hug. “I am so glad to see you!”

  “What’s up, girl? You and Mr. Tight Ass having problems?”

  Carol smiled, Sofia’s nicknames always catching her by surprise. “No. We’re fine. I just feel a little lonely on days without you and Jon always around. By the way, what are you doing here now?”

  “I picked up a couple of hours today since the kids are with their grandmother right now. So at least you will see me some in the afternoons. But you still haven’t answered my earlier questions. Why the hell did you come blastin’ in here?”

  “Dr. Driscoll. Need I say more?” Carol replied.

  “That toad still after you? I’d have thought by now he would have realized that he can’t complete with your Dick,” Sofia added.

  Carol, raising her eyebrows at Sofia, replied, “My Dick?”

  “Yeah, you know? Detective…Dick? Well, it sounded better in my head at the time I said it,” Sofia confessed.

  Laughing, Carol said, “Yeah, well now Dr. Driscoll wants me to call him Harry. I mean he hasn’t done anything wrong, he just gives me the creeps.”

  “Hmmm. Between Bart, who epitomizes creepy, and Harry, the doctor who can’t take no for an answer, you’ve certainly got more than your share of stalkers,” Sofia stated as she walked out of the room.

  At the word, “stalkers”, Carol became still. Bart. Harry Driscoll. Even Ronald, with that stunt he pulled at the dinner. Could one of them have sent the flowers? Left the note? But none of them looked like the runner behind her.

  Shaking her head to clear out the musing, she followed Sofia out to the ER floor.


  After a long day, involving numerous influenza cases, injuries from two car accidents, and an elderly man having a heart attack, Carol was ready to head home. Tom had plans for the night, and she was nervous. Sofia had volunteered to walk Carol to her car, so the two women waved goodbye to Marcus. Sofia picked up on Carol’s quietness as they walked.

  “You seem pre-occupied, girl. You still worried about Dr. Harry?”

  “No, I was thinking about tonight. Tom made plans and well…it’s difficult for me,” Carol confessed. Seeing Sofia’s confused look, she continued. “Tom lives in the house he grew up in; he got it from his parents when they moved away. And there is a hot tub on the back patio.”

  “So. Not seeing anything wrong with this picture so far,” Sofia said. “In fact, my imagination is starting to run wild about now!”

  “We’ve been in it by ourselves, but tonight he invited Rob and my new roommate Laurie over.” Carol glanced sideways at Sofia to see her reaction.

  “Uh huh.” Sofia stopped in the parking lot, cocked her hip and put her fists on her waist. “And you got some cockamamie idea that your body ain’t good enough, right?”

  Carol stood, biting her lip. “I know. I know. But Laurie is gorgeous. Long hair, great curves. I mean she will be a knockout in a bikini. And me? I look in the mirror…”

  “Girl, what the hell do you see when you look in the mirror?” Sofia asked gently.

  Carol looked into the distance, pulling her thoughts together. “Sometimes, I see pretty. Sometimes I see cellulite. Sometimes I think my boobs are too small. Sometimes I see someone who is still trying to find the perfect image. Most of the time, it’s not so bad.
But bathing suits? Jesus, that makes it horrible!”

  “Do you get this anxious at the beach?”

  Carol just sucked her lips in and didn’t reply.

  “You think Jon and I don’t know you’re bulimic?” Sofia whispered, as she pulled Carol in for a hug.

  “You know?” Carol asked incredulously. “But how?”

  “Honey, we took the same nursing psych classes you did! But we could tell you were getting counseling, and you are so healthy now. So we just decided to support you without getting in your face.”

  Tears threatened to spill over as Carol hugged Sofia. Then the tears won out and ran down her face uncontained.

  “It feels good to let that shit out, doesn’t it, girl?” Sofia asked.

  Carol nodded, silent tears still falling. Sniffling, she wiped her eyes, looking into the soft brown eyes of her friend. “I know what you’re going to say,” she said, smiling through her tears. “You’re going to tell me that I’m pretty and that Tom is lucky to have me, and that I am healthy, and that I need to feel good about myself.”

  “Yeah, and on top of that…if I could rock your body in a bikini, hell girl, you wouldn’t get me out of the hot tub!”

  By this time, the women reached Carol’s car. She breathed a sigh of relief as it appeared unaltered. With a goodbye hug, Carol climbed in as Sofia sashayed over to her car. Gazing at her face in the rear view mirror, Carol could not help but smile. I can do this. Tom loves me. Tom thinks I am beautiful. Pausing to stare at her reflection for a moment, she continued. I am beautiful. Just me.

  Chapter 17

  Carol and Laurie arrived at Tom’s house in Laurie’s little yellow VW bug, knowing that Carol would be spending the night. Walking through the kitchen and out onto the patio, they found Tom already cooking steaks on the grill and Rob lounging with a beer in his hand.

  Both men greeted their women enthusiastically, although Tom felt cheated on his hello kiss since he had to rush back over to the grill. Flipping the steaks, he glanced over his shoulder at Carol, winked, and mouthed, “To be continued later.”


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