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Carol's Image

Page 19

by Jordan, Maryann

  The loud sound of honking startled them both, jerking them apart. Looking up, they saw Rob’s truck pull by them with Rob and Laurie laughing and waving.

  “I feel just like a teenager that got caught parking,” Carol laughed, as she climbed back over to her side of the truck.

  Tom stretched his legs as he adjusted his swollen dick once again. “Damn, this day so far is one cock-blocker after another.” Looking back over at her, he asked, “You okay, angel?”

  Smiling, she nodded. “Yeah. Let’s go meet your parents.”


  It did not take Carol long to realize that she had been worried for nothing. Tom’s parents were very much like Rob’s parents, Bernie and Mac. Easy going. Down to earth. Friendly. And seemed very much taken with her.

  As they pulled into the crowded driveway at the MacDonald’s home, Tom warned Carol to stay in the truck until he came around to get her. As he lifted her from her seat and set her gently onto the ground, they could hear the sounds of running feet and the call of, “Tom, Tom.” He turned just in time to catch his mother rushing into his arms. Mrs. Rivers was tall, thin, blonde, and looked much younger than her years. Before she could let her son go, Mr. Rivers grabbed his son and wife in his embrace. An older version of Tom, Carol could easily see where Tom got his looks.

  She stood to the side for a moment letting Tom have his greeting with his parents, awed at the familiarity and openness of it. She almost giggled trying to imagine her mother running across a yard. Nope. Never happen.

  Tom disentangled himself from his parents, stepping back to Carol, drawing her close to him. “Mom, dad, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Carol Fletcher. Carol, these are my parents, Charles and Nancy Rivers.”

  Carol moved her arm up to shake their hands when she was suddenly engulfed in a massive hug by first his mother, and then his father joined in.

  “Oh my dear, we have been dying to meet you. Tom has told us so much about you, and we are just so thrilled to finally be able to meet this wonderful woman we keep hearing about.”

  “Didn’t think my Tom would ever settle down,” Charles said, “but one look at you, and I can see why my son is off the market.”

  “Mom, dad,” Tom admonished, gently pulling Carol back into his embrace. Tucking her safely into his side with his arm protectively around her, he quickly looked down to see how she was handling the attention.

  Carol’s smile lit up his heart. She was absolutely beaming. “It is so nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Rivers.”

  Tom’s handsome father beamed down at the angelic woman tucked into his son’s embrace. “Oh, none of that. We insist you call us Charles and Nancy.”

  “At least until mom and dad will work,” Tom’s mother added.

  “Mom!” Tom interjected, not wanting her to scare Carol off.

  Laughing, Nancy just looped her arm through Carol’s, pulling her away from Tom. “Well, a mom can hope, right?” The two women walked arm in arm toward the big house.

  “She’ll be fine, son,” Charles said. “Your mom will charm her socks off, just like she does everyone.” Seeing Tom’s gaze following the angelic creature walking with his wife, he added, “But are you going to be fine? Looks like you’re smitten.”

  Tom looked back over at his dad. “Smitten? Who says smitten anymore, dad?”

  Charles chuckled as he slapped Tom on the back. “Don’t mind bein’ old fashioned, son. Nothing’s wrong with a man being smitten. I’ve been smitten with your mother for 35 years now.”

  Tom looked back as his mother and Carol entered the MacDonald’s house. “Yeah, dad, I guess I’m smitten. From the moment I looked at that face, she is all I see. I see that face wherever I go. Even when she’s not with me, I can just feel her.”

  Charles watched his son reach up and rub his chest, right over his heart, and not even realize he was doing it. “So, what are you gonna do about that son?”

  Tom’s eyes snapped back over to his father’s face in question.

  Charles continued, “You gonna waste time or you gonna put a ring on that girl’s finger? Make it permanent?”

  “Dad, we’ve only been dating since last summer.”

  “So? You love her? You want to spend the rest of your life with her? You want to be with her always? You want children with her?”

  Tom continued to rub his chest over his heart as his father spoke. Nodding slowly, he answered, “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”

  “Well then, I think you have your answer. I’ve lived a good life son, with a good woman. Want that for you too.”

  Smiling, Tom just nodded again as the two men followed the women into the house.


  The Thanksgiving meal at the McDonald’s was nothing like Carol had ever experienced. Growing up, holiday meals were very formal events with no fun involved at all. Here, Bernie and Mac invited everyone they could think of to celebrate with them. They had converted an old barn on their property to a large family rec room that could be converted into an area to host large events. Several picnic tables were pushed together, along with some folding tables and chairs to make seating for everyone.

  Rob and his dad Mac, along with Roger, Bill, and Jake, set up most of the heavy food items. Bernie provided the cakes and breads, while Bill and Wendy brought the beer and wine. Jake’s mother, Mary, took care of the turkeys. Laurie, Carol, and Nancy brought side dishes. Rob’s teenage sister, Suzy, helped her mom while secretively keeping an eye on Wendy’s teenage son, Brad, as he helped his dad. Bernie and Mac always invited several single firemen and policemen who did not have family in the area to join them, so the group was large and lively.

  Carol was so at ease during the meal. She listened to stories of Tom, Jake, and Rob growing up and playing football together. She watched the simple camaraderie between Bernie, Mac, Charles, Nancy, and Mary, knowing they had years of shared memories as neighbors with three little boys to raise. Everyone included her in their conversations, especially wanting to know the story of how they met when Tom was hit with the car.

  During it all, Carol found herself eating the food without once counting calories or worrying about how much she was eating. She enjoyed the taste of the food, something she realized she hadn’t done in a long time.

  Looking around the table, she was suddenly struck with the realization that this was what she wanted and what she had missed. Friends. Family. Laughter. Joy with others. Comfort. Sharing good times as well as heartbreak. Acceptance. She spared a glance sideways at Tom’s handsome face. Desire. Love. Forever.

  Tom had been watching Carol throughout the meal without her noticing. He saw the ease of her laughter, the way she ate without fear. He saw the smiles she bestowed on everyone around as she listened to their stories and joined in with tales of her own. His hand found its way up to his chest rubbing over his heart. As he looked around, he saw his dad staring at him, smiling. Smiling back, Tom just nodded. I’ve called her mine. It’s time to make it real.

  As the meal came to a close, the women took the leftovers to the kitchen while the men began taking down the table and chairs. Rob walked over to Tom asking, “Hate to bring up a bad subject, man, but has anything else recently happened to Carol?”

  Sighing, Tom answered, “Not since the runnin’ incident. She has convinced herself that it was a single incident, havin’ nothin’ to do with the notes or flowers, but Jake and me aren’t convinced.”

  Jake agreed saying, “Don’t believe in coincidences. It’s almost like someone is just tryin’ to let her know they’re around. Not too often, not to have her totally scared, but just enough to throw her off balance.”

  Charles and Mac joined in the conversation, wanting to know what was going on. Tom explained, then added, “Trouble is, we’ve got no leads. The flower delivery guy took special precautions to keep his face from the cameras. The note on the car could have been anyone, and the runner was definitely not who we thought.”

  “Who do you think is behind this, son?” Charles asked
Tom, concern on his face.

  “Thought it was the brother of a criminal she treated at the hospital. He got taken with her, and it seemed inappropriate. I actually want it to be him, ’cause I’d be able to get my hands on him. Gotta admit, she has a slimy ex-boyfriend from years ago that her parents keep pushing on her even now. Don’t trust that slick piece of shit. But got nothin’ to even go lookin’ at him right now, and I don’t know that he’d risk his cushy career.”

  By this time, the women had returned to the barn looking for the men, who quickly changed the subject. Hugs, thank you’s, and goodbyes were said all around. Rob and Laurie were going to stay for a while with Bernie and Mac, and Tom’s parents were heading back to his house.

  Nancy turned to Carol as they were walking toward their cars. “I hope you will come over as well. I really want more time to get to know you.”

  “I don’t want to intrude, Nancy. You don’t get to see Tom very much anymore, and I want you to have plenty of time with him,” Carol answered.

  “Oh my dear, we will have plenty of time with Tom. I know you are now a very important person in his life, and I want us all to have time together. Please say you’ll come back to the house with us,” Nancy pleaded. “Plus you’ll be doing me a huge favor. You’ll give me someone to talk to while the men pile up on the couch and watch football all afternoon!”

  Laughing, Carol agreed, “I would love to.” Glancing behind her, she saw Tom walking with his dad a few feet back. Catching his grin, she returned his smile. In two strides, Tom caught up to her, grabbing her hand, linking their fingers.

  “We’ll meet you back at the house, mom,” he assured. Getting Carol settled into his truck, he leaned in before closing her door. “You okay with all this, angel? I want you to be comfortable.”

  Carol placed her hands on either side of Tom’s face, feeling his stubble beneath her fingertips. Pulling him in for a kiss, she confessed, “I’ve never had a day like this ever. I’ve never been with such a huge crowd of people who all genuinely liked each other. Even last year, Sofia had me to her house for Thanksgiving so I wouldn’t be alone, but her siblings all hate each other, so it was awful. But this, Tom. This was the most amazing meal I’ve ever had. And your parents are…everything I could have ever hoped they would be. You’re very lucky you know.”

  With that, she pulled him in for a kiss, molding her lips to his. Starting out soft and slow, she quickly felt when Tom’s desire took over.

  He slid his tongue inside, dancing with her tongue, exploring the mouth that he knew so well. Sucking on her tongue, he captured her moan in his mouth, feeling his dick swelling uncomfortably in his jeans. Pulling back, he stared into her eyes. Yep, time to make this official.

  “Let’s go back to my place and visit with my parents for a while, angel. Then we’ll head to your apartment. Rob and Laurie will be at his place tonight.” He leaned back in for a chaste kiss. “So tonight, we’ll continue this. And you will feel all of me, angel, buried deep in you. That’s a promise.”

  Carol felt the loss immediately as he pulled back again and closed the truck door. She noticed him discreetly adjusting his dick in his jeans as he rounded the front of the truck. Smiling to herself, she leaned back, ready for the day to continue at Tom’s house with his parents.


  Tom and his father did watch football, until they both fell asleep on the couch, while she and Nancy continued to get to know each other. After a while, Nancy also drifted off to sleep in the easy chair. Carol, not feeling sleepy, stepped out onto the front porch and sat on the swing. The late November day was still sunny, but cool. The warmth from the afternoon sun fell on the porch, so she was very comfortable with her sweater and using her foot, she pushed herself gently in the swing, allowing her thoughts to wander.

  Thinking back to the lessons learned in her many counseling sessions, she thought about the day and began to put it in perspective. She knew that she had never had true acceptance from her parents, simply because she did not fit the image of the daughter that they wanted. And that colored everything she thought about herself. Never good enough. Never pretty enough. Never clever enough. Never thin enough. Not the right career. Not the right path.

  In comparison, she thought about the events of the day. Friends who accepted her. Friends who enjoyed being with her. Tom’s parents accepting her. Tom’s love. Smiling, she brought her legs up on the swing and wrapped her arms around them. Leaning her head back so that the fall sun fell directly on her face, she felt its warmth seep into the crevices that she tried to hide. The cracks that never seemed filled. I’m really okay. Who I am and what I am, is really okay, she admitted to herself.

  Tom had risen from his nap on the sofa and went in search of Carol. Hearing the porch swing creak, he looked out of the window at her. Beautiful face turned up toward the afternoon sun, eyes closed, a smile on her face. The sunlight on her blonde hair created a halo effect as he stood staring at this tiny beauty that he loved. He saw everything. Beauty. Fragility. Strength.

  Tom walked through the front door, the sound had her opening her eyes as she turned her face toward his. Her smile grew wider, and its warmth penetrated his soul more than the afternoon sun. He sat down on the swing, pulling her back into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around her in a cocoon of protection.

  Twisting her head, she looked up into his face. Blue eyes gazing at blue eyes. Tom touched his mouth to hers. Keeping it light this time, the kiss was more of a promise between two souls.

  Pulling away, she leaned her face against his chest, as the sun continued its path down toward the trees across the road. “I hear your heartbeat,” she whispered.

  “It beats for you,” was the familiar reply.

  Chapter 19

  Tom and Carol arrived at her apartment late that evening, having spent more time with Tom’s parents. Charles and Nancy were leaving the next day, but since Carol was working, she said her goodbyes when they left.

  Barely making it in, Tom rounded on her pushing her gently up against the door. Sealing his mouth over hers, he took command of the kiss. Not gentle. Not soft. This kiss was demanding and unyielding. His tongue invaded her mouth, searching every crevice, tangling with her tongue, dueling for dominance. He leaned his large body in, touching every inch of the front of hers, chest to knees.

  Sliding his hand under her sweater, it continued its upward path, coming to rest on her breast. Using his other hand under her ass, he lifted her easily and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His swollen cock, which had been pressing into her stomach, was now deliciously pressing into her aching folds.

  Capturing her moans in his mouths, he continued to devour her lips. Pressing her back against the door and lifting his leg slightly so that she was seated on him, he continued to fondle her breasts then pulled her sweater up and over her head. Lifting her arms only long enough to have the sweater pass, she immediately reached back to him, clutching his shoulders as though she were hanging on for her life.

  Tom pulled the tops of her bra cups down, freeing her breasts. He hoisted her a little higher so that her breasts were at his face level, and he continued his assault on them with his mouth. Sucking first one nipple in and then moving to the other, he felt her begin to move her crotch against his leg, trying to create the friction that she needed.

  Lowering his leg, he settled her feet back down on the floor so that he could divest himself of his shirt. Jerking it off, he leaned back, in pressing her against the door once more, recapturing her mouth with his. This time, flesh against flesh, breasts against chest. Jesus, she feels so good.

  His hands went to the top of her jeans, but her hands were already there. She broke the kiss long enough to slide her pants down and pull her boots off. Before moving in for another kiss, he stopped for a moment just to stare at the naked beauty presented in front of him. He had seen many naked women’s bodies over the years, but none of them came to mind. He could not recall their features, their faces, their shapes. A
ll he could see in his mind was the angelic perfection that was standing in front of him, staring at him with her big blue eyes. Eyes that were not just shining with lust, but with love.

  Her hands moved quickly to the button of his jeans. Chuckling, he allowed her to slide the zipper down over his impressive cock. “In a hurry, angel?”

  Carol’s sparkling eyes looked up to his. “Yeah,” she whispered. “Aren’t you?”

  Shoving his jeans and boots off quickly, he stood in front of her just as naked, his cock jutting out toward her. He saw her look down and watched as she sucked her lips in momentarily before licking them. His cock twitched as though anxious to be seated in her. Seeing her eyes come back up to his, he laughed. “It’s got a mind of its own, angel. And right now, it knows what it wants.”

  Picking her back up, she wrapped her legs around his waist again, this time her pussy directly on his dick. Wanting to make sure she was ready, he slid his finger in her wet folds, moving it deeper and deeper, looking for just the right spot to make her scream. “So damn tight, angel. So goddamn wet.”

  Carol could feel the pressure building, knowing that she was close. She knew she could have come just dry humping his jean clad leg, but the feel of his fingers deep inside of her, tweaking just the right spot was making her crazy. She felt him suck her nipple into his mouth, biting down just enough to give a quick pain then smoothing it with his tongue. That was all it took as she felt her inner muscles clamping down on his fingers as the orgasm washed over her.

  Tom looked at the beauty in his arms. Head thrown back against the door in ecstasy, eyes tightly shut, and that smile. Jesus, I’d walk through hell to see that smile every day.

  Placing his aching cock at her entrance he rasped, “Ready, angel?” A nod was all the answer he received and all the answer he needed. Her pussy impaled on his cock, balls deep, he began thrusting. One hand under her ass for support, the other hand pressed against the door next to her head. Thrust after thrust, he slid in and out of her wet pussy, the friction nearly taking him over the edge quickly. Forcing his mind to hold back, he wanted her to come again.


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