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ROCKING RANDY: MM Shifter MPREG Gay Romance (The Alpha To His Omega Series)

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by Bonnar King

  Rocking Randy

  The Alpha To His Omega Series

  Bonnar King


  About the Author

  MPREG Newsletter

  1. Chapter 1

  2. Chapter 2

  3. Chapter 3

  4. Chapter 4

  5. Chapter 5

  6. Chapter 6

  7. Chapter 7

  8. Chapter 8

  9. Chapter 10


  MPREG Newsletter

  About the Author

  Bonnar King is an exciting new author of gay romance. Specifically MPREG and shifter M/M romance.

  Every since he was a child, he’s been obsessed with the paranormal and shifters. Later in life, he discovered the delights of M/M love, and his world was forever changed.

  Now, Bonnar combines his love for hot alpha guys and the paranormal, to write steamy romances, partially based on real life experiences!

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  Copyright © 2017 by Bonnar King

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Chapter 1

  “There’s no way I’m going out looking like that,” I said, standing in my apartment, reluctantly looking at my reflection in the mirror.

  I hated looking at my body. Maybe hearing all too many times how I had a cute face, but would look better if I gained some weight may have damaged my self-esteem, but who wasn’t damaged these days? Hell, even the big guys had it tough now—always trying to get bigger muscles, but always feeling small or never toned enough!

  My best friend since childhood. Jamie insisted that I wear the outfit he’s picked out for me and was once again forcing me to go to one of his crazy parties. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll stick out like a sore thumb.

  “You look great, Randy. You hot piece of ass!” An excited Jamie squealed, as he clapped his hands with joy.

  “You think so?” I asked, nervously.

  “Hell yeah! You’ll be a huge hit tonight. Everyone will have all eyes on you,” Jamie insisted.

  That’s what I was afraid of—all eyes on me. I was not good at receiving attention. It made me so uncomfortable because I felt like I was being judged. God only knows where he finds out about these things. Jamie was the type of guy that’s always got a story to tell you, about who broke up with who, what celebrity he rubbed shoulders with, and was without fail, always the most popular guy wherever he happens to be. He was a master at peacocking!

  I have no idea why we became friends in the first place because I was never popular in school, but he was always so nice to me. I think maybe it was because we just grew up together and I knew him before he became a ridiculously over the gay cheerleader, and way before he discovered sex with hot alpha guys. Whatever the case, I was his Randy, and he was my best friend. Actually, my only friend when I think about it.

  “I really don’t think that I want to go out this evening, Jamie. I have to work in the morning. And you know that’s not my type of music. I don’t even know anything about the band. You’re always dragging me to these places that are not exactly legal. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the fact that you took me underneath your wing. If it wasn’t for you, I would be sitting alone on Saturday night eating a bag of popcorn and watching another old romantic movie.” I confessed while looking at my sad reflection.

  “Come on, live a little. It’ll be so much fun,” Jamie insisted while standing next to me too, but looking at himself in the mirror.

  His eyes fixated on his own ass as he turned to the side. I knew that I had never lived a day in my life in comparison to Jamie, who was by all accounts, a ‘babe’ due to his toned body, round bubble-butt, and height. He was probably the sort of guy that the alpha types wanted. Somebody to get their blood pumping, and who would take it in the ass like a champ!

  Jamie turned and looked me in the eyes, with a look of genuine concern and worry. “Randy, do you know the reason why I have taken even more of an interest in you these last few years? You know I don’t have a brother, so I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have one. Especially one that I could take under my wing and teach the ropes of dating and how to have more fun. You do shy away from new experiences. I’m not telling you to jump in feet first, but dipping your toe into the shallow end doesn’t get you anywhere in life.”

  Even now, when I looked at him, it’s like I was seeing myself the way I wanted to be. He was the exact opposite of me. Here I was, at 5 feet, 7 inches on a good day, slim, and pretty much a reluctant Twink, as I had embraced my body yet. In fact, I goddamn hated being so skinny, but no matter how much food I shoved down my face, I could never get bigger or stronger, so I was stuck in my body.

  I did have the tendency to draw the male eye toward me, due to my larger than average posterior on my skinny frame–thanks to my mom for that one, I guess. My bright blue eyes also attracted a lot of unwanted attention, so I had the tendency to hide behind my long dark hair. I tried to hide from the world rather than be brave and face it. I didn’t know why I was so afraid, but I assumed it was just my nature. I probably needed a big, strong, alpha male to take me as his and protect me. But who was I kidding? That was never going to happen to a boring prude like me!

  Jamie was wearing a very tight pair of skinny jeans, and a body-hugging white V-neck shirt, which was way too low cut to even be considered a V-neck to most people. He just wanted to show off as much of his chest muscles as possible.

  Since I had made the effort to get ready, and Jamie was really excited to take me to the bar, I thought I’d man up and tag along, but would probably call an Uber and leave early if I didn’t like the place. I was also super curious about this band that he had a fascination with, called ‘The Wolfpack’.

  Jamie turned to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, looking me in the eyes with brotherly love. “You’ve been living away from home the last three years and I have yet to see you let your hair down and have some fun.”

  Jamie then turned back to look in the mirror on the wall, he applied his lip balm and puckered his lips. He’d probably need the lip balm from all the kissing he planned on doing tonight. I, on the other hand, was way too self-conscious to just approach a hot guy and start kissing him within seconds of meeting him. I definitely admired the guts on that boy, which was probably easier when you looked like him.

  Sure, Jamie worked out and had a healthy diet, but I made the excuse that I just didn’t have time to spend on myself anyway because my career and reading books took up too much time.

  I worked at the local antique book store. It certainly wasn’t for the money, of which there was very little. It was the old books that had me enthralled from an early age. It was only natural for me to turn my passion for books and literature into a profession, even though my family insisted I was wasting my education and intelligence working there. My parents really didn’t understand. They wanted me to go to law school. That was never my idea of a fulfilling life. Not that there was an anything wrong with Law school. I am sure that it was somebody else’s passion, just as mine is books and literature.

  Fine literature was something that I craved and on those days when business was slow at the shop, I could immers
e myself into different worlds. Whether it is the adventures of Alice in Wonderland, or sailing down the River with Huckleberry Finn, it was always an adventure. And although I longed for the special man to enter my life and finally make me a believer in true love, it was still something I had yet to experience, if it still existed like I saw in my favorite movies and read in my favorite books. It wasn’t like needed a man for financial reasons, I just wanted to feel true love for once in my boring existence of a life. I wanted to belong to somebody.

  “I don’t know if you’re a virgin or not," Jamie said casually. He didn’t mince his next words. “But we got to get you laid tonight, Randy.”

  I almost choked on the cup of coffee that I was drinking. “Where the hell did that come from?” I asked while cringing at the thought of going into detailed discussions about my lack of sex life with him.

  Jamie was looking at me, waiting for me to give him an answer. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “This might seem naïve and lame, but my idea of love is that chemistry that makes you feel those butterflies. I want to feel my hands shaking, my palms sweaty and my pulse racing with that feeling of being truly in love.”

  I didn’t believe in love at first sight, but I wasn’t opposed to finding it either. Those stories like Wuthering Heights and Romeo and Juliet had me on the edge of my seat until the very last page.

  “Okay. Cool story bro,” Jamie said, dismissing my explanation of love and sex as he made his way to the door. “I wasn’t able to borrow my friend’s car, so I had to go with the next best thing,” Jamie shouted, out as he got off the phone with a friend.

  We walked out into the parking lot and I looked around confused. The only thing that was sitting there was this monstrous looking motorbike, which looked way too big for us to be riding on. I was totally stunned and when he passed me the helmet on the back, I was reluctant to take it.

  “Don’t tell me that you have never been even the least bit curious about what it would be like to ride on one of these things,” laughed Jamie.

  I bit the bullet and took the helmet from his hand. I wrapped my hands around his waist as the engine roared to life like an untamed beast. The sound of the bike and the intense vibrations made me feel like my heart was going into overdrive during a rollercoaster from hell!

  “Are you ready to rock-and-roll?” asked Jamie, smiling as he revved the engine, knowing how much it frightened me.

  “I know that you did this on purpose, holding out on the fact that we’d be going on this bike. Had you told me beforehand that this was going to be our method of transportation, I would have told you to go by yourself,” I confessed in frustration.

  Jamie laughed and took off on the bike at speeds that could only be described as ‘bat-shit crazy’. My adrenaline was pumping very fast through my veins. Jamie had taken some sharp turns at a high speed that had my heart leaping from out of my chest. This club was on the outskirts of town, which was a place I never visited at night time, and the gig was taking place at this seedy biker bar, full or the rough sort of guys that my mother warned me about.

  Chapter 2

  After almost losing my lunch, we arrived at the bar, and my bones had been rattled to the point where I really could have done with a much-needed break, but there would be no time for that now. Squeezing onto Jamie for dear life as he rode the bike felt like a workout and I was drenched in sweat. Just great!

  “Tell me your honest opinion. I’ve been thinking about getting one of these things for a long time, and last week I decided I wasn’t going to wait any longer,” said Jamie as he turned off the engine.

  “I think deep down that you enjoyed scaring the shit out of me just a little too much,” I said.

  I got back onto my feet thankful that I wasn’t wearing white pants because if I peed myself, everyone would have seen it. Jamie was wearing cowboy boots, which made him a few inches taller than what he was already. He walked with confidence and had this air of a woman that knew what he wanted.

  I followed him like a lost puppy, feeling so out of place and watched like a fly on the wall as we entered. I observed that all the guys started to stare unabashedly at Jamie and his tight ass in his skinny jeans. He pushed through the crowd and it parted like the red sea—he was in his element. Meanwhile, my heart was racing as I nervously watched some guys look at me with hungry eyes. If I was here on my own, they’d probably fuck me, whether I wanted it or not!

  We finally stood at the front of the stage looking up at where the band was about to play. I could smell stale beer, body odor, cigarettes and what these guys considered being aftershave. I was feeling a little uncomfortable and then the lights dimmed and the crowd began to applaud.

  The lead singer of the band stepped to the stage wearing a pair of black leather pants that didn’t exactly keep things hidden the way that they should—You could pretty much make out his flaccid penis and it was pretty damn big, unless he had stuffed a large sock down there. I guess I’ll never know.

  I knew that lead singer was getting a thrill from the adulation of the crowd. I was still apprehensive, and I didn’t have a clue what this band sounded like, only that I had heard great things about them.

  His shirt was open and I could see the tattoo of some kind of tribal symbol on his right pectoral. He was a man that was no stranger to keeping himself in good shape. His muscles were toned and bulging, but not like some kind of gross bodybuilder—he looked athletic and strong, but in a sensual animalistic way—natural. He was probably the hottest guy I had ever fucking laid my eyes on! He had the kind of physique that a guy could spend the weekend getting intimately acquainted with. I could feel butterflies in my stomach as I watched him.

  He was ruggedly handsome, with light stubble on his defined jaw, he had the most amazing broad and tapered shoulders, not to mention that he had this crooked grin with dimples to match. He was not a pretty boy, but he had this certain something that was hard to resist. An alpha male element of danger.

  With the way, he was gyrating his hips and thrusting on stage as he sang, he was definitely not the boy next door type. My mother would’ve chased him out of the house, but that would’ve been worth it. The singer was tall—well over 6 ft and I had to admit that was a mountain of a man that I would’ve loved to climb to the top of, but I would never admit that to anyone out loud. His hair was dark and shoulder length, but the wind machines on stage gave him the air of some hero in a trashy romance novel. The sort of books I always read, and secretly wished I was in the place of the heroine, finding his rough and tough man.

  The singer smiled, and I thought for sure that he was directing it at me, but that could’ve been a figment of my imagination. He started to play the first song, and it was about a past love and how he had pined for that one person until somebody came around to take his place.

  His voice was laced with lusty overtones and I could see that I wasn’t the only one affected. The girls and guys in the crowd couldn’t get enough of this sexy alpha male, but the boyfriends of these fans looked like they wanted to kill him. Maybe they were just jealous that they didn’t look or sound like him. Then again, I didn’t know of anybody who looked and sounded as amazing as the mysterious man on stage.

  His sound had a soothing masculine tone that had me swaying and looking at him with admiration. I wasn’t ashamed to admit, I think I was fast becoming his biggest fan.

  I glanced to my side to see Jamie was being manhandled by a very large, blond Adonis that had taken an interest in him. He was running his hands up and down Jamie’s body and they were grinding against each other in a less than innocent way. I only wished I could get the confidence to do the same with the lead singer I was gazing upon. For now, I’d just have to watch in awe of his tireless performance. What amazed me was that even though this was a small venue, he was performing as if it was a sellout arena concert. I admired his showmanship. The fact that he was gyrating and sweating like a beast didn’t hurt, either.

  The band continued to play fo
r about an hour. The whole time, the singer was looking straight at me with an intense, but not in a creepy way. It was damn near erotic the way he was covered in a sheen of sweat, and I wasn’t ashamed in wishing I could lick him up and down. He was doing something to me that I had no explanation for. I was beginning to lose my inhibitions.

  It was unbelievably hot. I could feel my butt hole getting wet for the need of his big cock inside me. Hot damn it, I was aroused! It was like his eyes were locked onto me and only me. A guy sitting next to me nudged me on the shoulder and mentioned: “It looks like Orion’s only got eyes for you tonight, he’s not looking at any of us other guys.”

  I smiled nervously as I’ve always been awkward with compliments. I thanked the man, but kept my eyes firmly locked onto the singer—Orion—a name that suited him very well.

  I had to make sure he was really looking at me, because I didn’t want to embarrass myself like in the movies where the hapless hero thinks his crush is waving at him, but in fact, he’s waving at the somebody behind him. I pointed at myself and mouthed the words ‘me’, but before I could get any response from Orion, I suddenly felt somebody grab me and spin me in their direction.

  “Hey little Twink-boy, I think we should dance.” Said the old, dirty drunk guy.

  I was never good with confrontation. I cringed in his arms, trying to play it off innocently, but he was too drunk to notice that I hated every minute of it, and he had a firm grip on me that I couldn’t wiggle out of. Jamie had disappeared and there was nobody else that I could turn to for help in this place full of creeps.


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