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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

Page 6

by Alexander Gordon

  “But Luna is trying to help save that child,” Daniel reasoned. “Doesn’t that make her a good monster?”

  “Daniel,” Alyssa said with a glance at him. “Not everyone in this world thinks monsters can even be good. That’s what you’re out here to prove, remember?”

  “She’s right,” Specca agreed. “The bottom line is even if Luna is trying to help Emily she can’t be seen with her near other humans, otherwise she’ll be placing a death warrant on her own head.”

  “Which means if she wants the child to be returned to other humans, she’ll need us to deliver Emily into a village. She can’t do it herself,” Daniel concluded.

  “Exactly,” Specca replied with a nod. “There may be a human village up ahead, but Luna, as crazy as she can be, wouldn’t dare go near it with a human child in her custody. She would be asking to be killed.”

  “Then where would she have gone?” Daniel asked looking at the map carefully. “If she wouldn’t go for the village she could have gone off in any direction, if she even came this way to begin with.”

  “This is bad,” Alyssa said shaking her head. “She could be anywhere. And I hate to point this out, but there’s no telling if they’re even still alive. It’s not safe out here for a lost, blind child and a wandering idiot.”

  The group then looked ahead to where they saw Falla and Triska sitting on the front seat, the two looking around at the sight of fields of grass and trees while the caravan was stopped at the top of a hill. The sky above was starting to turn dark with stars beginning to be seen as the day was coming to an end, with Falla’s anxieties growing by the minute as the butterfly girl held her arms around herself while whimpering with distress.

  “Oh god, I need to find her! I need to find her!”

  “Calm down, Falla, we’ll-” Triska started before Falla grabbed and shook the teen by the shoulders with frustration.

  “Don’t tell me to calm down! You don’t know my sister like I do, she can’t live without me! She could be hurt or dead right now, how can I calm down?” She shook Triska bout then looked around again while grabbing hold of her hair, her breathing picking up as Triska regained herself and watched the girl with surprise.

  “Luna can’t survive without me for this long! Oh god, she might eat her own hand if I’m not there to feed her!” Falla wailed before choking back her sobs.

  Triska watched her worriedly for a moment before slowly setting the reins for Lucky down and moving back into the cabin. The group watched as Falla muttered something to herself while looking around in a panic as Triska came over and sat by them.

  “Okay,” Triska cautioned. “She’s freaking out now. What are we going to do?”

  “She’s really troubled by her sister’s disappearance,” Specca commented curiously.

  “I guess she does have a small heart after all, but don’t tell her I said that,” Alyssa mentioned while looking down to the map.

  “We want to help her,” Daniel said worriedly. “But we don’t know where to begin looking at this point. Luna could be anywhere out there, we have no way of finding her.”

  “Well what are we going to do then?” Triska asked. “We can’t search all day and night like this, we have places we need to be too.”

  “We need help finding them, we can’t do this alone,” Specca reasoned.

  Alyssa glanced around at the map then shook her head slowly.

  “We could go ask the village of Eston for help,” she mentioned. “But they’re not going to want to save Luna. In fact, if they find out Luna is even with Emily they’ll kill her. Actually, when they see that most of us are monsters they may try to kill us.”

  “We can’t send the village out there after Emily,” Daniel countered. “They may find her, but if they do they’ll find Luna with her and kill her. We can’t ask humans to help with this.”

  “Well that leaves just us,” Triska pointed out. “And again, we can’t keep doing this. We have to meet up with Kroanette near Eston and then go see her mother, not to mention we have a lot of other monsters to meet.”

  The group looked over to seeing Falla now standing on the seat as she desperately scanned the surroundings for any sign of her sister.

  “We can’t just tell Falla we’re quitting though,” Specca said worriedly. “And we can’t leave Luna and Emily out there like this. What are we going to do?”

  Alyssa drummed her fingers on the map then looked to Daniel.

  “Daniel,” she said, getting everyone’s attention. “Do you have any idea how you’re going to ask humans to consider coexisting peacefully with us yet? I mean, do you know how you’re going to bring up such an idea with them?”

  Daniel looked at her curiously then up in thought while crossing his arms.

  “Hmm, I’m not quite sure yet,” he speculated. “At the very least we need more examples of monsters wanting the same thing before our leaders would even consider it.”

  “Well,” Alyssa continued with a shrug. “If we’re going to find Luna and Emily, I don’t think we have a choice but to ask Eston for help.”

  “What?” Specca questioned. “But we just went over how that would be a terrible idea. They’ll kill Luna and perhaps even us when they see that we’re monsters.”

  “I know that, but we don’t have any other choice,” Alyssa reasoned looking down at the map. “We need help, and they’re the only ones around here we can ask. Look, we have a monster out there trying to help save a human child, maybe that will be enough to convince the village to at least spare her life if they find her. Maybe.”

  “I don’t know,” Daniel said worriedly. “If we ask Eston for help we could be killing Luna in the process.”

  “True,” Alyssa admitted. “But we need their help, and a monster is trying to save a human child as we speak. Daniel, this is as good as any time to try talking to your own kind about trusting monsters, we need their help searching The Outerlands for them.”

  Daniel looked at the map with unease, wondering if he enlisted the help of a human village to search for Emily that he would be sentencing Luna to death in the process. Specca looked at the map carefully then sighed and glanced to Falla.

  “She may be right,” she reluctantly agreed. “That village is the only chance we have at getting help with finding those two, and perhaps this would be a good example of monsters trying to help humans to get them to see reason.”

  Triska and Squeak looked to Daniel and waited for his reaction, the boy thinking carefully about his options. After a while he slowly nodded while looking at the village on the map.

  “I guess we don’t have a choice. We can’t keep circling around The Outerlands like this in search for them. We need help, and they’re the only ones we can ask.”

  “Do you think they’ll spare Luna’s life though?” Triska asked. “What if they kill her on the spot when they find her?”

  “We’ll have to hope Daniel can convince them to give Luna a chance,” Alyssa reasoned with a confident smile at Daniel. “If anyone can do it though it would be him.”

  Daniel smiled slightly from that compliment and hoped he could indeed convince the village to at least spare Luna’s life for all that she’s done.

  “Alright, then that’s what we’ll do.”

  “So should we keep going towards Eston?” Triska asked. “We could be there in about an hour or so if we go now.”

  Alyssa shook her head and looked to Daniel with a sweet smile.

  “No, it’s getting late. We should make camp here and head to the village in the morning.”

  “What?” Triska questioned. “But the sooner we tell the village about Emily the sooner they can start searching for her.” She blinked then showed Alyssa a dull stare.

  “Right, you just want your date with Daniel,” she remembered with a flat tone.

  “Hey,” Alyssa snapped back. “I’ve waited patiently for my turn with him, I’ve earned it.”

  “Okay,” Triska said crossing her arms. “You tell Falla we�
��re putting off saving her sister and the child just so you can spend a night with Daniel.”

  Specca and Squeak looked over to seeing Falla pacing back and forth on the seat of the caravan while crying and mumbling something to herself in her panic.

  “I’m not sure she’ll like that idea too much,” Specca commented, with Squeak shaking her head to that.

  Alyssa huffed then quickly grabbed onto Daniel’s arm with a stern look on her face.

  “You’ve all had your nights with him,” she argued. “I’ve waited and waited for my turn with him, and I’ve tolerated bringing Falla along with us during this as well. Tonight is my time with Daniel, and like hell I’m giving that up for anything.”

  Daniel smiled a bit at her then looked to Triska.

  “We’ll head out for the village right away,” he agreed, with Alyssa looking to him with a gasp.

  “What? But, Daniel,” she whined with heartbroken eyes.

  Daniel chuckled and shook his head as he gently held her chin to keep her gaze up at him.

  “Now now, we’re going to have our date tonight still. That’s not canceled.”

  “But it’s already getting late, why can’t we start our night now?” Alyssa pouted.

  Daniel smirked then glanced to the map with a raised eyebrow.

  “Alyssa, I know you’ve been saving up your magic for our night together-” he started before Alyssa quickly grabbed his hand and held it against her cheek.

  “I have, this night is going to be special, just for the two of us. Please don’t tell me to wait any longer!”

  Daniel smiled gently and shook his head at her as the witch had an innocent expression on her face while she batted her eyelashes at him.

  “I’ll make a deal with you, Alyssa. A special deal just for you,” he said gently, with the witch watching him with eyes of wonder while the other girls paid close attention as well. “You can use any magic you want tonight, as long as you don’t break the rules you girls have set forth, and I’ll promise to stay up late with you to make up for the time traveling to Eston.” Alyssa tilted her head curiously before Daniel gently rubbed her cheek and made her smile at him.

  “And, for agreeing to wait a little longer for our date tonight, I’ll rent us a room at the village’s inn that we can share together.”

  Alyssa jumped with a bright smile while the other girls jumped with surprise.

  “Really?” Alyssa asked eagerly. “We’ll have our own room together?”

  “Wait, hold on, what?” Triska stuttered while shaking her head.

  Daniel chuckled and looked to the other girls with a knowing smile.

  “Is there something wrong with that?” he questioned. “It’s not often we get to stay in a town or village. Not to mention that we do need to get the search for Emily and Luna going as soon as we can, for both finding them and also hopefully gaining support from Eston for our cause. This works out well for everyone.”

  “Wait,” Specca said nervously. “So you two are going to be sharing a room together in the village?”

  “Is that really so different than having our own private ‘room’ here in the caravan?” Daniel asked.

  “Yes, it is!” Triska cried out. “For starters you two will be sharing a bed together, and also where are we going to sleep? I’m not leaving her alone with you in the village.”

  “Then you can stay at the inn too, I never said you couldn’t,” Daniel reasoned with a shrug. “However Alyssa and I will have our own room as part of this agreement you all made.”

  “Our agreement was that she could sleep next to you in here while we would be close by in case she tried anything,” Triska argued.

  “Are you saying you don’t trust her?” Daniel asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Triska opened her mouth to speak then looked to Alyssa, the witch smiling innocently at her with a playful giggle. Specca and Squeak looked to each other with concern then to Daniel as the boy shook his head slowly with an amused smile.

  “Well, I for one do trust her,” he stated. “And I’m also allowed to think of something to do for our nights together as well, aren’t I? Then, if that’s the case, I’m choosing to take her to an inn for our night together so we can have privacy in the comfort of a nice, cozy room.”

  The other girls looked at him with worried eyes then to Alyssa as the witch smiled eagerly at Daniel.

  “Really?” she quickly asked. “You mean it, Daniel?”

  “Yes,” he replied with a gentle smile at her. “After we get the village rallied to look for Luna and Emily we’ll check into the closest-” he said before Alyssa bolted to the front of the caravan in a flash and grabbed hold of the reins, snapping them hard to get Lucky going right away. The horse neighed and then took off along the trail as Falla tumbled back down onto the seat with a yelp while the others in the cabin braced from the sudden takeoff.

  “Let’s go, Lucky!” Alyssa cheered as the horse ran along the trail quickly, with Falla struggling to sit up and hold onto the seat while looking to her with bewilderment.

  “What’s going on?” Falla barked out. “Where are we going in such a hurry?”

  “We’re trying to save your stupid sister and that human child, that’s what,” Alyssa snapped back while keeping her eyes focused ahead of her, completely intent on getting to Eston in record time to start her night with Daniel.

  Inside the cabin Daniel and the girls were looking at Alyssa with wonder then to the boy who smiled weakly with a small shrug.

  “-inn,” he finished just for the sake of completing his sentence.

  “Daniel, are you sure about this?” Triska asked worriedly.

  “Triska, you trust Alyssa with your life as well by now. I know you do.”

  “Yeah, with my life, not your virginity,” Triska muttered while glancing to Alyssa with a frown.

  Specca sighed then looked to seeing Jovian and Jacqueline still lying together, both the sisters having their faces hidden from the group while Jovian was seen gently brushing her sister’s hair.

  “Sorry about that, did we wake you two?” Specca asked with a worried smile.

  Jovian merely shrugged while Jacqueline held in her moan, the blonde trembling under the blanket while her sister fingered her pussy with two fingers.

  “That’s alright,” Jovian replied. “My sister is still asleep. If I may ask though where are we going in such a rush?”

  “To the village of Eston,” Daniel explained. “You two will be safe there while we find help with looking for Luna and Emily. We’ll drop you off when we arrive, I’m sure you’ll be able to resume your traveling adventures from there.”

  “Oh, I see,” Jovian politely replied. “Thank you so much for bringing us all the way here. Um, would it be alright if we sleep in your company one last night, perhaps in the village inn? We would enjoy that very much, we’ve come to really like you all.”

  “Sure, that would be alright,” Daniel agreed with a nod. “One last night to spend with our new friends.”

  The other girls smiled slightly at the sisters then looked to each other with concern at the thought of Daniel spending a night with Alyssa in the inn. Jacqueline stifled her grunt as she flinched then peeked at her sister with a frown.

  “Sister, when are we going to eat them?” she whispered impatiently.

  Jovian held the girl close while still fingering her, having a cold expression on her face while Daniel and the other girls watched Alyssa as she was hell-bent on getting to Eston as fast as possible now.

  “If tonight really is our last night with them,” Jovian whispered coldly. “Then our grand dinner shall be held in Eston.”

  “J-J-Jovian…” Jacqueline breathed out before she buried her face in her sister’s bosom. Jovian smirked and dug her fingers in deeper inside of her sister.

  “That’s right, say my name,” she whispered coyly.

  The caravan rode along the trail through The Outerlands at a quickened pace, with Alyssa at the reins and Falla frantical
ly searching for any trace of her missing sister. As they made their way towards the village Daniel thought about the two important events of this night for him; the chance to show a village that monsters weren’t all evil, and a night alone with a witch that was in love with him.


  At the edge of a large clearing Lucky and the caravan were seen, with Alyssa and Falla looking ahead at a village while those inside the caravan were collapsed against the left wall together after a rather fast and bumpy ride. Daniel was pinned against the side of the cabin with Triska lying over his lap while her hands were digging into the floor as if to try to hold on for dear life, Specca was laying against the wall upside down next to the boy, with one hand holding her skirt up to keep herself decent while the other was holding her head as she seemed slightly dazed, Squeak was curled into a ball and propped up against the wall next to Triska, and Jovian and Jacqueline were piled on top of each other behind the group, both sisters having dull expressions on their faces as they slowly reached out for their masks.

  “Is everyone… alright?” Daniel asked wearily.

  “I think… I think so,” Specca said weakly before she rolled forward and collapsed onto the floor with a thump.

  Triska slowly looked to Daniel then to the front of the ride as her vision gradually stopped spinning.

  “Well I’ll be, turns out this large caravan can make a hairpin turn at breakneck speed in the time it takes me to scream ‘We can’t make that turn at this speed’!”

  “You know,” Jovian mentioned as she and her sister sat up with their masks on again. “My sister was enjoying her slumber before we were thrown around back here.”

  Jacqueline grumbled while holding a hand down between her legs.

  “I was enjoying something,” she muttered quietly.

  Squeak dropped down onto the floor and slowly uncurled from her ball, squeaking something softly as she looked around with a dazed expression. She and Specca slowly sat up and looked to the front of the caravan as Alyssa was hopping around in her seat with an excited smile.

  “There’s Eston, we’re here!” she cheered.


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