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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

Page 14

by Alexander Gordon

  “We’re back,” the sisters taunted together in unison.

  “That’s not possible, they should be dead!” Tora shouted out with frustration.

  Katie growled then whipped her tail around Jovian’s leg, the woman then throwing the dark girl into her sister and knocking them away into a violent roll down the street as she got back on her feet while glaring at the twins with anger.

  “Now you are truly getting me angry, something you won’t live long enough to regret,” she hissed as her eyes gave off a deep red glow.

  The deathmare wailed at her while Jovian and Jacqueline slowly got up on the other side of the street from it, the twins laughing together as they turned to smile eerily at the succubus.

  “We’re going to make you scream,” they said together before laughing again.

  “Mistress!” Tora called out as she ran over to Katie, her eyes watching with horror as the succubus was holding her bloodied arm with a scowl on her face.

  “Don’t concern yourself with this little scratch, I’ll be fine,” Katie assured while keeping her eyes on the sisters. Tora looked towards the two girls with sheer fury as she clutched her staff, the ground under her turning dark and drying up.

  “What the hell are those things anyway?” she raged loudly.

  “We have no clue,” Specca spoke up while hiding behind Daniel still. “But we do know they’re out of their minds and completely sadistic. They tried to eat us alive a little while ago.”

  “They’re out of their minds alright,” Triska cursed as she glanced from the twins then to the deathmare. “They ate Emily alive just for the hell of it and they tried to eat us just to make us scream in pain, they’re only killing for the sake of killing.”

  “And they slew my entire pack, just because they wanted to,” a female voice spoke up behind them. The group looked back to seeing four figures walking towards them in the street.

  “They are nothing but abominations in this world,” Forrus growled while baring her teeth in anger, her eyes glaring at the sisters with unbridled fury.

  “Well, well, well. Look who we found here,” Rulo scoffed while holding her hammer back over her shoulder, her eyes focused on Katie and Tora while her lips curled into a scowl.

  “It appears this town is a beacon for evil to congregate to,” Sasha commented while glancing around at the burning buildings, her large sword being held down at her side with one hand while her tail slowly swayed behind her.

  Daemon merely kept his eyes locked ahead of him at Katie before quickly glancing around to seeing Daniel’s group, the deathmare, and the naked twins, none of which seemed to cause any reaction or concern from him.

  “It’s them, the ones from Ashwood,” Specca said curiously.

  As the newcomers walked along the street Sasha and Rulo noticed Emily’s body lying off to the side, the fires of the village lighting up the corpse to show the bloody remains of the witch.

  “Hey, wasn’t that the blind kid we saw earlier?” Rulo asked.

  “I’m afraid so,” Sasha said, having a hint of sympathy in her voice.

  “Seems she suffered the same fate as my sisters,” Forrus commented with a quick glance to the witch’s body.

  ‘Dying like this, there is nothing just about it. My sympathies, young one.’

  Daemon and his three companions walked up behind the group and stopped, with Forrus growling with anger at the sisters while Katie showed a bitter smile towards the boy.

  “Now is not the time to test me,” Katie sternly warned. “Do yourself a favor and take your pets out of my sight.”

  Daemon drummed his fingers on his sword’s handle while watching her with his cold eyes before slowly glancing over to the deathmare and sisters that were all facing everybody.

  “Looks like the cowardly succubus had some trouble,” Rulo mocked with an oink. “Is that blood I see?”

  Katie growled quietly as she slowly turned to face them with narrowed eyes, holding a hand to her wound as a soft glow came from it. Slowly her bleeding stopped as her flesh and skin healed from her magic, the woman glancing to it briefly before at the newcomers with a scoff of derision.

  “Just a scratch,” she taunted with a twitch of her eyebrow. “I wonder what it says about you and your boy toy’s skills in that none of you could touch me yet those two naked girls could. Seems you’re outclassed even by crazed monsters in this land.”

  Sasha raised her sword and hissed at the succubus before Forrus glanced to Daemon and spoke up.

  “My lord,” she pleaded urgently. “Please, I beg of you, help me slay those two monstrosities.”

  “Our priority is the artifact that this bitch stole, remember?” Rulo snapped before she brought forth her hammer. “You can wait for your revenge later.”

  Katie flexed her hands as a faint purplish glow flared around them before Daemon slowly drew his sword, with Daniel’s group watching him carefully as his blade gave off a soft light.

  “Okay,” Falla whispered while backing up towards Daniel and Specca. “This is getting out of hand. I don’t know who these people are and I don’t care, we need to get out of here and find Luna.”

  “Hey, who are they?” Jovian called out curiously. “Friends of yours?”

  “Friends or not, let’s make them scream too!” Jacqueline cheered.

  Forrus snarled at them then looked to Daemon with pleading eyes.

  “Please, they must not escape this time, I need your help.”

  Daemon glanced to her then to Katie, the succubus watching him with discontent while Tora looked back and forth between the sisters and her.

  “Mistress, please,” Tora begged with a strained voice. “I cannot allow those two letchyasks to get away with what they did.”

  “Letchyasks?” Triska asked.

  “It means vile abominations in our language,” Alyssa clarified. “Those who are beyond redemption in our eyes.”

  “You would know of that well, wouldn’t you?” Tora hissed at her before looking back to the sisters. Alyssa looked down with remorse from that while Katie slowly shook her head as she kept her eyes on Daemon.

  “I don’t mind continuing our little quarrel if you’re so eager to fight,” Katie threatened. “However right now I must deal with those two wretched little brats. They had the nerve to draw my blood and slay Tora’s poor mother. So, if you don’t mind, step aside until it’s your turn to die.”

  “Your little witch’s mother?” Rulo asked, with her and Sasha then looking back towards Emily’s corpse.

  “That was not a child, but a witch?” Sasha questioned looking back to Katie, the succubus only nodding once to that. Daemon watched Katie with a cold glare before the deathmare wailed and charged towards the group, with Katie glancing back to it with a quiet snarl as she waved her hand at it, creating another purplish barrier of circling light and glowing symbols that the deathmare collided with. The Darker One let out a ghostly howl then swung her scythe through the barrier, shattering it with a bright flash as Katie looked back to Daemon.

  “Once I deal with these pests you and I can settle this,” she stated decisively.

  Daemon narrowed his eyes then walked past the woman, the group watching as he walked out in front of everyone and glanced from the deathmare then to the sisters who were watching him with wicked smiles.

  “So, who wants to die first?” Jacqueline cheered with a hop, the two sisters then laughing together.

  In a flash Daemon whipped his sword up then swung it towards the twins, causing a white wave of light to ripple out and fly towards the two girls. The sisters watched with eerie smiles before the magical wave struck into Jacqueline and decimated her into bloody bits that splattered back across the ground, with some of the blood spraying onto Jovian’s face as the girl continued to watch Daemon with a hungry eye. The boy just watched Jacqueline’s remains while holding his sword down, with Daniel’s group staring at him with surprise from what they saw.

  “What in the world was that?” Dan
iel wondered.

  “That sword of his,” Specca cautioned. “It is certainly no ordinary weapon.”

  “Ha, what’s so bad about those two bitches?” Rulo laughed with a smirk. “They aren’t so tough.”

  “Quiet, Rulo,” Sasha hissed, her eyes focused on Daemon as she saw him just watching the bloodied remains carefully. Rulo looked at her puzzled then to Daemon as Sasha slowly glanced over to Jacqueline’s remains.

  “He’s waiting to see if these supposedly immortal creatures can indeed die,” Sasha explained, with Rulo then watching curiously while Forrus prayed with all her might that her lord’s attack had finally brought down one of the sisters.

  The deathmare wailed loudly then raced towards Daemon, the boy keeping his eyes focused on what was left of Jacqueline while Jovian smirked and glanced to the Darker One, watching as it ran towards the boy with its scythe geared back.

  “What is he doing? Run!” Triska shouted out.

  “If that scythe touches you you’ll die instantly!” Specca called out desperately.

  The deathmare howled with a vicious glare then swung its scythe towards Daemon, the boy swinging his blade over and blocking the spectral blade with a loud clang. Daniel’s group watched with surprise as Daemon was pushed over to the side from the force of the attack before he regained his footing and deflected the scythe over his head, the boy then swinging his blade and knocking the spectral weapon away before he spun around and sliced his sword through the deathmare’s front on its horse’s body. The blade struck through the monster and cast out darkened blood into the air with a small spray before the deathmare jumped back and swung downward with its scythe at Daemon, the boy finishing his spin on the dirt before holding his blade up to block the scythe from cutting him down, his eyes glancing to the deathmare then back over to where Jacqueline’s remains started to slowly reform again from the feet upward next to her sister.

  “He’s… he’s blocking the scythe…” Triska said with disbelief.

  “He actually hurt the deathmare with that weapon,” Daniel said in wonder.

  “What kind of sword is that anyway?” Specca asked with bewilderment.

  Alyssa watched Daemon with a stunned expression as the boy pushed the scythe back away from him before he struck down with his blade in a quick motion, creating another wave of bright light that struck against the deathmare. The monster howled as it was knocked back into a stumble with the front of its body getting burned from the magic, the Darker One crying out with anger as it glared at Daemon who kept his eyes over on Jacqueline. The blonde girl slowly regenerated from the feet up to her head while Jovian watched Daemon with a curious smile.

  “Oh my, this one’s got some moves,” Jovian purred while wiggling her hips slightly before laughing at him. Jacqueline finished reforming then stretched out her arms casually while watching Daemon with a mocking smile.

  “That hardly tickled,” she quipped before laughing as well.

  “Dammit, she survived,” Forrus growled with anger.

  “I don’t believe it, how could she survive that?” Rulo questioned with bewilderment.

  “It seems what Forrus claimed about them is true,” Sasha stated carefully. “They are indeed very difficult to kill.”

  Daemon narrowed his eyes at Jacqueline before the deathmare charged him again, the boy swinging his sword out and creating an arc of white light that etched into the air in front of him, then swung across it and formed a cross of glowing light that shot out towards the deathmare. The Darker One wailed at him before it swung its scythe around, striking the magical attack and detonating it with a bright flash as the deathmare braced from the force exuded from the spell.

  “Sasha, Rulo,” Daemon ordered as he turned to face the deathmare. “Assist Forrus with her revenge against those two.”

  “What?” Rulo questioned as she glared at Katie. “But, master, the succubus is right here in front of us. What about your treasure?”

  “Rulo,” Daemon said flatly as he brought up his blade at the ready.

  Rulo flinched then looked down with remorse.

  “I mean, Daemon. But…”

  Forrus looked to them with worried eyes as the two monster girls glanced to her with annoyance then to Katie, the succubus merely watching them with a sharp eye while Tora kept glaring at the sisters as she bared her teeth in her anger. Daemon glanced back to them while drumming his fingers on his blade’s handle then over to Jovian and Jacqueline.

  “I’ll keep this one from interfering,” he stated turning back to the deathmare. “Do whatever it takes to slay those two. Smash them, cut them up, burn them, do not let them walk away from here. We will honor our promise to Forrus just as she will honor hers to us.”

  Sasha breathed out then glanced to Forrus with discontent.

  “Very well,” she reluctantly agreed. “We shall aid you. But then you’re going to rip this succubus’s wings and tail off, got that?”

  Forrus growled at Katie and Tora and nodded while the succubus glanced to her with a dull smirk.

  “Really now? Good luck with that,” Katie mocked before looking to Tora, the witch glaring at Jovian and Jacqueline with fury still.

  “Tora, go play with his pets and spill the blood of those two,” she requested before walking towards Daemon. “I’ll join you just as soon as I take care of this annoying death dealer.”

  “Our master can handle that thing on his own,” Rulo snapped at her. “He doesn’t need your help.”

  Katie stopped and glanced back to her with an amused smile.

  “We’re the only ones here that can actually fend off that troublesome Darker One for you. Who are you to complain about that?”

  “And just why do you want to help our master all of a sudden?” Rulo demanded loudly.

  “Sasha, Rulo,” Daemon spoke up loudly as he blocked the deathmare’s scythe again, the boy parrying the spectral blade before racing towards the monster with another swing. The Darker One darted to the side as it knew the boy’s blade could hurt it now and then swung around with its massive scythe once again. Sasha and Rulo flinched then simply glared at Katie as the succubus chuckled and looked over towards Triska, the human showing an uneasy frown at being her focus again.

  “I don’t care at all if your boy toy survives this,” Katie mused. “However this deathmare tried to harm my little kitten earlier, and I just will not stand for that.”

  Triska twitched from that then growled loudly at her.

  “Who are you calling your little kitten, you bitch?” she yelled out with fury.

  Katie chuckled at her with a raised eyebrow then walked towards Daemon again.

  “There’s that lovely fire I adore in you, Triska.”

  Triska growled at the succubus with anger while Sasha, Rulo, and Forrus walked up alongside Tora and stared down Jovian and Jacqueline.

  “Fine, let’s just get this over with,” Rulo snorted while looking between the two sisters.

  “Don’t take me wishing to spill their blood as an act of generosity towards you,” Forrus mentioned with a glance to Tora. “I have not forgotten what you tried to do to me earlier.”

  “Shut up, you mangy mutt,” Tora snapped. “After they’re dead I’ll deal with all of you myself while my mistress fucks your human to death.”

  Sasha and Rulo grunted at the witch then held their weapons at the ready, both willing to take what assistance they could get from her before they tried to kill her again. Forrus held in her snarl as she grabbed her bolas from her belt.

  “I believe we’ll look forward to disagreeing with you,” she commented before spinning her bolas at her side.

  Katie walked over to Daemon’s side and watched the deathmare with a calm smile as she set one hand at her hip, with Daemon glancing to her as she chuckled and winked at him.

  “Need a hand?” she mused playfully. The boy just watched her in silence before she laughed and shook her head. “That’s a rhetorical question, my dear. Of course you do.”

  Daemon just remained silent before turning his focus back towards the deathmare, the Darker One howling at them as it scraped its hind legs behind it in preparation to attack.

  Daniel’s group watched as the fighters stood ready while the deathmare wailed at Daemon and Katie, the Darker One glaring at them with a cold look in its eyes while Jovian and Jacqueline were giggling as they were eyeing over the four monster girls staring them down.

  “Okay,” Specca nervously whispered. “I vote we run, right now.”

  “My sister’s still here somewhere,” Falla urgently argued. “We can’t leave her in this place with these freaks.”

  “Not to mention we don’t have a ride out of here, and Lucky ran off somewhere,” Daniel added while looking around worriedly.

  Triska glanced around carefully at where all manner of hell was about to break loose in the street.

  “This is going to get bad, very bad,” she said as their group slowly backed off towards the side of the road. As they did Alyssa stopped and looked behind them, seeing two small crimson eyes in the shadow of a building before vanishing, with the witch then looking around quickly as she felt like they were being watched.

  “Um, guys? We’re not alone here.”

  “Yeah, we can see that. Look in front of you,” Triska snapped while looking around at all the fighters before them.

  “No. I mean, there’s someone else here. I feel like we’re being watched,” Alyssa said looking around, with the others then glancing around quickly as their shadows flickered and wavered behind them on the wall of a small house.

  From behind the group in the shadows between two buildings a squirrel was watching the events unfolding in the street, its eyes giving off a soft crimson hue briefly as it acted as a seer for someone. As the animal gazed around at all the fighters preparing to engage in battle the image was being viewed by three others, the glow of a circular magical window showing what the squirrel was watching illuminating the interior of a darkened room that had tables of books set off to the side and an open window balcony on the other that gave a perfect view of the moon high above a dead and decaying forest nearby. Inside the spacious room which had bookshelves lined around the walls three witches were watching the events unfolding, with one in particular chuckling with amusement as the glowing viewing portal shifted to the eyes of another squirrel that slowly approached Emily’s remains.


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