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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

Page 30

by Alexander Gordon

  “This human isn’t like the others in this world, I can assure you of that,” she called out with a bite. “He’s far stupider, weaker, and generally crazier than your average human. For you see, this human here, who goes by the name of Daniel, thinks witches and humans can live together in peace. That we can all coexist happily with each other!”

  The witches around the plaza started laughing and looking at Daniel with amused smiles while Kroanette continued to watch Daniel curiously.

  “Live together in peace? What madness is this?” a witch called out, with Charlotte waving to her with a smug grin at Daniel.

  “Looks like he got a baaaad potion from somebody, wasn’t from me though!” another witch called out with a laugh, with Charlotte waving to her expectedly while keeping her eyes on Daniel.

  “Is that why he’s here, to talk about us living together? Send him over to my home, he can live with me then!” another laughed, with Charlotte chuckling in amusement while eyeing over Daniel as he kept a solemn expression on his face.

  “Don’t send him to mine, I don’t want the seed of a madman, my daughters would be fucked up for sure!” another called out with a laugh, with Charlotte nodding in agreement before she turned around in a graceful spin to look at the crowd that surrounded her with an amused smile.

  “Maybe he’s right though,” she called out while feigning fright. “What if humans take all our focusers away from us? Oh no! We’ll be helpless!” The crowd burst out laughing as Charlotte stopped her spin and graciously bowed to Daniel with a mocking smile at him.

  “Oh please, Daniel, don’t let us die! We need you to save us!” she sneered, with Apoch and Astreal falling to the ground laughing as they held their sides.

  “Okay, this isn’t going well,” Kroanette commented to herself as she watched all the witches laughing at Daniel. The boy slowly glanced around to seeing all of the monsters laughing and pointing at him then looked to Charlotte as the alpha stood up while watching him with an amused smile.

  “Do you have anything else to add?” she mocked with a twitch of her eyebrow. “Anything else you want to say? I hope so, because my sisters are absolutely loving this little show of yours, of course not in the way you were hoping I’m sure.”

  Daniel nodded slowly as he looked around at the crowd, seeing all the witches laughing at him while Kroanette was slowly shaking her head.

  “I suppose I have my answer,” he called out. “This is what you witches want, isn’t it? To be left alone, to do as you please, and to be called the letchyasks of the world!”

  The crowd slowly fell silent as all the witches watched the human that just called them that name with discontent. Charlotte slowly walked up to him as her wand’s gemstone glowed softly, with Apoch and Astreal getting back up with their staves while glaring at the human.

  “What was that?” Charlotte inquired sharply.

  “Well? Am I wrong?” Daniel scoffed. “Isn’t this the life you want, my grace? Isn’t this the life you want for all witches in Eden? To be alone in the world, to have to murder and deceive those around them to merely have a daughter, to be considered letchyasks to humans and monsters in Eden for how you all behave.”

  “Are you calling my sisters, myself even, a letchyask?” Charlotte demanded with anger.

  “I’m calling you what you wish to be called,” Daniel reasoned. “What you don’t mind the world seeing you as. My grace, witches the world over murder humans, bewitch humans, lie to humans, and treat humans like inferior beings. What do you think would be a better word to describe such unsavory, such despicable, such horrific behavior other than letchyask?”

  Charlotte showed a bitter smile and aimed her wand at the boy.

  “Your words have gone from being humorous to rather unpleasant,” she hissed. “I don’t know why I should bother letting you speak any further.”

  “Then just answer one question, why can’t witches and humans live together in peace?” Daniel asked.

  “Humans and monster can never live together, boy,” Charlotte snapped. “That will never change. Never ever.”

  “You didn’t answer the question, you merely avoided it yet again,” Daniel called out, with Charlotte growling quietly as the boy turned to face her with a firm expression. “If you really know for a fact why humans and monsters can’t live together in peace, then say it. Tell me why what I believe could be a better life for both our races can never happen. I’m not here to plead for my life, or to justify the blood that’s been spilled in the past by humans and witches.” He then pointed off to the crowd with a determined look.

  “I’m here to help give those girls a future!”

  The witches looked at him with confusion while Charlotte merely raised an eyebrow at Daniel.

  “What do you mean a future?” she questioned.

  “I don’t want them to have to live in a world where they’re treated so harshly and condemned merely because they’re monsters!” Daniel declared boldly. “I don’t want them to have to lie or murder or use force to have a daughter in life! I don’t want them to be known as letchyasks to anyone anymore! My grace, I’m standing here asking you why our kind has to keep fighting when they don’t have to!”

  The witches in the crowd looked to each other then to Daniel with curious eyes while Charlotte shook her head at the boy.

  “Because we are monsters and you are humans!” she shouted out. “Because raping you and taking your seeds is the only way to ensure our survival, because killing your fighters is the only way to get what we need from you, because we do what we must to live on!”

  “You’re wrong,” Daniel argued. “You don’t have to rape humans, you don’t have to kill in order to have a daughter. You don’t have to do any of what you’re saying!”

  “Yes we do, we’re monsters!” Charlotte shot back. “No human will ever mate with us willingly, are you that blind to not see such an obvious truth? This is how it is for all monsters, how it is for witches around the world. Nothing can ever change that, especially not the foolish dreams of an idiotic human such as yourself!”

  “You’re wrong, humans can willingly mate with witches. You don’t have to force them, you don’t have to draw blood to get pregnant!”

  “No, they won’t!” Charlotte shouted while stomping her foot. “I told you before, and I’ll tell you once more, no human in the world will ever willingly fuck us! Look around you. We’re magical monsters that look like human children! Not a single witch will ever find a man to give her a seed unless she takes it from him however she can!”

  “You can if you don’t rape them,” Daniel debated. “If you don’t kill their families, if you stop lying and stealing and manipulating them. You don’t have to act like monsters to get a daughter, you don’t have to act that way to live in this world.”

  “We are monsters!” Charlotte yelled out at him. “This is how it works, either we take what we need from you by force, or we get nothing at all! For the last time, no human will ever give a witch his seed on his own free will!”

  “I know that’s not true, because I would!” Daniel yelled back, with the crowd then looking at him with wonder from that along with Kroanette. Apoch and Astreal glanced to each other then looked back to Daniel questionably as Charlotte watched him with a careful eye.

  “I would mate with a witch, or any other monster in this world!” Daniel declared. “I would choose any girl, human or monster, to love and to be with, to marry and have a family with, as long as they were kindhearted! If I could do it then so could my people!”

  The witches among the crowd started whispering to each other with hushed murmurs while Charlotte just watched Daniel with a dull stare.

  “No, you wouldn’t,” she argued shaking her head.

  “I would,” Daniel asserted.

  “No, you wouldn’t.”

  “Yes, I would.”

  “No, you WOULDN’T!” Charlotte yelled out.

  “Yes, I would!” Daniel retorted loudly. “I don’t jud
ge others by their outer appearance, I don’t discriminate by what they are, and I certainly don’t victimize them just for following their inner nature!” Charlotte looked at him with a scoff as he shook his head and gazed around at the crowd that was watching him with curious eyes now.

  “Monsters need to breed,” he admitted. “They have to, it’s what their bodies tell them to do, it can’t be helped. It’s just their inner nature. Well just because a monster is compelled to breed, just because they’ve followed their instincts and did what they deemed to be right for their own survival, that doesn’t make them evil. I don’t deem monsters to be evil just because they wish to breed, there’s nothing wrong with them wishing to do so. That’s how they are.” He then turned to Charlotte as the witch watched him with a cautious expression.

  “As long as the girl, human or monster, is kindhearted,” he assured. “Isn’t a murdering creature that has no regard for life around her, and isn’t just interested in getting my pants off, then I could love her. I could be with her in life, I could have a family with her, on my own free will.”

  Kroanette watched Daniel with wonder then slowly stepped forward.

  “Daniel,” she said carefully, with everyone looking to her as she approached the boy. “Are you saying that, if a centaur, not me mind you, would be ‘kindhearted’ and nice to you, then you would find her, not me of course, to be attractive and even wish to mate with her? Again not talking about me here, but her?”

  Daniel nodded and smiled kindly at her.

  “If a centaur, you or any other, was a kindhearted girl, and we truly felt a connection with one another, then of course we could be together.”

  “You would?” Kroanette asked with shock. “But, Daniel, look at me. I mean look at what a centaur looks like, we have the lower body of a horse. That would mean you would have to have sex with… with a monster like us. You would really do that?”

  “Kroanette, you’re a not a monster to me, you’re a very attractive woman,” Daniel pointed out, with the centaur jumping back with a squeak before shaking her head with a blush.

  “I’m not talking about me!” she cried out. “I’m talking about centaurs in general, I just said that, remember? Not me, not me at all, I’m just asking a hypothetical question!”

  Daniel chuckled and shrugged as he saw the centaur getting flustered.

  “Well, if the centaur in question was attractive like you, and we became very close, then I would consider her a perfect candidate to be my mate.”

  Kroanette looked to him with wonder then down while holding hand to her cheek as her blush slowly vanished.

  “Are you serious? Even though centaurs look like this, you wouldn’t mind?”

  “No, I wouldn’t,” Daniel answered, and then turned to Charlotte with a sympathetic smile while Kroanette glanced back up to him with a curious eye. “You said before that no man would want to have sex with you because of how you look, that no man would willingly mate with you because you look like a little girl. Well, you’re not a little girl, you’re a witch, and far older than even myself am. There’s a difference between a human child and a witch, and I know that difference. I don’t see you as a child at all.”

  Charlotte eyed Daniel over briefly then tilted her head with a quizzical expression.

  “Are you saying that you would actually mate with a witch? You would actually give a witch your seed on your own accord?”

  “I’m saying that if a witch was kindhearted,” Daniel repeated. “And we came to know each other very well, I would of course see her as a promising candidate to be my mate in life.”

  Charlotte watched him carefully for a moment then slowly smiled and shook her head.

  “No, you wouldn’t.”

  “Yes, I would,” Daniel said nodding.

  Charlotte stared at him with bewilderment for a moment then slowly looked down while eyeing her wand.

  “So,” she mused skeptically. “If a witch was ‘kindhearted’ to you, you would actually take her as your mate in life? Even though she looks like a little child, even though she may have done some very, very, very bad things in her life, you would willingly take her to bed with you?”

  “Let me make something clear,” Daniel replied crossing his arms. “If a witch were to be kindhearted in life, then I would hope she wouldn’t have anything very, very, very bad to speak of in her life. However, as I also said before, I don’t judge monsters from what they did in their past by following their nature. That being the case, should a witch prove to me that they could control themselves around men, that they would not harm my people, that they truly cared about me and not just wanted to use me to get pregnant with, then yes, I would see her as a lovely woman all the same as any other.”

  Charlotte stared at him in silence for a while then walked away while looking around at the crowd of witches.

  “Did you hear that?” she called out. “He says if we’re nice he’ll be just fine with having sex with a witch. I don’t know about you, but I’m having trouble believing him. What do you think?”

  The crowd responded with loud hecklings and hisses while the witches scoffed and glared at Daniel. Charlotte nodded then snapped her fingers in the air, the sound echoing out like a deafening clap that silenced everyone, then slowly looked back to Daniel while shaking her head.

  “Sorry, but we just don’t believe such a thing,” she reasoned with a shrug. “You talk big, but the truth is we just can’t see you actually doing a witch on your own free will.”

  Daniel sighed then rolled up his sleeve, the witches watching as he slid off Kroanette’s bracelet and tossed it over to her. The centaur caught it with a surprised jump then looked at him with wonder as he rolled his sleeve down and faced the alpha with a calm expression.

  “Do you agree or not,” he asked as he started walking towards Charlotte. “That witches would have an easier time surviving if mankind welcomed them in their cities and kingdoms rather than forcing them to live out in The Outerlands like this, if they treated them like equal citizens of Eden?”

  “What are you doing?” Charlotte asked confusedly.

  “Do you agree or not,” Daniel continued. “That witches would have an easier time getting pregnant if they didn’t have to use force and trickery to get a man to be with them, that if mankind accepted them the prospect of having actual husbands in their lives would make having a family much easier for them?”

  The witches in the crowd looked to each other curiously while Charlotte laughed at the boy.

  “Did you really just remove your only protection from me?”

  “Do you agree or not,” Daniel stated accusingly. “That your numbers are dwindling, not just from humans being your enemies but also from other monsters that prey upon you witches out in the wild, attacking and killing you while nobody comes to your aid?”

  Charlotte looked at the boy cautiously as he walked right up and stood before her.

  “Do you agree, or not, that there could be benefit for both our races if we try to live together in peace?”

  Charlotte smirked and aimed her wand at him, the boy keeping his eyes focused on her while Kroanette bit her lip nervously as she watched the human standing before the alpha with no fear or any kind of magical protection.

  “What are you thinking approaching me like that without your little enchanted bracelet?” Charlotte mused.

  “I told you before,” Daniel stated firmly. “I’m not here to plead for my life, I’m not here to fight you, I’m not here to trick you. I’m here to ask you an honest question, and even though witches are known to be deceptive and misleading, that they lie and manipulate others with their magic as they please, I will not hide or cower before you with this. I stand before you on my own free will. So, answer me, Charlotte, can there really be no peace between our races? Is this truly the life you wish for your people?”

  Silence filled the plaza as Charlotte just stared at Daniel while having her wand aimed at him, the boy waiting for her answer while the w
itches around the area also waited to see what their alpha would do. Charlotte tilted her head slightly while keeping her wand pointed at the human, her fingers lightly drumming on the wood for a moment before she giggled to herself.

  “Let me get this straight,” she questioned. “You honestly believe that witches and humans can live together, you claim that you could actually love a witch on your own accord should that witch be kindhearted to you, and you seriously think that I’m not going to kill you right now after you removed your only protection from me?”

  To her surprise Daniel merely held his hands out at his sides, opening himself up to any attack while watching the witch with a focused expression still.

  “I’ve said what I needed to say,” he answered. “I can’t make you choose to do anything, I can’t tell you what to do or think about any of this, you have free will too after all. What happens next, my grace, is up to you. So, what’s your answer?”

  Charlotte looked at the boy with wonder then slowly shook her head.

  “You really are serious about this, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Charlotte slowly lowered her wand as she eyed the boy over with a curious glance. She laughed a bit then looked around at the witches who were all watching with wonder.

  “Well, I’m at a loss for words,” she called out. “This human actually believes we can live together. He really thinks that could work. And even more twistedly, he claims that he could choose a witch as a mate, that he would willingly give that witch his seed if that witch were kindhearted to him. Sisters, is he crazy or what?”

  The witches around cheered out in agreement while Daniel watched Charlotte cautiously, the alpha then raising her hands to calm the crowd down before turning to him with an amused smile.

  “Tell me, how did you plan on this little idea of yours coming true?” she mused playfully. “Even if I were to agree to such a thing how would that help you in the slightest? Enlighten me, what comes next in your little plan?”

  “I’m traveling the land right now to gain support from any monster races I can for this,” Daniel explained. “An ant girls nest has already agreed to talk peacefully about a truce, and your race would be the second.”


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