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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

Page 36

by Alexander Gordon

  “Okay,” Triska, Specca, and Alyssa said together, with Squeak giving a short squeak as well.

  Daniel paused for a moment then looked to them with confusion, seeing the girls all smiling coyly at him.

  “Okay?” he asked unsurely.

  Triska smirked then kicked her boots off behind her against the door, with Daniel watching with wide eyes as the girl unbuckled her belt before slowly bending over to pull her pants off, along with her underwear. As Daniel’s cheeks took on a deep blush Triska stepped over her pants before taking her shirt off, her breasts bouncing once in her white bra before she tossed her shirt aside and removed the lingerie with one hand, with Daniel then staring with an open mouth as the girl dropped her clothes down to the ground before stretching her arms out above her as she shifted her hips around slightly to flaunt her figure before him. Daniel gazed at her naked body while rendered speechless, for the first time seeing her completely exposed and also noticing that she had very little pubic hair near her pussy. The girl took off her bracelet and dropped it down behind her before she held her hands at her hips with a wink at Daniel.

  “You’d better take responsibility then, Daniel,” Triska ordered with an expectant smile at him, of which the only reply she got was another hoarse whine that came out of Daniel’s mouth as he stared at her with shock.

  Alyssa giggled then took off her focuser crystal and her bowtie before setting them back down behind her. She took off her shoulder covers before she pulled her shirt off over her head, with Daniel then watching her with a stunned expression as the witch dropped her clothing down to the floor before she unfastened her skirt. With a wink at the boy she shifted her hips around, letting the skirt drop down to the floor before she bent over and untied her boots. Pulling them off she then sat back down on her rear and one by one took off her stockings, with Daniel getting a clear view of her naked body and exposed region as she made no effort to cover herself in doing so. Hopping back onto her feet she held her hands back behind her with a timid smile as she gently flicked one foot behind her.

  “You’re just too desirable. We can’t say no to you. If anything, you charmed us, Daniel,” Alyssa said gently, which also got no audible response from the boy as he continued to stare at the naked witch with an open mouth.

  Specca glanced away with a blush on her face before she slowly undid her tie and tossed it back behind her, the nixie then gently kicking off her sandals before she took off her shirt, revealing that her breasts and torso were all covered with her aqua colored scales as well, with her shoulders and upper chest being human in appearance. She slowly took hold of her skirt before looking to Daniel with a timid smile, the boy staring at her with wonder as she slowly lowered her dress down to the floor and stepped over it, the girl then standing there completely naked while watching him through her glasses. Daniel gazed up and down at her exposed body, seeing her standing there as she slowly rested her hands back on her hips while having a bashful smile on her face.

  “You’re the only man in the world for me, Daniel. I know it for a fact,” she confessed dearly.

  “Hold on,” Triska mentioned while looking at Specca’s breasts. “You mean I’ve been the only one here wearing a bra this whole time?”

  The nixie blinked then glanced to her with a shrug and small smile.

  “Um, yes,” she admitted. “I’m afraid such a thing would be rather uncomfortable for me.”

  Triska shook her head slowly before glancing to Daniel with a smirk.

  “Well then,” she mused playfully. “I guess I won’t need to wear that thing anymore from now on either, will I?”

  Daniel looked to her with a startled jump as she winked at him, the boy still being unable to form any words or much cognitive thought from what he was seeing and hearing.

  Squeak smirked then took off her boots, dropping them down behind her before she took off her tunic over her head, with her breasts bouncing a few times in doing so as she tossed her clothing back down onto the floor. Daniel watched with wonder as Squeak slowly took off her underwear, sliding the panties down to her feet before she gently kicked them back onto her clothes, then stood before him and squeaked softly while taking off her gloves and tossing them back behind her as well. She then held her arms across her stomach and perked her bosom up slightly while slowly wiggling her abdomen behind her with a simple squeak, with Daniel staring at her with awe before he slowly looked around at seeing all four of the girls watching him while being completely naked now.

  “You chose us, Daniel, so here we are,” Alyssa said gesturing around at all the girls.

  “We love you, so much,” Specca said softly. “So… if this is what you desire, then so be it.”

  Squeak squeaked something while holding a hand to her hip and another to the back of her head, striking an alluring pose as she winked at the boy with a promiscuous smile.

  “I’m not letting go of you, no matter what,” Triska reasoned. “And if that means having to share you with them, then I’m alright with that.”

  “You… are?” Daniel asked with wonder.

  Triska nodded and glanced to the girls as they all looked to her with warm smiles.

  “We are just the worst kind of rivals for you, Daniel. We ended up loving each other too much while trying to win you for ourselves.”

  “She’s right,” Alyssa giggled. “Since you can’t pick among us, we’ll all have to be your lovers together, yep yep.”

  Daniel stared at her with surprise before looking to Specca as the nixie slowly eyed him over with a timid smile.

  “If this is the only way I can be with you, then I’ll gladly accept this,” she admitted before looking around at the other girls. “Besides, I’ve grown rather fond of them as well. Perhaps this is the best choice for us after all.”

  Squeak squeaked something while glancing to the other girls with a gentle smile before she looked at Daniel with a coy smirk and squeaked something else, seeming to undress him with her eyes as she squeaked something with a blush forming on her cheeks. Daniel watched her for a moment then slowly looked to the other girls as they all staring at him with growing lust as well.

  “Um… I… don’t know what to say,” he said with a nervous smile.

  Apoch and Astreal cleared their throats again, with Daniel and the girls looking over to them as they tapped their feet impatiently with narrowed eyes at the boy. Triska, Alyssa, Specca, and Squeak looked back to Daniel with hopeful smiles, the boy slowly turning to them as everyone awaited his decision.

  “Well?” Apoch and Astreal demanded together.

  Daniel beheld the four girls who stood before him, the four that he had been traveling with out in the world, the four that he grew so close to and fond of, the four that he knew he loved so much and never wanted to part with, the four that wanted to give themselves to him, both in the name of peaceful coexistence between humans and monsters and also because they loved him with all their hearts.

  With a steady breath he slowly smiled at them, the girls all then smiling brightly as he gave a simple nod in agreement and said the only thing he could think of saying to the four girls that meant the world to him.

  “Let’s do it.”

  Chapter 11


  In the world of Eden there was one thing monsters of the land shared in common with the women of humanity, and that was wanting to make love to a man. Sure, there were some monsters that needed women to breed with, and others that could use either gender for various reasons, however the majority of monsters needed a man’s seed to get pregnant with. Some would use trickery or deceit, others magic or poison, and some would just use brute force to take a man however they could. Either the man would be tricked or manipulated into having sex with them, or be raped against their will, that was how it typically worked in the end. Still, the monsters of the world derived both great pleasure from getting a man’s seed as well as the actual act of lovemaking, the same as a human woman would, showing a rather consistent simila
rity between them.

  Having sex with their mates, for whatever reason, would always feel so right for them.


  Walking down a darkened cave two goblins were leading a pair of naked girls towards their home, one of the frightened monsters holding a torch and lighting the way while the other trembled and nervously glanced back to the girls who had appeared to be incapable of dying. Jovian and Jacqueline walked side by side with each other, holding hands and watching the goblins with dull stares.

  “We almost there,” the goblin pleaded nervously. “We almost there.”

  “I know, I can smell it,” Jacqueline scowled as she held a hand over her nose.

  Jovian merely glanced around at seeing them walking through the tunnel while a few corridors and caverns branched off here and there.

  “Who is your leader here?” she inquired looking back to the goblins.

  “Corza is our leader, Corza leader of tribe,” the goblin explained in a humble tone.

  Jovian and Jacqueline glanced to each other with smirks as they followed the goblins deeper into the darkness.

  After a long while they came out of the tunnel into a large underground cavern, with crude wooden houses and huts built around the sides on varying levels of the grotto. Torches were lit all throughout the cavern while centered in the subterranean town was a stone court with a river flowing through it. Jovian and Jacqueline looked around at seeing goblins cackling and hissing at them from around the village, the disheveled monsters slowly gathering and following closer as the two leading the girls looked around nervously at everyone. Some of the goblins had crude knifes and daggers while others had clubs and dull spears in hand, all of them watching as the naked gemini were brought over to the central court by their escorts.

  “Who we haves heeere?” a goblin hissed as the gathering of monsters grew closer to the plaza.

  Jovian and Jacqueline looked around at seeing the grubby dwellers staring at them with eerie grins while the two that led them here scampered off to the side into the crowd out of fear.

  “They wish to speek to Corza!” one cried out. “They kill our friend and make us take them heeere!”

  All the goblins hissed and growled as they readied their weapons, with Jovian and Jacqueline merely gazing calmly around at the monsters while standing near the river.

  “Such disgusting creatures,” Jacqueline scoffed.

  “Yes,” Jovian mused with a smirk. “They could definitely use some work to appear more… threatening.”

  A goblin slowly walked through the crowd which parted for her, the monster wearing fragments of steel and iron armor on her arms, legs, and over her chest. She had bright red hair that was draped back behind her while she held in her hands two rusty swords. The monster stood slightly taller than the rest while she chuckled and clanked her swords together in front of her.

  “I am Corza, who are you?” she demanded before striking her swords into the ground at her sides.

  Jovian giggled then slowly walked up towards the goblin with a sly smile on her face.

  “Why, we are here to help you, of course,” she implored gently.

  “Help?” Corza laughed. “How you help us? Two gurls here in my home, how you help?”

  She then yanked her swords out of the ground and aimed it at the girl with a cold grin.

  “I know! You help by being meat! You be meat!” she yelled before she rushed forward and struck her swords through Jovian’s chest, the crowd of goblins laughing and yelling as the blades pierced out of the girl’s back. Jacqueline chuckled while Jovian coughed out blood and keeled over with the blades going through her body, with Corza laughing and shaking her head wildly.

  “Stupid gurl! Stupid gurl! Now you feed us with your meat!”

  “Fresh meat! Fresh meat! Fresh meat!” the goblins around the area taunted loudly, with Jacqueline glancing around to seeing the monsters pointing and laughing at her with cruel smiles.

  “They no die! They no die!” a goblin screamed out from the crowd. Everyone slowly quieted down while Corza looked over to seeing two of her subjects pointing to Jovian with fright.

  “She no die! We try, she no die!”

  Corza blinked then looked to seeing Jovian slowly standing upright again, with all the goblins then gasping in surprise as the girl laughed at the leader with a cold smile on her face.

  “Is that how you greet your better in this world?” Jovian mocked.

  “You… no die?” Corza whimpered with fright.

  Jovian grabbed the blades and yanked them out of her body, with the stunned goblin holding onto them while watching as Jovian’s wounds healed right before her eyes.

  “No, I no die,” Jovian sneered before grabbing Corza and throwing her to the ground, the two swords bouncing away as the crowd of goblins stared with shock at seeing Jovian still standing. Corza cowered before the girl before she scrambled away and grabbed a sword, the monster then trying frantically to cut the girl down, swinging the bloodied blade around wildly before Jovian caught the monster’s hand and crushed it. Corza screamed as she dropped the blade and fell to one knee before the gemini, her broken hand being held tightly in the monster’s grip.

  “What are you? What are you?” Corza wailed frightfully.

  Jovian glared at the monster with her multicolored eyes then gazed around at the crowd of goblins that were staring at her with fright.

  “Listen up!” she shouted out, with the crowd trembling nervously as Corza yelled out in pain.

  “On your knees, now!” Jacqueline yelled out with discontent.

  All the goblins dropped to their hands and knees before the gemini, seeming to become absolutely helpless at witnessing their leader being beaten before them. Jovian smirked and looked around at the monsters as they all watched her in silence.

  “Do you like being the lowest of the low in our world?” she called out. “Do you enjoy this miserable excuse you have at living? Look around you, look at what you are, is this all that awaits you in your pathetic lives?” The goblins all looked to each other with quiet whimpers then to Jovian as the girl pointed around at them accusingly.

  “Goblins are the laughingstock of the monster world, and worse yet, of the humans!” she called out, with the goblins watching her with wonder as they slowly nodded to that.

  “They say you’re stupid,” Jacqueline called out. “That you smell, that you’re ugly! They don’t think you’re a threat, they don’t think you can do anything!”

  The goblins began talking in hushed murmurs of discontent and anger before Jovian threw Corza down onto the ground and held the monster down with one foot, with Corza holding onto her broken hand as she whimpered in pain.

  “Do you want to spend the rest of your lives in this hole in the ground?” Jovian loudly asked. “Do you want the world to mock you? Do you want the humans to laugh at you?”

  “No!” a few goblins yelled out.

  “We not weak, we strong!” another shouted out.

  “I kill human that laughs at me, I rape and kill him good!” another called out with energy.

  Jovian chuckled and nodded as she looked around at seeing the goblins getting riled up.

  “Humans think you’re nothing but insects, that you’re no threat even to a mere child! I ask you, why are you cowering in fear here, why are you hiding in this godforsaken hole when they mock you so? I’ll tell you why, it’s because you follow the guidance of cowards like this one here!” she yelled out before she lifted Corza onto her feet, turning her to face the crowd of monsters while pulling back on her hair. Corza let out a hoarse whine as all the other goblins hissed and growled at her.

  “I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be ridiculed, that you can be feared!” Jovian called out with energy. “I’m telling you that you don’t have to hide, that you can take what you want! I’m telling you not to be afraid of humans; it is they that should cower before you!”

  The crowd cheered out in agreement while Jacqueline clappe
d and gave a formal bow to her sister with a laugh. Jovian nodded slowly as she saw the crowd applauding her then struck her knee into Corza’s back, a loud crack echoing out as the goblin dropped to her knees with a painful gasp.

  “It is time for the humans to recognize who you goblins are,” Jovian announced. “That you are the superior race! It is time for their men to serve as your cattle for breeding, for their women and children to feed you with their meat, for their land to belong to you! I ask you, are you ready to march towards glory? Are you ready to show the world what kind of monsters you really are?”

  The crowd cheered and howled in agreement, their voices echoing throughout the grotto. Jovian chuckled then lifted Corza up by the arms, holding her higher as the crowd hissed and booed at her.

  “I will lead you to a better future,” she boldly promised. “I will give you all that you so desire, I will help you achieve total dominance over those foolish humans! Then the monster world will respect you! Then the world will respect you! No more hiding in the ass end of Eden, it is time for you to stand and be heard!”

  She then threw Corza over towards the crowd, the goblins jumping back as the wounded monster collapsed on the ground before them. Jovian looked around at the monsters then pointed to Corza with a cold glare at her.

  “If you wish for me to lead you, if you wish to become more than just filthy bugs in this world, then slaughter that worthless abomination that kept you trapped here, make her scream in agony for me!”

  The goblins roared before swarming Corza as the wounded leader screamed in terror. Jacqueline watched with a cold smile while the screams of Corza were heard as the goblins ripped off her armor and started hacking apart the monster with their weapons, with knives and spears piercing into her body while clubs were used to break her bones with loud crunches. Corza let out a painful shriek as the goblins around the area laughed and cheered on her execution, with Jovian watching the slaughter with a cold smile on her face as blood sprayed out from the dying goblin’s throat and heart being ripped open. Jacqueline then walked over next to her sister as the two watched the goblins with amused smiles as they butchered their old leader.


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