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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

Page 40

by Alexander Gordon

  “Your turn,” Triska declared while holding Squeak down onto the bed, the ant girl’s rear being perked up and presented to Daniel as he looked at her with a hungry growl.

  “She’s all yours, Daniel,” Alyssa giggled.

  Squeak only had time to look back with a quick squeak of surprise before Daniel rushed over and pushed his erection into her forcibly, the ant girl then arching back with a loud squeak and a shocked expression while Triska and Alyssa held onto her rear cheeks and shoulders. Daniel then started to ride the girl with furious thrusts, causing Squeak to squeak loudly while looking straight ahead with an open mouth.

  “Ride her hard, Daniel, she can take it,” Alyssa urged, watching with a giddy smile as Daniel did just that, not because of her words of course but rather because every fiber of him desired to have the ant girl with all his strength. Squeak lurched back and forth with loud squeaks as Daniel rode her from behind, the girl’s abdomen rubbing against his chest as he held onto her hips and kept thrusting into her without slowing down.

  “Does it feel good, Squeak?” Triska asked with a sly smile.

  Squeak let out a loud squeak as she shut her eyes and nodded, with Triska and Alyssa laughing a bit as they held onto her shoulders while Daniel kept riding her vigorously.

  Outside of the room Apoch and Astreal were glancing to the door behind them, hearing girls laughing inside while one was squeaking loudly again and again.

  “Sounds like the ant girl is having her turn,” Apoch speculated.

  “Sounds like they’re all enjoying it,” Astreal commented with a raised eyebrow.

  “No way, let me hear,” Falla demanded as she rushed over and knocked the sisters aside, the witches looking to her with annoyance as Falla held her ear to the door. Luna and Kroanette walked closer as Falla’s expression changed from skepticism to disbelief.

  “Well?” Kroanette asked.

  “What’s going on in there?” Luna asked.

  “Ride her harder, Daniel!” Alyssa cheered, with herself and Triska laughing while Squeak was heard squeaking loudly again and again.

  Falla blinked then looked to her sister with bewilderment.

  “He’s having sex with Squeak, he’s actually doing her right now,” she said shaking her head.

  Luna and Kroanette looked to each other with wonder then to the door as they heard the ant girl’s passionate squeaks from the other room.

  Inside the bedroom Squeak was bent over on her hands and knees while her face had taken on a deep blush, her cries of passionate and surprised squeaks being heard above the clapping from Daniel’s pelvis against her rear. Lying under the ant girl were Triska and Alyssa, the two holding onto Squeak’s breasts with two hands each as they sucked and nibbled on them to stimulate her even further.

  “Geez, how did they grow to be this big anyway?” Triska mused before she sucked hard on the girl’s breast, with Squeak looking down to her with a timid expression as she squeaked loudly.

  “I don’t know, I wonder how much milk she can make,” Alyssa giggled before she started sucking hard on the other breast, with Squeak looking ahead with a stunned squeak as she kept lurching back and forth from Daniel riding her hard.

  Lying on the bed near them Specca was reeling from her experience, her body trembling slightly as she held a hand down between her legs and rubbed her pussy. She felt some semen dripping down along her scales while she watched the others with loving eyes that were struggling to focus again.

  “Daniel… we’re all yours…” she breathed out.

  After a while Squeak was lying down face first into the sheets as she gripped them tightly with her hands, the girl squeaking and shaking her head with a blush on her face while Daniel continued to thrust into her from behind. Alyssa and Triska however were now lying near them, having opted to get out of Squeak’s way since the ant girl would likely crush them with her bare hands while in her current state of bliss. Instead the two girls were now lying together, with Triska holding Alyssa down on the bed and kissing her passionately while the witch’s leg was hooked around her thigh. Triska leaned back and smiled coyly down at Alyssa as the witch trembled and squirmed slightly from feeling Triska’s fingers digging into her pussy.

  “T-T-Triska…” Alyssa stuttered out softly.

  “Shh, take it like a good little girl,” Triska cooed gently before kissing her again, with Alyssa grabbing onto her shoulders and moaning as the teen stimulated and caressed her in their embrace. Specca slowly crawled over to them and began gently licking inside Alyssa’s ear, the witch moaning loudly from the touch before Specca giggled a bit.

  “Fair’s fair, Alyssa,” she mused before licking the witch’s ear again, herself and Triska holding Alyssa down as the witch felt her heart beating quickly while the two girls expressed their love for her.

  Squeak grunted and squeaked loudly before glancing back to Daniel with a deep blush on her face, watching as the boy kept thrusting into her wildly while holding her by the hips. The girl squeaked and trembled violently before arching back with a loud squeak that turned into a screech, the other girls looking to her with wonder as Squeak shut her eyes tightly as she gripped the sheets so tightly that they ripped. Daniel grunted loudly before holding himself deep in the ant girl with a strained expression, with the other girls watching as he climaxed along with Squeak. The ant girl felt him releasing inside her, the sensation becoming overwhelming as her heart fluttered from feeling his love spreading into her body.

  “He came inside her,” Triska said softly.

  “He’s insatiable,” Specca presumed. “Is that because of Squeak’s pheromones or is he naturally this virile?”

  “Either way, we’re in for a long night,” Alyssa said with loving eyes at Daniel, the girls watching as Squeak collapsed down onto the bed with a squeak while she trembled with her orgasm. The ant girl had a dazed look in her eye as she squeaked quietly with each breath, her mind reeling from being taken like this. Daniel looked down at her with a focused expression for a moment before turning his gaze to the other girls, with them slowly sitting up as they felt their hearts fluttering from being his focus again.

  “It’s our turn again,” Triska said softly. “And he’s not even tired yet.”

  “What should we do now?” Specca asked with a slight tremble.

  Alyssa giggled softly and glanced to them, with both of them looking to her with deep blushes as she shrugged.

  “Only one thing we can do. We’re going to take it, like good little girls.”

  Chapter 12

  Going Wild

  In the world of Eden when someone was in love with another they would naturally wish never to be separated from them. They would want to spend more time with their loved one, to have them in their life for as long as that love bloomed, and to never let them go in fear of losing them forever. True love was known to feel so right, so perfect, so clear when with that special someone, that nothing could push them away. They would go to the ends of the world for one another, face impossible odds to remain with each other, and let nobody ever come between them. Love was a powerful emotion, and could bring anyone together even under the most unlikely of conditions.

  And it could also cause them to get a little wild behind closed doors.


  Standing by the bedroom Apoch and Astreal were leaning back against the door while having their staves held up next to them, the two witches listening to the sounds of girls crying out in ecstasy, laughing kindly with each other, and squeaking out of pure joy which were coming from the room behind them. Sitting on the couch in the living room Luna and Falla were watching the door as well with wonder, them along with Kroanette who stood in the middle of the room hearing the sounds of a vigorous lovemaking session between one male and four girls.

  “I can’t believe it,” Falla said with disbelief. “He willingly had sex with those girls?”

  “Actually,” Apoch corrected as she glanced over to the grandfather clock. “He’s still having sex
with them.”

  “It’s been two hours,” Astreal commented. “I didn’t believe him to have that much stamina to be honest.”

  “He actually meant what he said,” Kroanette said curiously. “He would choose any girl, human or monster, as long as they were kindhearted. He… he chose to lay with a monster. Three even.”

  “I don’t get it,” Falla snapped with discontent. “Why wouldn’t he just give me his seed then? What’s the big deal about him giving one more his seed when he’s just giving it to them nonstop?”

  Luna sighed and glanced to her sister with worried eyes.

  “You tried to rape him, that’s why. You weren’t nice at all.”

  “Nice?” Falla argued as she stood up with a scowl at the bedroom door. “I tried to help save that little brat who turned out to be a witch; I was being nice with that! I’ve earned the right to be in there too!”

  “That’s not true,” Luna said shaking her head. “You only wanted to help Emily so Daniel would trust you and make it easier for you to rape him.”

  Kroanette turned to Falla with a raised eyebrow as the butterfly girl paused for a moment before looking down and away while crossing her arms in discontent.

  “I still tried to help,” she muttered.

  Kroanette shook her head at the girl then looked to the door with curiosity.

  “I wonder,” she said softly to herself. “Had I been kinder to him and his friends, would I have been allowed in there with them as well?”

  Luna stood up while watching the door with gentle eyes, holding her hands together in front of her as she took a step forward.

  “Would he do me too if I’m nice to him?” she asked worriedly. “Is that how it really works?”

  “No!” Falla yelled out at her. “For the last time, Luna, we’re monsters! We have to take the man by force if we want them!”

  “But Daniel is having sex with all of them on his own free will right now, all because they were so nice to him,” Luna debated while pointing to the bedroom. Apoch and Astreal glanced back to the door then to each other as they kept hearing the cries, moans, and squeaks of the four girls inside the room.

  “If he could honestly choose to mate with a monster on his own free will, perhaps others may as well,” Kroanette pondered looking to Luna.

  Falla growled then marched over in front of them and faced the two with her hands at her hips.

  “Oh for crying out loud, not you too!” she barked out. “Daniel won’t have sex with us, I mean look at my sister and I, we’re as sexy as they come and he wouldn’t do either of us! That human isn’t right in the head, he’s only preaching nonsense. Mankind won’t just accept us for how we are, it’s not normal!”

  “But, Falla,” Luna pleaded. “I don’t want to rape anyone, it’s horrible. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be raped? I couldn’t live with myself if I did that to Daniel or anyone else. It’s not worth having a daughter over.”

  “Is raping others really so bad?” Kroanette asked Luna, with Apoch and Astreal watching the butterfly girl with raised eyebrows to that question. Luna nodded and looked down with a whimper while Falla face palmed and grumbled as she saw nobody was listening to her.

  “It’s awful,” Luna whined. “That witch did stuff to me because she said she loved me, but I hated it so much. She did things to my boobs and my pussy and even in my ass, it hurt so much. Both my body and my heart couldn’t take it. I just wanted her to stop, I wanted it all to stop, but she wouldn’t let me go. I couldn’t get away, I couldn’t stop any of it, it was like a never-ending nightmare.” She then looked to Kroanette and shook her head.

  “Have you ever raped anyone? Have you ever taken a human by force?”

  Kroanette hesitated then slowly shook her head as she glanced back to her saddlebag.

  “Well, not yet,” she admitted. “But I was planning on getting pregnant soon with a human that I’ve earned with my delivery.”

  “You mustn’t rape him, please!” Luna desperately implored. “I’m begging you, don’t be so cruel to him, it’ll kill him inside!”

  “But I must if I want a daughter,” Kroanette reasoned looking to her with concern.

  Luna whimpered and shook her head with fearful eyes.

  “Then you watch that human as you force yourself on him,” she condemned. “Watch how he cries and begs for you to let him go, watch the agony and torment you put him through. If you have any heart at all you won’t be able to do it, only a Darker One would be so cold as to do such a thing.”

  Kroanette looked at her with worry then to her bag while Apoch and Astreal watched Luna carefully.

  “I’m not trying to be evil,” Kroanette explained looking back to Luna. “I just… I want to have a daughter. I must have one both for myself and my race.”

  “Then listen to Daniel,” Luna reasoned with a worried smile. “I know I will. I want a human to choose to have sex with me. I can’t force him to do anything against his will.”

  Falla groaned with annoyance then looked at her sister with frustration as she grabbed her hair.

  “For the last time, Luna, we’re monsters, we have to-”

  “I’m never raping a human being for as long as I shall live, end of story!” Luna shouted back at her. The girls all looked at her with wonder as the butterfly whimpered and tried to hold back her tears.

  “I won’t do it! I won’t be that kind of monster! No matter what, I will never rape a man, ever! I’d rather die without any daughters than become so evil in life!”

  “Luna,” Falla said softly.

  “I mean it, Falla!” Luna shouted while stomping her foot. “I won’t do it. I’m going to follow Daniel’s beliefs, I’m going to learn how I can be nice and kindhearted and do whatever it takes to get a daughter without sacrificing my soul!”

  Falla stared at her with a stunned expression, words failing to form in her mouth as she saw the sheer determination in her sister’s eyes. She looked to Kroanette then to the witch sisters while shaking her head slightly, with Apoch and Astreal watching Luna curiously now.

  “You would seriously choose never to have a daughter rather than take a man by force?” Apoch questioned.

  “You would prefer never to have sex with a human simply because you believe raping him is evil?” Astreal asked.

  Luna nodded at them with tears forming in her eyes, the witch sisters glancing to each other with raised eyebrows while Falla sighed and lowered her head with a hand held over her eyes.

  “Luna…” Falla tiredly argued. “We can’t… it just doesn’t work that way.”

  Luna glanced to her then looked at the bedroom door with longing eyes.

  “Either Daniel teaches me to be a kindhearted monster, or I’ll never have a daughter in my life,” she declared. “I won’t become like the Darker Ones in this world are, I won’t cause such pain and suffering all to get pregnant. I couldn’t live with myself if I did.”

  Luna sighed and walked back over to the couch. Falla held a hand out to her as she watched her sister with disbelief, only managing to get a few short stutters out of her mouth as she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Kroanette looked to Luna with wonder then to the bedroom door as she seemed to think about something carefully.

  ‘Only Darker Ones cause such agony and despair in this world, they are truly the most evil of all monsters. But… what if this one speaks the truth? Are we centaurs just as bad as the Darker Ones by raping humans? No… no! We are not like those abominations at all! I refuse to let that be our future!’

  After a while she showed a stern expression and reached back into her saddlebag, pulling out the scroll given to her by Charlotte, and then showed it to the witch sisters.

  “Here is your alpha’s receipt for my delivery,” she firmly stated, with everyone looking to her curiously. “Promising me one human male to be provided by the witch community, a man that I would have to have tied to a post for me to rape in order to have a daughter in life.”

The centaur then tore the paper apart with a scoff, with Apoch and Astreal watching in disbelief as Kroanette tossed the pieces aside.

  “What have you done?” Apoch scolded. “That was your payment from our alpha.”

  “You earned that human’s seed,” Astreal admonished. “How very foolish to throw it away like that.”

  “All I earned from that delivery was the right to rape a human being,” Kroanette argued. “Something that I do not want. I will be taking Daniel home to my mother as I promised him, and we’re going to have a very long talk with her about his beliefs. We centaurs are proud, noble creatures of Eden, and I’ll be damned if I allow my kind to treat others in this world like the Darker Ones do.”

  “Are you implying that we are just like Darker Ones for merely continuing our existence?” Apoch and Astreal inquired sharply.

  “I’m implying that it’s time we find a better way to continue our existence,” Kroanette said crossing her arms. “Rather than become Darker Ones ourselves.”

  “You’re insane,” Falla said shaking her head.

  Kroanette grabbed her whip and snapped it hard at her side, with Falla jumping back with a yelp as the centaur pointed to her with an accusing stare.

  “Watch your tongue,” she sternly warned. “The legendary courier Kroanette does not take kindly to those who are so callous with their words.”

  Falla blinked then looked at the centaur with puzzlement.

  “Legendary courier? Couriers aren’t legendary. There’s no such thing as that.”

  “Yes I am!” Kroanette shouted as she started whipping at the girl, with Falla screaming as she scrambled around to avoid the cracking flail. Apoch and Astreal shook their heads at the sight then looked to the door as a gentle pawing against it was heard on the other side. Apoch quickly opened the door slightly, with Charlotte’s cat racing out while a veil of pink mist flowed behind it. The other girls looked over to seeing Apoch peeking into the room where Specca’s passionate cries were heard before the witch closed the door.


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