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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

Page 45

by Alexander Gordon

  ‘Thank you, Daniel, for loving and accepting me for how I am.’

  Once he kissed her long enough Daniel tried to stand back up, with Alyssa still holding on and kissing him deeply as she felt it wasn’t long enough yet. Daniel glanced to the other girls who now watched with dull smiles on their faces before he gently pulled Alyssa off of him and set her down, the little witch smiling innocently at him while giggling a bit.

  “I love you, all of you,” he assured looking around at them. “I know I can say that now without a doubt, and I promise I’ll prove how I feel to each of you every day.”

  Triska slowly brushed her hair back behind her ear while smiling lovingly at him, feeling her worries about almost everything else washing away knowing that she finally had his love. Specca looked down timidly with a gentle smile and glanced up to Daniel above her glasses, her eyes having a warm glow from behind the spectacles as her tail slowly waved around behind her. Squeak smiled and squeaked once while holding a hand over her heart, her words not being understood but her feelings registering loud and clear with the boy. And Alyssa looked down with a gentle smile, relieved that she had finally received his love and that he accepted hers.

  Daniel nodded as he took in the image of what was indeed real before him, that all four of the girls were the ones he loved in his life. After a moment to consider just how much of a lucky bastard he really was he quickly snapped back to reality as he looked around for his clothes which were lying on the ground near the bed.

  “Well,” he mentioned as he quickly gathered up his clothes. “Now that that’s settled, we still have the matter of us being stuck here in this town we need to deal with.”

  Pausing for a moment he then took notice that all the girls just staring him with coy smiles on their faces, with Triska eyeing him all over before shaking her head.

  “Daniel, if you want us to be against the idea of being stuck with you anywhere, you might want to put your clothes on first.”

  “Won’t help, I still want to be stuck with him even then,” Alyssa said, with all the girls then giggling at that.

  Daniel smiled weakly and shook his head before he started getting dressed, much to the girls’ reluctant understanding.

  “Anyway,” he continued. “We need to find a way to get our caravan fixed. Even if Charlotte does give her approval for my idea we need to head out and find a lot of other monster races to help back us up before we can go to Rockhelm. And if Charlotte doesn’t give her approval then we certainly need to get out of her territory as soon as we can.”

  “And who do we have to thank for our ride being broken again?” Triska pointed out flatly as she glanced to Alyssa with a dull expression. Alyssa huffed and looked away while crossing her arms with annoyance.

  “Hey,” she muttered. “You and Specca already punished me last night for that, you can’t keep throwing that in my face now.”

  “Doesn’t change the fact that you still broke our ride,” Triska mentioned while shaking her head.

  “And I doubt what we did to you last night was any deterrent in the least to prevent you from making that mistake again,” Specca added dryly, and then glanced to Daniel with a curious eye. “But I suppose we could check if there are any suitable carriages or wagons here we could use. I don’t believe anyone from this village will need them anymore.”

  Daniel finished getting dressed then walked over to the door, with all the girls quickly eyeing him over and remembering how he looked without clothes on again.

  “That’s true,” he agreed as he took hold of the doorknob. “We might as well see what we can take from this place before we leave. Not like anyone is going to stop us now.”

  Daniel opened the door and took a few steps out into the living room before he was quickly tackled to the ground by Luna, the butterfly girl holding onto him tightly while her wings were lowered behind her.

  “Please teach me to be good too!” she cried out. “Please please please! I don’t wanna be a bad monster, I don’t! Please!”

  Daniel just stared up at the ceiling with a bewildered expression while the other girls watched Luna with surprise as the butterfly girl started breaking down into tears while lying on top of him.

  “Luna?” Daniel asked. “What are you talking about? And why are you crying?”

  “Better question, why are you two still here?” Alyssa asked tiredly as she looked to see Falla marching over to them, the butterfly girl then yanking her sister off of Daniel before she grabbed him by the shoulders, dragged him up onto his knees, and then started to shake him with frustration.

  “Look at what you did to my sister!” she yelled out with anger. “You got your insane ideas stuck in her impressionable little mind, now she’s really confused about what she is and what she’s supposed to do! What’s your problem? First you try to weasel out of giving me what you promised, then you and your stupid friends treat me like dirt when I was only trying to help save my sister, and now you’ve twisted my sister’s mind with your godforsaken ideas that monsters raping humans is wrong! What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Luna grabbed her temperamental sister and dragged her back while Triska and the other girls helped Daniel onto his feet, the boy watching as Falla was growling and trying to swipe at him with her hands.

  “You fucked with my sister’s head! You’re supposed to fuck her in the pussy, not her head! Goddamn you!”

  Daniel just stared at her with confusion then noticed Kroanette watching him with a worried smile.

  “Hello again, Daniel,” she said politely. “How are you doing on this fine morning?”

  “Kroanette? What’s going on here?” Daniel asked looking around at the three monster girls.

  “You stupid human!” Falla shouted out. “You fucked with my sister! And not in the good way!”

  Luna held her back while the other girls watched them with puzzled expressions.

  “Please stop, Falla!” Luna pleaded. “Please, I need his help to-”

  “No you don’t!” Falla yelled out at her. “For the last time, he’s an idiot! Raping humans is what we do, that’s how we live in this world! It’s the natural way of life for monsters!”

  “No it isn’t,” Specca firmly argued. “Raping anyone is an evil thing to do, and your sister finally understands that. You should listen to her.”

  Falla shoved Luna aside with a yell before marching towards Daniel and holding finger out to him accusingly.

  “You! Tell my sister right now that raping humans is what monsters need to do to survive!”

  “I will do no such thing,” Daniel rejected while shaking his head. “How could you even ask me to say something like that?”

  Falla looked at him with wide eyes then slapped him across the face, the boy recoiling from the hit as the girls around him glared at Falla with anger.

  “Dammit!” Falla shouted out. “You stupid human! If my sister doesn’t rape a man she’ll never get pregnant! Quit spreading your ridiculous nonsense about humans and monsters living together in peace. That’s never going to happen!”

  Daniel stared at her with bewilderment before his girls slowly walked past him towards Falla, the butterfly girl backing up with a frustrated expression as the four girls glared at her with rage.

  “Number one,” Triska stated with narrowed eyes. “If you ever touch Daniel like that again, you’re dead.”

  “Number two,” Alyssa added as her eyes glowed softly for a moment. “If you ever speak to Daniel like that again, you’re dead.”

  “Number three,” Specca lectured. “Monsters and humans can live together peacefully. We’re living proof of that.”

  Squeak squeaked something while pointing to Falla with a stern glare, her words obviously not being understood by anyone there but the general vibe she was giving off showed that she pretty much agreed with what her friends just said, especially regarding anyone mistreating Daniel like that in front of her.

  Falla growled loudly as she glanced from one girl to the
other, with Daniel’s group standing before him as they all stared down the butterfly girl.

  “You’re all out of your minds, all of you!” Falla shouted out. “Humans and monsters living together in peace, nonsense! No monster in their right mind would ever agree with what you’re saying, not even the most mindless and depraved monsters would believe in something so preposterous! Anyone that thinks humans and monsters can live together is fucked up in the head!”

  “Is that a fact?” Charlotte asked from behind.

  Everyone looked to seeing the alpha walking into the residence with Apoch and Astreal following behind at her sides, the head witch watching Falla with a raised eyebrow.

  “Charlotte,” Daniel said softly.

  Alyssa jumped a bit then quickly bowed as she lowered her head.

  “My grace,” she greeted shakily, trying to sound formal while her voice conveyed she was fearful in the alpha’s presence.

  “So then,” Charlotte questioned. “Are you saying that anyone who thinks humans and monsters can live together in peace is ‘fucked up in the head’?”

  “Yes, that’s right,” Falla insisted. “I mean you of all monsters see how crazy that is. Humans would never choose to be with our kind, or any monster race. That’s never going to happen.”

  Charlotte just stared at her for a moment then glanced to Daniel.

  “Funny,” she mentioned. “As I recall, that human right there took three monsters to bed with him along with a human girl, and I do believe he certainly gave it to them of his own free will.”

  Falla jumped a bit and tried to form some form of response, only managing to get out a few weak stutters, as Charlotte looked back to her with a dull stare.

  “So tell me,” she inquired. “If he could do it, why not other humans as well?”

  Falla stammered something for a moment before the alpha held her wand out towards her, the butterfly girl then freezing in place with a fearful whine as the witch narrowed her eyes.

  “I came all this way,” she coldly stated. “On a lovely sunny morning, to a dead village that is partially burned to the ground, when I have many more important matters to deal with. Now then, why do you think I did this?”

  “I hope not to kill us, or Alyssa,” Specca mentioned with a nervous smile.

  Charlotte smirked and tilted her head while watching Falla tremble in fear before her.

  “If I wanted any of you dead I would have had my two helpers dispatch all of you,” she reasoned. “My presence here would not have been needed.”

  Apoch and Astreal giggled in unison while they held their staves upright at their sides, both smiling arrogantly to that. Falla glanced to Daniel then to Charlotte with disbelief as she slowly shook her head.

  “No way, you couldn’t… actually… agree with what he’s saying, could you?”

  “Would that make me ‘fucked up in the head’ if I did?” Charlotte asked.

  Falla gulped then slowly backed up while shaking her head more.

  “No, not at all, of course not,” she whimpered.

  Charlotte slowly lowered her wand then looked to Daniel with a dull smile.

  “Before you speak, you and all your friends will listen, understand?” she ordered. Daniel and the girls all nodded before Charlotte looked to her wand with a casual flick of the magical stick. “Now then, first let me congratulate you on your excellent performance last night. I honestly didn’t think you had it in you, but you certainly proved your worth as a male ready for breeding. Good job.” Daniel smiled weakly to that, not being sure if that was a compliment or an insult, before Charlotte continued.

  “Although as I understand it you had some help with a special enhancer, you chose to do so of your own admission and knowledge of what would happen to you, and thus owned up to your word that you would prove your belief to me of willingly mating with not only one monster but three at the same time. So for that, bravo,” she said carelessly, with Apoch and Astreal merely giving two dull claps each in a mocking response. Again Daniel wasn’t sure if they were insulting or complimenting him, so he just smiled and nodded. Charlotte paused for a moment then glanced to Daniel with a raised eyebrow.

  “You have my attention, Daniel, for doing what I thought was impossible. However, the idea of witches and humans living together in peace is just too difficult to see happening, even with your efforts,” she informed solemnly, with Daniel and his group showing devastated expressions to that. Luna and Kroanette looked to Daniel with worried eyes while Falla glanced to him with a smug grin.

  “But, my grace-” Daniel started before Charlotte held out a finger to him.

  “What did I just tell you earlier?” she asked expectantly, with Daniel hesitating for a moment before nodding slowly and closing his mouth. Slowly Charlotte lowered her hand then shook her head slightly.

  “It’s just I can’t see your grand plan succeeding, Daniel,” she explained. “You may be able to love a witch, to love a monster, but I cannot see the rest of your kind being as accepting as you are. I couldn’t possibly persuade my sisters or even other alpha witches of such an unbelievable idea as humans and monsters living together in peace as things stand now. I myself am even struggling to believe it can happen. You must understand, I must do what is best, and possible, for my kind.”

  Daniel lowered his head with closed eyes and nodded slowly, remaining silent as he felt his hopes cracking from the witch’s words. The girls all looked to him with remorse before Charlotte smirked and walked towards the boy.

  “Now now, Daniel,” she mentioned, with Daniel and the others looking to her curiously as she smiled slyly at the boy. “I did come all this way to meet you, didn’t I? If it was a simple no to your question that was needed I wouldn’t have personally bothered with the trip. You see, you’re a special human, Daniel. The only one I’ve seen that genuinely surprised me the way you did last night. You actually took Alyssa the Wildfire Witch, of all witches, to bed with you of your own free will, and fucked her brains out.”

  Alyssa blushed and glanced to Daniel as she gently used one hand to rub her rear, feeling it slightly sore still from when Daniel indeed took her with more force than she thought him to possess.

  “I just couldn’t believe it,” Charlotte continued. “I found the idea of anyone loving that letchyask simply too much to believe alone, and yet you did it, and I mean you really did it. So I thought to myself, could this human truly do what he promises? Could he really bring about peace between our races even though the odds are certainly not in his favor?”

  Daniel looked to Alyssa who was watching Charlotte with a mixture of wonder and remorse from that then watched as the alpha gestured for him to kneel before her, which he promptly did so.

  “You wish to speak to your queen in Rockhelm about monsters and humans living together in peace,” she speculated before holding her wand under his chin to keep his gaze on her. “Something that is likely to get you beheaded by your own kind for speaking such blasphemy. And you plan to bring as many monster races with you as ‘proof’ that we can all talk about this peacefully, something that is going to be nearly as suicidal to you as those siding with your beliefs in front of your kind.”

  Daniel glanced down to the wand then back to the alpha as she cocked her head to the side while watching him with what he thought to be a glimmer of sympathy.

  “You will likely die by the very monsters you wish to speak to,” she reasoned with a shrug. “Raped to death while your friends are killed for being in your company. Does that not scare you?”

  Daniel merely shook his head while remaining silent before she continued.

  “You’ll be met with ridicule and rejection by many, perhaps even by your own dear followers in due time. You do realize this, yes?” Charlotte criticized.

  The other girls opened their mouths to speak in protest before the witch glanced to them, all the girls then closing their mouths while shaking their heads with stern expressions. Daniel shook his head as well, with Charlotte then
nodding slowly as she lowered her wand.

  “Alright, Daniel,” she stated decisively. “If you truly believe you can make your dream a reality, then by all means go ahead and try. I shall not try to stop you in the least. However you will need quite a loud voice to make your words heard to your kind as well as the world, that much is for certain, very certain indeed. Therefore, I will offer you my assistance only on one condition, and only this condition.” Everyone watched her with wonder as she held up one hand with all her fingers and thumb spread out.

  “Bring five monster races to Rockhelm with you to present your beliefs to your queen, five races that agree to side with you on such an outlandish idea…” she ordered, before slowly moving her hand forward and gently taking hold of Daniel’s chin as she gazed into his eyes. “Do that, and I shall bring the sixth.”

  Daniel jumped with surprise as the other girls looked to each other with growing smiles.

  “You will?” Daniel asked. “You’ll stand with us then?”

  “If you bring five other races of whom you managed to convince that what you say is possible,” Charlotte answered as she stepped back. “Then I shall personally join you in Rockhelm to speak with your queen. However, any less than five just will not do, I shall not stand with a fool after all.”

  Daniel stood up as all his girls looked to him with amazement then to Charlotte, the alpha then pointing to Alyssa with a dull glare, with everyone watching her with concern.

  “Make no mistake though, Alyssa,” she sternly warned. “You are not welcome here in my land, you are by no means forgiven for your crimes against our kind, and it is only because I feel sympathetic for your dear mother that I offer you this chance to leave here alive. Only myself and my helpers here know of your presence in this land, and it will stay that way to avoid any riots in my village. But if you dare show your face here again, whether Daniel succeeds with his quest or not, you shall be put to death, understand?”


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