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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

Page 53

by Alexander Gordon

  “Triska!” Luna cried out as Triska chased after her with a furious yell. “Why are you angry with me? I’m a good girl now! I’m a good girl!”

  “Don’t get mad at us!” Falla yelled out as Squeak chased after her while squeaking and swinging her pickaxe around. “He came out here without his shirt on, we never undressed him!”

  Kroanette and Daniel watched the girls running off before seeing Alyssa and Specca hopping down from the caravan, the two glaring at Kroanette with anger while the witch held her staff tightly in both hands.

  “Let go of our Daniel right NOW!” Alyssa yelled out with fury.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing with him?” Specca demanded with a stern expression.

  Kroanette looked to Daniel as he was less than an inch away from her breasts then to the girls with a raised eyebrow.

  “I was merely talking to him about me proving myself to be a kindhearted and caring woman in his eyes, as well as request that he train me however he wishes to become a proper lover for him in the future,” she said casually, with Daniel shutting his eyes as he knew without looking that Alyssa and Specca would be fuming with anger from that response, which they were.

  “A proper lover for him?” Specca shouted out.

  “That does it!” Alyssa yelled out as she aimed her staff at Kroanette.

  The centaur smirked and shook her head with an amused smile, her hands resting on her hips while Daniel took this opportunity to quickly move aside and out of the line of fire.

  “You can’t touch me with your magic, little one,” Kroanette mused before waving a hand over her whip. “Must we go through this again?”

  “Lucky! Bandits!” Alyssa yelled out at her horse.

  Lucky let out a loud whinny as he bucked around, his hair shifting to black while his tail lit on fire. Kroanette stared at the horse with surprise as Lucky’s eyes glowed with a crimson hue, flames and smoke blowing out his nose while skeletal wings ripped up and extended out above him.

  “Oh my god,” Kroanette said taking a step back, with Lucky snarling and kicking around wildly.

  “Oh my god!” Kroanette cried out as the horse wailed and bucked around before it got up on its hind legs and kicked about with its front ones. Kroanette glanced down from the horse’s head to something else before her eye twitched and her lips quivered.

  “Oh… my… god!” she screamed as she held her hands to her cheeks, her voice wavering slightly from being horrified to amazed.

  Alyssa quickly hopped up onto her horse’s back and glared at Kroanette while aiming her staff at her.

  “Charge, Lucky!”

  The horse yelled out then charged towards Kroanette, the centaur screaming then taking off as the demonic animal chased after her. As the witch rode her horse after the centaur Daniel merely looked around at seeing Kroanette, Luna, and Falla being chased by his volatile lovers. Specca rushed over to Daniel and held him close, her tail wrapping around his leg once again, while she looked around at the girls with an annoyed huff.

  “Daniel, are you sure about us traveling with them like this?” she asked looking back to him with concern. Daniel glanced to her then over to seeing Triska running after Luna nearby.

  “Get back here so I can slaughter you!” Triska yelled out.

  “Please stop, Triska! I only wanted to be his lover! I just wanted him to love me so he could have sex with me, that’s all!” Luna cried out, not realizing that those words only infuriated Triska further.

  Daniel looked over to seeing Squeak running after Falla while swinging her pickaxe around swiftly with loud squeaks.

  “Knock it off, Squeak! You owe me one still, remember? I said quit it!” Falla barked back at her, obviously doing nothing to slow Squeak down in the slightest.

  Daniel then watched as Kroanette was trying to gallop away from Lucky and Alyssa, the horse neighing loudly while its flaming tail whipped about behind it.

  “Get that thing away from me!” Kroanette cried out while holding her hands to her face. “I’m a straight centaur! I’m a straight centaur!”

  “Don’t you call Lucky a thing!” Alyssa yelled out with anger.

  “That’s not what I’m talking about! Just get him away from me!” Kroanette shouted desperately as she ran quickly with Lucky following behind her.

  Daniel watched them all running about then sighed softly before glancing to Specca with a small smile.

  “Well, one thing is for sure,” he reasoned with a slight tone of amusement. “It’ll be an interesting journey for all of us.”

  Slowly Specca smiled a bit before he leaned in and kissed her, the two closing their eyes and enjoying their moment as the shouts and cries of the other girls were heard around them. After the kiss ended Daniel watched the girls chasing each other about nearby with an amused smile while Specca rested her head against his shoulder, the nixie sighing happily as he held her close.

  As the bickering girls ran around, threatened one another, pleaded for mercy, and squeaked with discontent, Daniel looked up at the sky as the sun was shining behind a few clouds. A calm smile came across his face as he felt confident that he and his companions could bring about real change to this world, no matter what may lay ahead for them.

  “Yeah, an interesting journey indeed.”


  Chronicles of Eden - Act IV Cover

  Emily - Witch

  Charlotte - Witch

  Apoch & Astreal - Witch

  Jovian & Jacqueline - Gemini

  Monster Class - Deathmare

  Monster Class - Goblin




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