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Wild Heart [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Jane Jamison

  “I told you, didn’t I? We come here almost every Saturday night. It’s the place to be seen in Forever.”

  Sandy leaned against Mark, who had his arm wrapped around her shoulders. He played with her hair while they enjoyed watching the dancers strut their stuff on the small dance floor next to their table. More tables filled the rest of the main room, where a long mahogany bar that had seen better days lined the entire side of one wall.

  Will and Luke sat on the other side of Celia, but although they treated her as an honored guest, their main focus was on Sandy. Celia took another sip and studied the way the men gazed at her friend. Their eyes gleamed with desire, and they wore their hearts on their sleeves for everyone to see. Not that anyone would’ve noticed. Most of the women in the bar were surrounded by at least two men.

  Celia sighed. Would she ever find love like that with even one man? But then again, some women were just plain lucky, and luck had never been on her side. Living with a single mom after her father had deserted them had taught her that life didn’t hand anyone anything worthwhile without making them work for it. Except for the few lucky ones like Sandy.

  “How the hell did you three mutts get two beautiful women to sit with you?”

  The velvety voice flowed over Celia. She tried to play it cool, but it was hard when two hands came down on the back of her chair and fingers grazed her bare skin. She gasped as the slight touch sent waves of fire through her.

  She widened her eyes, sending Sandy an unmistakable question. Is the guy behind me as hot as he sounds?

  Sandy sent her an answer by lifting the corners of her mouth in a barely there smile.

  “Hey, Trent. How’re you doing?”

  Luke stood and shook Trent’s hand. As he was about to retake his seat, Sandy motioned for him to move over to the next empty seat, letting Trent take the chair next to Celia.

  Rich, brown eyes locked onto hers and took away any chance of rational thought. He was gorgeous, with wavy, dark hair and an impish grin that she couldn’t resist. She smiled in return, and her smile grew even bigger when he took her hand.

  “Hi. I’m Trent Tarrow. Sandy said you were beautiful. I’m glad she called and asked us to come tonight.”

  With his second touch, she knew. He was hers. Whatever she had to do, she’d do it to have him in her life. Touching him had sent a current of lust ripping through her. One she didn’t want to ignore. But where had she felt that energy before?

  “Hi. I’m Celia Ray.” She arched an eyebrow at her sneaky friend. Obviously Sandy had been working behind the scenes. Taking a good long look at Trent, she was glad Sandy had.

  “Celia, huh? I like it. It fits you, too. It’s a sexy name for a sexy lady.” He kept her hand in his, frowned a little like he was surprised, then squeezed her hand. She wasn’t sure why, but she was certain he felt the same way she did.

  The warmth of him, a sensual heat, spread up her arm and into her heart. Although she’d had her share of men, she’d never experienced anything like it. For a moment, she couldn’t find her voice. “Uh, thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.”

  “Wow, that’s such a shame.”

  A blond man, one whose looks could rival a Greek god, pushed Will on the arm and made him move into another chair. He slid onto the chair, took her other hand, then kissed it on the palm. A sizzle zipped up her arm. She ran a hand over her skin, trying to understand what had just happened. Steve made her feel the way Trent did. Could she be lucky like Sandy and have more than one man?

  “I’m sorry?” Celia couldn’t stop grinning. Not one but two hot men wanted her attention. Sparkling, green eyes the color of shamrocks met hers, and she was lost. Dimples made her want to reach out and push the tip of her finger against them to see how deep they really were. His short hair fit his boyish face with full lips that drew her to him.

  “I think it’s a shame that a pretty girl like you has such poor eyesight.” His gaze darted to Trent. “How you could ever think someone with a face like his could be good looking is a mystery to me. Unless, of course, you’re just being kind to the poor guy.”

  She stared at the blond, intrigued by his rich, deep voice.

  “Celia Ray, this is my partner and sometimes friend, Steve Wilton.”

  Where had she heard the names before? Yet did it matter? They were here, and she was ready to party. “Do either of you boys like to dance?”

  “Baby, I thought you’d never ask.” Trent tugged her away from a scowling Steve and led her onto the dance floor.

  Trent slid her into the line, and they joined in on the Texas two-step. She didn’t bother hiding her happiness when Steve fell into step on the other side of her. Keeping with the music, she hooked her thumbs into her pockets and took every turn and slide as an opportunity to get a better look at them.

  Both men were dressed in jeans that were molded to their butts and made their legs run on for a mile. Their boots showed that they were men who worked on the land while their belt buckles gleamed under the dance floor’s lights. Tanned skin spoke of hours in the sun while their dressier cowboy shirts sported fancy embroidered work in the shape of wings and intricate designs covering the backs and shoulders.

  Celia kept up with the dance and was thrilled when she caught both men checking out her bottom. The two rhinestone-encrusted hearts directed their attention to just the right spots on her butt cheeks, and she was glad she’d chosen the right pair of jeans to wear.

  Once the music ended, Trent and Steve each grabbed a hand and led her back to the table. Fresh bottles of beer, the ice sweating down the glass, waited for them. Celia slid into her chair and grinned at Sandy.

  “You three looked really good out there.” Sandy’s eyes glistened as she swept her gaze over her friend. “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear ya’ll got together before tonight and practiced just to make the rest of us look bad.”

  Celia laughed, loving the way Steve ran his hand along the top of her chair while Trent bumped his chair closer to hers. “Hardly. I’m surprised I remembered how to dance, it’s been so long.”

  “You’re kidding. Where are you from anyway, darlin’?” Steve feigned a shocked expression.

  “Right now I’m in college at the University of Texas at Austin.”

  “Don’t those UT Longhorn boys know how to treat a woman? You can’t tell me they aren’t lining up to take you dancing every night. If not, then they’re all a bunch of fools.”

  Trent took her hand, and, once again, the powerful flow of energy whipped into her. She stared at his hand on hers. One time even with two different men could be a fluke, but twice with the same guy? What could cause a reaction like that?

  She was about to ask when she noticed Sandy’s gaze slide to a spot above her head. Sandy lowered her beer, tossed whoever it was a wan smile, then glanced at Celia before turning her attention back to the newcomer.

  Sandy cleared her throat. “Hi, Aiden.”

  Celia inhaled sharply, her back stiffening. Please don’t let it be him.

  “Evening, ladies. Boys.”

  She took a few moments to gather her composure then slowly craned her neck around to look up at the man who’d driven her to distraction only hours earlier. The dark eyes zeroed in on her, and she was glad she was sitting down.

  It’s him. “So we meet again.” If she’d managed to hide a wince at having said such a lame line, she’d die a happy woman. Yet judging from his smirk, she hadn’t hidden it well enough.

  Aiden narrowed his eyes. “It would seem so.”

  Was he matching her lame line with one of his own? She didn’t have time to wonder when he grabbed a chair from the neighboring table and pulled it over. He flipped it around to sit down then rested his forearms on the top of the chair.

  She swallowed, suddenly aware that the air had thickened around them like someone had flipped a switch on an invisible current of lust. Again, the sensations she’d felt with Trent and Steve barreled through her, and, in an instant, she realized w
here she’d felt them before.

  Aiden had made her feel the way Trent and Steve did. But that was impossible. Trent and Steve were so wonderful, so easy to like, so meant for her. But Aiden? Aiden was an irritant, a jerk in a man’s perfect body.

  “That’s right. Aiden did mention that he’d met you earlier.” The corners of Trent’s mouth lifted a second before he took another drink.

  “We did. Celia was out riding near our fence line when she had horse trouble.”

  His sexy tone rippled through her, making her want to stare at his mouth to watch the words tumble from it. But she didn’t dare. If she did, she’d remember the kiss they’d shared. Or the way his fingers had felt sliding under the waist of her jeans. Or even the way she’d almost begged him to push his full, masculine lips against her pussy.

  She reached for her drink, her hand shaking with the effort not to reach for him. Did he see her shake? She gave up the idea of taking another sip and rested her hands in her lap.

  “Yeah, that’s right. Aiden mentioned that you’d landed on your fine derriere.” Steve dropped his gaze to her bottom then lifted it back to her face. “I’d sure hate to see such a lovely bottom get hurt. You weren’t hurt, were you?”

  Pink swept into Celia’s neck and on into her face. What else had Aiden told them about their meeting? But she’d be damned if she let Aiden make a fool of her. Instead, she held her head high. “He helped me off the ground. I’m not a very good rider. Give me the car keys instead of the reins to a horse any day.”

  Sandy laughed. “Yeah, and you don’t have to shovel manure when you drive a car.”

  “Still, there’s something to be said about riding a wild animal.” Aiden’s words flowed over her. “You get on top, then you hold on for all you’re worth. In the end, the animal knows who’s boss.”

  She glared at him. Was he calling her an animal and him her boss? Or was she just letting him get to her again?

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think sometimes the animal is the real boss. It’s the same way with people. Some men want a weak woman. One who’ll submit to their every word. You know, like when they try to tell them to shut up. But some women, like me for instance, are too strong. Some men like a woman who will hold her own in a relationship.”

  Trent eased closer to her, his eyes glittering with desire. A desire that made Celia want to jump on top of him and ride him until he submitted to her sexual demands.

  “Talking about animals, how about we give the bull a whirl?” Aiden rested his hand on her arm, taking her attention away from Trent. “Unless you’re afraid to get thrown again.”

  She studied his luscious lips, the twinkle in his eyes, and the arrogant expression on his face then jerked her arm away. “Is that a challenge?”

  He arched his eyebrow. “If that’s how you want to take it.”

  She stood, scraping her chair across the wooden floor and snatching her beer off the table. “You’re on, cowboy.”

  “Damn, this is going to be fun.” Steve took her hand, turned, and started leading her toward the room where the mechanical bull was. The rest of the group followed, bringing their beers with them.

  Once inside the room, Celia wasn’t sure she had a chance in hell of staying on the damn thing. A crowd surrounded the padded pit. A cowboy held onto the saddle strap affixed to the top of the bull with his other arm raised in the air. The bull whirled and spun, changing direction while rocking back and forth. The cowboy jerked, whipping his head around as the crowd whooped and hollered for him to stay on.

  But the operator had a different plan. Celia held her breath as the operator flipped another lever. The bull bucked faster, twirled harder, and the crowd cheered louder as the cowboy hung on. The manic movements of the bull, however, were too much for the rider. Shouting, he lost his grip on the bull and flew off the side and onto the padding. Applause for his efforts echoed around the room.

  “Oh, shit.”

  Aiden eased closer. “I’m sorry. I missed that. What did you say?”

  She bumped against his shoulder and moved him out of the way. “Never you mind.”

  Sandy took her arm and brought her along with the others to a table close to the bull’s pen. “Are you sure you want to do this? Isn’t busting your butt once today enough?”

  “Gee, thanks for the support.”

  “I am supporting you. I’m supporting you staying in one piece.” Sandy slid into the chair next to Celia, ignoring the grumbling complaint from Steve, who had to sit one chair away from Celia. Trent fell into the chair on her other side, while Aiden remained standing.

  Sandy whispered in her ear, “By the way, I can tell. They’re already crazy about you.”


  Sandy shot her a funny look. “The men, of course.”

  But which men did she mean? Steve and Trent? Or was she including Aiden in the comment? She was about to ask when Sandy rose and gave her seat to a grateful Steve.

  Steve slid into his seat and rested his hand on the back of her chair. The electric current she’d experienced with all three men cocooned her in its embrace. She closed her eyes for a moment to savor the warmth sizzling between them.

  “You don’t have to do this, Celia. We’ll understand if you’re afraid.”

  She took a drink then lifted her gaze to see Aiden’s half grin. Why did such a great-looking guy have to be such an ass? “I don’t see you jumping on top of it.”

  Aiden’s smile grew wider as he raised his hand. The operator called to him, giving him his chance. Downing his beer, he hopped over the fence dividing the crowd from the bull’s pen and strode over to the bull. In one smooth move, he was on top and holding onto the leather strap. He shot Celia a grin then motioned for the operator to start the machine.

  The bull lurched into motion, slowly at first then speeding up as Aiden remained on top. His strong legs squeezed against the bull’s sides while his loose body flowed with every thrust and jerk.

  The man made it look easy. So easy that Celia was starting to think it wasn’t that difficult to stay on.

  “Don’t let him fool you, baby. This is nothing when you’re used to riding the real thing like he is. We won’t think badly of you if you don’t want to do it.” Steve downed the rest of his beer and motioned to the waitress for another round.

  She let out a long breath, grateful to have Trent and Steve by her side. “Got any tips?”

  Steve leaned closer. “Watch Aiden, darlin’. See how he keeps his upper body loose? If you get stiff up there, you’re going to go flying off.”

  “He’s right. Your lower body is the place where you want to hug the bull with your legs and settle your butt onto the seat as much as possible. Hold the hand strap in any way you think is comfortable.”

  Sandy threw in her two cents. “You should ask the operator for a glove. It’ll keep you from cutting your skin on the hand strap. Trust me. That hurts like hell.”

  “Really? You’ve ridden this thing?” Celia’s question was meant for Sandy, but she couldn’t take her attention off Aiden. Although the bull was moving at a speed faster than she’d have thought possible, he was holding on and making it seem like he was having fun.

  “Just once. And once was enough.”

  Crap. What have I gotten myself into?

  “She’s right, Celia. We won’t think any less of you. Why not wait until you get better as a rider on a real horse? They’re a lot easier than riding a bucking bull. Mechanical or real.” Trent paid the waitress for the beers.

  Maybe she should reconsider. After all, she didn’t have anything to prove to Aiden or anyone else.

  The crowd roared its praise as the operator finally slowed the bull down and the victorious Aiden threw his leg over the head of the bull and slid off. He waved his thanks to the spectators then arched an eyebrow at Celia, his dare evident in his expression.

  “Don’t let him goad you into doing anything you don’t want to do. When Aiden gets something in his hard head, he can’t always
shake it loose. Even when he knows he wants to.”

  “In other words, he’s bullheaded.” Celia took one last sip of her beer and wondered if she shouldn’t have used the ladies’ room when she’d had the chance.

  Sandy snorted then covered her face with her hand. “I’m sorry. But calling Aiden bullheaded is funny when it’s coming from you.”

  “Sandy! Are you saying I’m stubborn?”

  Yet before Sandy could answer, Aiden took her by the arm and hefted her to her feet. “The operator’s calling for you, babe.” His dark eyes were flecked with amber. “Unless you’ve decided to back out.”

  She yanked her arm away and headed for the operator. He offered her gloves, which she took, then he opened a small gate so she could get into the pen. Walking on the padding was difficult enough, but climbing onto the back of the bull was even worse. She needed two tries to hop into place. Sliding her hand into the strap, she took a big breath and said a quick, silent prayer not to break any bones.

  “You ready, miss?”

  She turned to the operator and answered with a nod. Gasping at the bull’s first, albeit easy, move, she clung to the strap and lifted her arm into the air.

  Please, God, don’t let me crack my stupid hard head.

  At first, the bull moved easily, going from one position to another in a fluid motion. Celia relaxed a little and renewed her grip on the strap. She swallowed as the bull picked up momentum and started to rock. Her heart rate quickened as the bull kept speeding up. Her body whipped side to side, front to back. She tried to squeeze her knees against the sides of the machine, but that didn’t help much. She was sliding more with each twist of the bull.

  Suddenly, she was falling and landing hard on the padded mattress. She stared at the ceiling above her for a few seconds while she tried to catch her breath. Steve and Trent jumped the fence and rushed to her, each of them taking one of her arms to help her to her feet.


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