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Wild Heart [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Jane Jamison

  Trent stood and started getting undressed while Steve unbuttoned his shirt. His eyes sparkled with flecks of amber. “Plus, you don’t have to worry about any other werewolves in this area. They know you’re with us, so they wouldn’t dare try to hurt you.”

  The men came together to form a line in front of her. Her gaze slid over them as they removed their shirts, belts, buckles, then kicked their boots off to slide their jeans off their feet. Her mouth watered at the sight of three hot men, their cocks already lengthening and widening. Strong arms and legs accented their flat stomachs. A sprinkle of dark hair guided her gaze down Aiden’s abdomen to his hard cock as she drew in a breath then darted her attention to Trent’s equally magnificent stomach and cock. Golden hair trailed down Steve’s body and led to a cock that matched Aiden’s and Trent’s in virility.

  Warm wetness flooded her panties. Should she let them change? Or should she forget the wolves and let them savage her body first? Just thinking about their bodies rubbing against hers made her headache go away.

  “Are you ready, Celia?”

  She bit her lower lip and nodded. “Yeah. I am. Go ahead and change.” Was she really ready? Was she prepared to see them up close?

  For a moment, she thought they’d decided against it. Then, all at once, their images blurred. Were her eyes tired and not focusing well?

  Aiden’s face altered, moving the nose and chin outward. She cringed as she heard bones snapping and cracking. Trent and Steve did the same. First their faces changed, their chins and noses growing outward to form their snouts. Next their ears changed at the same moment that the amber flecks in their eyes spread outward, taking over the entire eye except for the pupil.

  “Oh, my God.” She brought her knees to her chest and hugged her legs. Part of her, the logical part that signaled whenever danger was near, cried out for her to run. But the biggest part of her had to stay. She had to see what happened next. Had to know what they went through to transform into werewolves.

  Claws erupted from their fingertips, and fangs slid over their bottom lips. They shook their heads and growled then dropped to their hands and knees. The blurriness came again, and she squinted, trying to see past the obstruction. By the time the second blurry phase ended, the men were on their sides, their limbs cracking then reforming.

  She gasped as the three werewolves got on their feet and shook their bodies. Glowing amber eyes locked onto her as their lips pulled back into snarls. With their tails lowered and swishing, their ears laid back, they growled, saliva dripping from their jaws. Fear lashed into her, taking away her breath and speeding her pulse.

  Chapter Nine

  Celia hugged her knees tighter and tried to calm her nerves. They’d told her she didn’t have to fear them. Now if only her head would get the message. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then opened them.

  They’re closer.

  The werewolves had moved forward, putting them less than a yard away. They snarled again, showing sharp white fangs.

  “Aiden?” She set her attention on the largest one, the one she knew was Aiden. “You won’t hurt me. You told me so.”

  The large werewolf cocked his head to the side, his blazing eyes locked onto her. The other black werewolf took a step closer, but Aiden the wolf jumped ahead of him, blocking his way. He lifted his tail from between his legs and took another step.

  They won’t hurt me. I trust them.

  Slowly, she eased forward, set her feet on the floor, and reached out a shaky hand. She swallowed, ready for whatever came next.

  Aiden took another step forward, his lips still pulled into snarl. He opened his mouth, drew close to her hand, and put his jaws around it. She gasped, prepared to feel the agony of his bite, then froze. His teeth rested on her skin, closing his mouth just enough to hold her hand but not to sink his fangs into her flesh. Aiden tugged on her hand.

  She let him pull her forward, moving her off the couch and onto the floor. As soon as she was on her knees, he released her and pushed his snout against her palm.

  Laughing, she slid her hand over the silky fur of his muzzle. “You want me to pet you, huh? Then how about this?” She scratched behind his ear.

  He moaned and pressed against her. Trent, the other black werewolf, padded over to her side and pushed against her as Aiden had done. She laughed again, both from relief as well as her joy in stroking the werewolves. Surprising her, the golden werewolf jumped on top of the couch then hunkered down and licked her cheek.

  She laughed and wrapped an arm around Aiden’s and Trent’s necks and hugged them to her. Steve raked his tongue over her cheek again.

  “This is fantastic. Amazing. Who knew when I found three men to love that I’d also found three pet werewolves.”

  Aiden yanked out of her arms, whirled around, and came back to face her. Trent moved away, too, but he didn’t have the same intense look in his eyes as Aiden did. Steve jumped off the couch and returned to his position beside his friends.

  “What? What did I do?” How had they gone from friendly pets to angry predators so fast? She pushed her body back onto the couch. “Guys? What’s wrong?”

  Aiden started changing first with Trent and Steve not far behind. Within a minute, the three werewolves were gone, and her men had returned to their human forms.

  Aiden’s eyes, still retaining flecks of amber, flashed with anger. “We are nobody’s pets. Not even yours.”

  “Oh. I didn’t mean it that way.”

  “How else could you mean it?” Aiden ignored Trent’s urging to take it easy.

  How had she meant it? “I don’t know, but I didn’t mean I would treat you like pet dogs. I just meant that you guys were mine now.” Nothing she was saying made sense to her, so she doubted it made sense to them. She shrugged her shoulders, at a loss for words. Her pussy, however, clenched as she drank in their erect cocks.

  Take it easy.

  “Calm down, Aiden.” Steve plopped down beside her. “I’m sure she meant it in a good way. After all, we are kind of like big dogs in our werewolf bodies.”

  She drew in his scent, for the first time understanding the unique aroma. That different scent came from the werewolf side of him. Her gaze fell to his cock, and she had to make a fist to keep from stroking him.

  Trent sat cross-legged on the floor, his big cock standing straight out. “Yeah, man. Give her a break. From the way the others described how their mates took it, she’s doing a great job of handling the news.”

  Aiden seemed to calm down, his eyes growing darker. “Fine. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.”

  “Thanks.” She grinned at Aiden. “I’m glad your werewolf and I get along better than we do.” Although hadn’t they gotten along great lately?

  “You’re right about that.” Aiden took his place back in the easy chair. “But a little friction isn’t a bad thing. Not when you know the truth.”

  “The truth?” She sensed he wanted to tell her something important and silently urged him to go ahead. “What’s the truth, Aiden?”

  He seemed confused by her question. “I would’ve thought you’d have realized it by now. You’ve felt the connection between us. I know you have. Don’t you know that you’re meant for us? Just like the other women in Forever, you came here knowing, if not in your head then in your heart, that you belong here. That’s why the town’s called Forever. Because the men here are in love with their one true mate forever.”

  She held her breath and waited for him to say the words she’d longed to hear.

  Trent let out a sigh. “What Aiden’s trying to say is that we want you. Today, tomorrow, forever. We want you to stay with us.”

  “Can you do that, Celia?” Steve’s voice was choked with emotion. “Do you want to stay with us?”

  “But how? I’m not a werewolf.” She dipped her gaze to the floor then back to Trent. “So I’d be like Sandy? A human living in a town of supernaturals?” They’d already asked her to stay, but she sensed they were asking he
r for more than that now that she knew what they were.

  “Celia, Sandy’s a werewolf, too. Just like we’re doing, her men asked her to stay with them. To become their mate.” Trent came to his feet.

  “Sandy’s one, too? And her men? They’re all werewolves like you?”

  “Right. To become their mate, they had to change her, to make her a werewolf.”

  She stared at Aiden, letting what he’d told her sink in. “Then if I decide to stay, you’ll change me into a werewolf. Have I got it now?”

  “Can you, Celia? Can you accept a life here with us? Can you go through the transformation and run with us?”

  “But how do you change me? Will it hurt?”

  Aiden nodded. “We have to bite you. All three of us. And yes, the bites hurt a lot, but not as much as the first time you change into your werewolf body. But we’ll teach you how to make the transformations easier, less painful. So? What’s it going to be? Celia Ray, will you mate us?”

  She hesitated only to be certain of her answer. But she couldn’t hold back for long. “Yes. I want to stay here. I came back for Aiden, but once I met Trent and Steve, I knew I was right where I belonged.”

  The tension she hadn’t noticed before eased. Steve took her hand. “What we need to know now is where we go from here. How soon do you want to change?”

  “I want to change as soon as possible. But for right now, I know where I’d like to go.”

  The men waited for her to explain.

  “Come on, guys. I can only take it for so long. I have three hot, naked men in front of me. Where do you think I want to go?”

  She squealed as Steve grabbed her, pulling her to him. She laughed and pushed against him. Breaking away, she raced up the stairs toward the bedroom. She could hear the men behind her, and although she was sure they could have caught her if they’d wanted, they let her stay a few steps ahead of them. She pushed the bedroom door wide open, banging it against the wall as she dashed for the bed.

  Trent tackled her from behind, half pushing, half throwing her onto the bed. She landed face-first, but a second later, he had her helping him to yank off her clothes. Then he pushed her down and sprawled her on her back with her arms stretched above her head. He bent and flicked his tongue over her nipple. Aiden and Steve landed on the end of the huge bed and took her legs.

  “Which way do you want us, Celia? All at once or one at time?”


  Trent jerked his head up. “Both? What do you mean?”

  She wiggled, making her breasts bounce enticingly. “I want you all here, but I want you to take turns. The other two can pleasure me in other ways until it’s their turn.”

  “I think we’ve unleashed a wild woman.” The corners of Aiden’s mouth quirked upward.

  “Me first.” Trent glided his firm body over hers, holding her wrists with one hand so he could support his body weight with the other. “But I think I’m going to need a little help.” He motioned to the other men then fell to her side. “Tie her down, but be careful of her wounds on her wrist. After all, she shouldn’t be the only making the rules.”

  “And blindfold her, too. Let’s see if she can tell us apart.”

  She licked her lips, and her clit clenched with need. “Hey, it’s one of the few times we agree on something, Aiden.”

  He chuckled as he yanked off the top sheet and tore it into long, white strips. He handed them to Steve, who took her wrists and pushed her arms apart and bound her wrists to the posts of the bed. Aiden made short work of tying Celia’s right leg to the bottom bedpost. Aiden tossed Trent a shorter strip of sheet.

  “Close your eyes, baby.”

  She did as he told her, her nerves working overtime. A sizzle of fear zipped through her, but that died away as the sensations of her men tying her up overwhelmed every other feeling. Trent folded the sheet and waited for her to lift her head so he could tie it.

  The darkness made her even more sensitive to their touches. Someone fondled her breast, rubbing his thumb over her nipple. She gasped as the hand was replaced by a mouth. He nipped at her peaked bud then swept his tongue over it. She arched and ached to have one of the other men do the same to her other nipple. Before she’d even finished the thought, she felt the touch of another mouth, sucking, lashing his tongue over her other tit.

  “Ooh, yeah. I like that.”

  “Shh. Quiet, darlin’. The more you speak, the less we do.”

  Irritation flashed through her, but it died quickly. He isn’t trying to be rude. He’s just caught up in the moment. Besides, I can give them what they want, and if that’s the way Steve wants it, then I’ll be so quiet they’ll think I’ve lost the power of speech.

  Two hands slid down her legs, caressing them, working her muscles until they found her feet. Lifting her left leg, he massaged the bottom of her foot. She jumped when he sucked on her big toe then skimmed his tongue over the toe, onto the foot and upward. Moving her leg farther to the side, she opened herself to whichever man was between her legs. She bit the inside of her mouth to keep from begging him to taste her.

  A kiss on her neck turned into a nibble on her earlobe. Warm breath tickled her ear as he put his mouth close and whispered, “We’re going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.”

  Her pussy wept at his words, and her breath grew ragged. She opened her mouth to speak then closed it quickly, remembering what Steve had said.

  Two men, each on one leg, ran their palms along her legs up to her thighs. She bucked, trying to get them to pay attention to her pussy. At last one of them did. He pulled her pussy folds apart and spread her wide. She moaned and waited for his mouth, his tongue to touch her.

  “You’ve got the prettiest pink pussy I’ve ever seen.”

  Then eat me, Aiden. Eat me before I go insane with need. She groaned but kept her words to herself.

  He worked his fingers up, massaging the tender skin next to her clit. A small orgasm burst free, sending her juices flowing from her pussy. She yearned to cry out, to shout at him to drink her cream, but didn’t. If she did, they might stop torturing her.

  She felt him settle between her legs and jumped as he blew his breath on her throbbing clit. She couldn’t help but cry out when he pressed his mouth to her pussy and sucked. The noises he made sent new flashes of desire surging through her, and she tried to imagine Aiden’s head between her legs, lapping up her sweet juices. He used his teeth and his tongue on her clit, flicking his tongue over her clit then pressing it flat against her a second before he switched and sucked on her. He tugged at the tender skin, drawing her clit into his mouth then releasing it with an “ah.” Her heart pounded, an echo to the pulse throbbing in her clit.

  A strong thigh touched the top of her head, and she flexed her hands to tug at the restraints so she could touch it. Fingers on her chin turned her head to the side. A thumb touched the seam of her lips, parting them. She inhaled as a penis took the thumb’s place. He rubbed his cock against her lips, teasing her, urging her to draw him inside.

  “Suck on me.”

  She almost didn’t recognize Steve’s voice with the need clouding his tone. She opened her mouth wider and met the tip of his cock with her tongue. She heard his quick intake of air, then a moan as he slipped his cock inside her mouth.

  Trent still played with her right breast, dragging his tongue over the swell of her breast to the hollow between them. He flattened his tongue against her skin and licked her long and slow.

  “Tell me what you think I’m going to do, Celia,” whispered Trent.

  She wiggled her hips back and forth. Aiden scooted his hands under her bottom and lifted her. He sucked her juices harder then buried his face against her pussy.

  “I’m not supposed to talk.”

  Trent squeezed her breast, just enough to hurt but not too much. “I think you know which of us is which just from the sounds we’re making.”

  She smiled, letting her smugness show through. “I do.”

  “Then tell me.”

  “I think you’re going to lick between my breasts more.”

  “And then what?”

  “Then you’re going to climb on top of me and fuck my boobs.”

  “We knew you were a smart girl.” Trent climbed on top, throwing one leg over her chest. His knees pushed against the sides of her chest as he cupped her breasts and fondled them.

  “Don’t forget what you’re doing here.” Steve forced her to turn her face to the side again and pushed his cock into her mouth. “Suck me hard, baby.”

  She sucked him in just as Trent pressed his cock against her chest and cocooned it in between her breasts. Trent rocked back and forth, shoving his cock closer and closer to her face. She drew in Steve’s cock, trying to match Trent’s rhythm.

  Aiden untied her legs then pushed her knees higher, toward her chest. Her knees bumped into Trent’s bottom.

  She wrapped her tongue around Steve’s cock. Aiden increased his attack on her swollen clit then added two fingers to her pussy. She bucked, the sensation of having three men on her at the same time driving her need even higher.

  They were her men and she was their woman. Forever.

  “Aiden. Fuck me.”

  The growl he gave made her pussy ache to hold his cock. He didn’t make her wait long. She could hear him move, the bed shifting under his weight as he put his cock to the entrance of her pussy.

  Trent’s bottom bucked against her abdomen as he thrust his cock between her breasts. If she’d had her hands free, she would’ve crushed her breasts against his cock to hold him tighter. If she’d had her mouth free, she would’ve flicked her tongue over the tip of his cock playing peek-a-boo between her breasts. Instead, she tightened her mouth, keeping Steve’s cock in her mouth.

  Aiden rubbed his cock against her then, with a roar, shoved it into her pussy. She gasped, her hands reaching for him although she knew it was impossible.

  She was tied and blindfolded, but she felt more alive, freer than she’d ever felt in her life. Still, she needed more, had to have more. “Take the blindfold off.”


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