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Training the Help [Hedon Falls 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 10

by Michelle Graham

  He loved the sound of her moans and sighs as he pleasured her. With a smile, he slid down the bed and positioned himself between her thighs. He looked up at her as his mouth closed over her clit. She gasped loudly and he watched her as he licked and nibbled that hard little bundle at the top of her slit. She began to buck her hips against his face and he could feel her pussy quivering around his fingers. He held on, sucking her clit harder and harder, tasting the salty musk of her on his tongue and wanting more. Her cries became louder and her hips moved faster. She gripped the sheets with both of her hands and let out a long cry as she came. He held his tongue still against her until the last of the spasms around his fingers died away.

  He moved back up the bed and kissed her. She sucked eagerly at his tongue, licking her juices off him. He rolled over and pulled her on top of him, sliding his cock easily into her pussy. He gazed up at her as she rode him. He loved the way her large breasts bounced and the way she cried out when he began to play with her clit again. Knowing he could bring her this much pleasure was a heady feeling. When she came again, he couldn’t hold back his own orgasm and with a roar, he shot his load deep inside of her.

  Chapter Ten

  Sophie hummed to herself as she worked on her housework. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so happy. Taking that last step and making love with Jack had brought her pleasures she hadn’t known possible. In addition to his skill with the toys in the playroom, he was a skilled lover and seemed to know exactly how to make her respond. She felt pangs of guilt when she thought of Kendra, but a look from Jack had her panties damp and her pussy ready to go. When they combined the BDSM and the sex, it made both things better. And, though she knew it made her a selfish bitch, she didn’t want to give it up.

  Jack had left yesterday for another trip after an intense session in the playroom, and Sophie was cleaning up the master bedroom, since Kendra was due home later that day. Sophie was glad that she wouldn’t have to face both of them together just yet. Jack had already told Kendra that he was training her, and from what Sophie had heard, the conversation had gone fairly well. But she knew having them both in the same room would make things a little awkward.

  It was grocery day, and if Sophie wanted to have a nice supper ready for Kendra, she needed to do some shopping. Grabbing her keys, she went to the garage and then drove into town. The grocery store wasn’t all that busy and it didn’t take her long to get everything she needed. There wasn’t a lot, and she thought she could manage the four bags on her own, but nearly dropped one when she tried to fish her keys out of her purse.

  “Let me help you with that,” said a familiar voice behind her.

  Sophie froze in place, a chill running down her spine. She turned her head to see Tony standing there. He wore a smile that looked more like a smirk and had an eerie glint in his eye. Without waiting for Sophie to say anything, he stepped closer and reached into her purse.

  “Hey!” Sophie cried. “Get your hands out of there!”

  Tony withdrew his hands and held up the keychain. He pressed the button to unlock the car and open the hatch, then dropped them back into Sophie’s purse. She glared at him and tossed the bags hurriedly in the car, hoping to get away quickly. She slammed the hatch down and turned to go to the driver’s seat, but found Tony blocking her.

  “That’s a nice set of wheels,” he said. “I thought you were broke.”

  “What do you want, Tony?” she asked wearily.

  “I saw your picture in the paper and wanted to congratulate you on finding a millionaire to fuck.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I was flipping through the Sun, and your picture was there. It was at some gallery opening, and you were getting cozy with Jack Sullivan.” He pulled a clipping out of his pocket and showed it to her.

  Sophie snatched it away from him and looked down. It was a picture from the gallery opening, taken as she and Jack looked at the last painting of Garrett’s. He was standing close behind her, his hands on her shoulders and his mouth near her ear. Her eyes widened in shock as she read the short piece below it:

  Trouble in paradise? Jack Sullivan, CEO of Rydell Publishing and husband to movie star Kendra Hughes, was spotted at the opening of the Hynes Gallery in Hedon Falls. The exhibit featured erotic statues, paintings, and photographs. Sullivan and the unknown woman in the picture disappeared from the event quickly after taking in a painting of a BDSM scene created by Garrett Anderson. Sullivan and Anderson are both members of the exclusive Toronto BDSM club, Kink Zone. Is this voluptuous beauty a member as well? She certainly isn’t Kendra Hughes, who is shooting a movie in New Zealand right now. Perhaps this Canadian power couple is headed for trouble.

  Sophie felt sick. Whoever the photographer was had captured the image at the worst possible time. Jack had acted cool and aloof the entire evening, before that one moment. She was speechless.

  “A movie star’s husband? Not bad, Sophie.”

  “He’s my boss, Tony. Not that it’s any business of yours,” Sophie snapped. “Now get out of my way.”

  “Your boss? Huh. I didn’t realize you’d become a whore.”

  Sophie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to stop herself before she said something she’d regret. Tony’s words were ridiculous, but they hit a little too close to home. “Move.”

  “And BDSM, too? If you wanted it rough, baby, I could’ve done that for you.” He reached out and grabbed her wrist, squeezing hard. “I could take you right now. Tie you up somewhere, fuck your brains out. I bet that would make your pussy wet.”

  His hand held her in an iron grip that Sophie knew she had no hope of breaking. He was pulling her closer and panic began to build up inside her. Surely he wasn’t serious. He’d called her several more times over the past few weeks, and she ignored every call. But now he had come all this way to confront her. It was a side of him she’d only begun to glimpse when they’d broken up.

  “Sophie, sweetie! It’s fabulous to see you again!”

  Sophie and Tony both whirled and she exhaled loudly in relief as Tony dropped her wrist. Remy was walking toward her with the man and girl Sophie recognized from the photo at his salon. He came right up to her, threw his arms around her, and squeezed her tightly.

  “You okay?” he whispered in her ear. He pulled back to look at her and she gave a slight shake of her head. Out loud, he said, “I have to introduce you to my husband and my daughter. This is Seamus and Ainsley.” They both gave her a warm smile and a wave. “And who’s this?” Remy looked at Tony with a decidedly unfriendly look on his face.

  Tony regarded Remy and Seamus with a sneer, and said, “Later, Sophie.” He turned and walked away. When he was out of sight, Sophie sagged against the car, trembling.

  “Sophie, are you all right? Who was that guy?” Remy asked urgently.

  “He’s an ex,” Sophie said, shakily. “He just showed up unexpectedly, with this.”

  She held out the clipping. Remy took it and looked at it, his brows drawing together in a frown as he read. “And he believed this stupid nonsense?”

  “He said…he said…” Sophie choked as the tears began to spill down her cheeks.

  Remy hugged her again. “Why don’t you come for coffee and we can talk.”

  “The g–groceries,” she stammered. “I have to take them.”

  Remy squeezed her hand. “You’re in no condition to drive, sweetie. Let me take you back to the house. Seamus and Ainsley can come and get me later.”

  Sophie hesitated for a moment and then nodded. It was amazing how someone she had met only twice could show so much kindness, and the man she had lived with for a year could be such a prick. She dug the keys out of her purse and handed them to Remy. He walked her around to the passenger side of the car, and a few moments later slid behind the wheel. He adjusted the seat to accommodate his long legs, and then carefully maneuvered the car out of the parking lot.

  * * * *

  Tony sat in his car and watched the
fag drive Sophie away. He’d been so close to having her again. He pulled out of the parking spot and followed the blue crossover as it made its way through the town and into the countryside. At least he knew what her car looked like now, and being able to follow it meant he would know where she lived. Maybe this would be better.

  When he saw Sophie’s car turn into a drive, he continued past it until he reached the next driveway, a few hundred yards down the road. Tony pulled in, turned around, and drove back toward the drive where Sophie had pulled off. He stopped the car on the shoulder of the road and looked at the gate. It was iron and seemed sturdy. The rest of the property appeared to have a fence surrounding it, which looked decorative, but Tony knew it would probably have some kind of protection on it. Beside the driveway in front of the gate, he saw a post with a number pad on it. They would have a passcode to get in, but probably a call button for guests or deliveries. And a camera, too, I’ll bet. That would require some planning to get around. But if he could, it would be worth it. Tony was willing to bet that someone as rich and into BDSM as much as Jack Sullivan would have a nicely equipped dungeon.

  As Tony pictured Sophie tied up and waiting for him to fill her cunt, his cock stiffened. He couldn’t wait to give it to her the way Sullivan did. His gut boiled with rage when he thought about the other man touching his woman. He’d show them both what he thought about that.

  * * * *

  Remy didn’t say much as they drove, for which Sophie was grateful. It gave her a chance to compose herself and gather her thoughts. She didn’t know how Tony had managed to find her, even knowing she might be in Hedon Falls. The way he was acting now was so different from the way he’d been when they were together, or even after they broke up. He may have been annoying, but he had certainly never scared her this way before.

  Remy pulled up to the main gate of the house. He stopped beside the keypad and Sophie told him the code. He had been to the house before, and he didn’t seem the kind of person to misuse the information. After the gate swung open, they drove up to the house and Sophie directed him into the garage. She unlocked the door and Remy helped her carry the groceries into the kitchen. Sophie set them down and then went to the alarm pad to reset the alarm.

  “Why do you have to reset it?” Remy asked as he began unpacking one of the bags.

  “Anytime the door opens, we have to reset it. If I don’t do it within a few minutes, the security company and the cops come running,” Sophie said. “It’s a mistake you only make once.” She smiled as Remy laughed.

  The two of them quickly got all the groceries put away and then Remy shooed her to the table while he made two cups of tea. After he handed one to her, he took the seat opposite her. “Now spill it, sweetie. What’s the deal with the ex?”

  Sophie sighed. “I don’t know what his problem is. He’s never acted this way before. He said if I liked it rough, he could take me and tie me up, and…”

  “Ah,” Remy said. “I’m glad we came along when we did.”

  “I don’t think he would have actually followed through,” Sophie said. “Tony’s always been full of bluster, but little substance.”

  “Still, it’s better not to find out. Stupid paparazzi. They must have thought Kendra would be at the opening,” he said. “One innocent picture and the rumors start, and then the town turns into a madhouse. As if Jack would cheat on his wife!” Remy laughed.

  Sophie lowered her eyes and took a sip of her tea. When she looked back up, Remy was looking at her, the amusement gone from his face. “Oh. My. God. You are sleeping with him, aren’t you?”

  She opened her mouth to deny the accusation, but couldn’t make the words come out. Instead she slumped in her chair and brought her hands to her face. “I’m an awful person, Remy.”

  He brought his chair around the table and put an arm over her shoulders. “You’re not an awful person, Sophie. But I’m not going to lie and tell you that sleeping with a married man is okay.”

  “I know, Remy, I know. I just can’t seem to control myself around him.” Before she knew it, she was spilling the entire story to him. He was a great listener. He didn’t interrupt or judge. Sophie realized that she really didn’t have anyone else she could talk to about her situation. She’d never had many close friends in Toronto, and since moving up here, she had no one.

  When Sophie had finished telling Remy everything, he hugged her again. “I know how hard it is to resist someone who gets your motor revving like that. Someday I’ll tell you about how Seamus and I met! But you’ve got to stop it, sweetheart, because it won’t end well.”

  “I know. I just have to figure out how.”

  “Sophie! I’m home!” yelled a voice from the main foyer.

  Sophie looked at Remy guiltily. Kendra was back.

  * * * *

  Sophie and Remy went out to the foyer to greet the movie star. To her surprise, Kendra pulled her into a warm hug and kissed her cheek. Sophie felt a rush of warmth traveling out from the spot where Kendra’s lips had brushed her skin.

  “I’m so glad to be home!” she exclaimed, her arms still around Sophie. “I missed you!”

  Sophie forced a laugh. “It must be hard to be gone for so long.”

  “You have no idea,” Kendra replied as she looked into Sophie’s eyes for a moment. Then she released her and turned to Remy, who was eyeing them with suspicion. She gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek as well. “Remy, darling, it’s lovely to see you. What brings you here?”

  As the three of them walked into the kitchen, Remy said, “I was walking near the grocery store with Seamus and Ainsley when we saw this guy with Sophie and she didn’t look particularly happy. So we stopped and he took off, but Sophie was upset and in no condition to drive. I brought her home and we’ve been chatting.” He and Sophie glanced at each other as they reached the kitchen and Sophie blushed slightly.

  Kendra stopped and took Sophie by the shoulders. “Are you okay? Who was it?”

  “It was my ex acting like a jerk.”

  Kendra frowned. “What was he doing here?”

  Sophie looked at Remy again. “He saw me and Jack in a picture in the paper and came to call me a whore.”

  “What?” Kendra cried. “Where’s this picture?”

  Reluctantly, Sophie picked the clipping up off the table and handed it to her. She read it for a minute and then burst out laughing. “You gotta love the media. They can twist anything around! I’m surprised the press at the airport didn’t say anything about it. They’re usually quick to point out when there’s a suspected affair going on.” She looked up at Sophie. “But I’m more concerned about this ex. Did he threaten you?”

  “In a manner of speaking,” Sophie mumbled. “But I don’t think he was serious. Just being a jerk.”

  Kendra pulled Sophie into her arms again and stroked her back. “Thank goodness Remy was there. I would have felt terrible if anything had happened.”

  Sophie relaxed into Kendra’s arms, enjoying the soft floral scent of her perfume, and the warmth of her arms.

  “Well, ladies, I’d love to stay, but I should call Seamus and Ainsley to come pick me up,” Remy said.

  “No!” Kendra said, jumping away from Sophie and pulling her phone out of her pocket. She tapped a button and then raised the phone to her ear. She spoke into it for a moment and then hung up. “My car wasn’t even to the end of the drive. They’re coming back to pick you up.”

  Remy grinned. “Ooh! Riding in style! Thanks, hon!” He hugged her.

  “I’ll get supper ready,” Sophie said, after she hugged Remy and thanked him.

  “Call whenever you need to, sweetie,” he said.

  Sophie nodded and began to busy herself in the kitchen as Kendra walked Remy to the door. A few minutes later, Kendra returned and the two women settled in for dinner.

  As they ate, Kendra told Sophie all about her film shoot. New Zealand was beautiful and the weather had been perfect. Sophie loved the pictures that Kendra showed her on the i
Pad. As Sophie cleared the table after dinner, Kendra said, “So how is the training going with Jack?”

  Sophie hesitated for a moment before she responded. “It’s going well, I guess. It’s all very new to me, but I am having fun.” She could feel her ears burning as the blood rushed into her face.

  “Jack certainly seems happy about it,” Kendra said. “It’s good for him. He wasn’t getting to the club much anymore. The reporters tended to hang around a lot. And I just can’t get into a lot of the impact or bondage. Did he get you off every time?”

  Sophie wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. She couldn’t believe that the wife of the man she was fucking had just asked that. Kendra’s laugh rang lightly through the room.

  “Oh, he must have!” she squealed. “You’re the color of a lobster right now!” Kendra walked over to her and touched her arm. “Don’t be embarrassed. Lots of women enjoy my husband’s training.”

  Sophie just didn’t know what to say. She looked up at Kendra, guilt flooding through her as she remembered the moments with Jack that went well beyond the limits of training. The other woman’s touch was light on Sophie’s arm and she felt tingly where the fingers made contact with her bare skin.

  “Tell me about it,” Kendra said. She ran her finger up and down Sophie’s arm, causing a tight feeling in her stomach and her nipples hardened. “I want to know everything.”

  Sophie sincerely doubted that Kendra wanted to know everything. But she decided that not saying anything would only cause the pretty actress to pester her more. “Well, it started because of those books up in your room,” Sophie said as she lowered her eyes.


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