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Training the Help [Hedon Falls 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 13

by Michelle Graham

  “I love cock as much as the next girl,” she said. “But there’s something about being with a woman that’s just so much better.”

  Sophie kissed her again and said, “Based on this one experience, I’d have to agree. It was amazing.”

  They lay cuddled together for a while longer, every now and then kissing one another again. Sophie relaxed against Kendra’s soft body. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm embrace.

  “We should get up before Jack gets home,” Kendra said after a while.

  “Oh, shit,” Sophie said as the full impact of what they’d done hit her. “Kendra, I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have done this! You’re married!” But as Sophie heard the words come out of her mouth, she told herself what a filthy hypocrite she was. First she had slept with Jack, and now Kendra. Both spouses were cheating on each other—with her.

  “Sophie, it’s okay,” Kendra replied. “It’s not quite the same thing with another woman. You give me something I literally cannot get from him. Just like you being our sub is something neither one of us can give the other. Please, don’t feel guilty.” She pressed her lips to Sophie’s again. “But don’t tell him, either. I don’t know how well he’d handle it. He thinks it’s okay if I’m going to be your Domme. But I’m not sure what he’d think of the two of us sleeping together.”

  Sophie stared at her and could only nod her head. They got up and retrieved their clothes from the playroom, and Kendra closed the door. Sophie stripped the sheets off the bed and tossed them in the basket. Kendra helped her put the new sheets on. Then they went down to the kitchen, and after Sophie placed the sheets in the wash, Kendra began working with her to prepare supper. Jack came home shortly after that and as the three of them sat down to dinner, Sophie realized just how awkward this was going to be. She tried to avoid both of their gazes and instead focused on her plate. Jack and Kendra didn’t really say much to each other and it felt to Sophie as if they were all trying to avoid each other. She was glad when the meal ended and she had the excuse of clearing the table.

  “Sophie, come here,” Jack said to her sternly.

  Sophie inhaled sharply and hesitated. She didn’t know what he was getting at, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to play along right now.

  “Come here, now, Sophie, or I’ll whip that ass of yours until it’s black and blue!”

  Sophie shuffled over to him with her head down. She was afraid if she looked into his eyes he would see the evidence of her guilty conscience. “Yes, Sir?”

  He stood in front of her and took her head between his hands, forcing her to look up at him. Sophie’s heart pounded in terror and she felt like she couldn’t breathe. He studied her for a moment, a frown creasing his brow. “I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he said, more gently than she expected. “But when I give you an order, I expect to be obeyed immediately.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I want to show Kendra how to use some of the equipment upstairs,” he told her. “I think it’s great that she has a chance to explore her dominant side. But she’s afraid of hurting you.”

  “I…well…um…yes, Sir,” Sophie stammered.

  “I’ll meet you upstairs, Jack,” Kendra said from behind them. Sophie started. She’d completely forgotten that the other woman was even in the room.

  “We’ll be up in a minute,” Jack called after her and then returned his gaze to Sophie. He studied her for a moment. “Are you nervous about having both of us there?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He bent his head down and kissed her tenderly. “Well, I won’t have a chance to finish you the way I’d like to,” he murmured. “But it’ll be fine.”

  As he pressed his lips to hers again, Sophie’s head felt once again as though it was reeling. Too many emotions were fighting for space in her mind, all of them being shouted down by the overwhelming lust that took hold of her when Jack kissed her. And knowing now that she was in love with him didn’t help matters any. So when he took her hand and began to guide her upstairs, she went willingly.

  * * * *

  Sophie lay on her side in the bed, trying to get comfortable. Her ass hurt too much lie on her back, and tonight, Jack and Kendra had taken turns using the flogger on her chest as well. Having them both there, dominating her, had made Sophie wetter than she’d ever been during a lesson. But when Jack had pressed Kendra up against the wall and ordered Sophie downstairs, she’d been incredibly hurt. They hadn’t finished her off and seemed to be more concerned with each other. She had managed to hold off the tears until she made it to the safety of her room, but then she’d let them flow freely. God, she was getting sappy! It seemed the tears brimmed below the surface all the time. Of course with both of them home, Jack and Kendra would be more interested in each other than they were in her.

  She couldn’t sleep as the thoughts kept racing through her head. And so she heard clearly when her bedroom door clicked open. A tiny amount of light shone in from the moon outside, but it wasn’t enough for Sophie to see. “Hello?” she whispered.

  She heard steps across the floor and a muffled oath when the figure bumped into the bed. Sophie would recognize the voice anywhere. “Jack?” she said.

  He slipped into bed beside her and before Sophie could ask what was going on, he had pulled her roughly to him and crushed his mouth against hers. Once again, Sophie’s passion for him overwhelmed all other rational thought, and she returned his kiss with abandon. His hands roamed over her body, but focused between her legs where he began to rapidly rub her clit. She gasped out loud.

  “I’m sorry you didn’t come earlier,” he said. “I just couldn’t do it with Kendra there, but I’ll take care of you now.” His fingers teased her clit faster and faster. It was as though he were trying to beat some imaginary clock.

  It wasn’t long at all before an orgasm ripped through her and she cried out. Jack smothered her mouth with his own again and rolled her on her back. Her ass hurt, but she didn’t care, because the man she loved was pushing his cock into her. When he was buried inside of her, he held still for a moment, his breath ragged against her neck.

  “You feel so good,” he murmured as he began to move within her. “God, Sophie, what have you done to me? I want you so badly!”

  Sophie thrust her hips up to meet him. He was moving faster now and moaning her name over and over again. Emotions welled up inside of her again, and she gasped his name back at him. When she came, she triggered his release and he kissed her once more as they climaxed together. He collapsed beside her, his body still shuddering. He pulled Sophie into the circle of his arms and cuddled her.

  He nuzzled her neck and ear. “Sophie, my beautiful Sophie,” he murmured. “I love you.”

  The last was uttered so quietly that at first Sophie thought she had imagined it, but when he said it again, hope blossomed in her chest and she turned toward him. To her astonishment, he burrowed his head against her shoulder and began to cry. Stunned, Sophie could only stroke his hair softly as she held him close. Her big, strong, self-assured Dom was crying.

  “What’s wrong, Jack?” she asked softly.

  He sniffled quietly before answering. “I love you, that’s what’s wrong. How can I love you when I love my wife? How can I make love to her, and still be desperate to come down here to make love with you? I just don’t understand!” He kissed her roughly. “Sophie, do you love me? I swear, sometimes, I see it in your eyes, but then…” He trailed off.

  “Yes, Jack. I love you,” she whispered. And then they were kissing again and crying together.

  “What the hell are we going to do?” he asked her.

  “I wish I knew,” Sophie replied.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Remy, you’re such a tease!” Kendra said with a giggle as she walked into the kitchen. Sophie looked over to see her with a phone pressed to her ear. “You know if you weren’t married, I’d be all over you,” she said. She paused for a moment and then laughed at something he said. “Seriously, though, I need
you to come out here on New Year’s Eve and do me and Sophie together.” More giggling ensued.

  Sophie rolled her eyes and returned her attention to the grocery list she was making. She hadn’t been to the store in a while and the fridge was getting low on supplies. She added a few more items before closing the fridge door and moving to the pantry. She heard Kendra say good-bye to Remy and go to the fridge.

  “We’re out of blueberries?” she said. “Shit.”

  “I know, I’m sorry,” Sophie said. “I meant to get out a couple days ago and I just haven’t had a chance.”

  Kendra walked over and slid her arms around Sophie’s waist. “We’ve been keeping you occupied.” She ran her tongue around the outer curve of Sophie’s ear, making Sophie shiver. Kendra’s lips planted little kisses down the side of Sophie’s neck as her hands moved up to cup her breasts.

  “Kendra,” Sophie began.

  Kendra sighed and stepped away. “You have work to do, I know. And if I don’t want to starve, I’ll let you do it.”

  Sophie smiled. “Something like that.”

  “Can I come shopping with you?” Kendra asked. “There are a couple places I want to stop at.”

  “Sure,” Sophie replied. “I’m going to be ready to go in about fifteen minutes.”

  “Great,” Kendra replied. “I’ll go grab my disguise.” She kissed Sophie and then bounded off toward the front hall.

  Sophie watched her go, amazed at the energy she had. Kendra was only thirty-three, certainly not old, but even though Sophie was ten years younger, she didn’t think she’d ever had that much energy. She finished her list and grabbed her purse from her room. Kendra met her at the garage door a moment later with her red hair and green eyes. They went out and got into Sophie’s car.

  “So what’s happening on New Year’s Eve?” Sophie asked Kendra.

  “There’s a big party at the art gallery,” Kendra said. “Apparently the owner is unveiling a new piece of art at midnight. And I can go to this one. I was disappointed that I couldn’t go to the opening. Jack said it was really good. I don’t know where we’re going to put all the art he bought. Well, some of it goes in the playroom, of course.” She giggled.

  “Why do you need Remy to come for me, too?” Sophie asked, puzzled.

  “Because you’re going to come with us, silly,” Kendra replied.

  Sophie blinked in surprise. “With both of you? I’ll be the third wheel!”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Kendra said. “It will be fine. Besides, it’ll give the town something to talk about.”

  Sophie wasn’t sure she wanted to be the topic of town gossip, either, but she didn’t say that to Kendra. Instead, she asked where else Kendra wanted to go.

  “We have to go get you a dress, of course,” she said.

  “But I already have the other one!”

  “You can’t wear the same dress to another function in the same place, especially when it’s only a month later!” Sophie opened her mouth to argue, but Kendra cut her off. “No arguments, sub. You’ll get a new dress if I say so.”

  Sophie couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, Mistress.”

  The two of them burst out laughing. At the dress shop again, Sophie let Kendra do all the choosing, and when it came time to try them on, she walked right into the dressing room with Sophie. As soon as Sophie closed the door, Kendra was pressed up against her, kissing her passionately.

  “Remember the first time we came in here?” she whispered huskily to Sophie. Sophie nodded and Kendra began pulling at Sophie’s clothing. She stripped her down to her underwear, and then pulled her bra off. This time, when Sophie’s nipples hardened, Kendra bent down and swirled her tongue around each of them. The wet warmth of her mouth felt so good, and Sophie tried very hard to keep quiet, but Kendra’s tongue was capable of amazing things.

  They jumped when there was a knock on the door. “How are the dresses? Can I get you another size in something?”

  Kendra and Sophie broke apart and Kendra called back, “We’re doing fine. We’ll let you know in a minute.”

  They giggled softly as Kendra turned to take one of the dresses off the hanger. This time, they chose a sapphire-blue satin sheath, which Kendra swore looked amazing on Sophie. They paid for the dress and made arrangements for the alterations and then left the mall. Kendra directed Sophie to the end of the main street, where they parked in a small lot beside Carol’s Café. Sophie thought they would get a coffee, but instead, Kendra took her hand and dragged her across the street. When Sophie saw where they were headed, she hung back.

  “Kendra, I really don’t think we should go in there.”

  “Why not? Everybody has sex. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, there are a couple of toys I want to get.”

  Sophie’s face felt hot as they entered The Hedonist’s Haven, the lone adult store in Hedon Falls. She had never been in one before and she gaped at the rows of porn movies, and the racks of sex toys and novelties. Kendra seemed to have no problem roaming the aisles and debating the merits of one toy over another. Then again, she didn’t have to worry about people knowing who she really was. Sophie kept quiet and tried to stay as invisible as possible.

  “What do you think about this?” Kendra said, holding up a box.

  Sophie looked at the picture of the woman who was wearing some kind of leather harness with a large dildo protruding from it, just like a penis. “What the hell is that?” Sophie asked.

  “It’s a strap-on,” Kendra replied. “So that a woman can do the fucking as well as getting fucked.” She lowered her voice and leaned closer. Her warm breath caressed Sophie’s ear as she said, “I want to put this on and fuck that sweet pussy of yours.”

  Sophie’s cheeks heated up again and her pussy perked up at the idea. “Okay,” was all she could manage.

  Kendra grinned and tossed the box into a basket she was carrying. She picked up a double-ended dildo, and with a wicked grin, added it to the strap-on. Then she showed Sophie a vibrator that rotated and had a clitoral stimulator. “That’s as close to the Sybian as you can get,” she said. “It’s great if you’re traveling, or if you want to use the Sybian but Jack’s upstairs or something. What color do you want?”

  “It’s for me?” Sophie asked. When Kendra nodded, she said, “Why does it matter what color it is? I won’t be looking at it.”

  Kendra laughed and grabbed a red one. She added a few bottles of lube and a special cleaning solution for sex toys and then they went to the counter. Sophie tried to look anywhere but at the cashier as the woman rang their purchases up. Luckily, all the products were placed into a black plastic bag, so no one would be able to tell what was in them. They headed to the grocery store and then back to the house. After they had put the groceries away, Kendra picked up the black plastic bag and pulled Sophie into her bedroom. She kissed her softly, and Sophie could feel the desire coursing through her again.

  “Kendra, we shouldn’t—” But Kendra cut her off by pushing her tongue in between Sophie’s lips. Her hands slid under Sophie’s shirt and bra and began to pinch and roll her nipples. Sophie moaned into her mouth. She knew she should pull away, but as one of Kendra’s hands slipped into Sophie’s pants and began stroking her clit, all of Sophie’s willpower melted away. They made short work of each other’s clothes and tumbled to the bed, their hands and mouths traveling over one another’s bodies. Sophie nipped at Kendra’s breasts while the blonde began to take the toys out of the bag. She pulled away from Sophie and took the toys to the bathroom to wash them. When she returned, she held the double dildo up.

  “I want to try this one first,” she said.

  Sophie nodded. They sat with their legs spread and facing each other. Kendra pushed two fingers into Sophie’s cunt and stroked her for a minute. “You’re really wet,” she said as she withdrew them. “I don’t think we’ll need the lube.” Sophie whimpered slightly as she watched Kendra lick her fingers clean before she slid one end of the dildo into Sophie’s pussy. S
ophie moaned as the hard toy filled her up. It was even bigger than the Sybian. Then Kendra scooted her ass closer to Sophie, arranging her legs over top, and slid the other end into her own pussy. Sophie stared as the large phallus disappeared into her lover’s cunt. She looked down as Kendra began to move back and forth, forcing the dildo in and out of Sophie.

  “Oh, my God!” Sophie cried, throwing her head back and moving her own hips. The two of them thrust together again and again building up a nice rhythm. “Fuck, that feels good!”

  “Play with your clit,” Kendra said forcefully.

  Sophie reached between her legs and began to rub her hard little nub and watched as the dildo slid in and out of their pussies. The combined pleasures of the dildo inside her, her fingers on her clit, and watching the toy plunging into them, drove Sophie to an intense orgasm. Kendra followed her soon after, and they fell back, the dildo still lodged inside of them. They didn’t stay that way for long, however, before Kendra pulled the toy away. She stood up and slid the strap-on over her legs and ass. Sophie looked at her standing there, holding the dildo in her hand as though she were a man with a cock and couldn’t help being turned on by the sight.

  “Suck my cock, sub,” Kendra ordered as she grabbed Sophie’s hair and pushed her mouth onto the dildo. Sophie eagerly sucked on it and swirled her tongue around it, noticing the vibrations that ran through it. She lifted her head to look at Kendra.

  “Is it vibrating against you, too?” she asked.

  “Oh, yeah,” Kendra replied with a smile. “Now get on your hands and knees.”

  Sophie did as she was told and felt Kendra move up behind her. She slid the large dildo into Sophie’s wet pussy and Sophie moaned with pleasure as Kendra began to fuck her with it. It wasn’t the same as an actual dick, but it felt great. And knowing that it was a woman doing this to her made Sophie incredibly hot. She glanced back over her shoulder to watch and saw Kendra pick up a bottle from beside her on the bed. She couldn’t turn her head far enough to see what she was doing, but gasped when she felt something cold against her anus.


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