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Reverend Cash: Let Us Prey

Page 13

by Sa'id Salaam

  “You think you betta than me, huh?” he asked as he shoved himself inside of her.

  “Mphmmph!” AnJanay scream came out muffled by the hand he still held over her mouth. Tears now streamed down her face and his hand as he tore pass her hymen and robbed her of her virginity.

  “You… ’bout… as tight… as… Carl was!” Billy relayed as he violently raped her. There was no consolation for it ending quickly since he’d cum inside of her.

  All AnJanay could think about was the shame a girl from her church had endured when she’d popped up pregnant as Billy’s dick pulsated and pumped his semen inside of her. He grinded on her cervix until he was done and then snatched out just as forcefully as he’d entered her.

  “You ain’t better than me! Or Lady or Mary!” Billy shouted as he got up and pulled his pants up. He saw the blood on his penis and blamed her for that too. “Done had yo’ period!”

  AnJanay was wide eyed with shock at being raped. She could only blame herself for sneaking away with him. How could she explain that? She couldn’t. She wouldn’t. In that moment she decided not to say anything. She wiped the semen from her ravaged vagina, with what was left of her panties before tossing them on the floor board. She then pulled the mirror down and tried to fix herself up as best as she could. The two drove in silence until Billy finally broke it.

  “You still want that ice-cream or nah?”


  “There he go!” Shawna announced when she saw Byron’s car pull onto the block. She led the charge to go break him off with his trap money. “Where Byron at?”

  Billy just shook his head as the girl looked into the backseat, as if her pimp was playing hide and see. He knew that it was more serious than that, and that she’d need a shovel to find him now. Leroy paid the same man he’d paid to dig the hole to fill it back up with Byron still in it.

  “Byron gone. Y’all work for Dollar Bill now!” he said in a ‘Bitch betta have my money’ voice. He already knew the routine so he broke them all off with a small package of dope when they turned their money in.

  The lamentation period is short in the wild and even shorter in the hood. Billy shrugged off a lifetime of friendship with Byron and proceeded to assume his position. Billy fired up a stick of reefer and went around town to make his rounds.

  The black hearted youngster scoffed at the ‘you ain’t shit’ looks he got from the distributor. By now they’d all heard the news and knew he was to blame. Every envelope he picked up was taped shut now and the tally called in prior to its pick-up.

  Billy arrived at the bar and parked out front behind Leroy’s new car. He then walked inside and made his way over to Leroy’s booth. Halfway there he saw another girl seated between the pimp and Mandy. Upon closer inspection he noticed that it was the young girl that Byron had pulled. She was in a deep nod due to her brand new drug habit.

  “Lil’ bitch got the tightest pussy in the world! You gotta take it fo’ a spin!” Leroy exclaimed when he saw Dollar Bill locked in on her face. Even covered in colorful whore make-up she still looked like the child that she was.

  “I might just have to,” Billy nodded in agreement with the sick suggestion. Mandy tried to lift her head to say hello but the heroin in her system made it too heavy. He watched the pimp give the envelopes of money a squeeze before putting them in his pocket.

  “Ain’t no might! Go on. She’s yours,” Leroy announced. “She ain’t ready for the track yet, so just keep her on yo’ arm and rent her out.”

  “Okay. I guess, I better go on and get home. Gots some stuff to do in the mornin’” he said as he helped his new whore to her feet.

  “Where?” he asked surprising him with the question. Billy was so surprised that he didn’t even have time to come up with a lie so the truth seeped out.

  “I’m goin’ to church.”

  Chapter 31

  “How you feeling, Mama? You gon’ be okay?” Billy asked Lady once more as he helped her into his car. The last thing he needed was for that monkey on her back to get to squealing in the middle of service. He’d diluted her morning fix because he didn’t want to have her nodding in church either.

  “Lady gon’ be just fine up in the Lawd’s house! Yes she is!” she shot back tilting her head proudly. She was right too because the thought of church had breathed new life into the woman. She’d been too embarrassed to go there on her own after her son went to jail, but today she was ready.

  Billy felt like a big shot as he pulled into the church’s parking lot. He parked next to Tommy’s old car just as he got out with his wife and kids. Lady took Billy by the arm and stepped proudly inside. The piano player missed a note when he saw them marching down the aisle.

  Pastor Paul was going in so he was the last person to notice their return. It wasn’t until the congregation missed an ‘Amen’ that the preacher realized that something was going on. He had just said some extra fly shit and expected a room full of ‘Amens’ followed by a couple of ‘Hallelujahs’ and got none. He looked up just in time to see what had everyone so distracted.

  “Well, well, well! The prodigal son has returned!” he announced. The congregation got completely quiet as they watched him approach. Mrs. Paul squeezed her thighs tightly together as she recalled the last time she’d seen him.

  There was a tense moment as the two men stood face to face. A sigh of relief was breathed by all when Pastor threw his arms open wide and Billy stepped forward and took him up on the hug.

  “Good to see you again,” Pastor Paul whispered as he pressed his body against Billy’s. Billy flinched when he felt Pastor’s erection throb against his leg.

  “I see you missed me,” Billy whispered back. The perverted preacher totally missed the malice in his tone.

  “Sorry it had to go down like that, but I had to learn you a lesson.”

  “I learned. I learned,” he replied.

  A slow clap began from the touching reunion. It built hand by hand until it became a thunderous applause.

  “Preach, Reverend Cash!” a woman yelled. The request was quickly repeated throughout the church.

  “Take yo’ time!” Lady’s one time friend stood and shouted.

  “You ready?” Pastor asked as he passed the mic.

  “Blessed are the peacemakers…” Billy shouted in response. He’d had to pause for several minutes for the hooping and hollering to subside. Then he launched into his famous sermon as the collection plates were filled.

  Reverend Cash rocked the mic and he rocked the full house for an hour. It then took just as long for him to greet and hug all the parishioners once the service was over. Lady stood by watching her son with a wide smile pasted on her face. Not even heroin could give her the kind of high she got from watching her son preach.

  “S’pose you ‘pectin’ a cut from that last plate, huh? I don’t mind long as I get what I like as well,” Pastor Paul said discretely through his smile. “Come on out to the house and I—”

  “I ain’t never comin’ out to yo’ house again,” Billy replied.

  “Okay. Well, meet me out at the Dew Drop Inn on Route 109. Nine o’clock,” the preacher offered, licking his lips.

  “That way I can have you all to myself,” Billy said with a dangerous glint in his eyes. Again the thirsty ass preacher missed the signs.

  “Great sermon!” Mrs. Paul clapped as she approached. She too leaned in and got a hug. Just like her husband, she pressed her hot crotch up against him.

  “Dear, I got some preaching and pastoring to do tonight,” Pastor told his wife. Before she could reply one of the deacons came over and pulled him to the side.

  “I guess you the pastoring he got to do tonight?” she quipped sarcastically.

  “No, Ma’am. Matter of fact, since he gon’ be out I may as well be in, deep in you,” Billy said seductively. Now he had two dates since she couldn’t say no.


  “Billy! Is that you?” Carlita shouted when he and Lady entered The Rib Shack. However, befor
e he could answer she’d ran over and slammed into him.

  “Ugh, hey,” he grunted from the pressure of the violent hug. Lady just laughed and shook her head.

  “Ain’t no more Billy. That’s Reverend Cash!” Lady proclaimed. “That means he out that other business.”

  “You are?” the waitress asked pouting. She just knew that she was getting some action tonight.

  “That’s right. I’m just preaching,” he replied, leaving out the pimping and dealing that he was also doing. Carlita lowered her head and led them to their table.

  “I guess, I better order a to go plate for Kita,” Billy mused.

  “Boy, what you plan on doin’ wit’ that chile?” Lady wanted to know.

  “She got put out so we gon’ have to put her up for a minute,” was his reply. What he meant was ‘Mama I’m finna pimp that lil’ bitch for all she’s worth.

  “I guess. I… oh… I,” Lady said turning green. A sheen of sweat appeared on her forehead and Billy knew what time it was.

  “Guess we better make that three to go plates,” Billy said, raising his hand to get Carlita’s attention. It was all they could do to wait for the plates to get fixed. The light hit she’d had to start the day meant the withdrawals came with a vengeance. They were mad at her for playing with them.


  Billy got home and had two addicts to deal with. Kita was soaked in sweat and curled up in a tight ball on the floor. The coolness of the wood floor offered some relief but she needed a hit and bad. She would have to wait because mama always comes first even when it comes to shooting dope.

  “Thank you, baby!” Lady cooed and swayed as the drug entered her system. Billy left his mama rocking to the rhythm of the dope and then walked into his room to service Kita.

  “I’m sick,” the child moaned. She was too naïve to realize she was hooked on dope. All she knew was that a shot would make the pain go away.

  “First things first,” Billy replied as he came out of his church clothes. Kita stared on curiously wondering what he meant. It became crystal clear when his dick swung free.

  Billy sat back on his bed and held his dick out for the girl to suck. She couldn’t stand so she crawled over to get it and put it in her mouth. Billy had to help her to her knees before he pushed between her dry lips.

  “Argh,” Kita gagged as she bit off more than she could chew. Billy got a kick out of watching her gagging and thrust upwards to make her gag again. She did just that and more.

  “Damn you!” Billy shouted as she threw up all over him. He felt the clear warm liquid cover both his dick and balls.

  “I’m… s–s–sick,” the girl repeated pitifully. “I need some of that stuff.”

  “You need to clean this up first,” he shot back. She turned to get a rag but he stopped her. “Un uh. Lick it off!”

  All Kita could do as she complied was think about all the warnings her grandma had given her. She’d sworn that the old lady was too strict, but listening to her would’ve kept her from having to lick vomit off of a man’s balls. The young girl had changed hands between three men in just three days. Suddenly everything the old lady had said made sense, but it was too late now. And she still had plenty more degradation to go before she hit rock bottom. All junkies do, some bounce back while others shatter and break.

  “Mm, that’s right,” Billy moaned when Kita finally got back around to the giving him a blow job. The sick youngster multi-tasked by grabbing a rib out of his tray and taking a bite while she serviced him. Kita looked up and added BBQ to the list of things she wanted.

  The blow job ended in the way that a lot of blow jobs ended. Kita swallowed while Billy finally fixed her up a shot. She nodded off instantly when the good dope hit her system. Billy still ran up in her to see if it was as good and tight as both Byron and Leroy had said.

  “Shit!” Billy grunted a few strokes later because it was just as good and tight as they’d said it was. Greed convinced him that she was worth a million dollars on the track. He was right but Leroy was right too, she wasn’t ready.

  Chapter 32

  “Are you sure?” Shonda shrieked when Billy gave her instructions to school the new girl. Shonda was a vet at selling pussy on the street and she knew that the girl wouldn’t last a second out there. Not only were some of the Johns dangerous freaks but there were also predatory pimps out there who preyed on young girls like Kita if they weren’t on a leash with a pimp on the other end.

  “Bitch!” Dollar Bill shouted like a pimp does, “Who the pimp, me or you? Huh?”

  “You is,” Shonda said meekly and lowered her head. Kita got out and looked around wide eyed, like a tourist in Time Square. Shonda twisted her lips and just shook her head. Babysitting this chick was going to cost her tricks.

  “Good!” Billy told Shonda and drove straight from there over to see her mama. He parked a block away and walked the rest of the way over and rang the bell.

  “That was a powerful sermon you gave,” Shonda’s mama said as she opened the door to let him in.

  “Why, thank you,” he smiled as they undressed for sex. He knew he had to put on to help his plan so that’s exactly what he did. In fact he laid the pipe so good that the woman would’ve given him a kidney had he asked for one. Luckily for her he only asked to use her car.

  “O–o–o–k–kay!” she stuttered from busting a nut so hard her legs were still shaking when he pulled out of her driveway.

  Billy had done a lifetime of fuck shit in his short lifetime, but tonight would be a first. His mind was blank as he drove along Route 109. It took a second before the flashing motel sign appeared. He pulled into its parking lot and parked next to Pastor Paul’s Caddie. The eager preacher was watching from the window and had seen Billy when he pulled in. He flashed the room’s lights to alert him of which room he was in.

  The pastor doubled checked himself in the mirror as Billy approached the room. He watched him talking to himself as he walked over. When Billy raised his hand to knock Pastor snatched open the door.

  “Surprise!” Pastor Paul shouted. He was right too because Billy was definitely surprised. He was so surprised that he was frozen in place. He knew that Pastor was a freak but this was extra freaky. “You like?”

  Billy blinked rapidly trying to make sense out of what he was seeing. However, there was no making sense out of a six foot two inch man in six inch heels, a negligee, wig, full face of make-up with a feather boa around his neck.

  “Um…” Billy stammered until he remembered the gun in his hand. He lifted it halfway and fired a round into the man’s belly button.

  “Nigga, did you just shoot me?” Pastor Paul growled, sounding every bit like the man that he was. That hot lead in his gut had changed his tone real quick. He raised his hands and went after Billy. Billy wasn’t expecting it and almost ran. Almost, until he remembered the gun once more.

  This time he raised it higher and fired it at his lipstick. Pastor Paul dropped dead and Billy leaned in to get a closer look. It wasn’t until he heard a door open that he snapped out of it. He then quickly made it back to the car and pulled back out onto Route 109. He drove swiftly to put distance between him and the murder scene. Besides, he had a hot date.


  “Right on time!” Mrs. Paul said as she opened her front door. She hurriedly snatched Billy by his lapel and pulled him inside. He tried to say something but she took his open mouth as an invitation and shoved her tongue inside.

  The horny woman couldn’t wait to get to the room so she scrambled to get his pants off where he stood. Once she did she hopped up into his arms. Billy caught on and got into the act by reaching down and guiding himself inside of her slippery vagina.

  “Shit!” he grunted when she began bucking hard against him. She came after just a few strokes then kept cumming after every few strokes.

  “That was just the warm up. Let me get you in the bed,” she said as he let her down. She wobbled slightly on legs rubbery from having several good orgasm

  “Whoa!” Billy said as he caught her from falling. “What about Pastor?”

  “Chile please! That man took a pair of my panties with him so I know he won’t be home no time soon!” she huffed indignantly. She then tossed her head back and led the march into Pastor and her bedroom.

  Billy was pounding in and out of the Pastor’s wife so hard that neither of them heard the knocking on the front door. The knocking sounded pretty much like the headboard did as it banged against the wall. Billy heard it first and slowed his stroke so that she could hear it too.

  “Why you… who the fuck?” she said when she heard the knocking as well. “Ignore it! They’ll go away.”

  “You better see who it is,” Billy said as he pulled out giving her no choice.

  “Ugh!” she shouted and got out of the bed. After snatching her robe around her nakedness she stomped towards the front of the house. She arrived just as the knocking resumed. She snatched open the door to see two police officers standing on her doorstep.

  “Mrs. Paul, we… um… we regret to inform you that your husband is dead,” the first cop said, lowering his head in sorrow.

  “Any reason he would be at the Dew Drop Inn? Out on 109,” the second cop asked. He left out the facts about the women’s clothes, lipstick, and the extra-large jar of Vaseline.

  “Huh?” she asked when she realized he’d spoken. Everything Pastor had was now hers, including the house, cars, and the church.

  “I’m sure you must be in shock right now. We’ll come back in the morning,” the first one added. He’d taken her reaction as shock but in reality she was counting money in her head.

  The ‘O’ was all the cops heard of the okay Mrs. Paul said because she closed the door so fast. She then rushed back to her bedroom pulling her robe off as she ran. To her delight Billy was laying there slow stroking his dick to keep it hard. She leapt from ten feet away and landed on it like a cowboy does a horse.

  “Who was that?” Billy asked in confusion. He just knew it had to be the police with the bad news. What better alibi could there be then being up in the wife of the man who was killed.


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