Book Read Free


Page 21

by Jessica L. Webb

  The cop who had been her guard shuffled away, updating Skye on his way out. Then more footsteps, the sound of a door closing. Fading footsteps on the stairs. Silence.

  Edie’s breath was sharp in her chest as she waited. She could feel Skye in the air, knew she was close. She could feel her tension, the barely controlled wildness of her thoughts. Even without seeking her out in the darkness, Edie was pulled to her. This time, Edie had no intention of resisting Skye’s gravitational force.

  Edie walked away from the bright lights of the kitchen. Suddenly Skye was right in front of her, her body rigid. Edie’s first impulse was to take a step back as Skye’s fury and tension enclosed her, but she didn’t. She took a step in, Skye’s eyes flashing with a desire so intense it was palpable. Edie was no longer capable of making decisions. Her need for Skye overrode everything else.

  Edie reached out slowly and touched Skye’s throat, the pads of her fingers just resting on the vein in her neck. Skye’s pulse pounded beneath her fingers and a dark, guttural sound emanated from her at Edie’s touch. Edie slipped her hand around the back of Skye’s neck, Skye an immovable object as Edie pulled herself in until their bodies were touching.

  Skye didn’t move at first, then suddenly she ran her hands through Edie’s hair, cradling her skull, bringing her even closer. Skye touched her forehead to Edie’s, breathing hard, her chest heaving. Edie placed her palm there, connecting with Skye’s energy.

  “They keep trying to take you from me.” Skye’s voice was rough, like nothing Edie had heard before.

  “No,” Edie said, rubbing the palm of her hand over Skye’s breastbone, up to the hard ridges of her clavicle and back down. “I’m right here.”

  “Threatening you,” Skye muttered, seeming distracted by the movement of Edie’s hand. “Left you alone this morning. They tried to come here. To take you.”

  “No,” Edie said sharply, needing to break through Skye’s spinning, protective thoughts. She needed to prove to Skye that she was right there. She pulled Skye even closer, fingers tracing the base of Skye’s skull. Then she kissed her, the pressure of her lips proof that she was there and safe. And that she wanted her.

  Another guttural sound from Skye, but this time Edie felt it through her fingertips and lips. Skye’s kiss was a challenge, an invitation to open up and experience the full force of her power. Edie accepted it, deepening the kiss, taking Skye inside her until they were fused and she was dizzy.

  Edie felt Skye’s hands drop down her back, fingers taking the shape of her spine, shoulders, ribs until her hands gripped Edie’s hips. The sensation of tightness, the pressure on her pelvis was intense and Edie broke the kiss, gasping as heat engulfed her entire body. She felt strong and shaky all at once, and she began to unbutton Skye’s shirt.

  Edie pushed the shirt down off her shoulders and arms. Skye looked dangerous and powerful, the ridges of bone, the contours of her muscles in this dim light, the tattoo that wrapped her bicep evidence of her strength, the muscles of her abdomen as Skye strained to breathe.

  “God, Skye…”

  But Skye didn’t need words. She pulled Edie against her, as if her touch was vital, and she fused them together again with a kiss that took all of Edie’s strength to return. Skye walked them backward, guiding Edie with a hand on her hip as they kissed and breathed. Stumbling now, Edie gripped the waist of Skye’s jeans.

  Skye had slowed, maybe distracted by the press and flex of Edie’s fingers or maybe even by her own exploration of Edie’s hips and back and ass. It was all too slow for Edie, so she broke the kiss, ignoring the growl from Skye. Skye’s eyes flashed a warning, but Edie just tugged at the waistband of Skye’s jeans. They crossed the loft, Skye stalking her now, long powerful strides as Edie guided them to the bedroom.

  They shared momentum, a combined force of desire and a lingering fear. Edie climbed onto Skye’s bed and pulled Skye with her. Skye, still on her knees, resisted just long enough to pull Edie’s shirt off over her head in one tug. Then Skye kissed Edie hard and pushed her down into the softness of the bed.

  Edie couldn’t remember how to breathe for a moment, but it no longer seemed important. All she wanted was Skye, and she gripped her hips and rolled her over, making just enough space between them to sweep her hand over Skye’s abdomen, over her ribs, until the pad of her thumb skated over the hard ridge of Skye’s nipple.

  That growl from Skye’s throat was shakier this time, and Edie suddenly wanted to be relentless with her touch. To not allow Skye to think or breathe or know anything but Edie’s hands on her body. She ran her palm over Skye’s breast, knowing the shape of her, the feel of heat against her skin, the sounds in Skye’s throat as her body strained against Edie. Skye’s lips against her jaw, then teeth, a scraping against her skin that sent Edie spinning. Skye circled Edie’s shoulders and rolled them over until Skye was looking down on her with the fiercest, sweetest expression Edie had ever seen. Skye paused for just a scattered heartbeat of a moment, then she lowered her head and kissed her, and Edie was gone.

  Sensation dominated every nerve in Edie’s body and synapse in her brain. Skye lowered her head to kiss down Edie’s neck, collarbone, breastbone, and finally enclose Edie’s nipple in the heat of her mouth. Edie arched, breath an explosion of sound she couldn’t shape. She pushed her hand against Skye’s skull, trying to hold her there. But Skye pushed back, refusing to submit or be guided as she moved to Edie’s other breast. Barely holding on to conscious thought, Edie insinuated her hands between them and unbuttoned Skye’s jeans, then her own. Points of pain as Skye’s teeth toyed with her nipples, as the zippers and buttons of their jeans pressed into flesh and their bodies sought connection and release.

  Skye pulled back without warning, leaving Edie cold. She tugged at Edie’s jeans until she lay naked, then she stripped herself bare as Edie watched. When she climbed back onto the bed, she began a slow, steady ascent of Edie’s body, leaving her marked with a kiss or a bite, thumbs traveling up slowly from Edie’s knees, inner thighs, the juncture of her hips until Edie thought she would scream. Skye covered Edie’s body with her own, intertwining their legs. Skye thrust her hips against Edie with a force that made Edie cry out, and Edie hooked her leg around Skye’s calf, holding her in place.

  Edie was melting. She could not isolate points of pleasure. Their bodies were a combined force of heat and energy that could not be stopped or separated. And when Skye reached between them, the press of her fingers against Edie’s flesh made them both moan, the feeling impossibly more intense as Skye stroked her with every thrust.

  “Edie,” Skye said, voice tight with strain. “I need…”


  Edie couldn’t be sure the words had actually passed her lips, but in the next moment, Skye filled her. Lights exploded behind Edie’s eyes and together their bodies gave themselves over to the shuddering, unstoppable release.

  Edie tried to push against the wonderfully heavy fog that blanketed her. She could feel Skye separate from her, though she hadn’t moved. Then Skye shifted, easing out of Edie. She wanted to protest, but she couldn’t form words. Edie fought the heaviness in her limbs and forced her arms around Skye’s neck, entwining her shaking fingers in an attempt to hold her. But Skye continued to move away, the tension in her body getting more pronounced, her thoughts nearly loud enough for Edie to hear.

  Skye easily broke Edie’s hold, gathering Edie’s hands together and holding them against her chest. Edie could feel her heart thudding against Skye. Then Skye lifted her head and looked into Edie’s eyes. Edie saw a dawning pain in those yellow-green eyes, a glimpse of self-loathing, and a sea of unnamed regret. Skye pressed Edie’s hands further against her chest as she eased away.

  “I’m sorry, Edie. Christ, I’m sorry.”


  Skye pushed herself entirely away and stood. Her bearing and body were still powerful but diminished. Lost. Edie hated knowing she had anything to do with that. She hated knowing she was powerless
to counteract whatever thoughts were circling through Skye’s head right now. She had to try.

  “Stay,” Edie said, hoping it would be enough.

  Skye bent and picked up her clothes with one hand. She was achingly beautiful, the light from the loft etching her body in stark lines of black and white.

  “I’m sorry,” Skye said again. This time her voice was nearly devoid of emotion. “Just…stay here.” Then Skye turned and left.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Edie hadn’t been strong enough to listen to Skye leaving. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been buried beneath the pillows and blankets of Skye’s bed, wishing she could sink right through and escape from the pain.

  Edie pushed aside the blankets and tried not to think as she pulled soft, clean clothes from her bag and mechanically got dressed. She left the bedroom where she’d both had and lost Skye, and walked into the living room. JC and Faina were on one couch, each with a mug in their hands, talking quietly. They both looked up when Edie walked in. Edie wanted to hide, to never have surfaced and had to face the possibility she would never have a chance with Skye again.

  “Hey, Edie.”

  The combined compassion in JC’s tone and the sympathy in Faina’s eyes threatened Edie’s composure. She hadn’t cried. She didn’t intend to. But she wasn’t sure she wanted to talk. She looked out onto the deserted street, the occasional car or cab making its way into the downtown core. Edie guessed it wasn’t long after midnight.

  “Are you okay?”

  Edie considered Faina’s question with as much honesty and self-reflection as she could muster.

  “No,” she said, still staring out the window. “Not really.”

  A movement caught Edie’s eye as she looked down at the scene below. One of the cars parked across the street had someone inside. Edie felt a moment of fear and was about to take a step back when she realized it must be one of the surveillance teams. Three, JC had said. A lot of manpower. She caught another movement, this one almost directly below the window.

  It was a brief flash of light, pale skin in the darkness. Edie couldn’t make out a form let alone features, but she was suddenly very sure it was Skye. Skye wouldn’t have left her unprotected. Edie wasn’t sure how to feel about this being the only unbreakable connection they had right now. Possibly the only one they would ever have.

  “Skye is out there, isn’t she?” Edie said. When her question was met with silence, she turned around.

  “Come sit down,” JC said.

  Edie complied. Her legs still felt shaky. And she was cold. She sat opposite JC and Faina, waiting for an answer.

  “She’s running,” JC said but didn’t explain. There really wasn’t much else to say.

  “How did everything go at the station?” Edie said. Gather information. Focus on tomorrow’s meet. Today’s meet. Solve a solvable problem.

  “Good. Faina was able to identify both assailants from tonight’s break-in. We had a lucky break when the second guy showed up at the ER with a long slice down his leg from broken glass about two hours after he left here.”

  “They’re giving different information, though,” Faina said. “One is saying Alex is here, the other saying he has left but doesn’t know where.”

  “Do either of them know anything about the meet?” Edie said.

  “We’re not sure. They’re not exactly being cooperative, and their testimony is pretty suspect at this point. Now they’re both wanting lawyers, so that’s slowed the process down somewhat.”

  “What about the timing?” Edie said. “Do you think it was in response to our request to meet? Or coincidental?”

  “I think not coincidental, though I’ve got nothing to back that up. I think they want access to one or both of you. I think they are considering the meet later today a major risk. And I honestly don’t know if they are going to take the bait.”

  Disappointment weighed Edie down.

  “We will end this for you,” JC said. “For both of you.”

  Edie closed her eyes. She used a relaxation technique Dr. Wallace had taught her at the beginning of their sessions together. Breathing and meditation, an exodus of thought, a release of tension and worry. She hadn’t used it in a long time but was grateful it came back to her so she could filter out the continued conversation, the slow awakening of the day outside, the ringing of a phone, the sound of someone making coffee. And the awareness of Skye as she circled and hovered and fought and protected her from a distance.

  * * *

  Just before two in the morning, Edie returned to her spot on the couch after showering, finding a coffee, and reluctantly eating the toast Faina had given her. JC cursed as she connected wires and cords to a laptop and massive computer monitor on top of a wheeled cart. Their debrief meeting was about ready to start. The meet itself was only two hours away.

  Skye would be here any minute. While she’d showered, Edie had worked hard to gain some perspective. She tried to remind herself she did not actually know what was in Skye’s head or heart. What she needed was an opportunity to find out. No action without data. But today was a different kind of action. A life course action. And if you wanted a good answer, you had to wait for the right time to ask the question. Edie needed to find patience.

  A moment later, both Skye and Sasha entered the living room. Edie looked right at Skye, who was fierce and battle-ready in a black T-shirt and black cargo pants. She looked pale. And she wouldn’t meet Edie’s eyes. Instead she walked over to JC and checked the video conference hookup. Edie’s heart sank just a little, but she rallied. She needed to focus.

  “Okay,” JC said, glancing at her phone. “We’ve got a minute before the meeting starts. Shouldn’t take too long, then I’ll get you guys hooked up before I take off.” JC looked around the room, frowning when she saw Sasha lounging in one of the chairs. “Sash, you know I love you, man. But hit the road. You can check in with Skye later.”

  Sasha just smiled his easygoing smile and looked at Skye, who was fiddling with the monitor. Edie had a feeling the computer didn’t actually need tending.

  “Kenny? What’s Sasha doing here?”

  Skye kept her eyes on the monitor, like she was defusing a bomb. “What? Oh, he’s my backup.”

  JC sighed the frustrated sigh of a woman whose unlimited well of patience was nearly running dry. “Kenny, how many times do we have to do this? I’m your backup.”

  Skye glanced at her friend. “You’re my official backup. But you’ve got protocols to follow and a job to keep. Sasha doesn’t. He stays.”

  “Nice of you to read me in on this, fire buddy,” JC said. “Fine. Sasha, you need to stay out of camera range for this meeting. You’re not here, and I know nothing about your involvement. Okay?”

  Sasha gave a lazy salute and wandered back to the kitchen.

  “Call’s coming in,” Skye said as the monitor came to life. She tilted the tablet, adjusted the setting, then stood beside the couch opposite Edie as Donaldson’s face came into view.

  “The clinic has been under surveillance since yesterday and teams moved into position just before the note was delivered,” Donaldson said. “There’s been no sign of Alex Rada or his associates. Basically, it looks like the clinic was abandoned after we shut it down during our investigation into the disappearance and suspected murder of Pino Barros.”

  The word “murder” dropped through cyberspace and landed in their midst with a heaviness Edie should have anticipated. Her hand shook, nearly spilling her coffee, and she quickly placed it on the table, drawing a quick glance from Skye.

  “We’re wired for video and sound at the location,” Donaldson continued. “Constable Caldwell, you’ll be running point with Ms. Kenny the second they leave the loft. You’ll drive away at two thirty, drive four blocks, make a car switch, then circle back to intercept Ms. Kenny, Ms. Black, and Ms. Kassis at this intersection.” Donaldson indicated a map, and Skye used her phone to expand it on her monitor.

  “Roger that,” JC said,
peering at the map. “I’ll wire them up before I go and run a check. How many teams are inside?”

  Donaldson switched views to a schematic of a building. Edie forced herself to listen to team placements, officers on the roof, coverage, and sniper range. She wondered if it was all too much.

  Edie realized she’d been drifting when Skye’s voice intruded on her thoughts.

  “Wait,” Skye said. “We’re not taking any time to talk to Alex Rada. Faina and Edie are not there to collect information. We’re drawing out Rada, you grab him, end of story.”

  Donaldson leaned toward the camera. “We also need to draw out that information, Ms. Kenny. The second we arrest Alex Rada, he is going to lawyer up and clam up. We have to expect that. Which means those dates and times are history. We need the date of that drop. This is big, national and international big. And Ms. Black in particular has a unique opportunity to draw Rada into conversation. Her motivation in this is ironclad, she doesn’t care what the information is, she just wants it out.”

  Donaldson leaned back again and adopted a more conciliatory posture as he sought out Edie and Faina sitting on the couch for the first time. “You are both in unique positions to get information from Alex Rada. Ms. Kassis, you have the connection of family and Ms. Black, we are counting on your history as a journalist to ask questions that will yield the most information in a short period of time.”

  Edie was fully aware she was being manipulated. She glanced at Faina.

  “Understood, Mr. Donaldson,” Faina said smoothly.

  “Understood,” Edie echoed. JC said they would have their own debrief after this. Edie was looking forward to hearing what JC and Skye had to say.

  “Our optimal cover is for the lobby and the treatment area. Beyond those rooms, you’re adding time for us to get to you. It goes without saying you don’t leave the building, and you don’t go anywhere else. Any questions?”


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