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Threesomes, Foursomes and Moresomes--A Sexy Bundle of 3 Intense Group Sex Erotic Stories from Steam Books

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by Logan Woods

  Table of Contents


  Sex Off the Grid

  Swinger's Test

  Her Husband's Carnal Gift

  About Logan Woods

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  BONUS - Preview of "The Queen Bee's Class in Session" by Dara Tulen



  Logan Woods

  Copyright © 2012 Steam Books Erotica & Romance

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.



  Logan Woods

  Dan stood on the front porch of the old cabin, reliving memories of the days of his boyhood happily spent here with his brother and his uncle. Both were dead now, victims of two wars in Iraq. The cabin was his now, but the press of work kept him from getting to it more than once a year. It was a two-day ride from the nearest road on horseback to this remote cabin in the Ouachita Mountains on the border of Arkansas and Oklahoma. You could stand outside naked in this wilderness at night and even from the top of the mountain you couldn’t see a light or hear a sound that wasn’t natural. He was glad to be back.

  He heard a sound from inside the cabin, and he quickly ran to his horse and got his old lever action .30-.30. He’d lived so long in the civilized world that it hadn’t occurred to him to put on his pistol when he loaded the horse up and hit the trail. He had arranged his trip to get here at daybreak, getting up in the early morning darkness to make the last three miles to the cabin. The sun had been up for most of that time, but it was only about seven in the morning now. It sounded like whatever was in the cabin had just awakened. The horse whinnied and the front door opened slowly.

  A tremulous voice asked “Who’s there?” hesitantly.

  Another voice, a little more forceful barked out, “I’ve got a gun, come on out with your hands up!”

  “I’m not here to shoot anybody,” Dan called out, “but I would like to know who’s staying in my cabin.” He jacked a round in the old Winchester.

  “How do we know this ain’t some kind of trick?” the tremulous voice asked.

  “Look on the wall by the pump in the kitchen,” Dan said, “It’ll have my name and phone number on it.” He spelled out his name and gave them his phone number.

  The old .22 that was stored inside was carefully laid on the porch and slid out past the door. “We’re coming out, don’t shoot,” said a very resigned voice from inside. Dan was surprised when three very young girls came out, wrapped in the old quilts from the bed inside. It was obvious that they were wearing nothing else. It was also very obvious that they were having a hard time holding up the quilts and their hands at the same time. Dan told them to drop their hands.

  The girl who looked the oldest smiled bashfully at him and the two younger girls looked at him apprehensively. “Are you from the Juvenile Authority?” she asked bluntly. The oldest girl looked daggers at the smallest one.

  “None of us are juveniles anymore,” she said, “Lily turned eighteen three days ago.” She turned an interested face towards Dan. “I know it sounds silly, this being your cabin and all, but would you like to come in and have some coffee and breakfast? I figure you have the right to know why we’re here without your permission, and we’d appreciate you letting our clothes dry out and letting us have something to eat before we have to leave.”

  The three girls looked pitifully thin and none of them seemed to be a threat, so Dan picked up the rifle and motioned them inside. “I’ve got to unsaddle my horse and bring the packhorse up here to unload,” he said. The smallest girl walked to him and took the reins to the packhorse.

  “I’ll hold him,” she said with a bright smile.

  Dan laughed, “He’s a she, but thanks, I’ll be right back.” He looked back over his shoulder, “that coffee and breakfast sounds pretty good, and I have some fresh supplies on that pack horse that might help out with breakfast.”

  Thirty minutes later Dan came back from the barn and took the unloaded packhorse down to the barn. He returned and walked into the small two room log cabin. The smell of coffee brewing in the big enameled steel pot was enticing, and handmade biscuits were being readied for the ancient wood fired oven. One of the girls was cracking what looked like goose eggs into a fired clay bowl, and a pot of grits was getting ready to boil. Dan took off his hat and sat at the table to wait. He sat for a moment, unsure of how to begin the conversation, and then got up as he remembered something. He rummaged through the stack of goods the girls had unloaded from the packhorse and came up with a can of oiled sausages to put in the oven with the biscuits.

  The oldest girl, Katie, was busy putting the breakfast together so the two younger girls, Lily and Jessie, helped him put up the supplies and explain what they were doing in his cabin. They wouldn’t talk to him much until they found out he wasn’t a police officer.

  Dan had gotten several flashes of bare skin, which didn’t really bother him since he’d learned that they were all over eighteen, and had gotten some pretty heated looks from Katie. Dan was just over forty and in fantastic shape. His muscled shoulders and arms filled his chambray shirt, and his brown hair and hazel eyes went well with his dark complexion.

  Lily told him matter-of-factly that they had been here almost a year now, having escaped from a juvenile facility in Pine Bluff. It wasn’t like they were bank robbers or anything, they were all runaways who could live better on the street than they could at home. All three had a common bond, but whatever it was they wouldn’t talk about it and Dan didn’t push. After they had escaped they had to stay hidden until they were adults… as Katie understood it, they would have been released on their eighteenth birthdays, but since they had escaped, they would have been passed over to the adult prison and stayed locked up until they were twenty-one. None of them had been willing to do that, so they had searched for a remote place and come up with this stretch of mountains. The cabin had been a fortunate surprise.

  Dan had relaxed and started to enjoy their lively banter by the time they had finished with the breakfast dishes. He teasingly asked them if they were going to wear the quilts all day. An embarrassed silence ensued. Katie finally answered. “Our clothes were pretty torn up when we got here, and what we have is pretty ragged and kind of small on us,” she said. A bright pink flush stood out on her face. “Nobody ever comes up here, so we just run around naked most of the time… we put on clothes when we have to walk down to the truck stop on the highway for supplies.”

  “How do you get supplies?” Dan asked, “I know I didn’t leave any money here, and there’s nothing much worth selling or trading.” Another embarrassed silence ensued.

  Lily broke the silence, red faced. “We suck truckers’ dicks,” she said red face.

  “Yeah, we’re supposed to take turns, but Lily really likes it because… Lily does it more than we do, but sometimes they like me or Katie better.”

  Dan sat stunned and silent.

  Katie spoke up quickly in defense of herself and the other girls. “We can’t get jobs, there just aren’t any. Except for what we could steal, we had to do whatever we had to do to buy the things we had to have. We haven’t done anything bad, we just had to survive!”

; “Yeah, the truckers offered us money to do things for them and we did it… but Lily does it mostly now because she loves to suck those… ” Jessie stopped as Lily stormed at her.

  “Oh yeah?” Lily retorted, “You like it, too, you little slut. I can hear you and Katie in here at night taking turns pretending to be the boy… and I remember that you sure loved fucking that older guy from Texas!”

  Katie ran from the room, and Lily looked kind of sheepish. Dan had a partial solution to the problem, but he didn’t dare stand up just yet, as his cock had made a hell of a tent in his jeans. Lily had seen it just before he’d crossed his legs. “Uh, Jessie, throw me that pack from over there please,” he asked. Jessie threw him the pack and he rummaged in it to find what he wanted.

  “Here,” he said, “I only have these three tee shirts, but I’ve got this long sleeved shirt I’m wearing and one more. I don’t have anything you can use for panties.” Jessie squealed and ran after Katie with two of the tee shirts in her hand.

  Lily sat for a moment and then smiled lazily at Dan. “You weren’t judging us at all were you?” she asked thoughtfully. “The idea of us fucking truckers turned you on!” Her eyes were laughing now, much older than her real age. “You really got excited when you heard that I love to suck cock,” she said, standing up slowly, “and I do.” The quilt she had been holding up slid to the floor, and Lily stood proudly nude before him. She had generous breasts for such a small woman, and her muscled tummy was incredibly small. Her pubic hair was sparse and golden, while the hair on her head was cut short, with natural curls in it.

  Lily bent over slowly and lifted his tee shirt over her head, taking her time arranging it so that Dan could get a really good look at her. She folded the quilt and walked into the other room with it. Dan was having a hard time dealing with his erection.

  Lily came back into the kitchen and deliberately sat on Dan’s lap. She rubbed her ass on his erection until she had him centered on the crack of her ass. With a sigh, Lily leaned back and whispered into his ear. “I do love it you know, sucking cock.”

  Katie and Jessie came back in, wearing their new tee shirts and smiling, apparently over their embarrassment. “Thank you!” the two said in unison.

  “You’re welcome,” Dan told them. To change the subject, Dan asked if they knew about the wood fired hot tub.

  “Where?” the three asked in amazement. They followed him out the back door and over near the woodshed where a circular wall of stone rose about two feet out of the ground. It had a cover of rough wooden planks.

  “Shit!” said Katie, “we thought that was a covered well.”

  “Nope,” said Dan, “I built this last year when I was up here for two months.” He showed them the pit where the recirculation tubes passed through the fire, the heat causing the water to flow through the circuit and back into the tub. All three girls squealed and insisted on trying it out immediately. They brought the firewood and pumped the water into the clay lined stone pool, and waited for the water to heat up.

  When the water was hot enough to get in, Dan took off his jeans and boots and sat in the tub in his jockey shorts. Katie and Jessie started to get in the tub wearing their tee shirts when a rebel yell came from Lily’s mouth. “No way am I wearing this shirt in the water. If it’s ok to show my titties to some damned trucker for money, it’s ok for Dan to see ‘em for a hot bath!”

  With that, Lily stripped off her tee shirt and jumped in beside Dan. Sighing, she leaned back against the clay wall. Jessie stripped hers off and got in as well. Katie sat on the rock wall of the hot tub, her feet dangling in the hot water. Dan stood up, “I can take my bath later, you three go ahead and enjoy the tub.”

  Lily grabbed at his shorts, exposing the left cheek of his butt. “Wait a minute Dan,” she said, “Katie, we’ve been running around naked here for months, we’ve sold our bodies at the truck stop, and none of us are virgins. What’s the deal? Why are you changing the rules now?”

  Katie stared down at her feet in the water. “It’s just different, now, that’s all, Dan’s here.”

  “Dan’s not going to rape us,” Lily giggled and so did Jessie. “I think he’s the one who should be afraid, not you!”

  “I really don’t mind, ladies,” Dan said, “I’m not going to cause any problems here. I’ll just come back later.”

  “This is bullshit Dan, the reason she won’t take her clothes off and get in here with us because she wants to fuck you,” Lily said, “and she’s not the only one! We’ve been up here for almost a year now, and we were in the juvenile facility for two years before that. The only time we’ve had sex was when we sold it to the damn truckers… and to be honest, we would have fucked them for free if they hadn’t paid us.”

  Dan sat open mouthed through this, the longest speech any of them had made since he got here. “But… hell Lily, I’m over forty years old!”

  “Some of those truckers were sixty,” Jessie said, “but they had a dick!”

  Katie finally laughed.

  “Ok, ok,” she said, “I have a slight crush on you and Lily’s not going to let me hide it.” She slipped the tee shirt off and sat in the tub naked.

  “OK, so now you are the only holdout!” Lily said and tugged his boxers down around his ankles.

  “Holy shit!” Jessie said, staring at Dan’s cock. Katie stared at it too, it. Lily didn’t stare, she grabbed it.

  “You’ve been holding out on us!” she said, just before she swallowed him to the root. Dan began to swell in her mouth, helpless and in shock. Lily’s tiny hand began to stroke his shaft, and Katie held his balls in both hands. Jessie’s nipples were hard as she jealously watched Lily’s lips slide over the thick tube of his cock.

  Dan was totally shocked at Lily’s action, and still male enough to stand there and take it. The girl’s mouth was a national treasure. Inside her mouth was heat and moistness, her tongue slithering around the thick shaft, the very walls of her mouth and throat sucking at the sensitive skin of his cock. Lily was small, a couple of inches shy of five feet tall and weighing about 85 pounds, with sandy blond hair in a pixie cut. Her blue eyes focused on a spot just below his navel as her unusually generous mouth engulfed his engorged organ. Her tiny hands were urging him to cum in her mouth. Dan looked down at her heaving chest, covered with very small breasts topped with hard ruby nipples. Jessie, although not related by blood, looked almost exactly the same, except she was three inches taller and ten pounds heavier. Katie was different, almost a year older, she had raven black hair and green eyes.

  Katie and Jessie were watching wide eyed for the inevitable result of Lily’s manipulation of Dan’s cock and they didn’t have to wait for long. Dan doubled over with the rush of his orgasm, Lily determinedly swallowing every drop she could suck from the thick tip of his penis.

  Katie and Jessie licked their lips and looked disappointed. Lily stood, looking over her handiwork, Dan’s cock at half-mast. Katie held on to his balls, her nipples still erect, and asked Dan in a choked half whisper, “How long?”

  Lily was already sitting on the edge of the hot tub with her fingers working furiously at her pussy. “Hurry up you guys, I need more!” She said it seriously, her voice ragged with desire.

  “Come on girls, I’m only human! I can only go so many times before I have to stop,” Dan said. “Besides, I’m not sure this is right, you’re just kids.”

  Katie drew his hand to her soaking pussy, and his eyes went to the swell of her breasts. “Whatever you think back in civilization Dan, out here I’m a woman, with a woman’s needs… it’s been a long time since I’ve gotten any relief, and that was from a pot bellied sixty-five year old trucker with bad teeth.” Katie leaned over and kissed him, her hand on his already swelling dick. “Besides, you’re a man, you’re pretty, and I’m going to get you if I have to tie you down in your sleep! I’m horny, dammit.”

  Jessie held Katie’s hand still and began to lick at the head and upper part of his shaft. “You know,” Jessie said
between licks, “if we took him inside the bed he could do two of us at the same time.” Katie and Lily looked at Jessie as if she were crazy… until they realized that she was right. The three of them half-pushed, half-dragged Dan to the cabin. Jessie continued to nuzzle his cock, sucking him in deeply, alternating long soft licks to his scrotum and balls.

  “For such a young girl she is pretty damned good,” Dan thought distractedly as pleasure coursed through his body. Jessie relinquished his newly swollen cock reluctantly, and Katie lay on the blankets beneath him, her legs spread wide. The sweet petals of her young pussy were puffy and parted, her need obvious in the moisture dripping from her core. Dan reached for her soft young pussy and Katie reached for his cock, aiming it at her pussy.

  “No foreplay!” she gasped. “Fuck me!”

  His first attempt at entry missed the entrance to her tunnel, and bounced off her clit. Katie moaned and corrected her aim. As his glans approached her pussy this time, Katie hunched her hips forward and trapped his penis inside her. The instant heat that enveloped his cock was awe inspiring. Dan sank gladly into this tiny woman. Before he could even develop a rhythm Jessie had straddled Katie’s head and spread her pussy lips for Katie to kiss. It was apparently not a new experience for either of them. Jessie tugged his hands to her breasts, guiding his fingers to her rigid nipples. She threw her head back and closed her eyes as Katie’s agile tongue began to explore her pussy.

  Just as Dan thought they were establishing a workable rhythm, Jessie lay down on Katie’s flat stomach and began to lick at her clit every time Dan pulled back for a down stroke. The sight was incredibly erotic to Dan, not to mention the wet tongue that occasionally licked his plunging cock. Just as he was adjusting to this new development, he felt Lily’s tongue in the crack of his ass, which nearly set him off inside Katie. Dan’s eyes rolled up in his head with pleasure as Lily’s eager tongue penetrated his ass and fluttered madly inside him.


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