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Warlords Saga

Page 11

by Brian K. Larson

  “Running jump drive cool down sequence. Jump drive will be ready in two minutes,” Race said. He looked behind him and addressed Darnash, “If you’re gonna try and make contact, now’s the time before our jump sequence is ready for the second jump.”

  Darnash inched forward toward the cockpit, pointing to the communications relay, “Punch in the code, five... seven... seven... three... seven... eight. That’s the frequency codes for our home world.”

  Race punched in the code and picked up the mic and passed it to the large Antarian, “Here, you call ‘em. You know what ta say, I sure don’t.”

  Darnash took the comparatively small microphone in his hand and examined it.

  “Here,” Race pointed, “You just press this button on the side and talk. When you want to listen, release the button.”

  “Quaint, antique technology,” Darnash scoffed, and then depressed the button on the microphone, “This is Darnash, tactical officer for my Lord, Thelix. Does anyone read me?”

  “Let go of the button,” Race again pointed.

  Darnash released the button, but the radio only returned static.

  “One minute. Beginning eighth jump prep...try ‘em again.”

  Darnash pressed the button once more, “Darnash of my Lord Thelix’s corsair. Can anyone read me on this channel?” he released the button and the radio returned more static.

  “Guess not,” Race nodded, “Okay, they’ll hear us after this next jump.”

  “You had better be right,” Darnash growled.

  “Jump drive at one-hundred percent,” Race shouted for the second time. “Generating negative energy densities! All systems are green and go...jumping in five... four... three... two... one... initiating jump!”

  Once again, the Calypso instantly darted across four light years of space and came to rest at the programmed coordinates.

  “Securing all stations. Beginning eighteen hour cool down protocols. The comm channel is all yours Darnash.

  “This is Darnash of my Lord Thelix’s corsair. Does anyone read me on this frequency?”

  They listened intently at the radio static each time Darnash released the transmitter. It was on the fourth call that they heard a gruff Antarian on the speaker, “This is Mulix of my Lord Dumakas of the Emperor’s House. Who are you?”

  “Mulix, this is Darnash. I am aboard a small vessel with limited FTL jump distances. Can you send me a recovery ship?”

  “Yes, Darnash, of my Lord Thelix’s command. Transmit your coordinates and we will have a vessel to you in a few minutes.”

  “Most excellent, Mulix, of the house of our Lord and Emperor. Lord Dumakas will be most pleased with our report.”

  “Very well, Darnash. Is there anything more you require?”

  “Yes, I am in need of medical attention. These creatures that I bring have made me sick. I suggest full quarantine until we can isolate the cause.”

  “Agreed. We will send medical assistance to your location. Where is Lord Thelix’s corsair?”

  “They are located at the mouth of the Betelgeuse corridor. I suggest sending a few ships to assist them as well.”

  “Very well, Darnash. We will immediately dispatch three battleships within the hour to that sector.

  Darnash pointed to Race, “Transmit our coordinates,” and then handed the microphone over.

  Danielle grabbed Race’s arm, “Are you sure you want to do this? He’s too weak now, we could easily overpower him.”

  Darnash drew his sword and placed the blade at the end of Danielle’s neck, “Do not think I am too weak to pull this sword across your neck. Now transmit our position!”

  Race looked at Danielle, “I’m sorry, babe. I can’t let him do it. We’ll find another way.” Race programmed another sequence of numbers and then pressed his send button, “Coordinates transmitted.”

  “Affirmative,” the gruff voice answered over the intercom, “We have your coordinates. Help will arrive in a few minutes.”

  Darnash returned his sword in its sheath and relaxed against the deck, “Thank you. Mulix of my Lord of the Emperor’s House.”


  The Rock

  Betelgeuse Conduit Sector


  “The assault team is away,” Collins reported.

  Jed looked over at his Eridonian passenger, “Artemis? Have you reached our men on that ship yet?”

  Artemis gently held her spindly index finger to her lips, “Shhh, I am in deep concentration. You must not interrupt me or I may lose hold on keeping them from detecting our forces.”

  “Would you like a chair?”

  “No, I prefer to stand, thank you,” Artemis answered, eyes still shut tight, “Now if you will...I am reaching one human. He is in a holding cell with restraints on his hands. The cell is in the aft section of the ship.”

  “What about our Antarian crew?”

  “Nothing from them, now, please! Be still!”

  Jed turned to his tactical officer, “Okay, Collins. You got that?”

  “Aye, aye Captain. I’m relaying to my team leader now.”

  “Tell them that one of the Antarians is on the ship’s bridge. I still am unable to read the others.”

  “Got it, Captain! My men are attaching to the portal now...stand by.”

  “What’s the status of our recon?” Jameson asked.

  “Sir, Major Phillips is calling an all clear in our location. There’s nothing on any of our scanners out there.”

  “Tell ‘em to launch another fighter squadron to run CAP. Let’s get another squadron out there, in case we miss something.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Collins acknowledged, “Chief Kelly! Launch another squadron!”

  “Aye, aye,” the CSC crew heard over the loud speaker, “You heard him! Now move it! Move it! Move it!”

  “Sir, that’s half our fighters,” Collins warned.

  “That’s fine,” Jameson nodded, “We’ve got twenty more to launch if anything shows up. We’ll just be in a better position to get ‘em all up when needed.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Collins said. He held his hand to his ear piece, pressing the speaker closer, “They’ve established a hard seal. Setting the charges and resealing the airlock...stand by...They’re hovering fifteen meters over the hatch...blowing the hatch now.”

  The CSC crew saw a flash in the distance, signifying they breached the hatch.

  “They’re moving back into position, Sir. One moment...hard seal re-established...they’re in. The Marines are clearing the area.

  Corporal Harry Gill sat in the corner on the floor, his hands cuffed with shackles in front of him when the door to his cell slid open. The light cast a human shadow over half of Corporal Hill’s body.

  “Bravo company,” the Marine said in his ear-piece, “I have one human survivor...stand by,” the marine knelt down, causing the light behind the marine to shine in Gill’s eyes.

  “Y-yes...I’m fine. I didn’t think you were ever going to rescue me.”

  “What happened to the others?”

  “They took ‘em.”

  “Come on, Corporal. Let’s get you back to the Rock.”

  “You gotta tell ‘em, tell Captain Fitz that Race and Danielle are alive. At least they were when they left for Antares,” Gill said with despair.

  “What do you mean, Corporal?”

  The Marine removed Gill’s restraints and helped him to his feet, “The others aren’t lookin’ so good. I think they’re sick or somthin’.”

  “Where are they?”

  “I think they’re on the bridge.”

  “Okay, Corporal. Get back to our support ship. I’ll tell the others and meet them there.”

  “Right away,” Corporal Gill said, waiting not another moment aboard the Antarian ship.

  “Bravo leader, converge on the bridge,” the marine said over his comm link.

  “Affirmative, Bravo two...we’re on the bridge,” Jed and crew listened over the comm channe

  “Rocinante, this is Bravo leader, Sir. They don’t look too good over here...stand of them is dead. The other one is barely appears he’s the Captain. At least he’s sitting in what appears to be the command chair.”

  “Bravo leader,” Jed answered, picking up a microphone from the console, “This is Rock actual. Can you move the Antarian to your support ship?”

  “Move him, Sir? He’s pretty large. It’ll take all of us to move him. We might have just enough room if we squish everyone inside.”

  “Make it happen, Lieutenant...Rock actual passing it back to Lieutenant Collins.”

  “We’re moving him now, Sir! He must weigh five hundred pounds.”

  Jameson snatched the microphone, “Bravo leader, see if you can disable the ship’s gravity generators, you can move him to your ship and get back here quicker if you don’t have to carry dead weight.” He turned to Artemis, who was still concentrating, “Do you know how to do that?”

  The Eridonian opened her eyes and faced Jameson, “Yes, now that the Antarians currently pose no threat, I can transmit the instructions,” Artemis closed her eyes once more and passed her knowledge to the Bravo leader.

  “Bravo leader, I got it! We’re moving the Antarian to our ship. We should bug out in a minute.”

  Artemis shot her eyes wide open and gasped.

  “Sir,” Henderson interjected the same time the Eridonian gasped, “I’m picking up multiple ships. They just popped in from nowhere!”

  “Action stations!” Jameson shouted, “Launch all fighters! Get that assault team back here on the double!”

  “Helm!” Jed ordered, “turn us hard about to their flank. Keep our distance and activate the PDS on demand!”

  The crew bustled about their duties, having never done these tasks before. They accomplished them as if it was second nature.

  “Sir,” Collins reported, “Bravo assault team is on their way back. I’m moving some fighters for their cover.”

  “Good work, Lieutenant,” Jameson smiled, “Target lock those ships and get our fighters to engage them, now!”

  “Commander,” Artemis motioned, “You are grossly out matched. I suggest you recover your ships and set up for a jump while we still have time.”

  “What’s their ETA to reaching us?”

  “They’ll be on us in five minutes, Sir. They’re also launching their own fighter squadron.”

  “Okay, keep me posted when Bravo assault returns,” turning to his Eridonian guest, “I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve before we recall and retreat. But we should get the FTL’s online and spool the jump drive just in case.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain,” Foster agreed. “Plotting our next jump point.”

  “FTL’s online,” Foster reported, “Spooling jump drives.”

  “Their fighters will be on us any moment, Captain!” Collins reported, “Point Defense Grid activated!”

  With the press of a red button on Lieutenant Collins board, the ship rocked from the recoil of the rapid firing weapons on the Rock’s port side.

  “Launch all drones!” Jameson ordered.

  “Drones away, Sir!”

  Jed gave Collins a stare, “Program a few of those to latch on the hull of our Antarian ship. Then have them drag it into the Antarian’s proximity.”

  “I follow, Sir! Once it’s close enough, we light it up with a few missiles.”

  “Exactly! Their shields are offline and engines are station keeping only.”

  “I’m having my team set up the programming. I’ll report when we’re ready to execute.”

  “What about the fighters?” Jameson bellowed, “I want a report on how they’re doing!”

  “Yes, Sir!” Collins again reported, “Major Phillips, do you read me? Report!”


  Major Phillips flew his lead fighter toward the incoming enemy ships, “Rene, take my wing! Jones, you cover her six. The three of us will run a scrimmage up the middle. I want five ships on our flank and hit ‘em with your cross fire.”

  “Roger, that, Alpha leader.”

  “This is Charley Leader!” Major Phillips heard over his comm, “I’ll take the left, Delta Leader, you take the right.”

  “Roger, Charley Leader,” the Major heard.

  “Jones, Simon! Lock and load!”

  “Ready on your wing,” Rene confirmed.

  “I’m on Simon’s six!”

  “Weapons free!”

  The three fighters opened fire with rapid fire plasma shot at the approaching Antarian fighters. The approaching enemy fleet split apart, moving off in multiple directions.

  “Break right, break right!”

  The fighters spun around, hitting several enemy fighters. Three were blasted into pieces. The remaining enemy fighters circled around to engage the Charlie Leader squadron. The Delta Leader turned his fighters, flanking the Antarians. After a few pre-planned maneuvers and counters, all strategy on both sides had evaporated into a fur ball in space.

  “I’ve got one on my tail!” Captain Eric Jones exclaimed.

  “I got ya covered!” Captain Simon shouted over the comm link. She spun her ship one hundred and eighty degrees and fired full thrusters to catch the Bandit.

  Eric noticed several plasma bursts passing his canopy, “Watch it! That’s me you’re shooting at!”

  “Relax,” Rene smiled from her cockpit, “I didn’t hit ya!”

  An explosion erupted on Eric’s left. Rene flew her fighter alongside. She waved to him through the canopy, “See? I told ya I had ya covered.”

  “Yeah, thanks! But I think I’d rather have enemy fire over being taken out with friendly fire!”

  “Knock it off you two,” Major Phillips chimed in, “Besides, Eric, I think I’d still prefer Rene’s friendly fire over our enemy any day.”

  “Oh, that’s real funny, Major!” “Rene laughed.

  “I’m serious; you can’t hit the broad side of a barn. Now get back into the mix!”

  “Woo hooo! Let’s do this!” Rene slammed her control stick toward her next victim and rammed the throttle full speed.

  Collins looked up with horror on his face, “Captain, I show missiles locked on!”

  “Evasive maneuvers!” Jed yelled.

  “It’s too late, Captain! They’re going to hit!”

  “Brace for impact!” Commander Jameson warned.

  The crew let out a shout as they were tossed to the ground by the shockwave. The crew shielded their eyes with their arms from the momentarily blinding flash of light as the missiles struck the ship’s hull.

  “We’re losing attitude control!” the helmsman reported, “We’re listing to our port side!”

  Captain Fitz regained his composure, reverted to his station, and harnessed himself in, “Return fire!”

  “Helm, bring the ship around ninety-degrees.”

  “Aye, aye, Sir! Pivoting ninety degrees.”

  “Full speed to thrusters and fire plasma cannons when ready!”

  The sleek Rock pivoted quickly to port. The Captain ordered the ship to rotate ninety-degrees, and the tactical officer fired the plasma cannons with the Captain’s order. Each cannon fired an energy ball at point-blank range at the three enemy ships.

  “Sir!” Collins reported, “The drones have moved the Antarian ship into positon. They appear to not suspect anything...however, they have launched more fighters. They’ll have ours outnumbered two to one, Sir!”

  “Lock missiles and fire!” Jameson smiled, his index finger outstretched in front of him.

  “Target locked! Firing first volley...firing second volley...missile target locks confirmed, detonation in five... four... three... two... one!”

  The crew and fighter pilots were blinded by a massive explosion.

  “Direct hit!” We’ve damaged two of the three ships! Sir, Major Phillips is reporting the fighters are turning away!”

  “Confirm that!”

  “Confirming sir! Henderson shouted, “They’
re recalling all of their fighters and retreating!”

  “Sir, I’m picking up three more ships on our stern!”

  “Make sure that we’re not just seeing a ghost image,” Jed ordered, “Ensure they didn’t just jump behind us!”

  “No, Sir. Those transponders are ours, Sir!” Henderson shouted.

  A cheer broke out in the CSC of clapping whistles of joy.

  “They’re spooling their jump drives, Sir...the Antarians are turning tail, Sir! Collins shouted with elation.

  “Stand down to condition two throughout the ship!” Commander Jameson ordered. “Recall fighters and ACE ships, but keep one squadron on CAP for three hours.”

  “The board is clear, Sir. The Antarians have jumped away.”


  “Captain,” Artemis cautioned, “I would not celebrate as yet. They will return with more ships soon.”

  “How soon?”

  “A few hours at best guess. I felt that we did take them by surprise. Be prepared for a much stronger encounter with your next campaign.”

  Jed nodded, “Don’t worry, we’ll be ready. Again, thank you for your help.” He turned to his comm officer, “Open a channel to the Agamemnon.”

  The radio static broke with an irritated sounding voice, “This is Agamemnon actual! Fitz! What the hell’s going on over there?”



  The Rock

  Betelgeuse Conduit Sector


  “Rocinante, I repeat. This is Agamemnon actual! Jed, what the hell’s going on over there?”

  “Henderson, open the channel,” Jed motioned to his comm officer, “Admiral Gilmore, nice of you to drop in. Just when we had ‘em on the run, too.”

  “Nice of us to drop in? Really, Captain? We’re the ones who chased them off for you.”

  “Yeah, well, we did run into a little trouble out here, but it wasn’t anything we couldn’t have handled...Sir...”

  “So, how’d she do?”

  “The ship?” Jed asked, “She and her crew performed well beyond our expectations, Sir. Two Antarian warships are damaged, and five of their fighters destroyed. No casualties on our side, Sir.”


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