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Warlords Saga

Page 13

by Brian K. Larson

  Malcom remained silent, still not fully understanding how to overcome this telepathic inhibitor of the Antarians.

  “So, Grizzly Adams,” Race asked, “How’s Darnash doing? Have y’all figured out how come he got to be so sick?”

  “He blames your kind. You are carriers of disease and should not be allowed to wander about the galaxy.”

  “Not allowed?”

  “Yes, not allowed.”

  “Well, I don’t know, but since when do you have rights to tell us what to do?”

  The guard stopped and gave Race a not so gentle shove, “Do not question what we do. Soon, we shall send fleets of ships through the corridor and take possession of your planet.”

  “We will fight you. You haven’t met creatures as determined as us.”

  “We shall soon see just how determined Earthlings are at surviving.”

  “So, you never told me if Darnash was going to make it?”

  “Why are you concerned for Darnash? You should be more concerned of your own kind, and maybe perhaps even more concerned over yourself.”

  “See, that’s where Earthlings differ.”


  “We have compassion for others.”

  “A grave weakness in your species.”

  They came to a door at the end of a passage. It slid open with a swoosh, exposing a causeway to what appeared to be some type of shuttle craft.

  “Get in,” the guard ordered.

  Race motioned to his traveling companions, “After you.”

  Danielle turned to Race and pushed him into the causeway first, “Gee, thanks, Race. My knight in shining armor, pfff.”

  “Hey now, be nice.”

  The three entered the ship and sat to the rear of the pilot seats. The seats looked oversized to Race and Danielle, but were in fact sized to accommodate the largest of the Antarians, “Well, this just looks ridiculous!” Race bantered.

  “Never mind, puny Human. Just strap in. Those restraints shall keep you fixed in place, if that is what you fear.”

  Race hugged the window seat and gazed below, “Wow, that’s some planet you got’s”

  “This is not a planet. It is the third moon of Lebencha. It is Serintin.”

  “There’s atmosphere on a moon?”

  “Yes, all the moons of Lebencha have atmospheres.”

  The large door slammed shut, the low metallic thud echoing inside the Antarian shuttle. The pilot gave a few commands, disengaging the shuttle from its dock.

  Race noticed a fiery stream of glowing gasses flowed from the body of the gas giant, traveling to one spot on the moon’s surface, “What the hell’s that?”

  “You humans speak too much. Why are you so curious about everything you see?”

  “Well, I suppose it’s because we’ve never encountered beings of another world before.”

  “Ha! Then you shall be easy to conquer.”

  The shuttle pitched suddenly downward, causing Race to let out a yelp.

  “Human, do not be concerned. We are on the normal flight path to our docking station.”

  “I see. Well, that was quite an interesting, what’s up with this stream of space gas that looks as if it’s on fire? What’s the story about that?”

  “Silence! Do not ask stupid questions!”

  “Sorry, guess you can say we Humans are just a bit talkative sometimes...especially when we’re nervous.”

  “Sometimes?” the Antarian guard grunted under his breath.

  “Oh, come on. What’s the harm? I’m very interested in you and your planet. I wish to know all the secrets your world holds.”

  “Do not wish for all of our secrets,” the large Antarian guard chuckled, “I do not think you would like to know about all of our secrets. This, I am certain,” the guard roared with laughter.

  “Y-you’re not talking about t-the arena now are ya?”

  “Well, maybe a part of it. Yes. There are things you do not want to face.”

  “I get that. I’ve already been told about the blood lust games and all that.”

  Danielle leaned forward to get into the conversation, “If we’re going to be made to do some kind of ‘fight to the death’ thing, then you should have the decency to answer our questions!”

  “Well, well? The puny Human female has a voice after all.”

  “Come on,” Race begged, “What’s the harm in it anyway? You think we’re gonna die, you’ve got nothing to lose.”

  “Very well. I will answer three questions...and only because the weak female showed me courage; a warrior trait to be sure. She showed me you are not all gorech.”

  Race turned in his seat, “Yeah, by the way, what is gorech?”

  “It is the dung of the Boreshog beast.”

  “Let me get this straight,” Race began, pointing a finger, “you just called us a piece of shi..”

  Danielle placed her hand on Race’s arm, “It’s okay, Race. Let’s not get carried away, now.”

  “That’s one. You have two more.”

  “Okay, how about telling us what this stream of energy is that’s coming from your planet?”

  “Power generation for the moon. We harvest the gasses from our gas giants and refine it on each moon. Each of our moons has a power collector that draws from Lebencha. We sell what we do not need.”

  “Interesting, you’re sucking off the gasses of the planet to power your war machine?”

  “Yes. That’s three. Enough of this!”

  “Wait a minute. That wasn’t an question.”


  “I said it as a rhetorical question. I asked myself a question.”

  The Antarian simply returned a blank stare.

  “You know, I was being an asshole. A gorech.”

  The guard laughed and rolled his head back, “You humans, it will take some time to fully understand you...okay, you made me laugh, human. I will give you one more.”

  “Is it dangerous, and what happens if it ignites?”

  “Yes it is dangerous! That’s three, now shut it for the rest of the way.”

  “Now, wait. You see, that was one question, just was in two parts.”

  “You are a fool if you think it would be easy to ignite the power stream. You see, the very vacuum of space, prevent the power stream from being ignited.”

  “What would happen if it did?” Race returned a blank stare.

  “That is five! I warn you; do not make me mad.”

  “I’m not asking for my benefit, although, my wellbeing does have a little bit to do with it. I’m asking for your benefit.”

  The Antarian nervously considered Race’s question, “I would think that IF, it could be ignited, it would disrupt the power flow, burn like a fuse. A ball of energy would feedback on the colleting site of Lebencha.”

  “ well as on the other side of the connection,” Race added, “I would say, your collecting site might be a slightly dangerous place to work at. Do you have safeguards in place to protect your people?”

  The Antarian guard drew his sword, “I grow tired of your games.”

  “Hey, I’m just trying to pass the time. Thought I’d show you some Human compassion. Maybe offer you some engineering suggestions. After, all, I am a Military advisor.”

  “Military? You? Ha-ha!You’re military?” the guard roared.

  “Well, no. Not officially. No wait, well, I do have a rank as a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Marine Corps, it’s really just an honorary title, though. I’m really just a Civi in a uniform, pretending to be in the know how it is, don’t ya big guy?”

  “No. I do not know how it is.”

  The shuttle set down on the palace’s landing pad. The ship’s engines whined to a halt as the pilot shut all its systems down.

  The door slid open, exposing the three to the fresh air of Serintin. Race was first to stretch his arms out, “Ya mind?”

  “You will face the Emperor.”

/>   “No, I mean, do you mind the chains? You really think that’s all necessary?”

  “I do not mind the chains, they are not a bother to me at all.”

  “Nice...WELL THEY BOTHER ME! Can ya take them off already?”

  Race heard a slightly softer voice than those of the other Antarians he’s heard, “It’s okay, Jamilkon. Go ahead and take them off. They cannot harm us.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” the Antarian guard bowed.

  “Whoever you are,” Race shouted out, as the guard removed their shackles, “THANK YOU!”

  Danielle, Malcom, and Race stepped onto the wing of the craft. They all looked to the bright glowing red sky, “My, my...and this is why your planet looks so red.”

  “My apologies,” a short, seven foot tall, Antarian said. He was dressed in leather kilt with wool leggings and a metal breastplate. His arms were covered with leather straps, braded up his forearms and attached to his neck. “I do apologize for our guard. He’s not used to delivering such distinguished guests to the palace.”

  “Distinguished guests?” Race asked, rubbing his wrists.

  “Yes. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Laboolaron, second to my Lord and Emperor, Dumakas.”

  “Pleased to meet ya, Laboolaron is it?”

  “Yes, your Nanites are interpreting our language nicely.”

  “I’m Race,” he offered his hand to the giant, “Our ‘weak’ female is Danielle, and of course, our Eridonian friend, Malcom.”

  “Race...yes,” Laboolaron said, backing away from his hand, “but we are still deciding if you are contagious.”

  “Contagious? What in the hell is going on? You think we made your friend sick?”

  “Tell him he should have tested our blood in other ways besides tasting it,” Danielle snapped, remembering the pain they inflicted on her. “Maybe then he wouldn’t have gotten sick!”

  “Darnash tasted your blood?”

  “Yes! He cut me and tasted me! Is that how you treat distinguished guests?”

  Laboolaron turned Danielle’s head from side to side, “I do not see the marks from any cutting. Your Nanites must be working exceptionally well.”

  “How nice,” Danielle mumbled.

  Race looked up to the eyes of Emperor’s number one, “Are we fighting today?”

  Laboolaron grabbed his belly and shook as he laughed at the question, “, you see, we give you three days to acclimate and train on our home world before you compete in any of the games.”


  “According to the data we collected on your planet, our gravity is a third stronger. You must be given ample time to acclimate so you will not die of fatigue in the arena. What sport would that be?”

  “Right,” Race nodded, “You got me, Chief, nope, no sport at all.”

  “Until then, you will be given audience with Dumakas and free reign of the palace. You can go anywhere and do almost anything. It’s your choice. You can laze around, or you could use the time on learning the games.”

  “What if we try to leave?”

  “You are free to leave. You can go anywhere you wish on Serintin.”

  “Well, now, that’s mighty hospitable of you.”

  “Just know that we will find you when it is your time in the arena.”

  “I knew there was a...but...coming...”

  “Those little microscopic Nanites we injected you with…”

  “Yes, and a wonderful experience that was too,” Race said, rubbing his neck.

  “Well, your Nanites each have been programmed to recall you. You will be compelled to return. You will not be able to resist.”

  “Wanna bet?” Danielle boasted.

  “Yeah, what if we don’t come back?”

  “Simply put, you will die. If you’re not at the arena in seventy-two hours, the Nanites have been programmed to terminate your life.”

  “Charming,” Race said under his breath. “So, take us to your leader?”

  “Dumakas has ordered you to appear before him in one hour.”

  “Well, that’s like any bureaucracy, isn’t it? Hurry up and wait, wait, wait.”

  “You will be held in our detention center until then. Your seventy-two hour clock will begin after you see the Emperor.”

  “That’s very generous of you. I’m sure that hour difference will really matter an’ all.”

  “You will be wise to utilize every moment to prepare,” Laboolaron warned, leading them inside the palace’s towering structure.

  “So, no one ever answered how Darnash is doing? Is he going to make it?”

  “Darnash is resting in the palace infirmary. He’ll be fine. We have eradicated the infection.”

  They froze in their tracks hearing a roar of an Antarian crying in agony.

  Covering his ears, Race shouted, “What the hell was that?”

  “That was Darnash.”

  “I thought you said...”

  “I’m sure he’ll be fine. It is merely the side effects of the drugs we had to give him.”

  “Remind me not to get that shot,” Race scoffed.

  “Do not worry, you won’t need that one. However, we will require each of you to provide a small sample...for testing purposes, of course.”

  “Of course. Think you have a smaller sized needle that’ll fit our veins?”

  “I don’t think so. It shouldn’t be that uncomfortable.”

  Laboolaron fiddled with a large door panel they came to and swung the door wide open.

  Motioning to the palace’s doctor, “Which one’s first?”

  Race pointed to the Eridonian, “How ‘bout my friend Malcom here?”

  “No, his blood is not needed. Only the humans,” the Antarian doctor answered.

  “Ah...well, then, ladies firs...”

  Danielle swatted Race, “Gee thanks, lover boy.”

  She rolled up her sleeve and presented her arm.

  “Heh, heh, sorry. I’m just trying to be polite...”

  “Zip it Race! OW!” Danielle exclaimed as the Antarian doctor jabbed the oversized needle into her arm.

  Race prepared for the needle, but his attention was again turned to the howling Darnash. That’s when the doctor took the advantage and poked his arm for the blood sample.

  “There, now that wasn’t so bad, now was it?” Laboolaron smiled.

  “No, not too bad at all,” Race smiled.

  “Speak for yourself, Race.”

  “Alright, get into the holding cell. I will return as soon as the Emperor is ready to see you.”

  The three stepped inside the dark hole, Laboolaron swung the iron door shut with a clang.

  “What do we do now, Race?” Danielle asked, slumping against one of the walls.

  “That’s a great question. I don’t know,” Pointing to Malcom, “You’ve been awful quiet. What say you?”

  “I am attempting to break through this telepathic dampening field. It is most difficult, but as we were being escorted inside, I detected several weak pockets. Once we meet the Emperor, and are given free reign, I can find the weakest point and get a message to our people that we are alive.”

  “In the meantime,” Danielle begged, “What’s our plan of escape?”

  “I don’t know yet. I’m still working on it.”

  “Well, we’ve got just about three days to find a way off this rock, or we’ll find ourselves right smack in the middle of a mid-evil sword fight”

  “A way will present itself my young Danielle maiden,” Malcom said.

  “Let’s hope so. Malcom, let us know the moment you make contact.”

  “I will let you know as soon as it is feasible, without giving us up...telepathically would be best.”

  “Excellent! Alright, let’s just keep up a good front and hope that Jed comes to the rescue.”



  The Rock

  Betelgeuse Sector


ed raced to the Eridonian gripping the alien’s head, ready to pull him away from the comatose Antarian. Artemis released her grip and stepped back just before Jed got to her.

  “Are you trying to kill him?”

  “Not at all, Captain Fitz, I was doing what you instructed me to do. I was attempting to extract the knowledge I need in order to know what this dampening field does to our telepathic abilities.”

  The Antarian lay motionless on the crate top, Jed turned to Doctor Lambert, “Is he still alive?”

  “Yes, our Antarian patient is stable now.”

  “Artemis, did you get anything from him?”

  “Yes, his name is Thelix of the second house of Gornash.”

  “Second house?”

  “Yes, the second house refers to Lebencha’s second moon, Gornash of the rising star Antares. This is the Captain of the vessel we destroyed in battle.”

  “Alright, so his name is Thelix? Did you get anything else? Anything about fleet strengths or military positions?”

  “No, there are memories he has. Memories that are not meant to be revealed. As part of the Eridonian telepathic code, if we reveal knowledge that could cause harm in anyway, we take the same vows as the host and must remain silent.”

  “Are you kidding me? You’re gonna hold back information?”

  “I am sorry, Captain Fitz. You must understand...”

  “I understand alight. You’re demented!” Jed interjected.

  “No, I’m afraid you do not, Captain,” Artemis waved a finger at Jed.

  “Then what, Artemis? ‘Cause it’s sure startin’ to look like you’re really not on our side, here...”

  “May I explain, Captain Fitz?” Artemis attempted to say.

  “...first it was not wanting to come here to sickbay, then it was that Vulcan mind meld thing you did. Now withholding valuable information?”

  “Captain Fitz. If you will please allow me to explain...”

  “Explain? Unless you’re willing to share everything you know...”

  “He’ll die...then I shall die.”

  “Excuse me?” Jed shrugged, “Did you just say you’ll die?”


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