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Little Samantha's Choice

Page 18

by Meredith O'Reilly

  When we got home that night, Jackson gave me a bath, dressed me in a diaper and fuzzy pink sleeper, and fed me a bottle of warm milk. Afterwards, he carried me to our bed and tucked me in.

  When I woke up from a nightmare, he was there for me. He calmed me down, and once I stopped crying, he left the room and returned a couple of minutes later with a bottle of warm milk. When I finished drinking my bottle, he laid me down on my tummy and he slowly rubbed my back while singing me a soft lullaby to make me go back to sleep.

  The next two nights went similarly. On Friday, we got to bring my dad home, to everyone’s relief. As Jackson and I were leaving my parents’ house, my mom told us to take the next day to relax and not worry about my dad, but I didn’t think that would be possible. How could I not worry about my dad who just got out of the hospital after having a heart attack? But I just nodded and got into the car with my husband.

  When we got home, Jackson again helped me take a bath and change into my comfy baby clothes and a diaper. Then he fed me a bottle and rocked me to sleep. That was the first night that I did not have any nightmares.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  I awoke the next morning with a pacifier in my mouth. Daddy must have put it in there, I thought. I blinked around and Jackson appeared.

  “Good morning, baby girl. Did you sleep well?”

  I nodded and tried to sit up, but he gently held me down.

  I gave my husband a questioning look and he said, “Listen, after the stressful days that you have had, I want you to fully relax today. Okay? I want you to truly act and talk like a six-month-old baby would until after dinner. Do you think that you can do that?”

  I nodded.

  “Okay, good. I know this will be tough for you, but I think if you can literally just wipe your mind clear, it will let you relax fully. Okay?”

  I nodded again.

  “Good. Did my baby girl wet her diaper?” he asked, squeezing the front of my pajamas. The diaper crinkled and he said, “Looks like my baby had a dry night. Let’s go feed you.”

  He picked me up, brought me downstairs, sat me in my high chair, buckled me in, and then put the tray back. I watched as he grabbed four jars of baby food and then placed them on my tray. He tied a baby bib around my neck, and when I looked down at myself and saw that the bib was purple and said Baby Girl on it in pink letters, I instantly loved it.

  Daddy pulled a chair up right in front of my high chair and opened up the first jar of food. He spoon fed me all of the baby food, making little zoom-zoom and choo-choo noises while doing it. For once, the extra noises didn’t annoy me. I don’t know if it was because of the stress from the last couple of days, but the noises actually comforted me while I ate.

  Once my daddy was done feeding me, he grabbed a paper towel, wet it, and started to wipe my face. I didn’t like that and I tried to move my face out of the way, but he managed to clean my whole face, despite my movement. Once he was finished cleaning me, he tossed the paper towel on the tray, he took the tray away from my high chair, and unbuckled me. Then he picked me up and carried me in one arm, while he held a bottle in his other hand.

  He walked into the family room, sat down on the couch, and placed me in his lap. He popped my bottle in my mouth and I began to drink from it as he turned the TV on. I wasn’t interested in the show he had on, so I listened to the sound of the swishing milk in my bottle, which made me feel like I needed to go to the bathroom. I let the contents of my bladder go into my diaper, with no thought, just like a baby would. When I was done with my bottle, Daddy placed a towel over his shoulder and then he placed my head on his shoulder as well. He began to pat my back and after a few pats, I let out a burp.

  “That’s my good girl,” he said as he rubbed my back.

  After a few minutes, he pulled me so I was back on his lap and asked, “Did my baby girl wet her diaper?”

  I hid my face in his shirt as he patted the front of my diaper.

  “Yes, you did. That’s my good baby girl. Daddy is so proud of you!” he said, rubbing my back for a few more minutes.

  He picked me up, brought me upstairs to the nursery, gently placed me down on the changing table, and got all the items that he would use to change me. Just as he had opened my diaper, I had the urge to pee again, so I did. After all, I thought, Daddy said to act like a six-month-old baby would, and a six-month-old baby would pee whenever they needed to.

  Daddy noticed what was happening and closed the diaper. “Trying to get me wet, are you?” he said as he tickled my tummy.

  I giggled and after a few seconds, he pulled the diaper back down and proceeded to change me.

  Once I was in a new diaper, he carried me to my crib. “I’ll be right back. Daddy has to get your clothes.” He placed me in my crib, raised the bar, and then left. I looked up at the mobile and pulled at the noise maker. Just as the mobile started to move, my daddy came back with a long sleeve onesie that was white with little pink hearts over it, and some jean overalls with a red heart in the center of the chest. He lowered the crib rail and snapped me into the onesie and then into the overalls. He then put white socks with little yellow ducks on them on my feet.

  He picked me up and brought me over to the day bed. A hairbrush, ponytail holders, a pacifier, and Molly were on the bed. He then sat down on the bed, sat me between his legs and popped the pacifier into my mouth. I sucked contently on it while holding Molly, and Daddy picked the hairbrush and began to brush my hair gently.

  He was finished a couple of minutes later and said, “Oh, baby girl. You look absolutely adorable. Let me show you.” He picked me up and carried me into our bathroom and sat me down on the counter so I could look at myself in the mirror. I could not believe how much I looked like a little kid. It was amazing and scary at the same time.

  “Okay, baby girl. Mid-morning feeding time!”

  He carried me downstairs and into the family room. There was a blanket on the ground and my daddy placed me down on it, saying that he would be right back. He was back within seconds, holding a bottle filled with chocolate milk. He sat on the ground and put me in his lap so he could feed me my bottle. I sucked greedily from the bottle, wanting the chocolate milk to come out faster. When I finished my bottle, Daddy picked me up and placed me in my swing in front of the TV. When he finished buckling me in and once he switched on the rocking motion, he put on a Baby Einstein DVD.

  “Enjoy your movie, pumpkin,” he said, ruffling my hair as he left the room. I started to watch the movie and really got into it.

  An hour later, my daddy returned. “Did you enjoy your movie, baby girl? You must be hungry. Time for lunch!”

  He unbuckled me from the swing, picked me up, carried me into the kitchen, placed me in my high chair, buckled me in, and placed the tray back. Then he went to the refrigerator and pulled out jars of baby food, placing the jars on the tray and then fastening a baby bib around me. He pulled a chair out and sat in front of me and began to spoon feed me.

  Once I finished eating, he got me out of my high chair and burped me. After that, he carried me up to the nursery. He sat in the rocking chair and placed me in his lap.

  He said, “Alright baby, it’s naptime.”

  I didn’t feel tired at all, but I couldn’t argue as I was supposed to act like a real baby, and babies don’t argue. He slowly rocked me and sang me a lullaby until my eyes started to close and I was fast asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I woke up with the need to go to the bathroom again. I started to go into my diaper and as I went, I slipped my hand into my overalls and felt the front of my diaper. I could feel the diaper start to get warmer and larger in my hand, and I was amazed that a diaper could soak it all up. When I finished wetting myself, I started to play with the mobile above me.

  I was so into playing with the mobile that I didn’t realize that my daddy had come back into the nursery until he was standing over the crib, looking down at me.

  “Hi, princess. How did you sleep?” he
asked, as he softly caressed my cheek. I just smiled up at him.

  “That good, huh? I’m glad, sweetie. After the last few days you’ve had, you deserve it! Only a few more hours of being a baby and then you can become an adult and relax that way too. That sound okay with you?”

  I kept smiling.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Does my baby girl need a change?” He squeezed the front of my diaper. “Oh, yes you do! Come on, I’ll change you, pumpkin, and then we will play and cuddle together!”

  For the next four hours, that’s what we did. Daddy and I played and cuddled together, and I loved every moment of it!

  Later on, after Daddy finished feeding me dinner, he removed my diaper and dressed me in normal clothes. I then lay on the day bed, dressed in my big girl sweats and underwear.

  Jackson sat on the side of the bed, just watching me. He finally said, “Alright, sweetie. It’s time to be an adult again. I have something extra special planned for you. Wait in here for fifteen minutes and then you can come into our bedroom.”

  I turned my head toward him. “Jackson, you’ve done so much for me already. You don’t need to do anything else.”

  He began to caress my face. “Samantha. You are my wife, my best friend, and my little girl. You give me so much. I like doing these things for you. It makes me happy. So please, let me without too much fuss, okay?”

  “Okay, Jackson.”

  He got up and left the room, and I sat up on the day bed, grabbed Molly, and began to play with her hair while telling her all about my day. After what I considered to be fifteen minutes, I got up and placed her on the bed and started to walk out of the nursery. But then I thought it would be nice to have her with me because I was starting to feel sleepy and I liked to sleep with her, so I grabbed her and slowly walked toward our bedroom, feeling very sleepy.

  When I arrived at the bedroom, I stopped, stunned. The room was dark and there were candles lit everywhere. Soft music was playing in the background and Jackson was standing next to a large massage table.

  “Hi, honey. You ready for a rub down, facial, pedicure, and manicure?”

  “You… you… you… how?” I couldn’t form a coherent sentence and I gave Molly an extra squeeze.

  He walked towards me and said, “I don’t think that Molly should see what I have planned for you tonight.”

  I nodded and quickly ran out of the bedroom and back into the nursery.

  * * *

  When I followed Samantha to her nursery, I saw her tucking Molly into the day bed and promising her that she would be back by morning. She placed a kiss on top of Molly’s forehead and then she turned around to see me watching her. Her face started to turn red and I guessed that she was embarrassed that I saw her still acting like a little kid when she was supposed to be acting like an adult.

  I walked towards her and kissed her. “Don’t be embarrassed, sweetie. You can act however you want to, okay?”

  “Okay.” She turned back towards Molly and told her that she loved her and to have a good night. Then she turned towards me and grabbed the hand I was offering to her and I led her back into our bedroom.

  When we entered the room, I dropped her hand and started to undress her while I kissed her slowly. I broke the kiss and said, “I am going to make you feel so good tonight. Now lie down on the massage table, face down, please.”

  As Samantha was getting comfortable on the massage table, I opened the bottle of oil, rubbed some of it between my hands, and then began to massage her back. I started at her shoulders, releasing all the knots there, and then I moved my way to her upper back. Then I started to massage her low back and found out that this was where all of her real tension was. When I had applied pressure to her tender muscles in her low back, she gasped in pain and tried to move her body to get away from my touch.

  “Okay, sweetie. I forgot that you have a lot of tension in this area. I’m going to put a hot pad on it and come back to it.” I grabbed the hot pad and placed it on her low back, and she let out a contented sigh the moment I placed it on her.

  While I was waiting for the hot pad to do its magic, I began massaging Samantha’s butt. She stayed relaxed until she felt one of my fingers circle around her bottom hole. When my finger entered her, immediately her whole body tensed up.

  “Relax, honey. I’m just stretching you.” I kept moving my finger around inside of her and then I added a second finger. I pulled my fingers out of her hole and as she started to relax, thinking that the stimulus there would be over, I pushed a small lubricated butt plug into her hole.

  She tried to expel the object, which was what I wanted her to do because that only caused it to go in more. She began to whimper as I began to gently knead her bottom again.

  “It’s okay, Samantha. It’s just a butt plug. Just try and relax.” With that, I began to massage her upper legs.

  I finished massaging her legs and feet and went back to her low back. I took the heating pad off that area and applied more oil to it, then carefully began to knead the muscles in that area, not wanting to cause her any pain. She groaned, which made me happy that I could make my wife relax so much.

  I carefully flipped her over and began to massage her front side. I deliberately skipped touching her breasts, wanting to save those and her pussy for last. When I finished massaging her, I suddenly realized that she had fallen asleep. I thought that the introduction of the butt plug would have been enough to keep her awake. But if she wanted to take a quick nap, that was fine with me as I knew exactly what to do to wake my little wife up.

  I brought my mouth to her right breast, pulled her nipple into my mouth, and began to suck on the flesh, giving her nipple a few quick nips. When I felt it tighten up in my mouth, I popped the nipple out of my mouth and brought my head to her other breast. I took her second nipple into my mouth, wanting to devote equal attention between the two. She squirmed underneath me and I looked up at her, expecting to see her awake, but she was still sleeping.

  I popped her breast out of my mouth, leaned up, and quickly kissed her lips. Then I began to slowly run my fingers across her collarbone, over her beaded nipples, down her stomach, and onto her bare mound.

  I ran circles around my wife’s outer labia, making the circles smaller and smaller, until I was finally at her small engorged bundle of nerves. I pressed my thumb down and as I heard her let out a moan, I started rubbing small circles with my thumb on her clit. I looked up and saw that my wife had finally woken up.

  “Look who’s up, finally. Did you have a good nap, baby?”

  “Ahhh!” she moaned as her answer.

  I chuckled and moved my hand off her clit and ran it down her pussy, feeling the heavy wetness.

  “Someone is very wet. Do you like that?” I asked, teasing her as I pushed a finger inside.


  I added a second and third finger, pumping in and out of my wife’s pussy. Her legs started to shake and I could tell that she was getting close to reaching orgasm.

  “Do you like it when I do this?” I asked, kissing a trail down to her pussy, then taking her clit into my mouth and gently biting it. Her back arched off the table and I felt my fingers get doused with even more of her juices. “I guess that answers my question.”

  I kept teasing her, pushing her right to the edge of orgasm and then pulling back.

  “Please…” she whimpered, her entire body covered in a fine sheen of sweat.

  I looked up at her and said, “Come, baby.” I began sucking on her clit and finger fucking her again, and within seconds she came loudly, her body spasming from the intensity of her orgasm.

  As I felt her start to come down from her first orgasm, I reached behind her and pulled out the butt plug. She went wild again, riding another intense orgasm. I moved up so my body was covering hers and I kissed her, while watching her finish her orgasm. This was one of my favorite ways to see my wife, as she had a glazed look in her eyes as she was orgasming. She looked absolutely magnificent. I kissed he
r again and then waited for her to come back to earth so that I could finish pampering her.

  “How was that?” I asked, smiling down at my little wife.

  “Best. Orgasm. Ever. After that and your massage, I seriously doubt I could move even if someone yelled ‘fire’.”

  I laughed. “Well then, it’s a good thing that I’m going to be giving you a facial next. You won’t have to move a muscle.”

  Samantha just lay there and smiled.

  I got up and went to the bathroom and returned with a wet washcloth.

  She turned her head and saw what I was holding. “Honey. You really don’t need to do that.”

  “Nonsense. It’s my job to take care of you, remember? Just relax.” I carefully washed the outside of her pussy and then the inside, making sure to get her bottom hole as well.

  When I finished, I tossed the washcloth into the laundry bin and then walked over to a table with two bowls on it, one filled with water and the other with a green paste. The cart also had a bottle of lotion on it, a headband, a hairbrush, a few washcloths, and a plate with chopped cucumbers on it.

  I wheeled the table over and Samantha giggled when she saw the cucumbers.

  As I began brushing her hair, she sighed and her eyes began to close, letting me know that she liked what I was doing. Then I carefully raised her head in one of my hands and with the other hand, I put the hairband around her hair and gently placed her head back on the massage table.

  Then, dipping one of the washcloths in the water bowel, I washed her face, then used another washcloth to dry her face.

  “Close your eyes and relax,” I told her as I grabbed the bowl with the face mask solution. “This has to sit and dry for thirty minutes.”


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