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Taken and Tamed

Page 11

by Kallista Dane

  As she spoke, he was sliding her panties down to her knees. Cass gasped as one finger delved between her legs. He dipped it into her moist center, then withdrew it. She heard him inhale deeply.

  “I love the smell of your pussy when you get hot. Have you ever smelled it, breathed in the scent of your own arousal?”

  Embarrassed, Cass shook her head. No man she’d ever been with had talked about the smell of her pussy. She had a sudden urge to bolt off his lap, head into the bathroom to wash. That’s what she’d always done in the past if she thought there was a chance that she’d be having sex with someone.

  He brought his hand to her face. She caught a whiff of something earthy and musky, with an underlying sharp tang. It didn’t smell sweet. Certainly not like any perfume or feminine product she’d ever used.

  “That’s real, Cass. The real you. That turns me on. And the more aroused you get, the stronger your scent becomes.” As he spoke, he worked her panties down to her ankles. Carefully, he drew them over her heels, one at a time. She saw the panties go flying across the room to land on the pile with her jeans and shirt.

  “Now spread your legs for me.”

  She parted her thighs a little and hissed when his hand came crashing down on her naked ass.

  “I said spread your legs.”

  She shifted her knees, opening herself up to him. His finger probed deeper this time.

  “That’s better. Now tell me—did you do what I told you to do while you were back in Charlotte?”

  Shyly, she nodded. That was easy. His words were burned into her memory. He’d asked her—no, ordered her—to play with herself every night while fantasizing about the spanking she’d get when they were back together. What he didn’t know was that ever since he’d been shot, she’d already spent nearly every night making herself come while hearing his stern, compelling voice in her head.

  He delivered three sharp whacks to each cheek, hard enough for her to feel the burn. “Show me.”

  She lay there, unsure of what he wanted, as the burn built into a fiery sting.

  He smacked her harder. “I want to see what you did. Get up and sit in that chair. Show me how you made yourself come.”

  Cass planted her arms on the cushions and leveraged herself to her knees, then took a few wobbling steps over to the upholstered chair that sat at an angle to the couch. She lowered herself onto the seat. The nubby fabric felt like sandpaper against the hot cheeks of her ass.

  “Spread your legs nice and wide and do what you did.”

  Face red with embarrassment, Cass ran a hand between her legs. She’d never masturbated in front of anyone before. But she should have known Nico would remember the fantasy she’d told him about—the one where she made herself come while imagining that her ex-husband would walk in, catch her doing it, and then spank her.

  “Talk. Tell me what you were imagining. How you felt.”

  She closed her eyes and began. Slowly at first. Hesitantly. “I thought about what you said would happen in a sexy, loving spanking. How you’d make me spread my legs for you, so you could run your finger up inside my pussy.”

  Her hand moved, one finger disappearing into the tiny nest of dark curls between her legs. His voice rang out, sharp.

  “Did you shave your pussy?”

  Her eyes popped open. “I… trimmed it a little.”

  “From now on, your pussy belongs to me. If it needs shaving, I’ll be the one making you spread your legs so I can go down and stroke along it with a razor. You’ll have to lie there without moving a muscle, knowing if you do you’ll get spanked. And I’ll enjoy the hell out of teasing you while I do it, just to see how much you can take before you earn yourself a good old-fashioned paddling with a hairbrush. You did buy a hairbrush, didn’t you?”

  Cass moaned then, her finger sliding in and out.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And did you find a male clerk in the store and ask him to tell you which one would be best for spanking before you bought it?”

  Cass shook her head. “I couldn’t do that.”

  Nico shook his head. “Cass, Cass. How can I give you a sexy, loving spanking when you deliberately disobey me? I told you there are rules. I tell you what to do and you say yes. Yes to anything, to everything. Now I’ll have to follow through on my other promise to you and give you a more serious spanking. Go get the hairbrush. And bring me that small leather bag on the dresser.”

  Trembling, Cass headed into the bedroom. She dug into the bottom of her suitcase and brought out the flat wooden brush Nico had ordered her to buy. He’d been very specific—describing exactly what he wanted, even telling her to find a store with a male clerk so she could take him two or three hairbrushes and ask his opinion on which would be best to use for spanking. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to do that, figuring it wouldn’t matter since Nico would never know.

  But now that she was here with him, Cass realized that she had to be all in or all out in a D/s relationship. She couldn’t pick and choose which of his orders to obey and which to ignore. I’m going to hand him this brush and ask him to spank my ass because I disobeyed him, she told herself as she carried the hairbrush back into the living room. The thought sent a savage thrill through her. Shocked, she suddenly realized that much as she wanted a loving spanking, she craved his domination even more. She picked up the leather satchel, both nervous and excited about what it might hold.

  She walked back into the living room, feeling even more naked with only the high-heeled shoes on. Acting on instinct, she dropped to her knees in front of Nico, bowed her head, and handed him the hairbrush and the leather satchel.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I disobeyed you even though you were very clear about what you wanted me to do. I know I deserve to be punished. Please, sir, will you spank my ass?”

  Nico reached out and lifted her chin to gaze into her eyes. “Yes, you did disobey me. I gave you a test… and you failed. But it’s all right, Cass. It was your first time. In the future, you’ll remember this spanking and I guarantee you’ll obey me.”

  He stood up and took off his clothes, then sat back on the couch and patted his thigh. “Come here, babe.”

  Quaking, she draped herself over his lap again. His cock rubbed up against her, already stiff with hunger. He ran his hand across her bottom, still tingling from his earlier spanking.

  “I’m going to spank you with this hairbrush every time you disobey a direct order from me. And I’m going to keep spanking you until you promise to say ‘yes’ next time, no matter what I tell you to do.”

  He gave her half a dozen fast whacks. Cass jerked convulsively and brought her hands behind her back to cover her bottom.

  “That’s a no-no,” Nico said, grabbing her wrists in one hand and pinning them at her waist.

  He brought the hairbrush down again, harder this time. Cass howled. “It hurts!”

  “Damn right it does. It’s supposed to hurt.” He smacked her again and Cass squirmed on his lap. His cock jerked against her in response, hot and hard. The next time the hairbrush connected with her ass she moaned, grinding herself against him. Pain melded into pleasure and she raised her ass a little for his next whack, welcoming the intense burst of heat that flooded through her.

  “This is the part I told you about. When the fire turns hot and spicy. That’s when it becomes addictive. You think you can’t bear it any longer, but after each whack settles in, you find yourself wanting more, needing more. Now say yes, Cass. Tell me you’ll do anything I command you to do.”

  He brought the hairbrush down on her ass again and Cass moaned. “Yes,” she murmured.

  Nico let go of her wrists. He slipped one hand between her legs, plunging two fingers into her dripping slit.

  “That’s what I like,” he growled. “Your pussy hot and ready.” He picked up the brush again and gave her another firm whack on each cheek. “Now spread your legs wider.”

  Cass complied and hea
rd Nico unzip the leather satchel. The next moment she gasped as his finger tested the tight pucker of her bottom hole.


  In response, he cracked the hairbrush down on her already inflamed bottom. “What did you say?”

  “I… I’m sorry, sir,” she managed to stammer.

  “You have a safe word, Cass. And it isn’t ‘no.’ That word is forbidden. Your outburst just earned you five more whacks.”

  He delivered them swiftly, one after another. Cass wailed, wiggling around on his lap.

  “Now I’m going to go back to what I was doing. Spread your legs again.”

  “Yes, sir,” she muttered through clenched teeth.

  She heard him rummaging in the bag again, then felt his finger against her rear opening. He’d coated it with a slick substance and it slid past the tight sphincter easily. Nico gave her a moment to get used to the sensation, then slowly slid it in further. She squirmed against him but that only drove it deeper.

  When he started moving it in and out, Cass thought she’d die of embarrassment. She’d never been fingered in the ass before, except for that one wild night they’d had. But then it was dark and they were both lost in the heat of passion. Now sun streamed through the windows of the cabin and she couldn’t hide her reaction. Shameful. Wicked.

  She wanted more.

  “Do you like this?” His finger stopped moving.

  She nodded, not trusting her voice to speak. Crack! His other hand came down on her ass.

  “If I ask you a question I expect an answer.”

  “Yes. God, yes. Please don’t stop. I love it,” she breathed.

  “That’s my naughty girl.” He pulled his finger out, only to replace it with two, working them in so slowly she found herself bucking back against them, trying to draw them in deeper.

  “Have you ever come while someone is playing with your ass?”

  “No, sir,” she moaned. “No one has ever played with my ass—except you.”

  He made a grunt of satisfaction. “Good. Another first.”

  His other hand slid between their bodies to find her clit, already throbbing with need. He stroked it, at the same time ramming his fingers deeper in her ass. Cass shattered, rocking herself against his hands as the orgasm tore through her body.

  He lifted her, pulling her against his chest as his mouth sought hers. Cass attacked him, answering the savage heat of his kiss with her own. He shifted her body, so her knees rested on either side of his thighs. She felt his cock, stiff with need, as he grabbed her hips and lowered her onto it.

  His hands dug into the burning cheeks of her ass as his iron-hard rod slid up into her. Her pussy, still pulsing inside from that mind-blowing orgasm, tightened convulsively around him. With a roar, Nico thrust his hips up while grinding himself against her. Cass came again, her cries muffled by his mouth claiming hers.

  She broke the kiss and leaned back. With a wicked little smile, she began riding his cock. Reveling in the dark, hungry look on his face, she put both hands on his shoulders and pumped up and down, squeezing her inner walls around him like a hot velvet glove. Nico made a rumbling sound, deep in his throat, and stood up. Cass wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her, still impaled on his cock, over to the bed.

  “That was very naughty of you,” he murmured. “You’ll get another spanking for that. Later. But right now, it’s time to show you who is master here.”

  He lowered her to the bed and grabbed both her wrists in one huge hand, pulling them over her head. That one move was enough to set her off again. Cass whimpered, overcome with raw desire. Nico rammed himself inside her. Pinned to the bed, unable to move, all she could do was surrender. He fucked her slow and deep, staring into her eyes as he buried himself inside her.

  Gradually, he picked up the pace, taking them both higher and higher. Cass felt his body quivering, knew he was on the verge of exploding. She squeezed her pussy around him, wanting to send him over the top. To her shock, she found herself climaxing again instead, screaming his name over and over as she clenched around him deep inside. Nico’s body went rigid. He gave one final thrust and she felt his cock pulsing as he came.

  Later, they laid side by side, hands clasped, watching the rays of sun disappear over the mountains.

  He rolled on his side, stroking her cheek as he looked down at her. “I love that satisfied smile on your face.”

  She smiled and brought his hand to her lips. “I feel like a well-fucked feline. I’m still purring.”

  “You know, we never did get to the loving spanking,” he remarked, running a hand lazily over her breasts to tweak a nipple. “But you were naughty. And naughty girls get a different kind of spanking.”

  “Guess I still have something to look forward to. If I ever manage to be a good girl,” she replied, her eyes twinkling.

  “Oh, you have lots to look forward to. I have a few surprises tucked into my bag—some for good girls, some for really naughty girls.” His expression grew serious. “I might even have to tie you up. Of course, you’ll have to trust me.”

  “I do trust you, Nico. More and more every day we’re together.”

  His tone grew serious. “I’ve decided to give testimony at Katherine’s sentencing. She and Smith both pled guilty, so there won’t be any trial. Katherine’s methods were wrong. She took the law into her own hands. But I don’t think the prosecution will be very happy with what I have to say. You see, I can’t stand behind a government program that makes a mockery of protecting the innocent and I intend to say so. On the record. In fact, I’m going to speak in Katherine and Smith’s behalf at their sentencing, ask the court for mercy. They deserve to be locked up, but I don’t want to see either of them get the death penalty. I know firsthand how frustrating it is to see criminals go free after all we do to keep people safe.”

  He stopped, took a deep breath, and went on.

  “Going along with that, I wanted to talk to you about something. I’m thinking of leaving the FBI, going out on my own where I don’t have to deal with all the bureaucratic bullshit. I’ve had several people approach me about starting a private security firm, doing consulting. It would mean a lot of travel, being available for short assignments all over the world at a moment’s notice.”

  She tried to hide the crushing wave of disappointment. “That’s great! It sounds perfect for you.”

  He went on, his eyes meeting hers. “I was hoping it would be perfect for both of us. I know you just signed a contract for the book you’re writing based on everything that happened here. But you can write anywhere, can’t you? As long as there’s Internet.”

  He went on, his voice growing more persuasive. “Besides, once you’re done with this one, you’ll need inspiration for new stories. Exotic new locations, quirky characters. When we’re not traveling, we could stay here. I spoke with Dave. He’s willing to sell me the cabin, says he hardly uses it any more. It’s a perfect place to write. And I already checked—turns out we’re so high up we can pick up a signal from a tower over in Murphy and get high-speed Internet access here.”

  He wiggled an eyebrow at her. “Just think—we can have our choice of Netflix or hot porn on those long winter nights. What do you say?”

  Cass threw her arms around his neck. “What else can I say except ‘yes, sir’?”

  The End

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  More Stormy Night Books by Kallista Dane

  Her Darkest Desires

  Claire’s world has been turned upside down. She’s suddenly single again, alone for the first time in years, with no idea of what to do with her life. When she finds a series of intriguing ads promising to make every wicked, secret fantasy she’s ever imagined come true, she signs up for a weekend at the X-rated mountain resort The Dark Side of the Moon.

  Run by the mysterious Lady Gwen, an ageless Amazon of a woman, and her partner Mistress Jade, a six foot tall domme with an army of devoted subs to do her bidding, The Dark Side of the Moon proves to be everything it promised. Claire finds herself paired with a hot, young dom named Kyle who is more than willing to introduce her to a whole new lifestyle—one that includes plenty of stern, over-the-knee spankings on her bare bottom, mixed with the hottest, steamiest sex she’s ever had.

  Now that her darkest, most savage hungers have been awakened, can Claire bring herself to say goodbye to Kyle and go back to her old life?

  Captured by the Sultan

  Shortly after Dr. Shayla Dennison uncovers a trove of sexually explicit statues in a long-buried temple deep in the desert, she is knocked unconscious during a ferocious storm. When she awakens in what seems to be the distant past, being hailed by those around her as the great Queen of Sheba, the shy scholar finds herself expected to play the lead role in a highly erotic ceremony witnessed by the entire kingdom the night before she travels to meet the man chosen as her husband.

  When her caravan is attacked during the journey, Shay is rescued by Tahraz, the arrogant sultan of a hidden oasis, who promptly announces that she will submit to his every command or face punishment like all the other women of his harem. Shay discovers all too soon that Tahraz is as good as his word and she quickly ends up across his lap, her royal robes pulled up and his rough palm reddening her bare bottom.


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