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Torn: Between Two Brothers (Taboo MMF Menage Erotic Romance)

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by Vanessa Wilde


  Vanessa Wilde

  One moment... Anne's hiking through beautiful wooded hills with two brothers she's known since childhood: Kyle (the infuriating, smug, and pant-wettingly hot bad boy) and Noah – kind, strong, and the man she's had a crush on since before she knew what it meant.

  The next... she's putting her naked body between them as they go for each other's throats over her...

  And then... she's moaning with pleasure, and screaming their names as they take her – hot, fast, and unprotected...

  How did it come to this??


  This is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, places, dialogue, and everything else are products of the author's imagination.

  Any resemblance to people or events, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  ...except for that bit about Michael Jackson. That was totally on purpose.


  All characters engaged in sexual, quasi-sexual, pseudo-sexual, or meta-sexual relations in this work are over 18 years of age, 100% consenting, not blood related, 100% human (at the time of copulation), and generally cool and snazzy individuals, withal.

  A Quick Note from Vanessa Wilde

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  Anne let out a long, low sigh, and wiped at her forehead with her forearm.

  It was barely 10 in the morning, and already the day was hot: stuffy bordering on uncomfortable.

  She took a quick drink of water from her flask, and went back to packing up the tent. It didn't make her feel any better about it that she was the one who had brought it – a relic from old family camping trips – and no one except her had ever been able to figure out the obscure art of setting it up and taking it down.

  She sighed again. She had the weirdest knack for making rickety, half-broken old things work well enough to keep ticking along, long past the point when they should have simply fallen apart. It was true of this old tent... and it had been true of her relationship with Arnold.

  Well... I guess one more good thing about breaking up is that I'll never have to call anyone “Arnie” ever again...

  He had been the very model of a good-for-nothing knock-about – something her friends had never tired of mentioning to her at every opportunity. With hindsight, it was almost unimaginable she had been able to convince herself otherwise for so long.

  “Arnie” had briefly been hot property – for a few months in her freshman year of high school, his junior year, when he had been in a band, and his older brother had thrown a party which almost the whole school had gone to. That had, apparently, been enough for her stupid, 14-year-old self to fall head-over-heels for him, in that first blush of love and self-discovery every girl only gets once in her life. It was just her bad luck that she had drawn the worst card in that first shuffle...

  And she had stayed with him for the next five years, as he had to repeat a grade, then dropped out entirely, stopped practicing the guitar, and laid about at her place, playing Xbox and making excuses as to why he hadn't sent his résumé anywhere that month.

  Anyway, that's quite enough of thinking about him! The whole point of going hiking like this was to distract herself from that waste of time of energy – the last thing she needed was to spend the whole trip going over her mistakes a hundred times in her mind!

  As luck would have it, she didn't have to wait long for a distraction.

  And what a distraction it was, too...

  “'eya, Annie!”

  Kyle van der Wald emerged from the thicket of trees, pushing wet hair out of his eyes with one hand, like a model in some swimsuit ad. Except, of course, for the fact that he wasn't wearing a swimsuit. In fact... it appeared he was wearing nothing but a pair of ripped jeans.

  No shirt. No shoes. And, from what Anne could make out through a small but indiscreet rip near the top of his thigh... no underwear either.

  As stated before: ...distracting.

  Anne looked away, all rather belatedly, with a bit of an inaudible huff.

  She was stuffing the last, knobbly folds of the tent into its carrier bag when she heard him walk up somewhere behind her, and sneer. Well, she supposed there was no way she could really have heard him sneer – but she knew he was sneering anyway, even before he spoke.

  “So how's our happy little homemaker coming along with the packing up?”

  Anne's mom had always told her she should never answer a question with a question. But Anne's mom wasn't the one who had to deal with Kyle's constant taunts.

  “Where's Noah?”

  She didn't even look up at him; only turned around in her squat, and started putting the washed pots and bowls from breakfast into the backpack.

  “Woah... looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the sleeping bag this morning... Would it kill you to be any friendlier?”

  When she just ignored him, he continued.

  “He's gone out scouting ahead. Said there was a really pretty mountain lake in the general area which he wanted to show you, but he couldn't quite remember where it was, so he went to go find it. Typical, really. Always bustin' his balls to make things perfect for people, when they don't really give a shit about it either way...”

  That made her look at him, with an exasperated glare.

  “Well I give a shit about it.”

  He grinned back at her, evidently pleased at finally having made her look his way.

  And once you looked, it was hard to stop. Shirtless, you could see the ripple of his sculpted muscles of his waxed chest, just by the way he casually shifted his weight from leg to another.

  He was devilishly handsome, too, with a head of thick, curly black hair, and robin-blue eyes.

  “I know you do. That just makes it worse.”

  She managed to pull her eyes away, and pretended the contents of her rapidly filling backpack were a more interesting sight.

  “Just so you know, I have no idea what you mean by that.”

  “Haha... don't let it worry you.”

  He moved off to one side, and leaned against the cliff face they had camped in the shadow of last night. He stood there watching her, for a minute or two.

  When he finally did speak again, it was in the same mocking tone as before.

  “Anyway, about that make-out session we were discussing yesterday...”

  Anne threw the empty tupperware box she'd been handling at him. He didn't bother to dodge, just letting it bounce off his midriff.

  “Dammit Kyle, I thought I told you give it a rest about that...”

  “You did, and I did. It's been a whole day.”

  She pulled the strings of the backpack closed, and with a nervous clench of her fists, realized there was nothing more she could pretend to be doing around the campsite to keep from paying Kyle any attention. Everything was packed and stored away... except for the tupperware she'd just thrown at Kyle, which now lay at his feet.

  Looks like there was no more avoiding the subject... or him.

  She sighed. It fel
t like she'd be doing that a lot today, and they hadn't even started hiking. By the looks of things, it wouldn't be the last time either.

  “Look, Kyle. That time at my birthday party was a mistake. I was drunk, and pissed off at... my idiot boyfriend. It didn't mean anything, and it's not going to happen again.”

  Yesterday was pretty much the first time they'd seen each other since then, and she had broken up with Arnold in the meantime; Kyle clearly viewed it as his chance to pick up where they had left off. He kept dropping references to it while they walked, which she had to keep Noah from hearing.

  Not that there was anything particularly disastrous about Noah finding out or anything. She'd just... rather he didn't, for some reason.

  Kyle put on a face full of fake sorrow.

  “Aww, c'mon Annie... I get enough of my parents calling me a mistake, I don't need to get it from you too...”

  “Jesus, Kyle... I'm so... are you serious?”

  “Of course not. Cus my birth wasn't a mistake, and neither was that time you stuck your tongue in my mouth.”

  “You're a douchebag, Kyle. I hope you know that. ...and also, don't call me Annie.”

  “I wouldn't mind being a douchebag, actually. I mean, it's one way to get into your pussy... Although, on balance, I think I'll stick with what I've got... 'Cus I'm already packing something that can fulfill that function, and is a lot more fun than a plastic hygiene tool...”

  At this point, Anne didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. She grabbed her backpack, unable to deal with this foul-mouthed hunk of a fool any longer, before remembering that Noah wouldn't know where to find them if they didn't wait for him here...

  “Ok, Kyle, I give up.”

  “Awesome! You'll let m–”

  “Shut up, Kyle. I just can't bear to have you keep pestering me like this. What, within reason, can I do to get you to stop giving me shit, at least for a couple of days? And NO Kyle, I'm not gonna let you fuck me...”

  “Aww... that's what I was going–”

  “I know that's what you were going to suggest – that's why I said it!!”

  “Alright, alright, fine! Chill out, man, I was just having a bit of fun. You know I'm always like this, right? I don't mean anything by it – certainly not any harm. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable – actually, scratch that, I obviously do want to make you a bit uncomfortable... but not unsafe or anything.”

  Another sigh... like she thought, today would be full of them.

  “No, I guess you're right. It's just, you can come on a little heavy, sometimes...”

  He gave a little one-sided smile, and furrowed his brow, looking for all the world like the 10-year-old who used to pull on her ponytail in elementary school...

  “Yeah, I suppose I do. I'll try to be little more mindful in the future.”

  “ will?”

  “Sure.” A wide smile, full of white teeth – Hollywood stuff. Anne involuntarily felt her chest tighten just a little... how did he friggin' do that? “Soooo... to answer your question... I guess I could live with you flashing your ass.”

  “Wait... what?”

  “I'll shut up and leave you alone for a while if you flash me your buttcheeks for a few seconds. Not that hard, is it? I mean, you're only wearing shorts, anyway – I realize it'd be difficult with a ball gown and petticoats...”

  “Kyle, I thought–”

  “I know, I know, I'll be nice... but you did say you'd do something to give me a little incentive to stop being such a pain in the ass... so I thought it would be a cute, fitting little way to seal the deal if you showed me the ass I'll be relieving of its worries for a while... haha, don't look at me that way, I didn't mean that as a euphemism for anything!”

  She glared at him for a few seconds. Then she let out a snort of laughter – there was just no way of holding it back. He smiled a goofy little smile, and before she knew it, they were giggling like a pair of schoolgirls, spreading the contagious laughter back and forth to each other...

  “Ok, ok, fine,” she said, wiping tears from her eyes. “You win. You'll get your little private show... only, it'll be just like in the strip joints: really, no touching, ok?”

  “Your ass is safe from my hands, I promise.” He held them up in the air, palms forward, as if that proved anything, and shrugged. “It might get a little burnt by the blazing ferocity of my gaze, though... maybe you could rub a little suntan lotion onto it, just to be safe?”

  “Haha, I think I'll just take the risk of your eyes giving my skin cancer, Kyle...”

  “Well, it was worth a try.”

  “Alright, here goes!”

  She did a little twirl, so that her back was facing him. He responded with polite clapping, and a “Bravo!”

  To that, she swept a graceful bow... but since she was facing the other way, it meant that she gave him a perfect view of her full, generous ass, delightfully bent over.

  The clapping stopped, replaced by a low, appreciative whistle.

  She got back up, took a glance over her shoulder, and hooked her fingers into the elastic waist of her shorts, and her panties.

  With one smooth motion, she pulled them down just over her ass, until they rested in the groove between the bottom of her cheeks and the top of her thighs.

  She sneaked another look back, to see Kyle with chin in hand, head cocked slightly to one side, looking at her display appraisingly, like some art historian over a Ming vase...

  To give him a little more to go by, she shook her hips, letting her cheeks bounce and jiggle against each other. Kyle was delighted by the sight, with all the innocence of a kid being given his favorite candy.

  “OK, that should about do it, righ– wait, what're...”

  She had seen Kyle start to move towards her, from the corner of her eye.

  “I thought you said no–”

  “Relax, relax, I'm not gonna touch your ass...”

  The next thing he knew, she felt his fingers on her shoulders, which were left almost entirely bare by her dark yellow tank top.

  She was acutely aware of the touch of a man on her naked flesh, given that her ass was totally exposed. A shiver ran through her whole body, so acute it almost hurt. She quickly pulled her shorts back up, and tried to turn around, but he held her, gently but firmly, and started to rub – thumbing the meat of the top of her back, and using his fingers to tug lightly, right above her collarbones.

  “What... why are you...?”

  “You've seemed tense this whole trip. Tried to loosen you up a little by teasing, but that didn't work... plus, I thought it wasn't fair to get such a great reward just for not being a dick to you. So I thought I'd pay you back with a nice, relaxing shoulder rub in exchange.”

  “I... I think you really shouldn– ooohhh...”

  He had put more force into it, getting at the deep tissues which had been tense and aching for so long... and she couldn't help but let out a low moan of pleasure and appreciation.

  “What was that I shouldn't do?”

  “N... ah!... n...nothing...”


  He went right back to it. After a minute or two, Anne felt herself truly relaxing into it, forgetting about her fears and trepidations towards him and everything else, unclenching everything she had kept so tightly wound for the last day, the last few weeks...

  The tension slowly seeped from her, replaced by visceral, physical pleasure.

  And then he moved his thumbs up to her neck.

  “Ah... ah... ah!”

  Pinpricks spread all over her scalp, and rushed down her body, all the way to her toes.

  Her neck was her most sensitive spot – her sure-fire, fail-safe erogenous zone. There had been a hundred times she'd been on the brink of breaking up with Arnold... before he snuck a finger round the back of her neck, and she gave in to giving him another chance.

  Kyle hadn't precisely known that before... but he knew it now.

  He let her relax from her little convulsion, and
then he went back to work on it. He drew his nails very slowly along her skin, and then wrapped the whole of her slim, white neck in his palm, squeezing and kneading.

  “I... Kyle... oh, I... oooohhh... damn it, I–aahh!”

  He moved in closer behind her, until one of his legs slid by hers. He leaned in, and asked:

  “What is it, Annie? Do you want me to stop?”

  His breath was tickling at her ear; his voice, low and husky, filled it.


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