Book Read Free


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by Sam Crescent

  Published by EVERNIGHT PUBLISHING ® at Smashwords

  Copyright© 2019 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-0-3695-0112-7

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Curvy Women Wanted, 20

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2019

  Chapter One

  No one else in town knew just how precious Emily Miller was. James Stork watched her from where he sat in his office. She was the only person he allowed to work in his bar, but he hated seeing her do any kind of work. She was young, only twenty years old, sweet, and precious.

  He’d watched her flourish for the past couple of years now. He’d known from the moment he looked at her she would belong to him, but there had been a pain within her that he couldn’t fix right away. Her parents were killed in a random drive-by shooting. She’d been hit but survived, and now, she lived by herself, struggling through. Only, she didn’t struggle. He made sure her apartment was taken care of, along with any outstanding debts.

  Her car, which had seen better days, had needed a whole new radiator and pipes, and he’d taken care of the bill. Everyone in town knew to keep away from Emily.

  He’d marked her as his, and well, he was getting tired of sitting around watching her be sad. There was no room in her life for her to ever be sad about anything, and seeing her now, like this, it tore him up.

  Getting to his feet, he watched, wondering if she had any idea of the manipulation he’d used to keep her in his world. It hadn’t been easy. None of it had been fun either. Fighting to keep her in his life was one of the hardest things. When she’d wanted to leave town, he’d been there to stop her, to convince her to stay.

  He folded his arms across his chest, and she looked up, giving him a smile.

  “You weren’t kidding about a party,” she said. “I think whoever was here made it their mission to stick gum everywhere.”

  There was a party, and the next time, he’d make sure no gum was allowed on his premises. He would have invited Emily, but he knew she wasn’t the kind for large crowds. After being bullied through high school, she kept to herself mostly. He still didn’t have all the details on those bullies, but they better give him a wide berth.

  He had a reputation in town, and it wasn’t a good one. Not when it came to protecting his woman. He would hurt anyone who thought to look at her the wrong way.

  No one messed with him. It was why Stork’s Bar and Grill was one of the most popular places across three states. He had a whole lot of visitors, even from a couple of very high-powered MCs, and he had no problem doing business with them. Whenever two of them entered his bar, they knew the drill: no fighting. If they started to fight, he got involved, and it never ended well.

  For the most part, he kept on the right side of the law, but when it came to his woman, well, he’d been … naughty.

  A stalker or a guardian angel, depending on who he spoke to. He kept an eye on her at all times, took care of her when she needed it, and intervened when a guy or out-of-towner thought they could have a shot with his woman. Everyone knew he’d declared himself as Emily’s man, apart from the woman herself.

  “One day you should come. It would be a lot of fun.”

  She burst out laughing, and damn, he loved to see her smile. The sound was sweet magic, and he couldn’t get enough of her. “Me at a party? Nah, it wouldn’t be fun. I’m not designed to like parties.”

  “I don’t think anyone’s actually designed to like anything. You could be doing me a favor though.”

  She pushed a strand of her red hair out of the way. He hated when she pulled her red locks into a ponytail. He liked it when she left her hair cascading all around her. The only way he’d accept her hair bound up was wrapped around his fist as he fucked her hard and fast from behind. She’d be glorious to fuck. She was a virgin, and even though he didn’t want to hurt her, he would do it, to be the first and only man between her sweet thighs.

  “How would I be doing you a favor?” she asked. “Do you need help behind the bar?”

  “No, not behind the bar. You know you’re not old enough.” He stepped up close to her, taking the mop from her tight grip and leaning it against the table. “I’d need help with this.” He took her hand, leading her out onto the dance floor.

  “I don’t get it.”

  He pulled her in close. “Dancing.”

  “You don’t know how to dance?”

  “I know how to dance.” He put his hands on her generous hips. His woman wasn’t slim, but curvy in all the right places. Nice big tits, wide hips, rounded stomach, and a juicy set of thighs on her that he dreamed about being wrapped around him constantly. “Do you?”

  “No.” She sounded a little nervous. She cleared her throat. “No, I don’t know how to dance. I never went to prom.”

  “Did anyone ask you?”

  “No. No one did.”

  “That sucks. You know, I could teach you how to dance.” He would do anything for her, and any excuse to hold her, he was more than happy to use.

  “I didn’t miss anything. If I’d been at prom, I wouldn’t have been with my parents when they … died.” She nibbled her lip, and the moment was gone.

  James wanted to growl at how fucking stupid he’d been. Of course the last time she’d not gone to a party was prom night. No guy had asked her, so her parents had taken her out to dinner. On their return, her father had stopped to fill up the car with gas, only for there to have been a drive-by shooting. One of the kids working there had run with the wrong crowd.

  It was the classic wrong place, wrong time.


  Cleaning came naturally to Emily. She loved to get a place that was a complete and total mess and to put her stamp and charm on it. Getting the job as James Stork’s cleaner was quite the accomplishment, one she took great pride in achieving. She wanted to impress him.

  He’d been there for her when she needed him the most. Whenever she needed a shoulder to cry on, he’d be there. Someone to talk to. Even though he was her boss, she wanted more. Only, she didn’t know how to build it up in order to get more from him. She’d never been in a relationship before. Never craved a man’s touch the way she did James.

  With his hands on her body, she knew everything she wanted was right in front of her.

  “See, you’re dancing and you’re doing a wonderful job.”

  She giggled.

  Get a damn grip. You’re not a schoolgirl.

  James was a lot older than she was. Twenty years in fact.

  He was forty years old, but when she looked at him, she didn’t see an old man. She saw so much more. She loved his black hair with the hints of grey. She loved the brownness of his eyes, and they were always so intense as they stared right back at her. She could become addicted to just watching him, or at least having him stare at her. His body was made of pure muscle. Every single inch of him was hard as rock, and he didn’t care what anyone thought of him either. His ink, which he never tried to hide, was always on display, enhancing the thickness of his arms, and peeking out from his collar.

  He was rough all around the edges, taller, harder, and showed so much strength. She was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

  She knew, deep down, he w
asn’t a good guy. Not really. He’d once warned her he had to do some bad things. She’d heard about the fights that broke out at his bar, and he had a reputation for taking care of everything.

  “The women must be all over you during these parties,” she said.

  Don’t sound jealous.

  He chuckled. “I don’t dance.”


  “I don’t dance with any of the women.”

  “But you’re an amazing dancer.”

  “I know.”

  She averted her gaze, looking at his chest, wondering what could have possibly happened for him to not want to dance with a woman.

  “Well I guess I feel honored to have gotten the chance to dance with you.”

  “You, Emily, can dance with me any time you want.”

  Her heart started to race.

  The look in his eye, it reminded her of temptation, of need. Of something so incredible it was hard for her to not want it. Her nipples felt heavy, and an answering pulse spread between her thighs.

  “Erm,” she said, feeling her cheeks heat. “I better get back to work. These floors won’t clean themselves.” She pulled out of his hold, grabbing her mop, and finishing off the perfectly clean spot.

  What the hell are you doing?

  You wanted him.

  Why aren’t you taking him?

  Stupid girl!

  Exactly, you’re a girl. Not a woman. You’re nothing.

  Tears threatened to spill out, but she held them back. They wouldn’t do her any good. Why cry about something she couldn’t change? Without looking back at him, she picked up her bucket of dirty water and walked out the back, throwing the water to the ground.

  “Hello, darlin’,” Nancy, one of the waitresses said, startling her.

  “Hey, Nance. You look beautiful.”

  “Don’t I know it? I feel beautiful as well.” Nancy was a really nice woman. She had three kids, and her husband had died a couple of years ago. “The boss man in?”

  “Yes, he’s inside.”

  “Excellent.” Nancy walked up to her. “You know, you need to stop hiding this beautiful hair and face. You are a stunner, girl. I could teach you a few things.”

  “She doesn’t need to be taught anything,” James said.

  Emily didn’t even realize he’d followed her outside. The glare on his face made her flinch.

  “Come on, James, you’ve got to admit our girl here needs herself a man.”

  “Do you want to lose your job and take your advice down to job support?” James asked.

  “What? No, of course not.”

  “Then stop pawing at Emily and get in here and tell me what it is you need, and then leave.”

  Nancy sighed. “We’ll talk another time. Good to see you, Emily.”

  She really wanted to cry now. How could James threaten Nancy when she was only being nice?

  Cleaning away her bucket and mop, she walked back inside. She heard yelling, and peeking around the corner, she saw James shouting at Nancy.

  Emily hated violence of any kind. Walking back into the cleaning closet, she put away her stuff. She heard the banging of a door, sniffles, and another bang.

  Moving to the window she saw Nancy, a grown woman, crying as she rushed back to the car.

  Without even thinking, Emily was walking toward James. He was in his office, flicking through some paperwork, and she saw red.

  “You had no right to speak to Nancy like that.” Emily’s hands were shaking. Her heart raced, and she felt a little sick.

  This wasn’t what she wanted to do and she really wished she’d thought this through before coming to him, but there was no way she could let him get away with this, or risk herself being too much of a coward.

  He lowered his paperwork, brow raised, and sat back in his chair as if he owned the place.

  He does.

  “Excuse me?” He spoke quietly, slowly. The menace was there, hidden beneath the surface, threatening to spill out for them all to see and hear.

  “You heard me. You shouldn’t have spoken to Nancy like that.” Well done. You tell him. Don’t let him think you can threaten easily.

  “And what exactly are you going to do to stop me?”

  Chapter Two

  The fire in her eyes, James lived for it, relished it, wanted it all to himself. If she could stand up to him now, she’d be able to handle him no matter what.

  There was a flash of fear, but she didn’t back down.

  “Nancy’s a good worker, and she was only being nice to me.”

  “And you think I should accept her trying to set you up with other men?”

  “What? No, she wasn’t trying to do that.”

  “Then it goes to show how fucking stupid you are.”

  “Hey! Don’t call me stupid. That’s not fair at all. I’m not stupid.”

  “No, then what are you?”

  “I, erm, I’m, you’re not playing fair. You had no right to be mean to Nancy. Boss or not, she was only being nice to me, and what is it to you if she tries to set me up with a young man? I’ve never dated anyone. It would be nice.”

  He shoved his chair back so quickly it made her jump. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. Nancy might know someone who is nice and will be perfect for me.”

  James stepped around the table. “Is that right?”


  “You’ll never find him or know him.”

  “Excuse me, but you can’t control me.”

  He took a step toward her, and she did the right thing to move back. His cock was rock-hard right now. “I can control you, Emily.”

  “You’re my boss. That doesn’t give you any special rights or privileges over me. I can go and find another job.”

  “You’re not going anywhere. No one will give you a job, or dare take you on.”

  “I’m a hard worker.”

  “It’s got nothing to do with you being a hard worker.”

  “Then why won’t they take a chance on me?”

  “They won’t take me on. You see, Emily, everyone in this town knows one thing and one thing only when it comes to you.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “You are mine!” He didn’t bat an eye. He stated a simple fact. If anyone even tried to give Emily a job, they’d have to face him.

  He was the one who helped Emily, no one else.

  “I’m not yours.”

  “You’ve been mine for a long time. The only person who doesn’t know it, is you.” During the whole time they were talking, she’d taken steps back, trying to avoid him, but he was more than okay with that. Now, he had her trapped against a wall, no way to escape, and as he pressed his hands on either side of her head, he smiled. “And I’ve got no intention of letting you go.” He cupped her cheek, and she didn’t shove at him, growl, or show those claws. “Shocked?”

  “But, I’m no one. How can you want me?”

  He slammed his lips down on hers, silencing all protest. As far as he was concerned, how could he not want her? She was sheer fucking perfection. The first taste would always stay with him.

  At first, she didn’t yield. Her lips stayed firm and her eyes open.

  Breaking from the kiss, he smirked. “You’re supposed to kiss me back.”

  “I’ve never done this.”

  “I know.” It’s one of the many reasons why he loved her. What he knew he had to do, was move … slowly.

  Or slow-ish.

  He didn’t want to scare her away. That was the last thing he would ever want to do.

  Touching her waist, he felt her full hips, and couldn’t resist pressing his body tight against her.

  She let out a moan, and boy, was it sweet music. He fucking loved it, relished it, and wanted more of it. Tilting her head back, he kissed her again, this time, tracing across her full lips before plunging inside. She moaned his name, wrapping her arms around his neck, her body going flush with his.

  Stroking down to her ass, he gri
pped the flesh, drawing her leg up over his hip, grinding his dick close to her pussy. It wouldn’t be so hard to fuck her right now. He’d been fantasizing about tasting her pretty pussy for months. What would be the harm in having a taste now?

  He kicked his office door shut and moved her back toward his desk.

  “What are you doing?”

  He broke from the kiss, trailing down to her neck, sucking on her pulse. She whimpered his name, and it was sweet fucking heaven.

  He really couldn’t get enough. He was addicted to her. Wanted everything about her, to consume, to take, to own.

  Flicking the catch of her jeans, he slid his hand inside, teasing the band of her panties.

  “I want to taste you,” he said.

  “I’ve never…”

  “I know, and I fucking love that I’m going to be your first, and your only. I’m going to drive you wild, and you’re going to love every single second of it. I promise.”

  He pulled her jeans down toward her knees, taking her shoes off, and also drawing her panties down as well.

  She wasn’t fighting him. Her face had a nice flush, and her tits were heaving with each indrawn breath.

  “Trust me.”

  “I do trust you.”

  He gripped her knees and spread open her thighs. Finally, he looked at her cunt, and his mouth watered for a taste. Sliding his fingers up the inside of her legs, he touched her pussy.

  She gasped.

  “A little sensitive?”


  “Good. I want you to watch me, Emily. This pussy, this body, it all belongs to me, and I’m not going to let you miss a single moment of pleasure.”

  “You don’t have to do this,” she said.

  “I want to.”

  He’d been waiting a long time, and now he had her exactly where he wanted her. He made a mental note to send Nancy a nice, big, fat bonus this Christmas.


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