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Page 16

by Donna McDonald

  Alexa grinned. “T-shirt and gym shorts? Amazing. Aren’t all men strange though?”

  Jane nodded and left then, letting the stunning older woman have the last word.

  Chapter 14

  “Did you say ‘unprotected’?” Daniel demanded, dropping the hose he was wrapping.

  “Yes, but it was a safe time of the month for her,” Walter argued, following his statement with a shrug. He didn’t care about Daniel not buying his explanation. He wouldn’t have changed a thing about how it had happened.

  “No. No. No. No,” Daniel said, shaking his head to emphasize the lecture. “What were you thinking, Walter? No—skip that. I know what you were thinking. You actually weren’t thinking for once. But next time use your brain and use protection.”

  Walter ran a hand through his hair. “Actually you’re right, I wasn’t thinking clearly. I just wanted to be with her. And it was way more amazing than I’d imagined too. And fun. . .God, it was fun. She gets glazed-eyed when she’s hot. Great sex shuts down that mega brain of hers. Do you know how flattering that is for me?”

  “With your limited experience of real women, yes I can imagine. But what if she gets pregnant, Walter?” Daniel asked. “Older women can still do that. My aunt had a baby at forty-three.”

  Walter sighed. “I don’t think I’d even care because that would increase the chances that Jane would consider marrying me. That is if she ever forgives me for this morning.”

  Daniel picked up the hose and started wrapping it again. “I don’t believe this. I’m afraid to ask what happened this morning. I’m actually worried about you.”

  Walter blew out a breath. “Since you seem to know what happens at my office before I do, I’m surprised Amanda didn’t tell you already.”

  “You mean the lingerie party at North Winds? Yeah, she told me. Salvatino is getting similar presents from secret admirers here at the station because he has an unlisted phone at home. Chief told him the crazy women thing happens to some of the guys every year we do the calendar, but it dies down quickly,” Daniel said with a shrug. “Glad it’s not me though. I don’t need any help screwing up.”

  “Jane had this. . .I don’t know. . sort of devastated look in her eyes when she came in this morning. I could tell she was lying about not seeing all that stuff. I couldn’t stand her looking like that, so I dragged her to the floor of the pool house. I only meant to kiss her and remind her about our great weekend, but she had on these skinny heels and one of those short skirts she wears. . . and oh hell. . .I got carried away. She must think I’m a beast. I am one around her,” Walter said, pacing back and forth as he spilled the story.

  When he stopped and looked up, Daniel was staring at him.

  “I know. I know. It was stupid.”

  “I didn’t say it was stupid. I’m just surprised at you, and maybe a tad envious,” Daniel teased. “Hard to believe she let you do her at North Winds in broad daylight.”

  Walter nodded, skipping over Daniel’s crudeness. “Not only is it like that now, it was like that even the first time. I had this sense that Jane would have let me do anything I wanted. But she was with me the whole way, you know? It has never been like that before. I know it’s just Jane.”

  “Are you listening to yourself, Walter? I knew you had it bad, but what exactly are you hoping for with this woman?” Daniel asked.

  “I want a real chance to prove we belong together,” Walter said. “That’s all. I just want a real chance.”


  Jane dashed into her foyer, tossing her keys into the dish on the console table. She started up the stairs when a man’s voice stopped her cold.

  “Jane? Is that you? I hope you don’t mind, but I used the key you gave me to get in,” he said.

  Tears spilled over as she saw him, running hot down her cheeks as she backtracked and flung herself into the man’s arms.

  “Ssshhh. . .what are the tears for? I’m home now. I’m home. I’m sorry I wasn’t better at staying in touch over the last year,” he said quietly.

  Jane pulled away, stretching out to arm’s length, sniffing to try to get a good look at him through her tears. “You look great—a little too thin—but great. Why didn’t you call to say you were coming?”

  He shrugged. “No phone. It died a couple months back. I didn’t have the money to replace it.”

  “Elijah, I sent you money. Dad did too,” Jane said.

  He laughed. “Yes, I know. But I was saving it to come home. Can I crash here for a while?”

  “As if you have to ask,” Jane said. “Are you hungry? Let me fix you something. . .what? Why are you laughing at me?”

  “You always insist on feeding the people you care about most. You got that from Mom,” he said.

  Tears flowed again, and Jane used both hands to brush them away. “Yes I did. Thank you. Thank you for saying that. Now let me run upstairs and get dressed. I need to change my clothes, and then I’ll make us some lunch. I guess I’m not going back to work today after all. I’ll need to make a call. I’ll be back in two minutes.”

  She turned to run back toward the stairs.

  “What were you doing at work? The back of you looks like some guy dragged you to the floor and had his way with you,” Eli joked.

  Jane laughed at the comment, but kept on walking. She wasn’t ready to explain her relationship with Walter to her brother.


  “She’s not coming back today?” Walter asked. “Did she say why?”

  Amanda shook her head. “No. She said she’d explain it when she saw you next.”

  “Watch the place. Tell Brenner I had to go out,” Walter said, grabbing the jacket he’d hung behind the door that morning.

  “Where are you going?” Amanda asked.

  “Somewhere Jane can see me,” Walter said, heading out the door.


  Discovering something in her hair, no doubt from the pool house floor, Jane decided a quick shower was needed. Then she could throw on some comfy clothes and make a nice lunch for her and Eli.

  Ignoring the doorbell, she left it to Eli to answer it and climbed under the hot spray. She heard it ringing several times more and wondered if her brother was just going to ignore it. Had she placed an online order she’d forgotten about? She hoped it wasn’t Nathan stopping by again.


  “Alright already. I’m coming,” Eli yelled loudly, abandoning his search for a clean shirt in his meager suitcase. He’d have to ask Jane if she had a spare of Dad’s anywhere until he could do his laundry.

  Bare-chested and frustrated, Eli opened the door to a blond muscled giant who nearly blocked out the sunlight with his wide shoulders. If looks could have killed him, Eli knew he’d have been dead. What was the deal with this guy?

  “Where’s Jane?” the giant demanded

  Not liking his attitude, Eli crossed his arms, making sure his dragon tattoo showed. It tended to intimidate and often kept him from having to fight. “She’s in the shower, dude. What’s it to you where she is?” There was a full minute stare down which he fortunately won by just standing his ground.

  “I guess it’s not what I thought it was,” the blond giant answered, before stalking to an SUV as big as he was and driving away.

  Eli’s gaze followed the SUV’s spinning wheels as the guy floored it. He wondered how the man’s company stayed in business with his confrontational demeanor leading the way for an already intimidating physical form. He hoped whatever the guy had been trying to deliver to Jane wasn’t all that important. Maybe when she called about it, a delivery person with some manners could bring it by.


  Jane was humming as she put together sandwiches. Hers weren’t on the scale of Gibaldi’s Deli, but they were still tasty.

  “Looks great,” Eli said. “Thanks.”

  Jane smiled as he took a bite. “Swallow first, then tell me who was at the door.”

  “I don’t know,” Eli said, around his second bite. “I never
got his name. I told him you were in the shower and he got into this huge SUV and drove off mad. I don’t know why he took an instant dislike to me, but you need to complain to the company that sent him. The guy had a terrible attitude.”

  Jane blinked. No, it couldn’t have been. But it might have been. “Did the SUV have anything written on it?”

  “Maybe. I wasn’t really in the mood to check after he glared at me for a whole minute like he wanted to knock my head off. Big, blond dude—his shoulders filled the doorway. He went immediately for intimidation tactics. ‘Where’s Jane?’ Moron. He was parked in the driveway. He obviously knew it was your house.”

  Eli finished the rest of the sandwich and pushed the plate away.

  “What?” he said, seeing Jane’s face turn ashen as she stared at his shirtless body. Her gaze dropped to his arm. “About the tattoo, Janey. . .it was a dumb idea. I admit that.”

  “Did you answer the door without your shirt?” Jane asked.

  “Yes. I couldn’t find a clean one. Why?” Eli asked.

  “Elijah. . .did you even tell him you were my brother?” Jane demanded, flapping her arms in disgust.

  “No. It never came up during our stare down. What are you talking about, Jane? Why are you upset? He was just a young punk who was obviously used to throwing his weight around,” Eli said, holding open his hands. “Look, he was glaring at me like I was a criminal. I could tell he wasn’t the kind of guy you want to mess with. So I got rid of him as soon as I could.”

  Jane grabbed her keys, looked down at her robe, and then just tightened her belt. She couldn’t let Walter think she’d had another man in here today. Especially not after this morning. How could he have just left? If she’d found another woman at his place, she would have stayed to hear the reason. She knew that for certain because that’s what she’d done with Nathan.

  But then she wasn’t a hot-blooded man with a crazy idea in his head. She thought of some of the dumb things her father had done when he was dating Lydia. Then she thought of how she’d felt walking in on Nathan and that woman in her own house. She knew she was still working to banish those ghosts from her memories. She didn’t want to risk creating similar ones for Walter.

  “I’m going out. Do your laundry, Eli. If the guy comes back, tell him you’re sorry for being dense and introduce yourself. He’s my. . .my boss for the moment,” Jane said. “His name is Walter Graham.”

  “Graham? Graham? Why do I know that name? And why are you chasing after your boss in your bathrobe?” Eli demanded. “Wait a minute. . .you work for yourself. You don’t have a boss. Jane? Are you sleeping with that guy—that punk kid? Where are you going? Do you think he honestly thought we were a thing? That’s double creepy. If he’s that strange, you don’t need to be involved with him.”

  “I’ve lived without a brother for a year now, so don’t start with your lectures. My relationships are my business, Elijah. I’m guessing Walter got a wrong idea in his head because of your lack of clothing and lack of common courtesy. I don’t want him thinking wrong things for the rest of the day. I know how that feels and it sucks. Now I’ll be back as soon as I can clear up this misunderstanding. Don’t answer the door while I’m gone unless you’re going to help me make things right,” Jane said, slamming the door behind her.


  Walter wasn’t at the office, at Harrison’s, or even at his own place. Jane found that out for sure because she made Harrison let her in to check. Despite it being her first time in his space, she hadn’t taken any time to look around.

  As she trudged back to the office, she reflected on how grateful she was that neither Amanda or Harrison had teased her about her raggedy-striped bathrobe. Brenner on the other hand, had stared in disbelief when she’d tracked him down. She’d had to ask him twice before he finally admitted that he hadn’t seen Walter since he’d seen her that morning. That left only one place to check.

  “Yeah. It’s confirmed. Daniel says Walter is at the firehouse and mad as hell,” Amanda said, after she got a text back. “Want some advice?”

  Jane nodded.

  “Untie the robe. What’s under it might help Walter pay attention long enough so you can get your story out. Daniel said he’s having a meltdown as big as he is. He thinks you’ve found someone else,” Amanda said. “Want to me pass any explanation along to pave the way for you?”

  “No. It’s an embarrassing explanation. I’ll just tell him when I see him.”

  Jane smiled, thanked the younger woman, and slunk back out the front door to her car.

  She had to park on the street when she got to the fire station, but did take Amanda’s advice, even though she felt practically naked in her tank top, no bra, and her second favorite pair of shorts leftover from college. Several men stopped their tasks and stared as she walked in.

  “Hello,” one of the braver ones said, his gaze dropping to her bare legs and staying there.

  “Walter Graham,” Jane said firmly. “I’m looking for Walter.”

  “All the women are,” another joked, his singsong voice mocking her.

  Any other time she’d have looked for a way to take the smart mouth down and teach him some respect, but she was a woman on a mission. The first guy that had spoken finally lifted his gaze to her breasts and pointed to a back room. Jane ignored the surprised stares as she walked in that direction.

  When she found him, Walter’s back was turned to her, but the dark-haired man she had seen with him at the restaurant peered around Walter’s bulk. His gaze dropped to her bare legs as well, his face automatically lighting with a grin of welcome when it rose back to her face. Had to be Daniel, Jane thought. She could definitely see what Amanda saw in the man.

  “Walter, we need to talk,” Jane said.

  Walter turned around, looked her over, and met her gaze with a glare. This is what she threw on after her shower? Knowing she had dressed for the other guy in the same clothes she worn with him just added fuel to the fire burning up his insides.

  Jane crossed her arms over her breasts, resisting the urge to belt her robe back up. She could feel the anger rolling off Walter. It put her in momentary shock. She hadn’t even known he’d had a temper. Then she thought about her own upset in a similar situation with her ex—only it had been real and not just a misunderstanding.

  “Can we talk in private?” Jane asked.

  “Why? What is there to talk about, Jane? Oh yeah, the naked guy I found at your house. I suppose you have a great explanation for why he was running around with almost no clothes on while you were in the shower.”

  “Actually, I do have an explanation,” Jane said, stunned over his mean tone.

  “I don’t think I want to hear it. Obviously I’ve had blinders on about you all this time. Judging from the age of the guy, I’m guessing you’re one of those older single women who collect younger men to sleep with while you date older, more appropriate ones. My serious intentions toward you must have really cramped your style since you had to sneak behind my back to see the one today. Thanks for this morning though. It was a hell of a send-off for me. I doubt I will ever forget you, but I’m going to try my best to find a woman who really wants me. In fact, I told Amanda to fish the phone numbers and notes out of the trash,” Walter said.

  Jane’s stomach bottomed out with the pain of Walter’s accusations, but worse with the announcement that he intended to replace her with one or more of his groupies. It was her worst nightmare come true and in a worse way than she ever imagined.

  Collecting younger men? Yeah right. Walter should know better. He should know because it took her forever to give in to him.

  Feeling exposed in more ways than she could handle, Jane took a moment to belt the robe closed over the body that might still betray her in Walter’s presence. Amanda’s advice had been well intended, but Walter was too upset to be affected.

  What ran through her mind as she considered how to respond was how very tired she was of being hurt by men. First by the one that ch
eated on her. Now by the one that was planning to do so because he was too young and too immature to listen to the simplest of explanations. It was the most ironic thing that had ever happened to her.

  “So just like that, huh Walter? You’re so smart, you’ve got it all figured out without hearing what I have to say. You don’t really even care what my story is about the guy, do you?” Jane asked.

  “Walter, I think you should listen to her,” Daniel said.

  Jane was shaking her head. “No. Thanks for trying. But no. Walter obviously doesn’t want to know. If he wanted to know, he would have stayed at my house and asked me. I don’t know why I bothered to come tearing over here. When I left North Winds, there were still a few notes left taped to the wall, Walter. Go and enjoy yourself. That’s what you should be doing at your age anyway. Have a nice life, but stay out of mine from now on.”

  She turned and saw about ten men scrambling away from the open doorway like the fire alarm had just went off. Walter’s scathing comments had multiple witnesses. It was hard to accept that he had humiliated her for something she would never even do.

  Crossing younger men off her list for good, Jane cleared the doorway in a run, her well-worn house shoes making no sound as she fled.


  “Dude, there is jealous. . .and there is what you just did,” Daniel announced, staring at the door the upset woman had run through.

  “You didn’t see the guy, Daniel,” Walter said. “I’m still in shock that Jane had someone else in her life this whole time. I knew she was dating—like, stuffy older guys—but this guy was like me. He was like mid-thirties with a cheesy dragon tattoo. He needed a haircut and his pants were all but falling off him. I could have snapped him into pieces, but I decided it wasn’t worth the jail time.”

  “Shut up, Walter. No one believes that shit about her but you,” Daniel declared. “You’ve spun up this drama in your head just to rationalize the fact that you were so stinking jealous you couldn’t see straight. But your stupid story doesn’t make sense with anything else you’ve said about the woman. Amanda said Jane tore up North Winds looking for you. You should at least have let her explain.”


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