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Page 4

by C. Tyler

  Breathy whispers and soft moans are all I can manage as I hold him close. My fingers clench in his hair and my hips rock harder. Spencer has a silver tongue, skilled with speech as much as sex, and I am reaping the benefits of it.

  “Oh,” I groan as he works faster. “Yes.”

  The words leave my lips on a breath. Spencer slides two fingers inside me, curling them expertly against my G-spot as he sucks on my clit, and that’s all it seems to take. Within a few shorts moments, my orgasm tears through me, electrifying my nerves and causing me to shake.

  As I ride the waves of pleasure he’s forced through me, Spencer’s actions slow, but don’t stop until my hips quit moving. When they do, he withdraws completely and I manage to tear open my eyes. He smiles at me, but it lacks his traditional snark.

  Spencer pulls back and stands. While his eyes remain fixed to mine, he sheds what little clothing he’s still wearing. Usually, I ogle and leer like a pervert, but the look in his eyes is so kind and loving that I don’t even glance.

  Finally naked, he returns to my arms. He kisses me deeply again and slides into me with ease. The groan that echoes within his chest courses through me as much as the sensation of him feeling me. Spencer draws back just enough to look at me again. Propping himself up on his elbow, he begins to move.

  Spencer’s making love to me. While he thrusts deeply and with purpose, I can tell there’s nothing but love behind the actions. It was never a lacking emotion before, but we usually relished in the harshness, the roughness of “angry” sex. This is decidedly different. It is almost as though he wants to show me how much he cares about me, but I already know. I’ve always known.

  His speed increases just a bit and his free hand slips between us. I feel him strum my clit again while he moves. My eyes roll back and flutter shut as I relish it.

  “You’re beautiful,” he rasps against my throat just before kissing it. “Always have been.” His fingers and hips pick up the pace. “Always will be.”

  I cradle him close while he thrusts. Spencer knows my buttons, knows how to touch me to get me to my end, and, still trembling from my last orgasm, it takes even less to get me to come again. Like before, it burns through me, scorching my body as I shake for him.

  “That’s it,” he coos as he strokes me. “That’s my girl.”

  His words only coax me deeper into the euphoria he began, and before I can finish, he comes, too. Spencer grunts and lets out a subdued growl as he spills himself.

  He begins to slow, and after a moment, when every ripple is finally gone, he stops. I finally open my eyes and see him staring down at me reverently. His free hand comes forward and softly pushes some of my hair away from my face.

  “Love you,” he tells me.

  A soft smile tugs at my lips. “Love you,” I reply.

  He smiles at me and kisses me shortly after. I hold him close, softly running my fingers through his hair as we kiss before he draws back. Spencer rolls onto the bed beside me and pulls me close. I naturally mold my body against his.

  We lie in silence for a few minutes, close to falling asleep, but unwilling to completely. Still, I know I’m not far from it, and the longer we remain as we are, the closer I am to unconsciousness.

  “Hey,” Spencer whispers. I feel his scruff scrape gently across my forehead as he speaks.


  He takes in one deep breath and another before asking something I should have expected. “What happened, Baby Girl?” My body tenses whether I mean it to or not. “Why’d you leave?”

  For a little while I almost refuse to speak. I just can’t make the words come at first because it means admitting I made a mistake. If I tell him what happened, it means I can’t take care of myself. But I know I don’t have a choice, either. Spencer deserves to know.

  With a heavy sigh, I roll away from him and onto my back. I run my fingers through my hair to pull it away from my face and decide to stare at the ceiling while I relive the past few years.

  I proceed to tell Spencer everything. I tell him how I met Travis while Spencer was in jail on a possession charge and Chas was busy with dating the woman who would later become his ex-wife. With them “otherwise engaged”, I felt alone, and loneliness is a hell of a thing.

  It started slow, which I think is how these things tend to start. After dating for a few weeks, Travis told me he had some family trouble in Nevada—though in hindsight I’m fairly certain that was a lie—and I honestly leapt at the chance to leave Hope. I’d never been outside my hometown before, and I thought we’d only be gone a few weeks. I was wrong.

  Once he had me isolated, my cell phone mysteriously disappeared. No matter where I looked, I couldn’t find it, and there was no way I could afford another. At the time, I didn’t realize he’d likely thrown my phone away. I just didn’t see it for what it was—a way to make sure I couldn’t contact anyone from my previous life. I needed his permission to use his phone to call home after that, and that permission was given less and less.

  Time continued to move, and no matter how often I asked when we were going to go home to Hope, I’d never received an answer.

  Travis became more possessive and more short-tempered as the weeks passed, but it was gradual. Roughly eight or nine months after moving was the first time he hit me, and I swore up and down it would never happen again. There was no way I was going to let some asshole lay his hands on me like that a second time. But he did. At that point, I thought he wouldn’t be stupid enough to hit me a third time, or a fourth, but again, I was wrong. Eventually, I stopped lying to myself.

  There I was, hundreds of miles from home with a man who no longer bothered hiding who he really was, and I hadn’t spoken to anyone from Hope for months, if not a year. It’d been even longer since I’d talked to Spence or Chas. The last time I’d spoken to them was in person before I even left town, and now, nothing. I knew that as far as they were concerned, I’d just cut ties with them completely, but it wasn’t on purpose. I just wasn’t allowed to call them.

  After the first year away, everything blurred together. Soon it became two, then three and four of just me and Travis. The more time that passed, the harder it was for me to just go home.

  “I didn’t forget about you guys.” My voice trembles because I’ve been crying for the last few minutes. “I wanted to come home, but after a while, I didn’t know how. God only knew what you guys thought, plus I hadn’t talked to anyone for, like, years. I just … I didn’t know how to come home.”

  I bury my face in my hands as I cry again. Everything I’d wanted hidden was now suddenly in the open. Spencer now knew the truth.

  His arms wrap around me and pull me close. I immediately curl against him, hugging him tighter than I think I have in a long time. He squeezes me, and I feel him kiss the crown of my head.

  “I thought you just left because you didn’t want to be here anymore, or something.”

  I shake my head. If I’d had any indication as to what awaited me beyond the state line, I never would have left Hope.

  The two of us lie there again in silence. Our bodies are overheated from emotion, but we refuse to let one another go. My guilt about leaving—about disappearing while he was away—might not ever completely fade, but now at least he knows I didn’t leave because I stopped loving him, Chas, or my family.

  After untold minutes, Spencer excuses himself. He tells me he’s going to lock up, to grab the beer from outside and stay with me that night. I’m more than willing to let him.

  With another smile, he pulls away from me and stands. I can tell he yanks the condom off before sliding his boxers on and leaving the room.

  As I’m left lying in bed by myself, I replay what happened more than once. While I love the tenderness, the caring and gentility he just showed me, I want more. I don’t want him to treat me like I might break. I need Spencer to remind me I can be strong, that I can handle any and everything. I need him to treat me like he did last night in the Hoe-tel, especially after feel
ing so exposed.

  Chapter Five

  I don’t find Spencer as I walk through the small house and assume he’s outside picking up the beers that remained in the cooler, so I step through the kitchen and to the back door. Sure enough, he’s in my dimly-lit backyard doing his best to avoid stepping on the shattered glass of the bottle he’d broken earlier. Seeing him doing it in his boxers actually makes me laugh, and I guess he hears me because he turns around shortly after. The moon is about the only thing giving off light, but it’s not quite full yet. Still, I can see his expression fall and a brow rise. I’m standing in the doorway, gently holding each side of the threshold, naked.

  His eyes dance over me as I’d expect them to since I’m not wearing anything. I even shed my bra before leaving the bedroom, so I’m bare to the world. And while he seems transfixed, I step outside.

  His eyes finally meet mine, and I can tell he’s aware I have every intention of joining him out in the open. Spencer quickly looks around to see if any of the neighbors can see me, but they can’t. Not only is there a six-foot privacy fence enclosing the space, but it’s roughly eleven o’clock that night. I doubt anyone’s in their backyard. At least, I can’t hear anyone.

  “What are you doing?” he asks when I reach him.

  I say nothing at first. Instead, I gently press my hands to his chest and guide him back the few short steps that it takes for him to lean against the picnic table top. I push myself up onto my toes and kiss him. He returns the sentiment, but I make it a bit meaner than before, a bit rougher. I bite at his lips, kiss him fiercely, and feel his fingers dig into my sides when I do.

  When I finally break the kiss after a few intense moments, I take his bottom lip between my teeth and bite just hard enough he feels the ache of it race through him. His hand rears back and Spencer lands a sharp blow to my bare ass. The loud crack of it echoes through the silent night. I smirk, but I keep refusing to speak as I drop to my knees.

  He isn’t completely hard yet, but I notice his blood starting to flow as I tug his boxers out of the way. He twitches beneath my hand when I take hold of him. A moment later, I slip him into my mouth and feel a nice flutter when he groans. Spencer puts up no resistance as I begin to suck his dick.

  I’ve always enjoyed the feeling of a guy getting hard in my mouth. It makes me feel special because I’m the cause. I’m what’s getting him excited, just like now.

  My tongue presses against the underside of his dick as I draw back, sucking for all I’m worth. Like before, I’m rewarded by a chorus of deep breaths and guttural groans. I glance up through my lashes as I work him and see Spencer staring down at me with the most wonderfully lustful stare. He reaches forward and cradles my face for just a moment before sliding his fingers through my hair. He fists the hair at the crown of my head and holds tight. When he does, I stop. I didn’t slow, didn’t hesitate, I just stopped, and he physically twitches in response. I can tell it takes his increasingly fevered brain a moment to realize what I’m silently asking, but when he does, he complies.

  Keeping hold of my hair, he begins to thrust slowly.

  “This what you want?” His voice is as dark and twisted as the look in his eyes. “You want me fucking your mouth?” I nod simply. A brief, wicked smile tugs at his lips. He begins to thrust a bit harder than before, but still mild compared to what I know he’s capable of. “You like that?” He’s slowly increasing the depth with long, measured strokes. He’s getting me ready. “You like my cock down your throat?” I say nothing, but suck sharply when he pulls back. Spencer growls and bites his bottom lip. The sight makes my clit twitch with longing. “That’s my girl.”

  Still holding firmly to my hair, Spencer takes control and does as he said he would. He fucks my throat.

  I take hold of his hips and leave my eyes locked to his intense stare as he gradually pushes himself deeper and deeper down my throat. I used to be able to deep throat him without issue, but it’s been years and he seems to know I need the practice.

  After a few torturous moments on his part, Spencer’s finally confident enough to begin thrusting into me as far as he can. He brings me all the way forward, until my nose brushes his body and holds me there for a moment. His lips part as he breathes heavily, and after a short minute, he draws back so I can breathe. Spencer repeats the action over and over until he’s fucking my throat like he used to.

  Minutes pass and I can see him getting close to losing himself, but he’s struggling to pull back completely. I make the decision for him. When he pulls me back, I follow through. I breathe deeply and stroke him sharply.

  “Fuck me,” I tell him as I twist my hand over his rock-hard cock. “Fuck me like you always do.”

  Another sinister smile takes his lips. Still holding my hair, Spencer guides me back to my feet. He kisses me deeply and ferociously before drawing back.

  “That what you want?” he asks. “You want it rough?”

  I can tell he’s a little apprehensive given the clear signs of my previous abuse, but he also wants to follow through. I know he loves it as much as I do. It’s a release we both usually need and can’t get with anyone else. We fit perfectly like that.

  “Yes,” I say, lunging forward just enough to bite his lip again. “I’ll always want it rough, with you.” I kiss him. “Just you.”

  I hear his chuckle only a moment before he kisses me again. It’s primal and raw, like how we feel, and it takes my breath away. Still holding me tightly, Spencer turns us both. When he draws back, he spins me and shoves me onto the tabletop, bending me over in front of him. I immediately grip the edge of the table and hold on for what I know is coming.

  He slides his fingers along my sex and groans his approval. When he removes his hand, I feel the head of his dick replace it. He shoves into me shortly after, and I bite back a loud cry of pleasure.

  “Fuck,” he sighs as he takes hold of my hips. “You’re so fucking tight and wet.”

  There’s no condom between us this time, and he feels all of me because of it. Despite the list of ladies he’s slept with, Spencer isn’t stupid enough to go bareback. In fact, he’s diligent about his health and so am I, so I know we’re both clean. Besides, my brain is so fuzzy, I don’t care anyway.

  “Oh God,” I moan as he begins to fuck me.

  Like he did at the Hoe-tel and has innumerable times through the years, Spencer fucks me hard. He slams himself into me repeatedly, forcing my hips to smash into the tabletop, but I don’t care. I don’t care about anything except the man inside me.

  Spencer fists my hair and yanks sharply, forcing me to cry out and arch my back. He knows what I like, what I want, and he feeds into it easily.

  “That’s it,” he breathes as he hears my whimpering cries of joy. Spencer lets go of my hair, and I press my chest to the table again, making sure I’m at the perfect angle. Rearing back, he slaps my ass. I buck from the sting of it. “This what you want?”

  “Yes,” I moan without hesitation.

  My head is swimming and I’m ready to let myself slip deeper into what he’s bringing out in me, but I don’t get the chance. Without warning, Spencer abruptly pulls out of me. Before I can protest, he spins me around again, lifts me onto the picnic table and presses just firmly enough against my chest to tell me he wants me on my back. I comply, wrapping my fingers around the edge of the table so I can hold tight and be immobile.

  With his eyes locked to mine again, he shoves his dick back into my heated core and another moan leaves my lips. After threading my legs over his shoulder, Spencer grabs my hips again and begins his assault anew.

  “Oh, fuck yes,” I gasp as he slams into me. “You’re so deep.”

  Spencer pounds into me so hard that my breasts actually hurt from bouncing as much as they are, but I don’t care. He left me so sensitive only a few minutes ago that I know it won’t take long, and given he’s without protection, I’d imagine he’ll follow close behind me.

  My hand slips between my legs as I caress myself
. “Fuck me,” I groan loudly, much too loudly for being out in the open. “Fuck me, Spence. Harder.”

  And he complies, gripping me tighter than he has so far and fucks me so hard the picnic table actually shifts. I cry out as my fingers work faster. Mumbling words fly from my lips, commands I want him to follow through with, and he does. Spencer knows me as well as he knows himself.

  “Fuck,” I hear him growl almost angrily as his pace begins to dwindle. “I gotta pull out, but you feel so fucking good.”

  “No,” I whimper. “I’m so close. Don’t stop.”

  He growls his frustration again, but it’s true. I’m right on the cusp, and evidently so is he.

  “I’m gonna come, baby…” He sounds pained, and I’d think it was cute if I could notice much beyond the moment. “I have to…”

  “Come inside me,” I tell him freely. “Just don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  I hear him say something along the lines of fuck yeah when he begins his assault on me again. It’s sharper than before, more fevered and mind-clearing. I keep rubbing my clit as he fucks me within an inch of my life and then it happens. My body tenses, my back arches, and his name leaves my lips as I scream my orgasm. Everything tenses, and my pussy clamps down around him as I shake. Spencer roars as he comes, spilling himself deep inside me as he thrusts. I can feel the heat of him as he fills me, branding me in some symbolic way as his.

  I’m trembling and quivering, trying to clench my thighs around him as tightly as I can, but my muscles are jelly. Spencer leans forward, planting his hands on either side of my body as he finally stops moving. We’re both breathing heavily again, but left more drained than before.

  As I lie back on the rough wood, relishing in the soft breeze that graces my sweat-covered skin, I feel his mouth around my nipple. Everything is still so sensitive that the feeling of his tongue makes me shake a little more. He sucks on the hard nub, licks it, and kisses it briefly before showing the same affection to the other.


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